What the blackpill gets wrong. Hypergamy isnt as bad as we think.


Deleted member 17829

Feb 16, 2022
Yes girls prefer the top 20% of guys

But so does every guy? even if we are subhuman?

The only reason they are allowed to only date top 20% is because most guys main dating strategy is tinder

Which in the UK is 9 guys to 1 girl

Of coruse theyre gonna have the choice and hundreds of matches and only swipe on the odd guy that they like

And the fact most girls can fraud with makeup to HTB etc...

If dating apps were equal gender ratio and girls werent frauding things would be a lot more equal

And even when girls can get a top 10% guy. most would happily settle for a lot less because they want a stable LTR. as long as they still feel some sort of attraction to the guy.

So the solution is

To fraud like how girls fraud with makeup. but with our looksmaxxing softmaxxing and hardmaxxing techniques

And dont use tinder. use apps that have more equal gender ratio
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Mirin coping, it's Maher or rope
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I admire your ability to cope.
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I'd say cope yakhi . I personally know subhumans who would be happy if they got paired with fellow subhuman women 😹😹😹😹😹😹🤙🤙🤙🤙☝️☝️☝️
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The average male is 10x more ugly than the average female tbh
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@closedplatecel jk bro love u
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yeah but the women were probably wearing makeuo

You misinterpreted the graph. That has nothing to do with it.

It shows men rating women on a normal bell curve.

Men messaged Beckies and Stacies far MORE.

Men messaged sub 5 femcels far LESS.
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You misinterpreted the graph. That has nothing to do with it.

It shows men rating women on a normal bell curve.

Men messaged Beckies and Stacies far MORE.

Men messaged sub 5 femcels far LESS.
oh my bad didnt look lol

yeah see

i think we're all the same tbh.

all guys want top 20% of girls

all girls want top 20% of guys

its just dating app gender ratios are fucked+makeup +girls filters so they have all the power
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hypergamy like lookism and racism are crucial to survival success and evolution

these things are bad only because 80% of men are surplus which creates tremendous competition between males, leading to the problems we see today. it's also why crime and social unrest is worse in big cities where people are all crammed together.

fix the male surplus, the problems you described solve themselves. sausage fest on dating apps? gone.
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Caging at your IQ. Even if there was no dating apps of fakeup foids would still be picky and men would still dumpster dive and fuck landwhales because of testosterone.
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hypergamy like lookism and racism are crucial to survival success and evolution

these things are bad only because 80% of men are surplus which creates tremendous competition between males, leading to the problems we see today. it's also why crime and social unrest is worse in big cities where people are all crammed together.

fix the male surplus, the problems you described solve themselves. sausage fest on dating apps? gone.
theres a surplus of men? you mean in real life? or just on dating apps
oh my bad didnt look lol

yeah see

i think we're all the same tbh.

all guys want top 20% of girls

all girls want top 20% of guys

its just dating app gender ratios are fucked+makeup +girls filters so they have all the power
Yeah men are way more likely to lower standards due to testosterone.

But nowadays we're seeing men jerking off to stacies rather than going below their looksmatch IRL.

The West is too financially stable for men to have the upper hand dating wise.
Caging at your IQ. Even if there was no dating apps of fakeup foids would still be picky and men would still dumpster dive and fuck landwhales because of testosterone.
im sure thats also a factor

but men only dumpster dive cos avg or above avg girls are so difficult. if things were fair. them girls wouldnt be difficult so htn's wouldnt have to dumpsterdive

caging at ur iq and chin
  • JFL
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im sure thats also a factor

but men only dumpster dive cos avg or above avg girls are so difficult. if things were fair. them girls wouldnt be difficult so htn's wouldnt have to dumpsterdive

caging at ur iq and chin
Jfl men dumpster dive because we have higher sex drives and have a different mating strategy than foids.

This shit is basic biology. We aren’t the only sexually dimorphic mammalian species that have this type of sexual selection. Look at peacocks where the mogger peacocks get all the pussy while the rest of the peacocks get Chad’s leftovers/are incels.
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Here’s a good video tbh :

It comes down to parental investment. Foids are pickier about their mates because they invest more in child bearing

In the past this would be evened out by men dying while hunting, going to war, etc.
There is some truth in what you wrote.

Hypergamy is being exaggerated on this forum to levels that humanity thought was previously impossible.

The truth is that most couples are looksmatch.
But guys have different preferences too, a chad might prefer to fuck a girl with amazing tits+ass but only HTB face over a gigastacy with a shitty body.

There is also status, luck, just be first, assortative mating.

We can't just reduce the entirety of human evolution to PSL scale. That is hella autistic lmfao.

