what's a good first cycle before committing to test?



Oct 26, 2024
I know the gold standard is test but what's a precursive or alternative cycle someone could do as a test run to see how their body responds and how well they aromatise and such? since mike israetel and broderick chavez advises oral only as first cycle, and vigorous steve seems to promote oral cycles. also is a cycle of test even viable for someone who wants to avoid their growth plates ossifying

I heard anavar apart from being especially anabolic, increases height velocity and makes your dick bigger if you're young, but at the cost of messing up your lipids, although I'm sure it could be migitated with the necessary ancillaries

I've heard on a video featuring vigorous steve that halotestin only cycles are basically risk free, but a while ago here there was the sentiment that it destroys your liver unlike anything else

I've also seen tbol suggested but idk much about it


mesterolone doesn't seem like it does anything, a ment only cycle might be easy to recover from but idk, what abt anadrol?
could you go wrong with nolvadex as pct for an oral only cycle? should I even pct at all or should I bridge to a test cycle @ConfusedBolivian what do you think
reposting becouse I got dnr'd

@5.5psl @PsychoDsk @crestfallen @Animal @ConfusedBolivian @SteveRogers @Orc @Lev Peshkov @Dyorotic @bigboi132 @HiddenUzer @Intel.Imperative
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Use low androgenic compounds and easy to pct comppunds meaning dianabol, masteron, anavar, winstrol, primobolan.

A very good first cycle is dianabol + primobolan
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My first cycle I ever did was enclomiphene and ostarine. It was an amazing time. It helped me break the mental barrier of being scared.
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  • JFL
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Use low androgenic compounds and easy to pct comppunds meaning dianabol, masteron, anavar, winstrol, primobolan.

A very good first cycle is dianabol + primobolan
Yeah I will probably just do that, if my split is 3x full body should I just up the volume or add another workout day
  • JFL
Reactions: Giga Mogger and Sapieeen
First cycle should be test only
And you will react good to test it's what your body produces naturally you might not react well with the oil used in the test ester
So as a starter go with 400-500mg testosterone per week and have an ai with you. You will know if you aromatise like a bitch or not. Make sure you are low bf before you start your cycle
And starting with oral only cycle is terrible as orals are more harmful than injections and it doesn't matter if that bald dumbfuck Mike israetel tells you to do an oral only first cycle.
  • JFL
Reactions: ConfusedBolivian
Use low androgenic compounds and easy to pct comppunds meaning dianabol, masteron, anavar, winstrol, primobolan.

A very good first cycle is dianabol + primobolan
Masteron ????
  • JFL
Reactions: Sapieeen
Yeah I will probably just do that, if my split is 3x full body should I just up the volume or add another workout day
You should train more regularly qhile on gear, 3x full body is good for natties but gear users need daily training due to having protein synthesis high all the time
First cycle should be test only
And you will react good to test it's what your body produces naturally you might not react well with the oil used in the test ester
So as a starter go with 400-500mg testosterone per week and have an ai with you. You will know if you aromatise like a bitch or not. Make sure you are low bf before you start your cycle
And starting with oral only cycle is terrible as orals are more harmful than injections and it doesn't matter if that bald dumbfuck Mike israetel tells you to do an oral only first cycle.
Doesnt qork like that.
Test is a sex hormone, not a anabolic hormone.

If you want acne manboobs and hairloss use test 🫶

Because you always need ai or serms on hand with test, due to how potent androgenic it is and it is shit for building muscle, you are better doing primobolan and dbol more gains less side effects
Nigga masteron not androgenic 😭
YEah masteron is not androgenic, niggers get hair loss from it because they use it with test, and masteron lowers shbg alot ao it creates a cascade od DHT while blocking estrogen receptors (no bueno)
YEah masteron is not androgenic, niggers get hair loss from it because they use it with test, and masteron lowers shbg alot ao it creates a cascade od DHT while blocking estrogen receptors (no bueno)
Yes sure sure not because of the Serms like molecules in masteron
  • +1
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First cycle should be test only
And you will react good to test it's what your body produces naturally you might not react well with the oil used in the test ester
So as a starter go with 400-500mg testosterone per week and have an ai with you. You will know if you aromatise like a bitch or not. Make sure you are low bf before you start your cycle
And starting with oral only cycle is terrible as orals are more harmful than injections and it doesn't matter if that bald dumbfuck Mike israetel tells you to do an oral only first cycle.
Alr thanks I'll probably do this, I'm trying to avoid growth plate closure though so should I just have an ai throughout or could it fuck me up if I get the dosing any wrong
And would it really hurt to just do 4-6 weeks of anavar or something like that before starting test?
My first cycle I ever did was enclomiphene and ostarine. It was an amazing time. It helped me break the mental barrier of being scared.
Being scared of what king
  • JFL
Reactions: lurker999
You should train more regularly qhile on gear, 3x full body is good for natties but gear users need daily training due to having protein synthesis high all the time
Would something like 4x full body and alternate between 1-2 other muscle groups on the 5th-6th day be excessive I feel like the frequency is too high but idk it's probably doable if enhanced
Doesnt qork like that.
Test is a sex hormone, not a anabolic hormone.

