What i've learned from my autism going out.



a proud brahmin
May 19, 2019
First the average women looks dog shit call it cope but i just look at them compare them to their good looking counter parts nearly none of them on average have the saggital forwards growth.

Some have forward growth but in a downwards fashion some have saggital growth in the upwards direction but a recces-ed chin or a recces-ed maxilla.

Half if not all are mouth breather and you can see signs of mouth breathing affecting their face just a bit this is just with the average women.

With men i've found the exact same thing half are smokers or their maxilla recessed they lack jaw body their ramus is next to none near existing.

Sometimes they have everything perfect but their hyoid fucks them up the average person get's mogged by some of the worst looking here.

I met 1 chad 1 and even that is in a area filled with say a couple thousand people and their are schools and collages near here many more people come and go and from the stats i've seen only 10 are chads like literal chads by psl terms most are recessed or ugly.

I've also realized i hate my reflection i hate being stuck in this god forsaken body i want nothing more for their to be brain transplants.

I don't like the mirror and the mirror doesn't like me it's the abyss that consumes me tbh

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