What made Elliot Rodger an incel? My take on it.



Dec 3, 2021

  • Looking at him in the face, he had a neotenous mid face, this an automatic turn off for women as it signals that he is a beta male. Facial flaws include short lower third. Non compact midface which part of the reason why he looks very neotenous. He has fish lips, ugly looking nose size, lopsided eyes, zero brow ridge. He clearly lacked facial harmony. Facially I would rate him a 4-5 he isn't the ugliest, SMV wise I would rate him a 3 because he has the height of a woman and small body frame on top of a sub par face. Someone like him stood no chance in a place like Isla Vista California, which was a college town filled to the brim with rich tall muscular blonde chads that mogged Elliot to oblivion.



  • Before anyone says "oh he wasn't really short he was 5'9". Google says he was 5'9 but if you compare him to his father Peter Rodger who is also listed as 5'9 you can see he is clearly shorter than him. I would estimate his true height to be 5'6, but even if he was 5'9 that is still just average in the US and anything average is never enough for women. Women consider 80% of men to be below average.

  • The last thing that demolished Elliot was the fact that he was an aspie, he had zero social skills and would often compensate for this by looksmaxxing and acting conceited. Being a narcissist was his form of 'coping' with the fact that no women ever showed interest in him. Elliot rarely if ever approached women because he was too scared of rejection as he knew it would happen. Why did he know this? Simple because he observed the type of men that women were attracted to and "threw themselves at" (in his words in the retribution video) knowing that he would never measure up.
How would you all rate Elliot's attractiveness, am I being too harsh on him?
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yes, awkward social skills was quite literally his problem. its one of the only things that matter in Hollywood if you are born into money and status.
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I read this
  • JFL
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4 inch dick
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no one needs your take on it unless you plan on joining him
yes, awkward social skills was quite literally his problem. its one of the only things that matter in Hollywood if you are born into money and status.
He wasn't even really rich either. His dad was bankrupt and his mom had an average Isla Vista salary, she got more perks because she would date rich white men like George Lucas.
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he has chink genes
It was discussed already often times.
His 4 inch dick made him incel.
His height and face aren’t great either but still acceptable especially with his status and money advantage.
But the dickpill destroyed him
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It was discussed already often times.
His 4 inch dick made him incel.
His height and face aren’t great either but still acceptable especially with his status and money advantage.
But the dickpill destroyed him
Are u serious jfl
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View attachment 1426113
  • Looking at him in the face, he had a neotenous mid face, this an automatic turn off for women as it signals that he is a beta male. Facial flaws include short lower third. Non compact midface which part of the reason why he looks very neotenous. He has fish lips, ugly looking nose size, lopsided eyes, zero brow ridge. He clearly lacked facial harmony. Facially I would rate him a 4-5 he isn't the ugliest, SMV wise I would rate him a 3 because he has the height of a woman and small body frame on top of a sub par face. Someone like him stood no chance in a place like Isla Vista California, which was a college town filled to the brim with rich tall muscular blonde chads that mogged Elliot to oblivion.

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View attachment 1426118
  • Before anyone says "oh he wasn't really short he was 5'9". Google says he was 5'9 but if you compare him to his father Peter Rodger who is also listed as 5'9 you can see he is clearly shorter than him. I would estimate his true height to be 5'6, but even if he was 5'9 that is still just average in the US and anything average is never enough for women. Women consider 80% of men to be below average.

  • The last thing that demolished Elliot was the fact that he was an aspie, he had zero social skills and would often compensate for this by looksmaxxing and acting conceited. Being a narcissist was his form of 'coping' with the fact that no women ever showed interest in him. Elliot rarely if ever approached women because he was too scared of rejection as he knew it would happen. Why did he know this? Simple because he observed the type of men that women were attracted to and "threw themselves at" (in his words in the retribution video) knowing that he would never measure up.
How would you all rate Elliot's attractiveness, am I being too harsh on him?
if you have severe ADHD and you're talking nonstop or autistic that alone can fuck up a chad's chance with women let alone a normal man...

Elliot's biggest problem is he was weird as fuck.

you can't be a complete weirdo and complain about women.

addressing mental health if there's even medication to fix it is mandatory for all men even chad...

