What stage are you in atm?


  • Bluepill (just respect women and be a good listener bro)

  • Redpill 1 (just be alpha and hold frame bro)

  • Redpill 2 (looks play a role but not more than money/status)

  • Blackpill 1 (looks > all; but being above average is all you need)

  • Blackpill 2 (looks > all; I gotta become chadlite at least)

  • Blackpill 3 (be chad or die trying)

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Deleted member 616

Deleted member 616

Dec 4, 2018
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looks are 75% of the equation
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  • JFL
Reactions: Blitz, retard, Zeta ascended and 6 others
Blackpill 1000 keep roping until I respawn as chad
  • JFL
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Reactions: maxmendietta, Htobrother, Vvvvxxxx and 1 other person
  • JFL
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Reactions: Deleted member 534 and Deleted member 2846
nutpill (nut or death)
  • JFL
Reactions: DidntRead and BigBoy
The only way to make up the suffering of my delevelpment years is to bang 9/10 stacies every week and to truly ascend in looks category. So blackpill3

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Reactions: Chadelite, MoostWestThuisBest, idkagoodusername and 7 others
blackpill4, ill never be chad so i better stop trying :confused:
The only way to make up the suffering of my delevelpment years is to bang 9/10 stacies every week and to truly ascend in looks category. So blackpill3

at chadlite i could do the rest through nichemaxxing, statusmaxxing, fashionmaxxing etc
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Reactions: Deleted member 2597
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Reactions: BigBoy and Deleted member 2846
blackpill -> women are inferior
  • Woah
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Reactions: BigBoy and stuckneworleans
so how do u fix that void
by coping with the fact you never had a good development and childhood by having sex with hot girls jfl.
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Reactions: BigBoy
@Ritalincel haha
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 616
so blackpilled i sound bluepilled
i cant become chadlite let alone chad so i am realistic, doesnt mean im less blackpilled than others
blackpill -> women are superior to 99 out of 100 men
blackpill -> women are superior to men
Last edited:
  • JFL
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Reactions: Gren and stuckneworleans
blackpill 2/3

i want to be chad bad but i also realise that’s slaying/treatment from other people isn’t the key to happiness in life
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  • JFL
Reactions: Chadelite, BigBoy, Deleted member 616 and 1 other person
blackpill 2/3

i want to be chad bad but i also realise that’s slaying/treatment from other people isn’t the key to happiness in life
People are just different.

I actually did well in most aspects of my life but I never felt happy due to the lack of Stacy attention/ low lay count. The blackpill just explained to me systematically why I wasn’t happy, and how I could improve my situation.
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Reactions: HowAmIAlive123 and turkproducer
blackpill 2/3

i want to be chad bad but i also realise that’s slaying/treatment from other people isn’t the key to happiness in life
I can only achieve happiness if I can live a lifestyle that 99% of people would envy, this is pretty impossible so I'll never be happy. Over for me and my narcissism.
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chad or die 2020
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People are just different.

I actually did well in most aspects of my life but I never felt happy due to the lack of Stacy attention/ low lay count. The blackpill just explained to me systematically why I wasn’t happy, and how I could improve my situation.
u can slay without being chad but it’s too much effort

my conversion rate for match to slay is probably like 0.0005 jfl
I can only achieve happiness if I can live a lifestyle that 99% of people would envy, this is pretty impossible so I'll never be happy. Over for me and my narcissism.
money is very important though
  • +1
Reactions: Chadelite and Deleted member 616
u can slay without being chad but it’s too much effort

my conversion rate for match to slay is probably like 0.0005 jfl

money is very important though
Ofc money is important, the only way for a psl autists like me to make it big is by online bitcoin, cryptocurrency etc moneymaxxing, baisically following the bbc newer guide. And then social media and infamy maxxing.
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I have no idea
I see far too many subhuman couples when i leave the house to be fully blackpilled

not to mention my sisters 2 psl boyfriend who is a few inches shorter than her
Blackpill 4: rope
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I see far too many subhuman couples when i leave the house to be fully blackpilled

not to mention my sisters 2 psl boyfriend who is a few inches shorter than her
Observe how girls behave when with subhumans and then how they behave when with chad.

Girl with subhuman = bored, bitchy and demanding.

Girl with chad = happy submissive and carefree
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Reactions: Chadelite, DianabolDownie and Deleted member 616
Between Blackpill 1 and 2

Id say 60% tbh, the rest is confidence and personality.
I have trash personality and am quite weird ngl yet i pull hot chicks. Looks>>>everything else
There's no limit to the extent in which I'm blackpilled...
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I have trash personality and am quite weird ngl yet i pull hot chicks. Looks>>>everything else
Yh but the second someone with ur looks BUT a great personality and interesting comes around it's over for you
Yh but the second someone with ur looks BUT a great personality and interesting comes around it's over for you
I’m probably the most interesting person i know, just not that great with social interactions
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blackpill 4: didn't read
  • JFL
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Blackpill 2
It depends on what you feel you need out of life.

If you want endless sex with hot women, it's be Chad or death.

If you want endless sex, but are willing to have lower standards, Chadlite will do.

If you just want a reasonable sex life or LTR, you are good with above average looks and personality (ability to run IRL game)

And you can betabux at bluepill, so long as you are not deformed. This would personally make me miserable.

I want to be Chad obviously, but if I can't and only end up as above average or Chadlite, I can live with that result.
  • So Sad
Reactions: RAITEIII
Choosing between Blackpill 2 or 3 is a matter of what you want out of this life. I'd like to be able to get iois all the time and approached occasionally, but I don't want to bang stacies all the time. That's just my personality. I just want a gl gf. So chadlite is enough for me.
All the other stages are copes
I'm oldcel and it's fully over for me, however I locationmaxx and SEAcel every year now so I don't rope
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B77CAE85 8344 4FB2 812C 0ECBD98D957E
Chadpreet or death
I'm oldcel and it's fully over for me, however I locationmaxx and SEAcel every year now so I don't rope
how is seamaxxing tbh
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