What's Your Favorite Looksmax Copypasta?


Deleted member 64942

Strive for Excellence or Perish
Feb 29, 2024
I'll start, last night some dumb 16 year old sent me this:

Except i graduated at 16 with a 4.0 gpa while being a masters in Neuropharmacology, quantum physics, molecular biology, dermatology, cognitive science, neurology, biochemistry, genetics, cellular biology, developmental biology, physiology

Nah but ill 100% fail

Also did i forget to mention that everyone on my family's a lawyer or doctor?
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ou’re not a gifted man, you’re the bottom of society, an old incel who gets laughed at by everyone and your family is ashamed of you

You’re a 30 year old incel who cries about not getting laid and still posting on the teen forum about islam take over. What a sad fate

you will never represent a young girls erotic dream. you will never be wanted. girls will never look sexually at you.
no girl will touch herself at night over you. you will never be loved, valued or care about at all.
  • JFL
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Reactions: Deleted member 64942 and Deleted member 65752
Don`t know it it countd as a copypasta but the 30 year old pajeet tbh ngl
Reincarnation and the white tunnel of light

You know how anyone who's had a near death experience talks about having seen a tunnel of light appear in front of them? Or having met members of their family who had passed away? In some rare cases, even having met and spoken to who they thought was God? What you need to know is that the tunnel of light that appears when we die is a trap designed to wipe the whole memory of our last incarnation and to recycle our souls into another body thus keeping us in an infinite loop here on Earth. Because of this, the overwhelming majority of people walking the Earth have total amnesia and don't remember anything about their past existences nor anything from the periods in-between their lives. If you do some research though, you will notice that there is however a small number of people world-wide who are able to recall very specific details regarding who they were, what they did for a living, where they lived in a past life, etc(evidence 1,evidence 2,evidence 3,evidence 4).

How do we know these people aren't making up their stories? There's lots of people out there who have been able to bring very solid pieces of evidence to sustain their claims and those claims can be verified: (verified evidence 1,verified evidence 2,verified evidence 3,verified evidence 4, verified evidence 5) which shows that reincarnation is a very real phenomenon, despite what some of the world's religions claim to happen to the soul when a person dies. The reason these people's memories have only been partially erased and not fully erased remains unknown for now.

The reason people that went through near death experiences didn't come back with their memories wiped is because unlike people who have died, they didn't end up entering the tunnel of light. Instead, they managed to return to their bodies and lived to tell what they experienced on the other side, hence the term 'near death experience'.

GIGACOPE. The Tunnel of Light that one will envision at the end of their life actually represents the Absolute reality, according to the Tibetan Book of the Dead, as expounded by Giga Mogger Buddhist Sage-Warrior Padmasambhava


The Bardo Thodol is primarily concerned with helping those who have entered the intermediate state to elevate themselves into a new reality, thereby escaping the life, death, bardo, and rebirth cycle. This is accomplished through the reading of instructions to help the confused, disembodied soul find its way through the bardos, or levels of the dream state the dead enter into following separation from their physical forms. There are three bardos encapsulating various aspects of the afterlife realm, in which the living whisper instructions of comfort, peace, and guidance to the deceased.

The First Bardo is the stage of the afterlife that occurs immediately after death. At the beginning of the First Bardo, instructions are read in an attempt to help the dead accept what is called the Clear Light, which helps the soul understand death as the ultimate existence. If the soul can embrace this truth, it will remain in the Clear Light forever, thus escaping the cycle. If not, the soul will sink into the Secondary Clear Light and then move into the Second Bardo.

The Second Bardo is a two-week period divided in half, in which the soul is met by numerous spiritual beings. In the first week, the Peaceful Deities appear to the soul. Seven deities appear, one for each day of the week, bringing their magnificent glory before the soul. If the soul is able to stand before the first deity, it will reach Nirvana, the aforementioned ultimate existence. If not, the soul descends from one day to the next, passing or failing the tests of each deity. In each case, the soul will be reborn into gradually decreasing states of existence, with the final state being reborn as an animal.

During the second week, the soul is met by seven legions of Wrathful Deities, which are actually just the Peaceful Deities in disguise. The instructions to the soul are to be still and unafraid in their presence. If the soul runs away, it will pass down to the Third Bardo, but if it stands its ground it will be liberated.

