What's your favorite race?



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Aug 14, 2018
I would have to say Greeks tbh, just imagine having aesthetics like this.

2theo theodoridis
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Favorite race is central european or alpinid - best looking on AVERAGE
when speaking of absolutes, mediterranean Chad is Chad of all Chads (as opposed to Nordic Chad)

I have the same skin tone and hair as this gyro nigger but ogreish arab face
150 meters
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German/Scottish ethnicity master race.
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Nordics can often have narrow skulls and bad maxillas, but we also often have good skulls and great maxillas. Plus were tall as fuck and the general facial asthethics are generally not bad. Altough alot of us have ugly super light blond hair, looks like shit.
Favorite race is central european or alpinid - best looking on AVERAGE
when speaking of absolutes, mediterranean Chad is Chad of all Chads (as opposed to Nordic Chad)

I have the same skin tone and hair as this gyro nigger but ogreish arab face
Nordic Chad's can slay JBs with easy due to their pretty boy aesthetics, med Chad's usually have to settle for used goods.
celts are subhuman and anglo-saxons figured it out long ago
Anglos in general aren't that GL tbh.
Nordics can often have narrow skulls and bad maxillas
Nordics have insane jaws and square skulls (even the fucking women)
It's the arabs and mediterraneans who are usually long-skulled (dolicocephalic)

But I think square jaw in nordics indicates mongoloid admixture. Some nordics look like fucking asians
Nordic Chad's can slay JBs with easy due to their pretty boy aesthetics, med Chad's usually have to settle for used goods.
Well everyone's going to vouch for their own race. But I never seen a nordic gigachad, they lack the melanin and the dark mysterious features

Anglos in general aren't that GL tbh.

1800s scientific racism. Irish / native britons were seen as subhuman and non-white
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Good looking people are the best race
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French girls are the most gl of all races ngl
Nordics have insane jaws and square skulls (even the fucking women)
It's the arabs and mediterraneans who are usually long-skulled (dolicocephalic)

But I think square jaw in nordics indicates mongoloid admixture. Some nordics look like fucking asians

Well everyone's going to vouch for their own race. But I never seen a nordic gigachad, they lack the melanin and the dark mysterious features


1800s scientific racism. Irish / native britons were seen as subhuman and non-white
I'm not Nordic or Germanic though.
Germanics/Nordics are top tier in terms of aesthetics.
Although shorter than Nordics, they look good
However I'm biased about my opinion
your women start rotting at 15 and by 18 they look like 100 year olds.
Lol, idc I don't live in a slav country. Also Slavic women are notorious coalburners/chapati consumers.
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Lol, idc I don't live in a slav country. Also Slavic women are notorious coalburners/chapati consumers.
they tend to have double digit IQs
That's like a morphed version of my dad if he didn't let himself go.

Mine is East Asian.

I love the people and culture.
how is your dick feeling after 7 days
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The reversed racist thread :feelshehe:
Lol, idc I don't live in a slav country. Also Slavic women are notorious coalburners/chapati consumers.

and wtf do you mean by "chapati consumer"?
Favorite race is central european or alpinid - best looking on AVERAGE
when speaking of absolutes, mediterranean Chad is Chad of all Chads (as opposed to Nordic Chad)

I have the same skin tone and hair as this gyro nigger but ogreish arab face
just LOL alpinid is sort bloated round face weak chin shit eyes.
nordics also are not good looking the robust chads of the north are CM
Favorite race is central european or alpinid - best looking on AVERAGE
when speaking of absolutes, mediterranean Chad is Chad of all Chads (as opposed to Nordic Chad)

I have the same skin tone and hair as this gyro nigger but ogreish arab face
Northern & Eastern Europeans (for women only) both look better.
Lol, idc I don't live in a slav country. Also Slavic women are notorious coalburners/chapati consumers.
only in the West where they are themselves considered 2nd class
meant central european like czechs, croats, etc. Not the bloated finngoloid phenotype
And wtf is CM
cro-magnoid sub -race. Basically the tall robust chad of the north. They have wide face, square jaw, deepset eyes and strong browridges.
I hear Moroccan guys are pretty good looking
cro-magnoid sub -race. Basically the tall robust chad of the north. They have wide face, square jaw, deepset eyes and strong browridges.
classify me
the human race
Male: Nordic
Female: African
My balls feel amazing after I showered. I've never felt this sensation before.

So full yet feel "smooth."
usually the streak will be going fine and then i stumble upon some instagram cumdumpster thot and I have nothing else to do so I fap.
amerinds in general.
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