What's Your Looksmaxing Daily Routine?



Dec 2, 2019
share it like your skin/hair routine your workout or whatever and what other things you're planning to do as well
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fapping to mike mew
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  • JFL
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  • JFL
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Reactions: needsolution, Ritalincell, Gazzamogga and 9 others
Eat healthy and lose bf
Workout at home since gym is closed while trying to get a tan

About it atm
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Reactions: AlexHeally
-Wake up,post on looksmax for 3 hrs
-lift weights
-post on looksmax for 3 hrs
-use red light lamp for 1 hr
-post on looksmax for 2 hrs
-Apply moisturizer go to bed
-Can't sleep,post on looksmax for 3 hrs
  • JFL
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Reactions: Chadelite, THEMOGEE, Deleted member 2227 and 4 others
it's over for me, so I don't care.
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Reactions: Deleted member 2227
it's over for me, so I don't care.
.co still effecting the way you think
it's okay if it's over for you, but having healthy life is for yourself at the end and for your mental health not just about women
.co still effecting the way you think
I'm barely a 4/10 looksmaxed into the moon (grooming, teeth, visible abs, etc.) You wouldn't care either if your hard genetic ceiling required a six-figure salary just to find a gold-digging landwhale who'll date you for your money.
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Eat basically only lean protein, exercise and mew
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I'm barely a 4/10 looksmaxed into the moon (grooming, teeth, visible abs, etc.) You wouldn't care either if your hard genetic ceiling required a six-figure salary just to find a gold-digging landwhale who'll date you for your money.
escorts then, and I don't know how you look so I can't really judge but you may not be 4/10 after looksmaxing as you imagine
again it's not over then you give up everything in life, you're having decent healthy life for yourself anyway and for your health not just to date women
but having healthy life is for yourself at the end and for your mental health not just about women
you're having decent healthy life for yourself anyway and for your health not just to date women

All a healthy lifestyle would do is add unwanted years to my life. My lifestyle is absolutely not healthy: I flood my brain with escapist media and toxic blackpill communities, I abuse controlled substances to sedate myself and facilitate a hobby that's barely a step up from stamp collecting, and I live in nigh complete isolation from the real world. Indeed, I would be "lucky" to live past sixty if I continued this lifestyle indefinitely.

