What makes a guy attractive?



Nov 18, 2023
What facial features are needed to be a HTN, chadlite, chad, etc?
I know that there are various archetype and what does it mean to be the top 30, 20, 10, 1 percent of those archetypes?
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Reactions: socialcel and aspiringexcel
What facial features are needed to be a HTN, chadlite, chad, etc?
I know that there are various archetype and what does it mean to be the top 30, 20, 10, 1 percent of those archetypes?
Good zygos separate the men from the gods
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Reactions: justropemaxbro
Htn requires ideal jaw
Decent zygos
Good eye area
Without mediocre to average facial ratios/cranial depth

Other levels you need perfect eyes + near perfect ratios with hardly any flaws
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clear skin
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12% Bodyfat range is the Law, then Dimorphism and Facial Harmony.
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Htn requires ideal jaw
Decent zygos
Good eye area
Without mediocre to average facial ratios/cranial depth

Other levels you need perfect eyes + near perfect ratios with hardly any flaws
Other levels such as Chadlite and Chad you can have Handful of Flaws, but if your Dimorphism is outstanding, BF is 12% and harmony is good you can get away
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Reactions: st.hamudi but 6‘5, Deleted member 51465, user123456 and 3 others
Htn requires ideal jaw
Decent zygos
Good eye area
Without mediocre to average facial ratios/cranial depth

Other levels you need perfect eyes + near perfect ratios with hardly any flaws
Ideal jaw being?

No huge failos, but no big halos


Very good jaw or zygos with the rest of the features being at least avg with no really bad ratios


Have at least two of the three be very good: eye area, jaw, cheekbones, have no real failos, and all other features be at least slightly above avg


Almost all features are good and no big failos
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Reactions: STUPIDREFEREES, Deleted member 30037, aspiringexcel and 2 others
lol at all this horseshit comments above me

you dont need actually "good zygos " or "good eye area"

you need all your features to match good together,you can go away even with bug eyes if it MATCHES WELL WITH OTHER FEATURES OF YOUR FACE . To be able to have your features shown at your best,you need 10% bodyfat . Otherwise they will be hidden under fat

tl : dr : harmony + low bodyfat
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Reactions: st.hamudi but 6‘5, LooksOrDeath, Blackgymmax and 2 others
Htn requires ideal jaw
Decent zygos
Good eye area
Without mediocre to average facial ratios/cranial depth

Other levels you need perfect eyes + near perfect ratios with hardly any flaws
Who told you that ?
lol at all this horseshit comments above me

you dont need actually "good zygos " or "good eye area"

you need all your features to match good together,you can go away even with bug eyes if it MATCHES WELL WITH OTHER FEATURES OF YOUR FACE . To be able to have your features shown at your best,you need 10% bodyfat . Otherwise they will be hidden under fat

tl : dr : harmony + low bodyfat
Make sense, so how can a person know if they have good facial harmony?
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lol com todos esses comentários idiotas acima de mim

você não precisa de "bom zygos" ou "boa área dos olhos"

você precisa que todas as suas características combinem bem, você pode ir embora mesmo com olhos esbugalhados se combinar bem com outras características do seu rosto. Para poder ter suas características mostradas da melhor forma, você precisa de 10% de gordura corporal. Caso contrário, eles ficarão escondidos sob a gordura

tl: dr: harmonia + baixo teor de gordura corporal
its true


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Vá a um profissional de harmonização facial
What facial features are needed to be a HTN, chadlite, chad, etc?
I know that there are various archetype and what does it mean to be the top 30, 20, 10, 1 percent of those archetypes?
to be HTN you need no noticeably shit failios, i.e. jew nose bad ipd, acne, etc. just average features with good eye area (blue eyes) with decent orbital compression and you need decent gonions and jaw. Basically just nothing thats noticeably bad and decent jaw and eyes is HTN. Chadlite you really cant get away with to many bad ratios unless you have huge halos like vinnie hacker.
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Reactions: justropemaxbro, st.hamudi but 6‘5 and chadintraining
to be HTN you need no noticeably shit failios, i.e. jew nose bad ipd, acne, etc. just average features with good eye area (blue eyes) with decent orbital compression and you need decent gonions and jaw. Basically just nothing thats noticeably bad and decent jaw and eyes is HTN. Chadlite you really cant get away with to many bad ratios unless you have huge halos like vinnie hacker.
vinnie has subhuman eye area
good facial harmony = attractive

