What should I focus on regarding looksmaxxing knowing my build?



Apr 17, 2023
Alright y'all I'm 20, got 0 pussy by now although I had 2 different occasions when I was in highschool JFL at my autistic shit life.
These are the stats: I'm currently ltn-subhuman, not bald, got a nice hair going on still, wear glasses and have a lot of scars on my face, which I don't know how to fix; I also have these sort of wrinkles on my forehead (idk where from tbh, probably too much squinting while looking at movies on my laptop at 3am every night fuck my life) which I also don't know how to repair. I can't rly grow beards, just total shit and it looks fucked.



I DO have what seems to be a nice foundation for my body. I am currently sitting at a slightly below normal weight for my body sitting at 6'5; my clavicula seem to be fine, frame isn't ideal though, but that's why I want to ask advice here: should I, considering my stats, BULK UP AND BECOME OGRE, or try to leanmaxx still? I have an okayish jawline, with nice chin onwards; what's the move? Also don't suggest roids, fuck that shit. I don't have money since I'm in uni (moneymaxxing through STEM) and I also don't wanna look 40 at 25 yo.
Please give me suggestions; by the next year around this time, I wanna get pussy. If uni ends and I don't get pussy it's fucking over, Imma prolly rope. HELP, PLEASE.
(Regarding those 2 shorties in hs, they were average looking, but acceptable to fuck - I was just too much of an autist, and had low self esteem to pursue anything regarding them. It is what it is.)
bulk up to 18% bf(just cant see abs anymore) while putting on as much muscle as possible then cut down to 10%bf(actually shredded) while maintaining as much muscle as possible. Repeat. Also do some skin care. Sunscreen 50spf every morning, retinoid 5 nights a week, moisturizer the other 2 nights is pretty much all you need. Plus get 7hrs of sleep a night, will kill your skin not to. I don't know exactly what you look like so can't really give more advice than that.
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bulk up to 18% bf(just cant see abs anymore) while putting on as much muscle as possible then cut down to 10%bf(actually shredded) while maintaining as much muscle as possible. Repeat. Also do some skin care. Sunscreen 50spf every morning, retinoid 5 nights a week, moisturizer the other 2 nights is pretty much all you need. Plus get 7hrs of sleep a night, will kill your skin not to. I don't know exactly what you look like so can't really give more advice than that.
and how do I bulk and cut correctly such that I gain and retain 'as much muscle as possible'? What's to be done in this case?
Alright y'all I'm 20, got 0 pussy by now although I had 2 different occasions when I was in highschool JFL at my autistic shit life.
These are the stats: I'm currently ltn-subhuman, not bald, got a nice hair going on still, wear glasses and have a lot of scars on my face, which I don't know how to fix; I also have these sort of wrinkles on my forehead (idk where from tbh, probably too much squinting while looking at movies on my laptop at 3am every night fuck my life) which I also don't know how to repair. I can't rly grow beards, just total shit and it looks fucked.



I DO have what seems to be a nice foundation for my body. I am currently sitting at a slightly below normal weight for my body sitting at 6'5; my clavicula seem to be fine, frame isn't ideal though, but that's why I want to ask advice here: should I, considering my stats, BULK UP AND BECOME OGRE, or try to leanmaxx still? I have an okayish jawline, with nice chin onwards; what's the move? Also don't suggest roids, fuck that shit. I don't have money since I'm in uni (moneymaxxing through STEM) and I also don't wanna look 40 at 25 yo.
Please give me suggestions; by the next year around this time, I wanna get pussy. If uni ends and I don't get pussy it's fucking over, Imma prolly rope. HELP, PLEASE.
(Regarding those 2 shorties in hs, they were average looking, but acceptable to fuck - I was just too much of an autist, and had low self esteem to pursue anything regarding them. It is what it is.)
stopped reading at 6’5
and how do I bulk and cut correctly such that I gain and retain 'as much muscle as possible'? What's to be done in this case?
Use a calorie calculator to calculate your calories burned per day then eat 500 more than that while eating 1g of protien per pound of body weight. Do that while lifting weights 4 days a week you can find tons of free programs online. Then when cutting do the same thing but 500 calories less.
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Use a calorie calculator to calculate your calories burned per day then eat 500 more than that while eating 1g of protien per pound of body weight. Do that while lifting weights 4 days a week you can find tons of free programs online. Then when cutting do the same thing but 500 calories less.
thank you brother I rly appreciate it
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