Elliot was a piece of shit because he was RICH and had access to any kind of SSRI / anti psychotic out there and yet didn't even try...
It was discussed already often times.
His 4 inch dick made him incel.
His height and face aren’t great either but still acceptable especially with his status and money advantage.
But the dickpill destroyed him

unless he’s walking around with his dick out who the fuck is going to know how big his dick is?
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It was discussed already often times.
His 4 inch dick made him incel.
His height and face aren’t great either but still acceptable especially with his status and money advantage.
But the dickpill destroyed him
If the dickpill was legit the average black man would be swimming in pussy, but black men have far lower SMV than white men. Black men only have higher SMV than other races only due to familiarity with western society, and much better media representation. So some white women think black men are "cool" and can afford to deal with them sexually, them being much lower inhib than other races helps as well.

As others have stated unless Elliot was walking outside with his dick out no one is gonna know his size, the fact is they weren't attracted to him because he wasn't attractive overall.
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unless he’s walking around with his dick out who the fuck is going to know how big his dick is?
Are you retarded?
No girls will ever fuck you with 4 or less inches.
Doesn’t matter if people don’t see it or not.
Your life is over with a small dick
If the dickpill was legit the average black man would be swimming in pussy, but black men have far lower SMV than white men. Black men only have higher SMV than other races only due to familiarity with western society, and much better media representation. So some white women think black men are "cool" and can afford to deal with them sexually, them being much lower inhib than other races helps as well.

As others have stated unless Elliot was walking outside with his dick out no one is gonna know his size, the fact is they weren't attracted to him because he wasn't attractive overall.
The dickpill is only legit for too small dicks.
Your black man argument is retarded and makes no sense
Are u serious jfl
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tom hanks right now
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Are you retarded?
No girls will ever fuck you with 4 or less inches.
Doesn’t matter if people don’t see it or not.
Your life is over with a small dick
That’s the dumbest shit I’ve heard.

Who in the fuck would even know he had a 4 inch dick? Could women see right through his pants and see his cock size? For all they know he could have had a 10 inch horse cock.

That’s like saying a woman can’t find a Chad to fuck her because her pussy stinks like moldy cheese. Like, how the fuck would anyone even know if they haven’t got acquainted sexually?
That’s the dumbest shit I’ve heard.

Who in the fuck would even know he had a 4 inch dick? Could women see right through his pants and see his cock size? For all they know he could have had a 10 inch horse cock.

That’s like saying a woman can’t find a Chad to fuck her because her pussy stinks like moldy cheese. Like, how the fuck would anyone even know if they haven’t got acquainted sexually?
Are you really this retarded?
It doesn’t matter if women don’t know how small your dick is because at some point they will find out.
You could look like brad Pitt but if you have a really small dick you still end up as incel because the girls will immediately loose their attraction after they found out your size.
As a chad you might get a pity fuck but after that it’s over.

And yea the Woman with the extremly stinky pussy won’t get fucked. She might find a chad who wants to fuck her but as soon as she undresses he will take a step back and not fuck her
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Cucked high E brain chemistry
Are you retarded?
No girls will ever fuck you with 4 or less inches.
Doesn’t matter if people don’t see it or not.
Your life is over with a small dick

The dickpill is only legit for too small dicks.
Your black man argument is retarded and makes no sense

What am I saying is if women just assumed he had a small dick because of his ethnicity. By that logic they would assume that black men as a whole have bigger junk as well. But that's not how it works because the stats show that black men are not desired in the same way that white men are on average. There is less of exclusion rate towards blacks than other races except hispanic, but hispanics can also count as white, so you can't take the hispanic parts of statistics seriously.

The bottom line is Elliot was rejected based on his outward appearance and attitude not the dick size they assumed he had.
Are you really this retarded?
It doesn’t matter if women don’t know how small your dick is because at some point they will find out.
You could look like brad Pitt but if you have a really small dick you still end up as incel because the girls will immediately loose their attraction after they found out your size.
As a chad you might get a pity fuck but after that it’s over.

And yea the Woman with the extremly stinky pussy won’t get fucked. She might find a chad who wants to fuck her but as soon as she undresses he will take a step back and not fuck her
But the point is that ER never even got to the point where “undressing” is even possible. He couldn’t even get a date so no woman would ever know how big or small his dick is. He never got past the first stage of even attaining a girl who would ever even see his dick.

An ugly man with a big cock will never find a girl to fuck unless he’s sending a photo of his cock to every girl he speaks to
What am I saying is if women just assumed he had a small dick because of his ethnicity. By that logic they would assume that black men as a whole have bigger junk as well. But that's not how it works because the stats show that black men are not desired in the same way that white men are on average. There is less of exclusion rate towards blacks than other races except hispanic, but hispanics can also count as white, so you can't take the hispanic parts of statistics seriously.
You still don’t get it.

