What Steroids are worth it in low-doses (muscle gains with minimal physical/mental side effects) ?



Aug 16, 2019
In your opinion,

what steroids are worth doing for in low-dose, for a limited amount of time, so as to gain some good, lean muscle mass,

while minimizing other physical side and mental effects ?

So far I've planned to do a 16/week cycle of moderate-dose testosterone, with another anabolic added in, what do you think?

Any experiences ?
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  • JFL
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test is best. keep ancilleries on hand, and your pct. could add in 4-6 weeks of mid dose anavar in the start or end of your cycle if you wanted.
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well fuck it
Anavar test. But all steroids need pct afterwards
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In your opinion,

what steroids are worth doing for in low-dose, for a limited amount of time, so as to gain some good, lean muscle mass,

while minimizing other physical side and mental effects ?

So far I've planned to do a 16/week cycle of moderate-dose testosterone, with another anabolic added in, what do you think?

Any experiences ?

In all honesty, anavar nuked my lipids i wouldn't run it against, not sure why it gets such a safe halo.

I would go testosterone + primobolan.

This what im doing next.
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If you haven't done steroids before, you don't want to mix and match. You need to know how your body reacts to the test as it will be the base of all your cycles. You want to know what side-effects you get and how much AI you need. If you use other stuff on top of the test, how will you know what is causing the side-effects and how much AI you'll need?
Test when you're actually older and needing it.
  • JFL
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DHEA, adrenosterone, plus some mimimal sides aromatase blocker, like ATD.

But the whole premise is retarded. You take roids FOR the mental effects.
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  • JFL
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DHEA, adrenosterone, plus some mimimal sides aromatase blocker, like ATD.

But the whole premise is retarded. You take roids FOR the mental effects.
you are referring to neurosteroids, like DHEA and pregnenolone,etc,.., I was talking more about androgenic steroids in low-doses
Test is best, Trestolone is amazing too, but it's more of an advanced compound
Test is the overall winner:

- Good for size or cutting depending on diet
- Cheap
- Little side effects that are easy to manage
- Not heavy shutdown
- Less pinning when using long esters

You really dont need more than that
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Roids = hairloss even with dut/fin :feelswah:
  • So Sad
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test 500mg a week is the bare minimum you should try.
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i would bet $$ I know the most about this on the forum. Unfortunately it heavily depends to how you react, mainly, to androgens. Androgens will help you look dry and chiseled and vascular, without them you will look more ‘soft’ and bloated. However they will cause the skin damage and hair loss.

Anavar is kind of the exception but orals are pretty shit for muscle building. You can’t gain a bunch of lbs of muscle in 6-8 weeks it just takes much longer than that.

nandrolone boosts collagen and actually effectively lowers DHT through converting to DHN which is very non-androgenic and competes with DHT at the receptors. so in this sense it is the best steroid for having clear skin, no hair loss. however it bloats you with water.

masteron would be the polar opposite where it dries you out but will rape your skin&hair.

primo is a good middle ground in keeping you kind of dry and being kind of hair/skin safe.

500mg of test will bloat you and rape your skin and hair if prone

The “ideal” cycle (b&c only, nandrolone is heavily suppressive) from a looksmaxxing standpoint would look something like

~test @250ish
~nandrolone @250ish
~primobolan @300ish

you are going to have to adjust to what works for you. if you want to be more dry and compromise your hair/skin, or if you have good hair/skin genes, higher primobolan. if you have dogshit hair/skin genes then you could run lower primobolan and higher test/nandrolone

and yeah there are some faggots who have no acne or hair loss on test/tren/mast. this is based off of the average person who is moderately prone to facial water retention, acne, and hair loss.
Fuck nandrolone
With 0 logic behind it. There is great reasons to include it as an anabolic if you want to have good skin and hair.

Dihydronandrolone competes with DHT at the receptor sites and DHN is a significantly weaker androgen than DHT. It basically softens the androgenic effects of it which leads to less acne, less skin aging, less hair loss.
Its neurotoxicity isn't worth the benefits imo. I also doubt it more potently inhibits DHT than something like Fin, so why not just take more Test with a 5ar-i?
In your opinion,

what steroids are worth doing for in low-dose, for a limited amount of time, so as to gain some good, lean muscle mass,

while minimizing other physical side and mental effects ?

