What would be the ideal height for your gf?

Deleted member 206

Deleted member 206

200cm giga mogger
Aug 24, 2018
I know you can‘t be picky as a male in 2k18, but let‘s assume you had a choice. What height should your gf be? I guess it depends on your height, but then I see 6‘5 guys wanting 5‘3 foids in the internet. I am attracted to 5‘3-5‘7 (160-170cm). I found that 5‘5 is just perfect for my height. She isn‘t a dwarf, but still has to look up to me, even in heels. Everyone that isn‘t in that range I find less desirable.
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yeah 5'4-5'6 is about my ideal range too
should always be at least 6 inch shorter than the male, taller women (5'10+) are femcels by definition, they can only attract males with zero self-respect if they can attract males at all. sad tbh
3-4" shorter than me, minimum.
After that, height isn't really a factor.

That being said I wouldn't reject a girl the same height as me.
5'7-5'9.5 is ideal but shorter is acceptable.
Short enough so that she's shorter than me in heels (i.e. 5'4-5'5)
6'8, I want a dominatrix gf to peg my ass.:love: :soy:
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Mine is 5'9. Perfect height imo
idk like 5'9 and slender I guess
6’0 would be my ideal height
Below 6’0. She can’t be taller than me.
whatever i just want a hole to put it in so i can see if i can get clear erection due to porn,then i'll finallly reach 90 days of nofap
im 5'11 180cm king of manlets
ideal girl height would be 172cm
Wojak reddit cuck

Average girl height in Japan, 5'3

So I say 5'3
No homo

Ur 5'11 right


I 5'11 barefoot 6'0 sneakers on.

Cucked site, you can't double post so quote me added to old post but I not get notification. Not see but I check thread so see.

Probably happen many times before and I not notice.
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View attachment 5749

I 5'11 barefoot 6'0 sneakers on.

Cucked site, you can't double post so quote me added to old post but I not get notification. Not see but I check thread so see.

Probably happen many times before and I not notice.
Yeah you'll be quite tall in Japan

Same lol idk why the system does this
  • +1
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Yeah you'll be quite tall in Japan

Same lol idk why the system does this


I know why.

Long ago on bad site, there user who as popular as I was. His name nausea. He got banned for silly reason because crabs jealous like what happen me.

He used to double / triple post.

King crab got jealous, and disabled feature out of spite, then ban him.
View attachment 5752

I know why.

Long ago on bad site, there user who as popular as I was. His name nausea. He got banned for silly reason because crabs jealous like what happen me.

He used to double / triple post.

King crab got jealous, and disabled feature out of spite, then ban him.
Kek this isn't .is doe
  • +1
Reactions: Zesto
Kek this isn't .is doe


Lazy cuck that made bad site just copy paste code when making this site.

All did was change color scheme and logo.
  • +1
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View attachment 5753

Lazy cuck that made bad site just copy paste code when making this site.

All did was change color scheme and logo.
Legit yeah that's the only thing that changed. It's basically the same site
  • +1
Reactions: Zesto
150cm (4'9) to 160cm (5'3).
you are coping if you are saying short height.
ik height doesn't matter that much in females but more height is always better that is unless she's taller than 6 ft.
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5'3" or shorter
how is that coping? short height is feminine and therefore very attractive to me


holy shit 4'9, are u sure? ever seen one irl?
why is below average for women height feminine? It signifies genetic inferiority
why is below average for women height feminine? It signifies genetic inferiority
Yeah lol, tall girls (~5'7) are the best if you are at least 4 inches taller than her.
how is that coping? short height is feminine and therefore very attractive to me


holy shit 4'9, are u sure? ever seen one irl?
4'9 is really rare in Germany obviously, but I've seen it a couple of times.
It's hot as fuck to me. I'd prefer 4'9 to 5'3.
Short and slim is ideal to me.
you are coping if you are saying short height.
ik height doesn't matter that much in females but more height is always better that is unless she's taller than 6 ft.
It's not coping. Tall women are seen as less attractive by the majority of men.
Around 5ft or shorter for attraction alone more feminine, but at least 5’8 or ideally several inches taller so offspring won’t be short, ideally only an inch below me so any offspring can be tall hopefully any son would be taller than me. It’s ridiculous my tall as hell chad father reproduced with a short little small framed female dooming me, I won’t do the same
Honestly I can be into both taller or shorter women, so Idk what i'd prefer.
Shorter than me even if it’s just one inch.
Ideal is 5'10-6'1. Wouldn't mind 6'2 or 6'3 either, but no shorter than 5 feet 3.
Am 6'5. If you can't handle tall girls while being tall yourself that means your physique is lacking. Even an inch or two taller is fine if you're near average height and you mog them physically. As long as you're far stronger than them physically and at least a bit heavier, you're good.
Ideally? 5'9-5'10.

I'm 6'1.
5’6-5’8 but only because I’m short too(5’10’)

I think tall(5’10)HQNP girls are ideal. 5’10 if I was was like 6’3

Jfl if your short :feelstrash:

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