What's your thought about IT support if I hate programming?


Deleted member 17244

Slavic beauty
Jan 15, 2022
title. Staying in IT support lifetime would be an option?
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Depressing life
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IT support is completely different from programmers.
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IT support is completely different from programmers.
what do u recommend to me when it comes to IT with no programming? I think of Big Data or IT support
Programmers solve problems by manipulating code, IT support give technical help that's helps clients solve their problems.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 16058, Deleted member 4106 and Deleted member 17244
that's like saying I wanna become the president or a janitor
I just wanna have a remote work and pretty calm job. Making $1500/month after taxes is sufficient for me. Unhappily I can't be a NEET so I need easy, not demanding job
If you don’t wanna do programming, just get a CS masters or maybe MBA or something and get into management
what do u recommend to me when it comes to IT with no programming? I think of Big Data or IT support
Only IT support. All the $$$ tech jobs with no coding go to foids for better gender ratios at companies.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Eggs and Deleted member 17244
Only IT support. All the $$$ tech jobs with no coding go to foids for better gender ratios at companies.
I just need an easy and unstressful job with remote work option. I can't stand being with normies 8h/day + doing work which I hate.
I just need an easy and unstressful job with remote work option. I can't stand being with normies 8h/day + doing work which I hate.
IT support payoff is tied extremly to your location. Most IT support jobs are held in Eastern Europe, but to get that job one needs to know at least 2 foreign languages on C1 level.
Where I live IT support pays good at start, but it never really grows, while programmers are earning almost 2 time less at start, same amout after 3 years of experience and then after 6-7 years of experience programmers earn 2 times more (and thats top with rare exceptions).
Think is, you don't work with tech, you work with people.
So tech-oriented introverted people pick it and end up miserable from working with people.
And if you're good with people you might as well do sales which pays more and doesn't have the nerd stigma.
And if you're good with tech you might do a more legit tech job where you work with tech.
What do you hate abt programming specifically?
depends on the money
what do u recommend to me when it comes to IT with no programming? I think of Big Data or IT support
Hardware! Buying and selling computers, components, building and customizing PCs, etc.

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