What's the fastest way to moneymaxx through a skill?



spinning my wheels
May 10, 2020
Getting an entry-level web job seems to take longer these days because of the increased competition, I am currently thinking digital marketing could be the fastest way to get up and running.
Digital marketing is generic and competitive.
You could do something highly specialized that few others do, such as deep sea diving to fix internet cables.
  • JFL
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Just do a normal job, everything else is cope for most people. There is no quick money
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Just do a normal job, everything else is cope for most people. There is no quick money
I can't get a normal job, besides a stupid sales job. Too many neet years as an oldcel so no one wants to hire me unless I am much better than the young high school graduates.

Also I hate dealing with normies all day. The black normies here just obsessively talk about sex all day which is tough to talk about something you not having.
I can't get a normal job, besides a stupid sales job. Too many neet years as an oldcel so no one wants to hire me unless I am much better than the young high school graduates.

Also I hate dealing with normies all day. The black normies here just obsessively talk about sex all day which is tough to talk about something you not having.
how old are you?
There is a huge demand for people with legit digital marketing skills but the space is full of charlatans and LARPers because of the low barriers to entry

If you do want to start a career in marketing I reccomend getting an entry level job/ apprenticeship/ freelancing for a small and growing startup with a founder who you can work closely with and learn from. You'll be exposed to a wide variety of skills and learning opportunities. At the same time develop your own side projects to put into place what you're learning. After a few years of hard work you can walk in to pretty decent 100% remote jobs. You can also start consulting or your own agency in a specific niche.

Someone I know charges $100/hr as an online marketing consultant 3 years in and hes booked out atm
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There is a huge demand for people with legit digital marketing skills but the space is full of charlatans and LARPers because of the low barriers to entry

If you do want to start a career in marketing I reccomend getting an entry level job/ apprenticeship/ freelancing for a small and growing startup with a founder who you can work closely with and learn from. You'll be exposed to a wide variety of skills and learning opportunities. At the same time develop your own side projects to put into place what you're learning. After a few years of hard work you can walk in to pretty decent 100% remote jobs. You can also start consulting or your own agency in a specific niche.

Someone I know charges $100/hr as an online marketing consultant 3 years in and hes booked out atm
yeah, as a failed webdevcel those skills I learnt could be appreciated more in the digital marketing space. I do have a Wordpress blog I am running, and I am learning Google Analytics now.

In terms of money it doesn't matter for now I just need enough to gymcel and get enough protein
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yeah, as a failed webdevcel those skills I learnt could be appreciated more in the digital marketing space. I do have a Wordpress blog I am running, and I am learning Google Analytics now.

In terms of money it doesn't matter for now I just need enough to gymcel and get enough protein

Yeah basic webdevcelling helps a lot in marketing

Having your own WP blog is a great way to gain and showcase SEO knowledge, and the analytics certification is really good to have too

The #1 skill to learn is copywriting. If you are good at that you can always earn money tbh
Yeah basic webdevcelling helps a lot in marketing

Having your own WP blog is a great way to gain and showcase SEO knowledge, and the analytics certification is really good to have too

The #1 skill to learn is copywriting. If you are good at that you can always earn money tbh
That's the skill I actually want but I am worried about my writing ability. Which is part of the reason I started the blog. Any idea how to get real good without paying for a bajillion dollar course.
That's the skill I actually want but I am worried about my writing ability. Which is part of the reason I started the blog. Any idea how to get real good without paying for a bajillion dollar course.

99% of the courses are snake oil BS but there's a couple of legit ones

Actual writing ability is not usually the road block. Writing in a simple way, just like you talk is generally enough.

The reasons people are bad at copywriting are usually

- they do not understand fundamental marketing principles
- they do not understand psychology/persuasion basic principles
- they have not taken the time to research and truly understand the target audience/customer

Ultimately it's about truly understanding who you are writing for, zeroing in on what motivates them, and capturing that in a concise and engaging way through copy that leads them to take action. Think of it like salesmanship in print.

For style itself, that is very dependant on the 'voice' of the brand and the IQ level of the target audience

I can suggest some steps/resources if you are interested or could make a guide to copywritercelling if it would help
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I can't get a normal job, besides a stupid sales job. Too many neet years as an oldcel so no one wants to hire me unless I am much better than the young high school graduates.

Also I hate dealing with normies all day. The black normies here just obsessively talk about sex all day which is tough to talk about something you not having.
Work on your sales skills and aim for a high-end sales job. Don't do some low-end garbage. The best salesman make in the 200k to 300k range and if you're really committed , it can work. Consider even taking a training program from someone like Taylor Welch, Dan Lok, Jordan Belfort, Grant Cardone. Whatever. These sales courses all teach legit stuff. Nowadays, many new avenues opened up in sales and the new type of sales is all remote with very highly priced products and services in the 2k to 10k range, many times even more. It's a whole different approach to sales as a skill when it comes to selling these more expensive products. Learn this shit well.
99% of the courses are snake oil BS but there's a couple of legit ones

Actual writing ability is not usually the road block. Writing in a simple way, just like you talk is generally enough.