if you are attractive you will know that
Make sense, so in other words, a person can notice the bad facial harmony easily?
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Reactions: socialcel
vinnie has subhuman eye area
are you retarded? its not subhuman its slightly below average and he has such good halos that he can be chadlite. If he didnt have jaw and zygos he wouldnt be chadlite. for ex chico has nothing noticeably good or bad so thats chadlite type one and vinnie has such good jaw/zygos that it halos him.
  • JFL
Reactions: shieldzz
What facial features are needed to be a HTN, chadlite, chad, etc?
I know that there are various archetype and what does it mean to be the top 30, 20, 10, 1 percent of those archetypes?
It’s all in the eyessssssss
are you retarded? its not subhuman its slightly below average and he has such good halos that he can be chadlite. If he didnt have jaw and zygos he wouldnt be chadlite. for ex chico has nothing noticeably good or bad so thats chadlite type one and vinnie has such good jaw/zygos that it halos him.

chico has literally perfect face and you just said " has nothing noticeably good"

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chico has literally perfect face and you just said " has nothing noticeably good"

nigga doesnt have a single striking feature thats why he aged like shit and is a normie now kys. What feature halos him? exactly its just a lack of failios.
vinnie has subhuman eye area
His eye area isn’t even that bad outside of the nct

He has excellent jaw and zygos though, along with very good appeal

And if he wasn’t gl, he wouldn’t be one of the most famous guys on TikTok known for being good looking
It’s all in the eyessssssss
Eye area is a meme

Many gl guys have eye areas that aren’t super good (Sam Dezz, Vinnie Hacker, Cillian Murphy, Henry Cavill, etc..)

However, very few gl guys have an avg or below avg jaw (only ones I can think of are Opry, Gandy, and Dellisola, who have avg jaws in terms of width and angularity, but good chin and forward growth)
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Reactions: Blackgymmax and IndraBC
Eye area is a meme

Many gl guys have eye areas that aren’t super good (Sam Dezz, Vinnie Hacker, Cillian Murphy, Henry Cavill, etc..)

However, very few gl guys have an avg or below avg jaw (only ones I can think of are Opry, Gandy, and Dellisola, who have avg jaws in terms of width and angularity, but good chin and forward growth)
Me when i know nothing on looks:
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Reactions: guy24, thxmes, Mainstream and 1 other person
So much retarded and low iq answers here i cant…
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Face, height, frame, colouring, body fat %

The holy 5

(good hair is an honourable mention)
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Reactions: thxmes and chadintraining
are you retarded? its not subhuman its slightly below average and he has such good halos that he can be chadlite. If he didnt have jaw and zygos he wouldnt be chadlite. for ex chico has nothing noticeably good or bad so thats chadlite type one and vinnie has such good jaw/zygos that it halos him.
Chico isnt chadlite you retarded fuck, he is very easily chad
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Reactions: st.hamudi but 6‘5, Deleted member 51465 and chadintraining
Other levels such as Chadlite and Chad you can have Handful of Flaws, but if your Dimorphism is outstanding, BF is 12% and harmony is good you can get away
No these are just htns or low lite. You can't be a chsd with a handful of flaws no matter what. Jacob elordi is htn low lite. A chad is borderline flawless
  • JFL
Reactions: LooksOrDeath and Deleted member 42845
lol at all this horseshit comments above me

you dont need actually "good zygos " or "good eye area"

you need all your features to match good together,you can go away even with bug eyes if it MATCHES WELL WITH OTHER FEATURES OF YOUR FACE . To be able to have your features shown at your best,you need 10% bodyfat . Otherwise they will be hidden under fat

tl : dr : harmony + low bodyfat
Yeah you're stupid and ugly
Who told you that ?
I know you're making shit up your ass because my description is basically every guy who does good from my tinder experiments. You guys are cock sucking from tiktok
I know you're making shit up your ass because my description is basically every guy who does good from my tinder experiments. You guys are cock sucking from tiktok
check pms
  • +1
Reactions: Blackgymmax
Vinnie has good eye area you fucking moron.
What makes it so? Genuinely curious. By PSL standards, it has all the flaws in the books, with either neutral or slightly negative tilt, UEE, negatively tilted relatively high-set brows.


