What looks level are you now and where could you realistically get to?



Retiring from Looksmaxxing after I’m lean
Oct 31, 2019
Lets try to be honest and objective here.

I’ll start off:

Currently: High-tier normie.

Could realistically reach chadlite/chadpreet level if I:
- Get lean (10-12%).
- Improve my eye area.
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Currently a low tier normie - normie. (3.75 ~ 4 PSL).

Maybe facially up to 4.5 ~ 5 PSL max. And definitely want to go below 10% bf and stay like that.
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CEAFCA5D 2C45 4123 A1E9 880DC32D0419
  • JFL
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Truecel with possibility of being incel
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8 Psl could ascend to 9 And break the psl scale by getting sub 10%bf
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Low tier normie 4/10. Potential for 7/10 pretty boy if all goes right and I manage to looksmax to my very full potential.
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currently a 1/10 mutant
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prolly 4 psl right now, 6 psl is probably the cap.
2.5 PSL to 3 PSL
currently idk high tier normie maybe chadlite if lean so 5 5.25

looksmaxed easily above 6 psl
Currently I'm at prime Dicaprio level so 8psl
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Currently: 4 psl 5 to 6/10
Could realistically:5psl 7/10 or more if
Chin surgery or beard
Maybe a rhinoplasty
Long hair
get taller
I can't rate myself
but i'll ascend to 6psl at most because of my height
  • JFL
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Same as you tbh
irl chadlite potential with body halo as I have decent frame and insertions, just need muscle mass
already lean but am fixing skin

eye area I need this
4A8F5721 C6E5 4609 A1C7 0A102C89FF81

but not as bad as them, can squint a bit for now
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6.5 PSL
  • JFL
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Eldrich horror, strike fear by existing

Humm, i think i can be model or something, i have every bone expect eye area, need improve
And yeah if i grew taller
And my frame is good , since i was kid all my PE teachers told me i have top tier frame
hoping to get to 6psl by selling my soul
  • JFL
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And my frame is good , since i was kid all my PE teachers told me i have top tier frame
Did they ask you to show them your top tier frame in their office?
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I think im around 5 PSL rn, so chadliteish. But im pretty sure ill reach 6 PSL once i leanmaxx
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Normie 6/10 could get to an 8 if I gymaxx and my development goes well
I’m around 4-4.5 psl rn. Realistically my cap is probably around 5-6 psl depending on how far I want to go
I’m around average or very slightly above its hard to tell cuz I’m fat but my features r decent.

4-5PSL to 7PSL is my goals

Easily chad

Dimorphism as a teen

Pretty boy max

Lefort as adult
Lets try to be honest and objective here.

I’ll start off:

Currently: High-tier normie.

Could realistically reach chadlite/chadpreet level if I:
- Get lean (10-12%).
- Improve my eye area.
Idk I’d say incel to low tier normie (3.5/10). Could reach chadlite (7/10) or maybe chad if:

Get lean (27%->14%)
Get rid of acne (I have a lot of it)
Get better hair (my hair looks like shit)
Facepull for a few years
I've been rated 6 psl here and I probably cannot make it past 6.5 psl after fixing my eyes. I have maxxed all my other features.
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Currently a mid normie - high normie. (4~ 4.5 PSL).

Maybe facially up to 4.5~ 5 PSL max. And definitely want to go below 8% bf and stay like that.
Currently a mid normie - high normie. (4~ 4.5 PSL).

Maybe facially up to 4.5~ 5 PSL max. And definitely want to go below 8% bf and stay like that.
psl 6.5 bro dont humble maxx too hard
Bruh... 7psl is 0.00001% it isn’t attainable for anyone i’ve seen on this site especially not someone whos normie to begin with
I thought 8PSL was the highest and 7 was like chad level. Im not too familiar with the scale tbh
I thought 8PSL was the highest and 7 was like chad level. Im not too familiar with the scale tbh
6 is supposed to be chad level (best looking guys at school) so top 1% with 7psl being the supermodel tier with less than 1k worldwide
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Bruh... 7psl is 0.00001% it isn’t attainable for anyone i’ve seen on this site especially not someone whos normie to begin with
Humblemaxx gone too far
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Lets try to be honest and objective here.

I’ll start off:

Currently: High-tier normie.

Could realistically reach chadlite/chadpreet level if I:
- Get lean (10-12%).
- Improve my eye area.
Currently High Tier Normie, eventhough my bodycount made some blackpilled members on Discord believe I'm a Chadlite despite of having a 0.92 midface J F L.
Realistic goals:
-Lean down to 12%, ideally at some point if I have enough muscle mass down to 10%
-Tanmaxx via supplements and MT2
-Wear lifts J F L why the fuck not(I'm 5'9)
-Get a lip lift to correct my midface but also improve more my Chin to Philtrum Ratio and FWHR
-Get Jaw Implants for wider jaw(AFTER I have leaned down, eventhough my jaw is 80% of the width if my zygos)
-Get Cheekbone implant from Eppley
-Get Eyebrowtransplant for thicket eyebrows
-Dye my hair often to dark brown
-gymmaxxing especcially upper body focused including abs
-natural testosteronemax that I have been doing since I have been 16(just turned 19 4 days ago)
I can ascend easily to Chadlite when my face becomes chiseled.
Then lower tier Chad with the surgeries.
But nothing more above unless I grow suddendly to 6'0+ and 6.5inch+ wrists, then I'll be generic Chad or even Gigachad but that depends solely on G E N E T I C S:feelscry::feelsrope:

How long to see the ascension? Atleast 5 years J F L, but fuck it I'd rather ascend then rotting in my potential:feelsez::feelsokman:
Better than to be coping with the bluepill and muuuh personality J F L

I forgot to add my custom Chin Implant for a vertically taller and square shaped chin*.
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idk "chadlite, high tier normie etc" all those terms are weird
I just wanna get.
Body halo, Tattoo, Facial hair and a tan.
I’m a PSL 3 with no features and no sex appeal. I just want to feel comfortable in my skin which is why I softmax
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Maybe a weak 6 with rhinoplasty and hardcore gymcelling
3 -3.5 psl.

Leanmaxxing rn. Am at 25% bf rn and already have fairly defined jaw so getting to 15% bf will elevate me a lot I hope.

Rhino will improve my harmony. Waiting till I leanmax first tho.

Hope to be 5 psl
Was a 5-6 before puberty and that took me to 4, gained weight and now am a 2-3. Max I could get is 7 if I have to guess which would require losing all the weight and taking the acne/hair shit more seriously. I can't build muscle so that's out.
Currently: low-mid tier normie
Could reach chadlite though bimax and eye work
3-4/10 hopefully after getting lean and looksmaxxing I can reach 6 or 7/10

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