The reasons people are bad at copywriting are usually

- they do not understand fundamental marketing principles
- they do not understand psychology/persuasion basic principles
- they have not taken the time to research and truly understand the target audience/customer

Ultimately it's about truly understanding who you are writing for, zeroing in on what motivates them, and capturing that in a concise and engaging way through copy that leads them to take action. Think of it like salesmanship in print.

For style itself, that is very dependant on the 'voice' of the brand and the IQ level of the target audience

I can suggest some steps/resources if you are interested or could make a guide to copywritercelling if it would help
copywriting could work but I believe that even sales copy is getting more replaceable with better AI
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  • +1
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Work on your sales skills and aim for a high-end sales job. Don't do some low-end garbage. The best salesman make in the 200k to 300k range and if you're really committed , it can work.
Good advice for those that can comfortably afford these courses (quite expensive though) and those who don't look out of place socializing with normies.
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You can try getting into cloud. It's so fucking boring though it made me want to kill myself.
  • JFL
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Depends on what you want to do. One lucrative way could be to learn programming and make bots for mmorpgs. You can then sell the gold for money. I've heard of people doing this as a side gig and making 60+ big ones. a year.

Other than that, I would suggest teaching yourself things through quality sources. For example for programming, skip all the bullshit coursera or youtube courses and go for the university courses from Ivy league schools that teach the same thing. If you invest 50 hours in learning from the unis vs from the YouTube courses, you'd be much better prepared.
  • +1
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99% of the courses are snake oil BS but there's a couple of legit ones

Actual writing ability is not usually the road block. Writing in a simple way, just like you talk is generally enough.

The reasons people are bad at copywriting are usually

- they do not understand fundamental marketing principles
- they do not understand psychology/persuasion basic principles
- they have not taken the time to research and truly understand the target audience/customer

Ultimately it's about truly understanding who you are writing for, zeroing in on what motivates them, and capturing that in a concise and engaging way through copy that leads them to take action. Think of it like salesmanship in print.

For style itself, that is very dependant on the 'voice' of the brand and the IQ level of the target audience

I can suggest some steps/resources if you are interested or could make a guide to copywritercelling if it would help
yeah, making a guide with the exact steps would be extremely helpful. The reason I pursued web dev first is because the pathway is clearer and progress easier to measure.

Go into as much detail as possible and/or as needed
Depends on what you want to do. One lucrative way could be to learn programming and make bots for mmorpgs. You can then sell the gold for money. I've heard of people doing this as a side gig and making 60+ big ones. a year.

Other than that, I would suggest teaching yourself things through quality sources. For example for programming, skip all the bullshit coursera or youtube courses and go for the university courses from Ivy league schools that teach the same thing. If you invest 50 hours in learning from the unis vs from the YouTube courses, you'd be much better prepared.
How long does it take to make those bots for mmorpgs (if you know programming), how does it compare to mobile app development. Thinking of learning dart and using flutter in the next three months.
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get a trades qualification and work, pays very well and it's manly work
The black normies here just obsessively talk about sex all day which is tough to talk about something you not having.
Black soy
Consider even taking a training program from someone like Taylor Welch, Dan Lok, Jordan Belfort, Grant Cardone. Whatever. These sales courses all teach legit stuff.
Jfl at buying shit from Jewish scammers
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If you’re good at sales and know a lot about technology you could get into tech sales. Most of them around the Bay Area pay 400k some going to 600k even for startups.
Other than that, I would suggest teaching yourself things through quality sources. For example for programming, skip all the bullshit coursera or youtube courses and go for the university courses from Ivy league schools that teach the same thing. If you invest 50 hours in learning from the unis vs from the YouTube courses, you'd be much better prepared.

it seems you can just buy bots.
Get someone who's only about 10-20% ahead of you to teach you. Someone who's far enough ahead but also somehow who isn't 1000x more successful than you so they can't even relate to what level you're at.
Yeah basic webdevcelling helps a lot in marketing

Having your own WP blog is a great way to gain and showcase SEO knowledge, and the analytics certification is really good to have too

The #1 skill to learn is copywriting. If you are good at that you can always earn money tbh
This might actually even become bigger the comming years. Laste years, it was easy to get customers, in economic high times. With recession upcoming, and alot of companies needing to get customers online. And a more fierce competition and less demand.
Getting people in from google searchs,or whereveer, and converting alot of the visitors might become the difference between surving this upcomming time or going out.

I see it in my own service. The last 3 years, I haven't even updated my website. Because new customers I don't want, ecause I have to seel them no because have no time. So why bother. But, that might change again in the future.
99% of the courses are snake oil BS but there's a couple of legit ones

Actual writing ability is not usually the road block. Writing in a simple way, just like you talk is generally enough.

The reasons people are bad at copywriting are usually

- they do not understand fundamental marketing principles
- they do not understand psychology/persuasion basic principles
- they have not taken the time to research and truly understand the target audience/customer

Ultimately it's about truly understanding who you are writing for, zeroing in on what motivates them, and capturing that in a concise and engaging way through copy that leads them to take action. Think of it like salesmanship in print.

For style itself, that is very dependant on the 'voice' of the brand and the IQ level of the target audience

I can suggest some steps/resources if you are interested or could make a guide to copywritercelling if it would help
A guide will be highly appreciated ngl

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