escorts then
Been there done that. These days, escorts are so swamped with proposals from clients that they no longer have to put even meager effort into pleasing paying customers because they are so abundant. The experience is so impersonal and degrading that it's no longer worth the exorbitant cost or risk of jail time.
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Reactions: AlexHeally
wake up
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Reactions: AlexHeally
Wake up, apply lip gloss, put on moisturizer, put on a wig, put make up on, get a skirt, push flour packs up into my chest area, and go to downtown to please some escortcels
  • JFL
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Reactions: lookismfugee and AlexHeally
All a healthy lifestyle would do is add unwanted years to my life. My lifestyle is absolutely not healthy: I flood my brain with escapist media and toxic blackpill communities, I abuse controlled substances to sedate myself and facilitate a hobby that's barely a step up from stamp collecting, and I live in nigh complete isolation from the real world. Indeed, I would be "lucky" to live past sixty if I continued this lifestyle indefinitely.
it's your life anyway and you choose to live it that way, instead you can be healthy, making friends, getting a job and so on I know that those stuff rely on looks too but not completely so you can have success with them, there's a lot of ugly people that manged to success in their life beside dating women, you can focus more in the things that you can control in your life instead of things that you can't
but not because you're ugly to date women you choose to give up everything in life that's pathetic
I hope you get better soon bro
I don't looksmax
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Reactions: AlexHeally
  • Wake up and stretch for 10-15 minutes
  • Breakfast
  • Skincare
  • TV
  • arguing and get my T high by fighting with guys on looksmax.me
  • Watch a movie
  • Check if I have homework
  • Watching YouTube videos
  • Tweeze my facial hair
  • Skincare
  • Jerk off
  • Sleep
  • +1
Reactions: Chadelite and AlexHeally
making friends, getting a job
Both those things are out of my reach, as proven by countless failed attempts even at a rudimentary level.
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Reactions: AlexHeally
Both those things are out of my reach, as proven by countless failed attempts even at a rudimentary level.
keep on trying and you will have success eventually, again remember no one will want to have a friend that looking at life with this negative perspective and living his life in this pathetic way, you need to change yourself first before you try making friends
what about jobs? there's tons of jobs that doesn't rely on looks at all, it's your fault then not the fault of your looks, keep trying and you will get a job eventually
keep on trying and you will have success eventually, again remember no one will want to have a friend that looking at life with this negative perspective and living his life in this pathetic way, you need to change yourself first before you try making friends
what about jobs? there's tons of jobs that doesn't rely on looks at all, it's your fault then not the fault of your looks, keep trying and you will get a job eventually
You think it was always like this? Keep Chadsplaining to a guy you've never even spoken to or met jfl.
  • JFL
Reactions: AlexHeally
You think it was always like this? Keep Chadsplaining to a guy you've never even spoken to or met jfl.
nah bro I'm not chadsplaining I'm just trying to help you, I'm not the best at giving advice anyway
nah bro I'm not chadsplaining I'm just trying to help you, I'm not the best at giving advice anyway
I am 25 years old. Everyone my age is already firmly entrenched in a social circle and has no reason to offer friendship to a truecel with absolutely nothing going for him in life. The job market is highly competitive, and being up to par requires job experience; with no resume to speak of due to the catch-22 of job experience being unattainable without a job that requires experience to attain, I am permanently unemployable, and the situation only gets worse each time my birthday strikes on the calendar. There is no hope -- absolutely no hope -- of escape.
I am 25 years old. Everyone my age is already firmly entrenched in a social circle and has no reason to offer friendship to a truecel with absolutely nothing going for him in life.
so you proved my point , "nothing going for him in life", you need to change yourself first no one would like to be a friend with a guy living his life in this pathetic way or with this mentality, I've seen ugly guys that will get told here it's over having so many friends than what some good looking have, I don't think most people pick their friends based on how good looking they are, cause logically what if he's good looking for example what would you do with his good looks as a guy? nothing.
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so you proved my point , "nothing going for him in life", you need to change yourself first no one would like to be a friend with a guy living his life in this pathetic way or with this mentality, I've seen ugly guys that will get told here it's over having so many friends than what some good looking have, I don't think most people pick their friends based on their looks, cause logically what if he's good looking for example what would he do with his good looks as a guy? nothing.
You don't get what I'm clearly spelling out for you. There is no hope for me to have anything going for me in life. There is absolutely nothing I can change about myself that will give me any. Not a single solitary thing.
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Reactions: AlexHeally
You don't get what I'm clearly spelling out for you. There is no hope for me to have anything going for me in life. There is absolutely nothing I can change about myself that will give me any. Not a single solitary thing.
if you think that nothing you can do in your life already then nothing gonna happen, you already have a defeated mentality, you already lost even if there's a good chance
if you think that nothing you can do in your life already then nothing gonna happen, you already have a defeated mentality, you already lost even if there's a good chance
There is no chance. It's over. The best thing for me to do is cut my losses, which I've already done by resigning from the rat race.
  • +1
Reactions: AlexHeally
There is no chance. It's over. The best thing for me to do is cut my losses, which I've already done by resigning from the rat race.
whatever you like, it's your life and it's your choices anyway, I'm just hoping the best for you whatever choice you choose bro
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Reactions: KingOfRome
whatever you like, it's your life and it's your choices anyway, I'm just hoping the best for you whatever choice you choose bro
Thank you.
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Reactions: AlexHeally
I'm barely a 4/10 looksmaxed into the moon (grooming, teeth, visible abs, etc.) You wouldn't care either if your hard genetic ceiling required a six-figure salary just to find a gold-digging landwhale who'll date you for your money.
What are your failos other than height?
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ACA43C42 AF2D 47F2 B209 A2F76EC75A47
  • JFL
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Wake up
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What are your failos other than height?
Norwood 2.5, thin wispy hair, beta "prey" eyes with NCT, protruding ears, small chin, short ramus, thin wrists.
  • So Sad
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Norwood 2.5, thin wispy hair, beta "prey" eyes with NCT, protruding ears, small chin, short ramus, thin wrists.
Do you have a compact midface?
I post on looksmax for 12 hours daily
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