Whats your motivation to looksmax?


Deleted member 11054

Nov 30, 2020
Mine is that in my 19-20 years I kind of lived a chad life, with several ltrs with stacys even though I was not at my peak at the time. Now, after 3 years of a horrible relationship, I am taking care of myself again and I confess that thinking about what my life was like 3 years ago, gives me a huge motivation. Someone with a similar story? Feel free to say your motivation
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This is not a looksmaxxing forum.
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Because its hell to be balding and I want it to stop
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I need to be pretty because ugly people are worthless trash
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Mine is that in my 19-20 years I kind of lived a chad life, with several ltrs with stacys even though I was not at my peak at the time. Now, after 3 years of a horrible relationship, I am taking care of myself again and I confess that thinking about what my life was like 3 years ago, gives me a huge motivation. Someone with a similar story? Feel free to say your motivation
I dont like the idea that there is someone better than me. I always have the imagination that someone could come in and steal my gf ,dont have one rn but that thought basicly prevents me from getting one
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Mine is that in my 19-20 years I kind of lived a chad life, with several ltrs with stacys even though I was not at my peak at the time. Now, after 3 years of a horrible relationship, I am taking care of myself again and I confess that thinking about what my life was like 3 years ago, gives me a huge motivation. Someone with a similar story? Feel free to say your motivation
also I should add. I'm not tha superficial that I would leave my gf for someone who looks better, but I couldn't blame her for doing it . idk it's weird. also I'm not worried about someone who looks slightly better . I'm talking about serious mog
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I dont like the idea that there is someone better than me. I always have the imagination that someone could come in and steal my gf ,dont have one rn but that thought basicly prevents me from getting one
I have a similar thought
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I dont like the idea that there is someone better than me. I always have the imagination that someone could come in and steal my gf ,dont have one rn but that thought basicly prevents me from getting one
you need help
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I've never had a any issues with confidence or girls in my life. I'm now in my 20's and would like to look a bit more masculine, I started a band last year and we started getting some filming done, I didn't like how my jaw looked, not recessed just a tad weak, similar to Cole Sprouse. I googled Cole Sprouse's jaw, found this website and signed up to learn how to better myself. Now I'm planning a liposuction for my chin/neck and if that doesn't work, a genioplasty (since lockdown is on in UK my band is doing nothing anyway).. and I've also learned a lot about skincare here.

A lot of people are here just to troll and self loathe, but many here are dead serious on improving themselves and those are the ones you want to talk to.
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Mine is that in my 19-20 years I kind of lived a chad life, with several ltrs with stacys even though I was not at my peak at the time. Now, after 3 years of a horrible relationship, I am taking care of myself again and I confess that thinking about what my life was like 3 years ago, gives me a huge motivation. Someone with a similar story? Feel free to say your motivation
Everything fulfilling revolves around human relationships and especially those with the opposite sex. Without this life is empty , you simply go through the actions of the day mechanically. But when you know after work your cute gf is waiting back in ur studio apartment and the long nights you spend up together, that is what you will remeber on your death bed. All a subhuman remembers is wageslaving , then roping... or worse marrying some whore who he resents because while he studied stem and never got laid she was partying and fucking a new chad every week
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At this point there are 2 huge reasons....
1. Be the best I can be and get rid of my insecurities and flaws. Mainly, better skin, losing about 30 more lbs and ultimately getting the hairline lowering surgery...

2. Being able to slay well above average girls. I can slay 4-6 which is still pretty cool. But if I can “slay” 7s and maybe 8s I’ll be at peace
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Everything fulfilling revolves around human relationships and especially those with the opposite sex. Without this life is empty , you simply go through the actions of the day mechanically. But when you know after work your cute gf is waiting back in ur studio apartment and the long nights you spend up together, that is what you will remeber on your death bed. All a subhuman remembers is wageslaving , then roping... or worse marrying some whore who he resents because while he studied stem and never got laid she was partying and fucking a new chad every week
This is it. I think there is no harm in benefiting your look, as long as it's for yourself. I see some people on here who want to look better just to get a high count of girls in the future, one night stands and just a lot of stuff that until you've experienced it, isn't fun at all. A meaningful relationship with a girl that likes you for you and knows your interests and what you like is far more ideal, and you'll never forget it.
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also I should add. I'm not tha superficial that I would leave my gf for someone who looks better, but I couldn't blame her for doing it . idk it's weird. also I'm not worried about someone who looks slightly better . I'm talking about serious mog
Interesting. I'm not worried of this because I'm ok alone too. There are too many people on this planet to be worried about any, especially because they follow their monkey instincts. Except close family.
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I have a few reasons, but here are my main 2.

First and obviously, im tired of living as a physically repulsive subhuman. Im a LITERAL KHHV and im turning 23 next month... the prime of a mans life is somewhere around the age of what... 18-25??? Forget about missing out on teen love (although yes, that too is incredibly brutal for me to think about), I have spent literally spend 80% of my prime AGE as a KHHV. After 25, it is literally all downhill from there, as in you're are no longer in your prime anymore and you start to slowly: physically, mentally, and emotionally deteriorate. Ascending in your 30s is literally WORTHLESS and actually you will look like a low value weird freak from a social standpoint, if people find out you were a virgin pretty much your entire life, and only manage to ascend in your 30s. So i want to be able to ascend sometime in the next two years, by gymcelling hard as fuck and getting into the best shape of my life, and i also plan on at the very least getting jaw surgery before 25. If i dont manage to ascend by 25 even after that, then ill give myself the rest of my 20s while trying to finish out the rest of my surgeries (nose, eye area, and buccal fat removal). If even after ALL OF THIS, if i dont manage to ascend in my 20s, and im still a virgin by the time i reach 30... then i will honestly consider sui like no cap. There can be no brutal realization and better push for me to commit sui, then to be a virgin at the age of 30, especially after doing all that i possibly could've humanly done to make myself more physically attractive.