So far I've planned to do a 16/week cycle of moderate-dose testosterone, with another anabolic added in, what do you think?

Any experiences ?
Only one is moderate dose testosterone unironically.
Take upper end TRT dose. Do not exceed 200mg/week, start at 100mg/week and work your way up
i would bet $$ I know the most about this on the forum. Unfortunately it heavily depends to how you react, mainly, to androgens. Androgens will help you look dry and chiseled and vascular, without them you will look more ‘soft’ and bloated. However they will cause the skin damage and hair loss.

Anavar is kind of the exception but orals are pretty shit for muscle building. You can’t gain a bunch of lbs of muscle in 6-8 weeks it just takes much longer than that.

nandrolone boosts collagen and actually effectively lowers DHT through converting to DHN which is very non-androgenic and competes with DHT at the receptors. so in this sense it is the best steroid for having clear skin, no hair loss. however it bloats you with water.

masteron would be the polar opposite where it dries you out but will rape your skin&hair.

primo is a good middle ground in keeping you kind of dry and being kind of hair/skin safe.

500mg of test will bloat you and rape your skin and hair if prone

The “ideal” cycle (b&c only, nandrolone is heavily suppressive) from a looksmaxxing standpoint would look something like

~test @250ish
~nandrolone @250ish
~primobolan @300ish

you are going to have to adjust to what works for you. if you want to be more dry and compromise your hair/skin, or if you have good hair/skin genes, higher primobolan. if you have dogshit hair/skin genes then you could run lower primobolan and higher test/nandrolone

and yeah there are some faggots who have no acne or hair loss on test/tren/mast. this is based off of the average person who is moderately prone to facial water retention, acne, and hair loss.

you know more than anyone and suggest primo for hair? :lul:
i don’t think most people here care about the neurotoxicity tbh, I am talking about the stack to improve your looks the most, not be healthy, but I should add a disclaimer

it doesn’t inhibit DHT its an entirely different mechanism through lowering the active DHT but yeah fin is much more powerful for that.

nandrolone is a very potent drug for building muscle you don’t just throw it in to reduce effective DHT. 300test+300nandrolone is going to be much more effective than 600 test. you reach a point with dosage where you are getting more sides than benefits. also will have less water retention with this route with lower estrogen

> so why not just take more Test with a 5ar-i?

You will build less muscle and hold more water+need more AI (unhealthy in itself), is pretty much the answer. The benefits being of course with finasteride you are significantly lowering your dht while nandrolone is kind of making it less potent, and test+fin+AI is still probably much safer than test+nandrolone+low dose AI
TLDR: it's over for you if you can't tolerate high DHT
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i don’t think most people here care about the neurotoxicity tbh, I am talking about the stack to improve your looks the most, not be healthy, but I should add a disclaimer

it doesn’t inhibit DHT its an entirely different mechanism through lowering the active DHT but yeah fin is much more powerful for that.

nandrolone is a very potent drug for building muscle you don’t just throw it in to reduce effective DHT. 300test+300nandrolone is going to be much more effective than 600 test. you reach a point with dosage where you are getting more sides than benefits. also will have less water retention with this route with lower estrogen

> so why not just take more Test with a 5ar-i?

You will build less muscle and hold more water+need more AI (unhealthy in itself), is pretty much the answer. The benefits being of course with finasteride you are significantly lowering your dht while nandrolone is kind of making it less potent, and test+fin+AI is still probably much safer than test+nandrolone+low dose AI
thanks, however what steroids would cause minimal skin side effects?
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Nigga are you slow? Or did you just skim it? I said it is kind of a middle ground for androgenic activity. I didn’t say it is hair safe, far from it, but I would use it to dry out and build muscle in a stack with nandrolone, over masteron for example, which is less hair safe than primo


very rough guess as to hair safe->unsafe. primo is not safe but you can use it to be less bloated and not obliterate your hairline like masteron would…

i also said if you are very prone to hair loss to drastically reduce it. this is based off the average person not an arab who is balding at age 13.
Guys go there:

I just made this thread.
Roids = hairloss even with dut/fin :feelswah:
Look into MPMD topical duta vid; he said its better and with no neurological effects unlike the oral one

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