I am not talking about that women assumed he had a small dick.
I say that if he would have dated a girl and it would come to sex the girl would reject him.
So this is why his dick size made him incel.

As I said his face and height isn’t great but he isn’t hideous ugly.
Just based on his physical appearance combined with the money and status of his dad he could have easily found an ok gf.
But all this doesn’t matter because in the end of the day his dick size would be the deal breaker
But the point is that ER never even got to the point where “undressing” is even possible. He couldn’t even get a date so no woman would ever know how big or small his dick is. He never got past the first stage of even attaining a girl who would ever even see his dick.
he could have get a date.
You are delusional if you think he was too ugly in order to get a girl.
The main problem was unironically his personality (which was obv negatively influenced by the fact that his dick is small).
An ugly man with a big cock will never find a girl to fuck unless he’s sending a photo of his cock to every girl he speaks to
I know but they also will never get rejected for their dick if they end up finding a girl eventually.
Elliot would have been rejected and he never got dates because he also didn’t have confidence. There is no way to be or feel confident with an 4inch dick
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Neotenous baby face absolutely destroyed his SMV. There's a photo of him when he was 18, legit looked 12 in that photo. At 23 he looked 14 - 16. You can't recover from that as a "man."
I have the same curse, I look around 14 - 16 (maybe 17 - 18 when I leanmax) at 26. It's brutal and I will most likely kill myself.
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Main death sentence was being an aspie but he would still struggle without.
Neotenous baby face absolutely destroyed his SMV. There's a photo of him when he was 18, legit looked 12 in that photo. At 23 he looked 14 - 16. You can't recover from that as a "man."
I have the same curse, I look around 14 - 16 (maybe 17 - 18 when I leanmax) at 26. It's brutal and I will most likely kill myself.
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He was just obviously autistic so everyone avoided him, its like a special ed kid trying to make friends but he's just a level of awareness above the average disabled guy
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he was 5'5, aspie, neotenous low-tier normie face(inkwells overrate his face tbh), 4 inch dick, and a complete weirdo. That's why ER was ER.
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3.5 psl at best
Also define social skills
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His aspieness killed him

If he wasn't aspies he should've roided hard and become a socialite
he wasnt bad looking since he definitely had harmony. a bad feature or two doesnt cancel out ones harmony.
View attachment 1426113
  • Looking at him in the face, he had a neotenous mid face, this an automatic turn off for women as it signals that he is a beta male. Facial flaws include short lower third. Non compact midface which part of the reason why he looks very neotenous. He has fish lips, ugly looking nose size, lopsided eyes, zero brow ridge. He clearly lacked facial harmony. Facially I would rate him a 4-5 he isn't the ugliest, SMV wise I would rate him a 3 because he has the height of a woman and small body frame on top of a sub par face. Someone like him stood no chance in a place like Isla Vista California, which was a college town filled to the brim with rich tall muscular blonde chads that mogged Elliot to oblivion.

View attachment 1426117
View attachment 1426118
  • Before anyone says "oh he wasn't really short he was 5'9". Google says he was 5'9 but if you compare him to his father Peter Rodger who is also listed as 5'9 you can see he is clearly shorter than him. I would estimate his true height to be 5'6, but even if he was 5'9 that is still just average in the US and anything average is never enough for women. Women consider 80% of men to be below average.

  • The last thing that demolished Elliot was the fact that he was an aspie, he had zero social skills and would often compensate for this by looksmaxxing and acting conceited. Being a narcissist was his form of 'coping' with the fact that no women ever showed interest in him. Elliot rarely if ever approached women because he was too scared of rejection as he knew it would happen. Why did he know this? Simple because he observed the type of men that women were attracted to and "threw themselves at" (in his words in the retribution video) knowing that he would never measure up.
How would you all rate Elliot's attractiveness, am I being too harsh on him?
the guy was a fucking creep! arrogant - dipshit trait - and deemed privileged. he judged himself above guys that worked hard on their bodies. he felt he could select any woman he desired like shopping for name-brand clothes. but that reality kept crashing as he kept approaching them. "go away, creep!" "oh, my gad, here he comes again...don't look at him and he might go away." ugh. i blame his parents for who he was.
The current meta is Cho Seung Hui, you're way behind pal.
I don't think he was an ugly guy, but everything about his face, before u even consider his terrible frame and shit, was extremely beta, high trust, and non-masculine. It's that simple, every feature or marker on his case was on the beta side of spectrum
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