What psl is needed to ltr non degenerate



The Tribe
Jul 14, 2019
Considering how these types of girls are the minority by far and have a lot of demand what is needed?
its all relative to location and niche. slightly above avg would do it, so 4.5 i guess
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4 and above, be NT and empathetic
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its all relative to location and niche. slightly above avg would do it, so 4.5 i guess
But at 4.5 psl what kind of high quality girl will you be able to attract 3 psl?

What about a 4 psl non-degenerate girl what would you need to be.
But at 4.5 psl what kind of high quality girl will you be able to attract 3 psl?

What about a 4 psl non-degenerate
i dont understand what are you trying to reach w/ this question

there is no answer to this

you can get gfs through so many fucking ways. money, status, looks, or certain niche in look. brute gymcel, high class pheno twink pretty boy. diff girls have diff. fetishes

look at this shit. the girl the ethnic is walking with is his girlfriend in real life. he doesn't have a lot of money or status. i see shit like this all the fucking time when walking outside. looks theory has very fucking good concepts but a lot of them are just exaggerated to levels of pointless mental masturbation that isn't applicable in real life

your face is good, notably above average. your frame is good, your height is good, your pheno is good. your hair is shit, sure. if you can't get gfs you either live in the highest possible standard place or you're autistic IRL or you don't know how to take pictures for tinder or sexually escalte with women w/e. i don't know man

@DarknLost cuz language
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i dont understand what are you trying to reach w/ this question

there is no answer to this

you can get gfs through so many fucking ways. money, status, looks, or certain niche in look. brute gymcel, high class pheno twink pretty boy. diff girls have diff. fetishes

look at this shit. the girl the ethnic is walking with is his girlfriend in real life. he doesn't have a lot of money or status. i see shit like this all the fucking time when walking outside. looks theory has very fucking good concepts but a lot of them are just exaggerated to levels of pointless mental masturbation that isn't applicable in real life

your face is good, notably above average. your frame is good, your height is good, your pheno is good. your hair is shit, sure. if you can't get gfs you either live in the highest possible standard place or you're autistic IRL or you don't know how to take pictures for tinder or sexually escalte with women w/e. i don't know man

@DarknLost cuz language

I dunno dude I'm just asking cause my ex was 4 psl or so and she wasn't high quality and even then she cheated on me most likely.

I see couples all the time irl and while most are generally looksmatched sometimes there are uneven matches but I never see spreads as far as in this video tbh. That guy is legit in the 3s and she is 5.5 at least.

What are the chances that that dude is not getting cheated on? Also she looks like a degenerate anyways tbh. If I wanted to marry some degenerate I would've just married my ex and called it a day.

'So you find that 1/100 unicorn girl and you think shes gonna want a LTR with you over chad? She must've rejected hundreds of chads approaching her at various stages in her life, but she will remain a virgin and marry you because of ...?!' - @Syobevoli

I'm not even asking for a virgin either tbh just realistically non degenerate. What are the chances of that. 50 percent of marriages end in divorce. That's the breaking point. How many marriages are right below the breaking point if half of them actually crossed it, at least 25 percent more? How many are actually good marriages and I'm willing to bet the non-degenerates are basically way over represented in the good marriages category.

I live in a high standards place imo. One of my friends has been trying for a cool minute to get dates from online like I'm talking probably a year + and nothing came out of it and he's gymmaxxxed like 5'11 or 6', maybe his standards are too high i don't know. But then I know another friend and he's had a ton of success but he lives more in the city than me, but there's another friend that lives in the city that has no success.

I'm not autistic IRL but not exactly as NT as normal people and I'm more reserved, but I know how to keep a conversation and shit like that my coworkers have literally said I'm a 'master conversationalist'. I used decent pictures on tinder.

I dunno man just random thoughts I haven't fully thought of this. I think I have ADD dude I asked someone I know for some pills and he's getting some tomorrow he was getting some for himself anyways he has ADHD.
Considering how these types of girls are the minority by far and have a lot of demand what is needed?

JFL, they are not demanded, most women are degenerate whores nowadays because most men became degenerate subhumans who fuck anything that moves, so these women became whores to call these guys attention. And there are waaaaay more degenerate men than degenerate women, which means you have less competition than you think.

The problem isn't other men trying to compete with you for the non-degenerate, but her degenerate friends making her become a degenerate who will cuck you
JFL, they are not demanded, most women are degenerate whores nowadays because most men became degenerate subhumans who fuck anything that moves, so these women became whores to call these guys attention. And there are waaaaay more degenerate men than degenerate women, which means you have less competition than you think.

The problem isn't other men trying to compete with you for the non-degenerate, but her degenerate friends making her become a degenerate who will cuck you
Yeah blame men for the fact it is female nature to be hypergamous. Most guys are ok with monogamy because they know they can't be slayers.
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Yeah blame men for the fact it is female nature to be hypergamous. Most guys are ok with monogamy because they know they can't be slayers.

There's nothing wrong with hypergamy, they are just trying to get the best genes, everyone does this. The real problem is become a whore who will fuck SEVERAL guys, cucking you left and right and god knows the hell that your life will become if you marry a woman like this and have children with her, and that you can blame easily on men, especially average men who only think about slaying... slaying...slaying...
JFL, they are not demanded, most women are degenerate whores nowadays because most men became degenerate subhumans who fuck anything that moves, so these women became whores to call these guys attention. And there are waaaaay more degenerate men than degenerate women, which means you have less competition than you think.

The problem isn't other men trying to compete with you for the non-degenerate, but her degenerate friends making her become a degenerate who will cuck you
These non-degenerate women want to lock down as high quality as a guy that they can just like everyone else. But the difference is that degenerousy doesn't kill a mans smv to the non-degenerate (baring drugs that are not as socially acceptable). So the competition isn't non-degenerate / non-degenerate. It's non-degenerate male and degenerate male / non-degenerate female for LTR
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There's nothing wrong with hypergamy, they are just trying to get the best genes, everyone does this. The real problem is become a whore who will fuck SEVERAL guys, cucking you left and right and god knows the hell that your life will become if you marry a woman like this and have children with her, and that you can blame easily on men, especially average men who only think about slaying... slaying...slaying...
Hypergamy means she will share one man with dozens of other chicks so yes it is bad. A society can't function with hypergamy.
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ancient chinese saying: an ugly wife is a treasure in the home
I'm an aspie 5ish PSL and i'm on a relationship with a 4ish PSL. She is aspie and extremely shy as well. Two things to take in consideration tho: she is prob virgin and she has very few friends. I think i found the 1 in 1 million tho.

But i'll probably get cucked if we stay in a ltr in a few months i bet

Conclusion: there is yet-non-degenerated woman (quite rare), but they WILL become one someday and you should be prepared for this if you trully want a ltr.

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