Only his PFL is somewhat good, does that compensate for so many failos?
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Reactions: st.hamudi but 6‘5 and chadintraining
stand out features plus some average features nothing below average
No these are just htns or low lite. You can't be a chsd with a handful of flaws no matter what. Jacob elordi is htn low lite. A chad is borderline flawless
Nah you are not right, just look at Ian Somerhaldner, Alessandro Delassoa, Robert Pattinson, they all have Handful of Flaws but still Considered Chad PSL Gods, for example Ian Somerhaldner has Long Midface, Slightly Long Philtrum, Recessed Jaw, but he's 8.5/10, because of his other Outstanding Dimorphic Features. The main thing is Dimorhism and Harmony they can compensate Flaws. Only 9.5-10 PSL Gods are Flawless. Jacob Elordi is 6.2-6.5/10, he has several flaws but not many Outstanding features to compensate them, he only has good Jaw. However his Height Gives him Chad's SMV 8/10
Last edited:
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What makes it so? Genuinely curious. By PSL standards, it has all the flaws in the books, with either neutral or slightly negative tilt, UEE, negatively tilted relatively high-set brows.

View attachment 2709209

Only his PFL is somewhat good, does that compensate for so many failos?
Eye area doesnt matter when all his other proportions are top tier and ideal. Chad still
No these are just htns or low lite. You can't be a chsd with a handful of flaws no matter what. Jacob elordi is htn low lite. A chad is borderline flawless
Nah u can afford quite the amount of flaws and be chad still. Remember perfect is 10 and chad is 8. Hexum has quite a bit of flaws such as slight NCT, short face shape etc and he is still gigachad. Just have every other ratio and feature perfect theory. Vinnie also has high set brows, bad pfl/pfh, slight NCT and he still is in high chadlite - chad range
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Reactions: Blackgymmax
Nah you are not right, just look at Ian Somerhaldner, Alessandro Delassoa, Robert Pattinson, they all have Handful of Flaws but still Considered Chad PSL Gods, for example Ian Somerhaldner has Long Midface, Slightly Long Philtrum, Recessed Jaw, but he's 8.5/10, because of his other Outstanding Dimorphic Features. The main thing is Dimorhism and Harmony they can compensate Flaws. Only 9.5-10 PSL Gods are Flawless. Jacob Elordi is 6.2-6.5/10, he has several flaws but not many Outstanding features to compensate them, he only has good Jaw. However his Height Gives him Chad's SMV 8/10

Nah u can afford quite the amount of flaws and be chad still. Remember perfect is 10 and chad is 8. Hexum has quite a bit of flaws such as slight NCT, short face shape etc and he is still gigachad. Just have every other ratio and feature perfect theory. Vinnie also has high set brows, bad pfl/pfh, slight NCT and he still is in high chadlite - chad range

Those niggas aren't psl Gods
However based off their frontals their Flaws aren't what I would consider a handful. That's what I would consider near perfect personally but I agree w you
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Reactions: chadintraining and Deleted member 19968
Those niggas aren't psl Gods
However based off their frontals their Flaws aren't what I would consider a handful. That's what I would consider near perfect personally but I agree w you
Ian Somerhaldner is 8.5/10, Alessando is 8.7/10, Pattinson is 7.8, still are above Chad range.
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No lmfao an "easy chad" wouldnt look this shit at 30
He was a prettyboy chad, not a real chad

Both have similar smv, but age differently
Those niggas aren't psl Gods
However based off their frontals their Flaws aren't what I would consider a handful. That's what I would consider near perfect personally but I agree w you
All of their flaws also harmonize with their face, or other features compensate for them
Htn requires ideal jaw
Decent zygos
Good eye area
Without mediocre to average facial ratios/cranial depth

Other levels you need perfect eyes + near perfect ratios with hardly any flaws
even psl lords aren’t ideal with a few flaws
ofc u can be over htn without perfect features/ratios
Good jaw, Height and muscles. Not balding but hair isnt that important as long you arent balding.

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