What will happen if everyone sub 120 iq disappeared?



Ernest khalimov
Aug 29, 2024
This will eliminate 99.1 % ethnics exept ea
Will the world become good place?
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This forum would go completely inactive
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I'd argue it'd be worse for alot of people. In this world there are hierarchy's, get rid of all the ethnics, and guess who's on the bottom now, you.

not to mention, the world leaders would stay the same, I guess you'd just get to have fun with the jews and all the other high iq people
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Believe it or not, you kinda need a large amount of normie iq people (mostly men really)
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Believe it or not, you kinda need a large amount of normie iq people (mostly men really)
I agree with you to some extent. But high iq people gonna find a way they always do
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a world without women would be a pain in the ass
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a world without women would be a pain in the ass
So we can lower the standard for women about 108 this will keep the ratio balanced
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You want to live in a world with ugly autists permanently?
  • Hmm...
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world without niggers:

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I am sub 120 iq so I will disappear only superior people will left
being aware of not being that intelligent is an intelligence sign, you may make it
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The economy would crash, a lot of intelligent people would end up working in poverty for the one's with the most wealth left. Yes, things may improve, but over time the poorest would reproduce in increasingly disadvantaged situations so the iq would drop because most would not be able to afford proper education and healthcare.

Aka, in the longterm nothing would change and the world would restabilize.
Actually I have red some study somewhere. That study shows that difference between men and women iq is only about 4-6 points on average so 113 will do fine for women @greycel
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This will eliminate 99.1 % ethnics exept ea
Will the world become good place?
120+ is genius iq so I’d imagine the world would go to absolute shit due to how little there are.
All of Africa and India would be depopulated.
The economy would crash, a lot of intelligent people would end up working in poverty for the one's with the most wealth left. Yes, things may improve, but over time the poorest would reproduce in increasingly disadvantaged situations so the iq would drop because most would not be able to afford proper education and healthcare.

Aka, in the longterm nothing would change and the world would restabilize.
If there are less people than resources will increase and high iq people will find a way since they don't need anymore to convince some dumb normies to do shit
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Actually I have red some study somewhere. That study shows that difference between men and women iq is only about 4-6 points on average so 113 will do fine for women @greycel
Nah but that's on average
There's a higher percentage of men who are on the extremes, insanely smart or insanely stupid
Whereas women all tend to be in the same range, around average
What you said earlier was better, as it accounts for this too
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If there are less people than resources will increase and high iq people will find a way since they don't need anymore to convince some dumb normies to do shit
You'd wish it'd work that way. Asides, intelligent people still exist in places that are high up. A lack of resources is not a matter of a lack of intelligence, it's a result of greed and apathy from the one's who control them. So you'd probably be better off asking this question with EQ instead of IQ, since your IQ says little about your emotional intelligence and your willingness to cooperate with other people instead of just keeping everything for yourself. In the world where we live in, being evil is the smart thing to do.
This will eliminate 99.1 % ethnics exept ea
Will the world become good place?
High IQ =\= good person. The people who control the world and cause a lot of suffering are high IQ. If you wanted the world to be a good place you would make dark triad, disagreeable, non-conscientious people disappear and you would also make people with shit impulse control, empathy and poor executive function disappear too.

AI for example could have higher IQ than all humans IQ in the world added together in the future and yet it’s more like the character, personality traits it has that will determine if it wants to use its high IQ to make the world dystopian or do things that benefit it that makes the world dystopian. And for a high IQ human it wouod include impulse control too because humans have impulses
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Assuming you could balance the gender ratio of this super smart population, the quality of life on the planet would increase ten fold for those in those in the 120-130 range (90% of the remainder). I suspect the quality of life for those with IQs greater than 140 would actually go down because they would no longer have an army of low IQ servants to handle their mundane tasks, and implement their visions.

But in the long term birth rates may drop well below replacement, I am not sure. In 50 years AI will obsolete us all regardless, shrug.
The labor and menial jobs is largely dependent on <100iq men every society needs it to survive
So we can lower the standard for women about 108 this will keep the ratio balanced
Is woman IQ actually lower on average? jfl If I never knew thet :lul:
Is woman IQ actually lower on average? jfl If I never knew thet :lul:
Women have the same IQ as men on average, but their range is less dispersed, meaning you will find more men that are dumber and smarter

That’s just based on Jewish research though

IRL men are clearly higher IQ on average simply based on achievements

The wealthiest women make their wealth from divorces
Women have the same IQ as men on average, but their range is less dispersed, meaning you will find more men that are dumber and smarter

That’s just based on Jewish research though

IRL men are clearly higher IQ on average simply based on achievements

The wealthiest women make their wealth from divorces
I assumed there was a jew hidden difference in average but yea I thought it was considered roughly the same

That makes a lot of sense though.

And it's true all of the "intellegent" women or 22/33s and shit people send me (their onetis or girlfriend in dms type sheit)

And they are usually smart but crazy and make choices, less stable than men when they have they much intellegence

22 women would probably be some wicked ass people, generally

But id assume a 22 man would just be dark triad not evil evil
besides you dissapearing idk probably like a boring utopia

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