People here also seem to miss concepts like regression to the mean, genetic recombination etc. In their minds chad can do no wrong, and surely he will have chad sons. Not true! Look at Hernán Drago.
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  • JFL
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WRONG......you have been coping hard for the last week my boy....what happened? :feelskek:
Will Ferrell Reaction GIF
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 17829 and Marsiere214
hypergamy like lookism and racism are crucial to survival success and evolution

these things are bad only because 80% of men are surplus which creates tremendous competition between males, leading to the problems we see today. it's also why crime and social unrest is worse in big cities where people are all crammed together.

fix the male surplus, the problems you described solve themselves. sausage fest on dating apps? gone.
absolutely horrible that you think like this you horrible gynocentric cuck
youd rather murder 2 billion men than commit foids back to the kitchen again and have everyone pair bond at 16 with their looksmatch, right? :sick:
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Women frauding with make up benefits only men and hurt women. So don't try to make a trend so men wear make up
absolutely horrible that you think like this you horrible gynocentric cuck
youd rather murder 2 billion men than commit foids back to the kitchen again and have everyone pair bond at 16 with their looksmatch, right? :sick:
Evolution really doesn’t gaf what “should” happen. Look what happens when you have arranged marriage like in india. All the men are manlet trucels because foids weren’t allowed to be hypergamous and select goodlooking tall men. Meanwhile men in the Netherlands were subject to sexual selection and are all tall moggers.

You cannot outrun nature. And it isn’t gynocentric to think this way it’s just facing the brutal reality. Men are inherently less valuable than women and everything we do is compensations for our lack of inherent reproductive value.
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Evolution really doesn’t gaf what “should” happen. Look what happens when you have arranged marriage like in india. All the men are manlet trucels because foids weren’t allowed to be hypergamous and select goodlooking tall men. Meanwhile men in the Netherlands were subject to sexual selection and are all tall moggers.

You cannot outrun nature. And it isn’t gynocentric to think this way it’s just facing the brutal reality. Men are inherently less valuable than women and everything we do is compensations for our lack of inherent reproductive value.
If everyone is subhuman it doesn’t matter. And the girls in India are just as bad. You gynocentric cuck
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If everyone is subhuman it doesn’t matter. And the girls in India are just as bad. You gynocentric cuck
Maybe. But now we live is a globalist world so now indian trucels have to compete against white Chads in the west. I’m not saying I know how things should be or if I know the definitive solution. But it’s better imo to realize reality than close my eyes.

The solution mayb is to have homogeneous societies so asian and indian men don’t have to compete against whites.

But the jews obviously don’t want that to happen:feelskek:
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Maybe. But now we live is a globalist world so now indian trucels have to compete against white Chads in the west. I’m not saying I know how things should be or if I know the definitive solution. But it’s better imo to realize reality than close my eyes.

The solution mayb is to have homogeneous societies so asian and indian men don’t have to compete against whites.

But the jews obviously don’t want that to happen:feelskek:
yeah ur right. but also remember foids genes can make shit kids tho aswell, not just men. so to put it on all men is just gynocentric

if we're gonna go that route then all man and women with shit genes shouldnt be allowed to reproduce

and this is just gonna end up down the designer baby route? when does it stop? 7ft avg height men?
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this is a much fairer argument than saying men are totally different when it comes to standards for the opposite sex, and that wanting to get a partner as attractive as possible is exclusively a female trait. I don't see 50+ yo billionaires (we could say they have the same power on the sexual market as at least somewhat attractive young girls, even though it's based on resources) getting PSL 4 women in their 30s, lmao

the world is simply getting smaller due to technology, so settling with the best option in your proximity is not a necessity anymore

also, on top of dating apps gaining popularity, social mobility is much higher now in general

good poster
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but also remember foids genes can make shit kids tho aswell, not just men. so to put it on all men is just gynocentric
This is true. Which is the great irony. Women shit on men for being manlet or having shit genetics when historically selective pressure has been much harsher on men than women.

Historically All women have reproduced while only 50% of men have.

So a lot of the shitty genes in the gene pool are because of women not men.

So then men tried to counteract womens nature by having forced monogamy. And using religion and shaming tactics to stop foids whoring around.

But again when you do that you get subhuman manlets like the Indian population.

But yeah there will always be incels and undesirable men.

But like I said homogeneous societies with a sort of “soft” enforced monogamy might be the best solution? Again this is all just theorizing I am not high IQ enough to pretend like I have a solution.

Tbh if everybody was looksmatched I think people would be a lot happier in the long run.
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I use makeup and it probably looks maxed me by a point.

If your sunscreen isn’t mixed with foundation idk what to tell you.
I still dont believe dating apps are 10:1 ratio or whatevr, espeically not amongst uni aged people- because literally every single girl i know personally uses them or has used them.

Maybe guys swipe 10 times more than girls or something that I could believe

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