What is your biggest physical insecurity?



Retiring from Looksmaxxing after I’m lean
Oct 31, 2019
I only really have one and that’s facial leanness.
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My midface
if it were forward i would be 5.5-6.0 PSL easily along with softmaxxing
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I only really have one and that’s facial leanness.
weird af fat distribution. literally all my fat is in my midsection making it really rounded. im lean everywhere else legit. 74kg at 180cm. decided to lean bulk from here
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Water retention. I have an extreme susceptibility to retaining water on my face. Eating even an average amount of carbs for an adult male will make me a blowfish. Elevated estrogen will make me look like a blowfish. Too much salt? Blowfish. I feel way less social and outgoing when bloated.

Besides that I don't have any awful features.
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Ranked would prob go like this:
1) chubby face
2) my smile (I guess goes with chubby face)
3) skinny/narrow ass frame at 6’5 (makes my chubby face even weirder and out of place)
3) small 7.75 inch hands at 6’5
4) longish midface
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That would be my eye area. It sucks in all possible aspects. Shape, color, functionality etc. everything about my eye area is pure dogshit.

It literally has one mission and it cant even accomplish that. I mean if you are going to look like shit, at least do your duty properly and give me a good vision. But no father no, only thing my eye area can do is looking like shit all the time and developing subhuman vision problems
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My fat ass.
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Hair without my hair system
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Facial leanness;
Longish midface;
Lack of a chad forward protruding chin
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my cock is too big :feelswhy:
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Water retention. I have an extreme susceptibility to retaining water on my face. Eating even an average amount of carbs for an adult male will make me a blowfish. Elevated estrogen will make me look like a blowfish. Too much salt? Blowfish. I feel way less social and outgoing when bloated.

Besides that I don't have any awful features.
workout like a mfer and it does reduce a lot. when I wasnt working out as much m, carbs fucked me too
haha my dick is too big girls keep making fun of me for it they keep teasing me about it haha they're like "do u have an elephant in your pants?" I'm so insecure abt it
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my dick is too big, i think it hasnt been said before ahahahah :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile: @Thompsonz
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  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 3828, Hueless, Deleted member 13332 and 1 other person
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  • Ugh..
Reactions: fuckedupmanlet, Deleted member 17872 and subhuman incel
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  • Bf % with bloated face (~20%, but working on it)
  • Bulbous upturned nose tip
  • Narrow lips
  • Average height
  • Eye shape
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short arms
small hands and feet that get mogged by women shorter than me
small chin
long mid-face
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1) nose
2) lips
3) narrow temples
4) recessed upper maxilla
ah and almost forgot 0) shitskin as white
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Sensitive skin, thin wrists
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I only really have one and that’s facial leanness.
Recessed chin
Jew Nose w/ Bulbous Tip
Genetically Shit Hairline+Balding
Acne+Acne scars
Pale Skin
Round Teeth+8 tooth smile
Scleral Show
Shit Frame(Small ribcage+Short collarbones)
Weird Patchy Body Hair
Bad Breath+Gross Tongue
Slight Gay alien skull
Thin Wrists+Ankles
Bad Posture(sorta not really)

Also I just want my eyebrows to be thicker and lower set, like Arab-Tier.
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I have a slightly botched circumcision that makes me too anxious to show a women my dick unless it’s dark
weird af fat distribution. literally all my fat is in my midsection making it really rounded. im lean everywhere else legit. 74kg at 180cm. decided to lean bulk from here
I am 73 rn at 1.88. And 13%. I think you are fatter than you think.
Water retention. I have an extreme susceptibility to retaining water on my face. Eating even an average amount of carbs for an adult male will make me a blowfish. Elevated estrogen will make me look like a blowfish. Too much salt? Blowfish. I feel way less social and outgoing when bloated.

Besides that I don't have any awful features.
I wanted to PM you but it's not possible. I also struggle with easily retaining water on my face, especially.
Did you do any kind of blood work in regard to thyroid? I never knew this since Lars posted this but a slow thyroid can affect you in regards to bloat. If you do want to do your bloodwork be sure to test for TSH, FT4 and Total T3. These are the most relevant ones.
Head size even though it's totally normal for my generation (18-30) it's just annoying because it's linked to my second issue

recessive maxilla with retroclined incisors from compensation orthodontics when I was younger because I had a tongue tie until I was 24....ruined my face in the sense I should be slightly larger and more developed in every angle

Everything else I can accept
If your eye area is shit and this is your lower third, then good god it's entirely over for. Visit Gandy ASAP
Girls like it, and thats the only thing matters. Keep crying for me faggot
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I am 73 rn at 1.88. And 13%. I think you are fatter than you think.
even if thats true that wouldnt explain my completely disproportionate fat distribution
facial leanness/chubby cheeks, wide ribcage and wide waist, my smile, my hair, being a grower
Average Indian man
My nose looks shit from front
bloating and acne
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my rep/post ratio
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Water retention. I have an extreme susceptibility to retaining water on my face. Eating even an average amount of carbs for an adult male will make me a blowfish. Elevated estrogen will make me look like a blowfish. Too much salt? Blowfish. I feel way less social and outgoing when bloated.

Besides that I don't have any awful features.
go raypeat diet
Everything about my appearance

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