Second reason.... revenge, absolute and complete revenge on the entirety of the female gender. If i manage to become a chad or even just a chadlite through my looksmaxxing process... oh boy lmao. I will fuck every girl i can from plain jane-to stacy and will proceed to treat them like absolute garbage while doing it, only to dump them brutally and then pick up another girl right in front of them. I want to see these whore's tears. My entire life up to this point, females have treated me like complete trash for simply existing as a physically undesirable male, its only fair that i return the favor.

No, i dont plan on ever having a family with children, as that's obviously counter-productive to aforementioned plan stated above, also because... i refuse to pass this burden on to another being, much less my own children. Remember plastic surgery is altering your PHYSICAL EXTERNAL APPEARENCE, you are not altering your genetic code. You may acquire the looks of a chad, but you do not have his genes. The thought of me passing on this brutal kind of life, to my children whom i would obviously dearly love, is too much for me to handle. Imagine if you will, you have a child, even worse... a son. A son who was unfortunate enough to inherit most of YOUR genes. You being blackpilled do everything you can to make your so as chaddy as you can make him, feed him the right diet, teaching him proper posture and breathing, make sure he has the proper sleep schedule, make him active and work out/excersise, getting him into sports, and teaching him to not give a fuck and be a dark triad narcassistic PoS. But due to extreme nature of female hypergamy which consistently gets worse every passing generation, he still doesn't quite measure up to the standards, (for instance last generation, the millenials the "sexy tall height" magical number was 6ft, in the current zoomer generation it is like 6'2-6'3, 20 years from now it will be like 6'4-6'6, mark my fucking words!).

As i said, you've done everything you can for him naturally, but it just doesnt measure up. No female will want to go for him since he doesn't measure up to their standards... what is their left you can do NATURALLY for him...??? He will get up everyday and look into the mirror as see what you saw when you were his age, a physically repulsive subhuman that should've been aborted at birth. He look at his parents and see his chad dad and average looking mother (remember hypergamy :lul:), and ask himself "what the fuck happened with me!?" He will eventually become depressed and isolate himself, stowing himself away in his room, away from the world. How could you bear it mentally to have to witness your own son go through something like that...? Will you have the balls... to come clean to him and tell him the truth about who you are? Or do you plan on just blaming the mother. Honestly, better to avoid this entire predicament by just not having children anyway and just fucking away happily till you croak tbh.
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Simple: everyone treats you better when you're good looking
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Why i shouldnt do it ?
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Being sub-tyrone is a waste of time, life only starts being htn tbh.
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Interesting. I'm not worried of this because I'm ok alone too. There are too many people on this planet to be worried about any, especially because they follow their monkey instincts. Except close family.
actually let me rephrase that . I thought about it and came to the conclusion I have a mad inferior complex. idc if my gf would cheat on a guy uglier than me. JFL at that loser idc for him. I'm superior. but would piss me off that my gf would sleep with a dude that's below me basicly putting us on the same lvl. if she would cheat with a better looking dude tho I would feel inferior and scared she leaves me and I couldn't blame her for that
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I think my future children will ask someday how does someone improve his life.
And I want to answer them by example.
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Life quality
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I am 43 years of age.. personally I have chosen to looksmax.. because I value my health and Sanity.. let's be honest out there.. men 35 + look horrible they are balding and they lack exercise diet and nutrition... I refuse to live that way or look that way.. even though it may be a futile attempt dating apps I did get pro pics done today.. if I meet somebody I look at it as maybe a plus and if I don't I will see maybe better results my pictures.. I I am tired having messages rejected by land whale fat slob up pig Beast women.. I am gymaxing maxing I am Health maxing and I am going balls-to-the-wall .. I wish all men on this form the best of luck in their goals and journey.. I am taking mine..
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Self validation & self esteem
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I love all the young Men on this fourm thinking they are done at 25..I am 43 and I am going to slay Milf pussy..Mog all of you
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I love all the young Men on this fourm thinking they are done at 25..I am 43 and I am going to slay Milf pussy..Mog all of you
Pathetic go and create a family
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I mainly do it because I feel like a pester to people if I’m not good looking, like an annoyance to look at and I wanna make people feel good seeing me and don’t wanna feel like genetic trash. I felt extremely insecure in my relationships cause I didn’t think I was good enough for them so I’m tryna change that so I’m not just some pathetic loser
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And I guess I got fucked over by some people in the past and it would be an FU to them to see that I’m doing better just because enhancing your looks opens up so many more opportunities
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At this point there are 2 huge reasons....
1. Be the best I can be and get rid of my insecurities and flaws. Mainly, better skin, losing about 30 more lbs and ultimately getting the hairline lowering surgery...

2. Being able to slay well above average girls. I can slay 4-6 which is still pretty cool. But if I can “slay” 7s and maybe 8s I’ll be at peace
I wanna being able to slay 8-9s too, but, im not just wanna beeing able to do this. I want to feel that they are extremely in love and i have the ''power'' to do whatever i want with than, just like a god
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To be loved

To fuck tons of hoes
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Good looking people are treated like they're god by everyone, that's why.
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papi mew's psl gods videos
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Getting some slit

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