The dreaded Lord of Death awaits the soul in the Third Bardo. He judges the soul using a mirror that shows all the good and evil deeds of the soul. If the soul can realize through the instructions being read that the Lord of Death and all his minions are merely imaginations of its own mind, the soul can still be liberated. However, if the soul gives way to fear, it will be reborn once more, trapped again in the cycle.

TLDR: It has been clinically documented that the vast majority of people in the Near Death State go through a "recap" of their life as though they were watching a film. Without a doubt, the Bardo Thodol is right in its assertations that the consciousness is exposed to visions and illusions that represent our mind's greatest subconscious anchors. If you lived a life of anger and wrath, that impress upon your mind will be brought before your consciousness without your control. The human mind uses symbols to personify things to give them meaning. "Low Energy" shit will be visualized in the form of things that invoke fear within you, such as the creation of demons, or angels- akin to an LSD trip.

SUPER TLDR: This Buddha Sage nigga who wrote this book implores the reader to disregard every vision as illusionary and to solely focus on the clear light. He prepares the reader to remember that the visions and illusions will appear MORE attractive than the clear light but are ultimately a mirage leading to other states of conscious being OTHER than the Absolute. The Clear Light apparently isn't that easy of a thing to actually realize upon death. :feelshehe::feelshehe:

Thoughts? :feelsgiga::feelsgiga:
very redpilled thinking.

you're saying steph curry's fame > Gandy's looks. I almost laughed dead serious.

that's why I made this thread.

we need to stop saying "muuhh autists made a system"
the system is based on research, what women themselves say, high IQ observation and consensus.
It's the closest thing we have to an accurate system. you should be lucky you even found this site dead serious.
don't come to a place and disrespect all the work that went into it.
so sad what this place has become. I'd be happy if this place disappeared forever so the knowledge isn't wasted on people who don't deserve it and don't even feel like they need any of it.

a lot of niggas call hunter eyes cope and don't even know that hunter eyes, as a term and concept, wasn't created here, it was created by women on a different forum talking about features they like. they did autistic comparisons and ended up agreeing on the same types of eyes being ideal, and calling them hunter-like.

and TBH they've always been ideal, throughout history, we just have a better understanding of them here.
whereas the girls just used vague terms like deep, mysterious, hunter-like, piercing,
the high IQ guys here did the research and connected all the dots for us.
We know exactly what makes a male eye attractive now, down to measurements and angles.

the system is high IQ, not autistic.
the aspies who were here, who did have high IQ, you should be grateful for them.

most of the people here are linked together by being above average IQ and just wanting to look better
and improve their position in life.
not by autism.

  • +1
Reactions: BrahminBoss
very redpilled thinking.

you're saying steph curry's fame > Gandy's looks. I almost laughed dead serious.

that's why I made this thread.

we need to stop saying "muuhh autists made a system"
the system is based on research, what women themselves say, high IQ observation and consensus.
It's the closest thing we have to an accurate system. you should be lucky you even found this site dead serious.
don't come to a place and disrespect all the work that went into it.
so sad what this place has become. I'd be happy if this place disappeared forever so the knowledge isn't wasted on people who don't deserve it and don't even feel like they need any of it.

a lot of niggas call hunter eyes cope and don't even know that hunter eyes, as a term and concept, wasn't created here, it was created by women on a different forum talking about features they like. they did autistic comparisons and ended up agreeing on the same types of eyes being ideal, and calling them hunter-like.

and TBH they've always been ideal, throughout history, we just have a better understanding of them here.
whereas the girls just used vague terms like deep, mysterious, hunter-like, piercing,
the high IQ guys here did the research and connected all the dots for us.
We know exactly what makes a male eye attractive now, down to measurements and angles.

the system is high IQ, not autistic.
the aspies who were here, who did have high IQ, you should be grateful for them.

most of the people here are linked together by being above average IQ and just wanting to look better
and improve their position in life.
not by autism.

  • +1
Reactions: iblamejews
This basically confirms its him. He is known to be visiting and lurking incel infested sites, he is extremely narcissistic so much that he often jerks his faggy cock to his own image both in photos, mirrors and even windows with good reflection so its no wonder he constantly makes threads about himself, he is aspie as fuck (as proved in interviews you can find on youtube) and incel sites such as lookism are his natural habitat where he feels at home.
We can conclude this mirror-jerking self obsessed low IQ faggot who cant stop cumming on his neighbour's highly reflective windows is posting on this site (he has a lot of free time as a rich useless model) as anonymous user, usually after he is done with self jerking in a cum-resistant coated mirror.
  • JFL
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