If you want acne manboobs and hairloss use test 🫶

Because you always need ai or serms on hand with test, due to how potent androgenic it is and it is shit for building muscle, you are better doing primobolan and dbol more gains less side effects
i don't just want anabolism though since I'm young enough to benefit from increased dimorphism, in that case shouldn't I do test with a mild ai throughout, and minox and ru so my hair follicles don't get damaged?
First cycle should be test only
And you will react good to test it's what your body produces naturally you might not react well with the oil used in the test ester
So as a starter go with 400-500mg testosterone per week and have an ai with you. You will know if you aromatise like a bitch or not. Make sure you are low bf before you start your cycle
And starting with oral only cycle is terrible as orals are more harmful than injections and it doesn't matter if that bald dumbfuck Mike israetel tells you to do an oral only first cycle.
Guys here are too high inhib
  • +1
Reactions: ConfusedBolivian
@DORIAN i was wondering if you could provide any insight
YEah masteron is not androgenic, niggers get hair loss from it because they use it with test, and masteron lowers shbg alot ao it creates a cascade od DHT while blocking estrogen receptors (no bueno)
What if you take dut or fin while applying topical ru58841
just run test, there is no point in running some pussy oral cycle - it's a waste of money and time.

is a cycle of test even viable for someone who wants to avoid their growth plates ossifying

ossification is caused be e, not t - infact higher t will make u grow for longer and delay ossification.
I heard anavar apart from being especially anabolic, increases height velocity and makes your dick bigger if you're young, but at the cost of messing up your lipids, although I'm sure it could be migitated with the necessary ancillaries

Anavar is quite nice, but it's really not a "heavy hitter", it has a low androgen binding ratio, 1:3 (androgen: anabolic) so don't expect a bigger dick. The only real side effect is deterioration in liver function, but you'll be fine if you're running it for 6-8 weeks. I like anavar, but wouldn't run it by itself. Its also quite expensive.

Orals are mostly a cope, they don't do that much, and pretty much all orals are hepatoxic, just run a test only cycle, maybe 200-300mg/ week for ur first cycle to test the waters. I personally ran 500mg for my first cycle, just don't go over 750mg for ur first cycle IMO.

Also, don't listen to the retarded jew mike israel.

I wouldn't use an AI, but have it on hand, use arimidex as it doesn't cross the bb barrier. if you're suspectible to gyno also buy raloxifene and also get some hcg for PCT - I wouldn't worry about clomid for a low test cycle.
I know the gold standard is test but what's a precursive or alternative cycle someone could do as a test run to see how their body responds and how well they aromatise and such? since mike israetel and broderick chavez advises oral only as first cycle, and vigorous steve seems to promote oral cycles. also is a cycle of test even viable for someone who wants to avoid their growth plates ossifying

I heard anavar apart from being especially anabolic, increases height velocity and makes your dick bigger if you're young, but at the cost of messing up your lipids, although I'm sure it could be migitated with the necessary ancillaries

I've heard on a video featuring vigorous steve that halotestin only cycles are basically risk free, but a while ago here there was the sentiment that it destroys your liver unlike anything else

I've also seen tbol suggested but idk much about it


mesterolone doesn't seem like it does anything, a ment only cycle might be easy to recover from but idk, what abt anadrol?
could you go wrong with nolvadex as pct for an oral only cycle? should I even pct at all or should I bridge to a test cycle @ConfusedBolivian what do you think
reposting becouse I got dnr'd

@5.5psl @PsychoDsk @crestfallen @Animal @ConfusedBolivian @SteveRogers @Orc @Lev Peshkov @Dyorotic @bigboi132 @HiddenUzer @Intel.Imperative[/USERa
anavar. and some hcg/enclo you should get leaner becuase the hcg makes you loose bf that will wokr synergistically with the var. maybe run some enclo or kisspeptin after. The hcg should match according to your dosage of the var.
ossification is caused be e, not t - infact higher t will make u grow for longer and delay ossification.

I wouldn't use an AI, but have it on hand, use arimidex as it doesn't cross the bb barrier. if you're suspectible to gyno also buy raloxifene and also get some hcg for PCT - I wouldn't worry about clomid for a low test cycle.
yeah but test would aromatise and increase my estrogen levels, how would I manage that? I especially don't want to nuke them but I don't want them to be high that my grow plates ossify either, also wdym bb barrier do you mean it wouldn't effect my neural function?
@TitusA thoughts

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