What’s the proper response when someone outside picks a fight



Jan 11, 2020
I often go out late at night so meet a lotta rowdy people, I just yell back and go.

but what happens in a fist fight? seems like the only options are hospital or jail
Fire a gun
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you're only go to go to jail if you're dumb enough to stick around and wait for the cops to try to show what a good citizen you are jfl. Knock them out, and leave, fast.
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why would you go to jail? how? do you leave a card in his pocket with your name and adress or what
you're only go to go to jail if you're dumb enough to stick around and wait for the cops to try to show what a good citizen you are jfl. Knock them out, and leave, fast.



This video sums it up well:
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hospital or jail? learn to fucking fight and if someone calls the cops after u beat him up jzst run
So someone attacks you and you beat him up and you still end up in jail? What kind of shit law is that?
just kill them lol
So someone attacks you and you beat him up and you still end up in jail? What kind of shit law is that?
Yeah is something like excessive force. You’re only supposed to use as much as necessary and with the adrenaline pumping you can’t always tell what that is

that is discounting freak accidents where they get knocked out and fall on the street and die
Yeah is something like excessive force. You’re only supposed to use as much as necessary and with the adrenaline pumping you can’t always tell what that is

that is discounting freak accidents where they get knocked out and fall on the street and die
Then just run or scream like a woman.

How tall are you?
Type of thread is this?

Knock him down with a punch to the jaw, stomp on his face a few times and run as fast as you can. Don’t wait for the cops to come.
Use your nofap superpowers to knock them out with full force then flee like speedy gonzales
you're only go to go to jail if you're dumb enough to stick around and wait for the cops to try to show what a good citizen you are jfl. Knock them out, and leave, fast.
>boomer forgets that HD CCTVs exist and are everywhere these days

Unless your face is covered you'll be identified easily.
>boomer forgets that HD CCTVs exist and are everywhere these days

Unless your face is covered you'll be identified easily.

the vast majority of violent crimes go unreported, and the majority of reported violent crimes remain unsolved. I knocked a guy out in front of a club in australia in 2010, and there were multiple witnesses and presumably a CCTV somewhere. I was never heard boo about the incident. That same year i was jumped by 4 guys and ended up with bite wound on my hand and massive black eye before my own friends arrived and evened the odds. I reported that incident to the police, in person, the very next day and even gave them the address of one of the guys that jumped me. You know what happened? absolutely nothing.

its not like police have a department that just sits there reviewing CCTV footage all day long and trying to identify crimes and criminals, lmfao. No report, no care. If report > maybe care, but probably more pressing matters to attend to
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the vast majority of violent crimes go unreported
keyword: unreported

Of course the cops won't take action if the crime wasn't reported.

unreported doesn't mean unidentified

You know what happened? absolutely nothing.
Depending on where you live there are plenty of tactics to get the lazy cops to actually take action.

And nothing was stopping you from going through with a civil lawsuit on your own against the perps. You know you can subpoena CCTV footage as a private citizen too, right?
keyword: unreported

Of course the cops won't take action if the crime wasn't reported.

unreported doesn't mean unidentified

Depending on where you live there are plenty of tactics to get the lazy cops to actually take action.

And nothing was stopping you from going through with a civil lawsuit on your own against the perps. You know you can subpoena CCTV footage as a private citizen too, right?

did you miss the 2nd part, the majority of REPORTED violent crimes go unsolved too. Police do not have the resources to trying to solve literally every miscellaneous assault that happens on a daily basis. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-ta...t-and-property-crimes-in-the-u-s-go-unsolved/

its just not that important. Socially, people crying about getting smacked around is the equivalent of spilled milk.

> nothing was stopping you from going through with a civil lawsuit on your

yes there was: time and dignity. I healed up just fine. Old mate got what was coming to him.

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