When an Incel Finally Gets to Kiss a Girl, this Happens


zyzz007 returns

Jun 26, 2023

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Wtf cringe shit
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my lips get dry when im nervous and id get very nervous before a kiss so any girl would have to have my dry crusty lips pressed against her.
Jfl at my nigger life
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video not loading soemone tell me what happens in the video
Nigga is watching facebook reels
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I’m the biggest locationcel here
I’m aspie and adhd riddled in the most required normie NT country on earth (UK) niggas wonder why I’m incel
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I’m the biggest locationcel here
I’m aspie and adhd riddled in the most required normie NT country on earth (UK) niggas wonder why I’m incel
UK isn't a normie country, it has all kinds of weirdos and good looking girls
I’m the biggest locationcel here
I’m aspie and adhd riddled in the most required normie NT country on earth (UK) niggas wonder why I’m incel
Lol I have both of those diagnosed and didn't struggle with british sluts on vacation, you're just ugly bro 💀:feelskek:
  • Hmm...
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UK isn't a normie country, it has all kinds of weirdos and good looking girls
And those girls and weirdos are ultra NT….

Gigga NT or death in britshitland
They aren't, British people are weird as fuck
No, they aren’t they are ultra NT you don’t live here if you did you’d know they are hyper normies @yeeyeeslayer if you deviate from the norm here even a bit your an social pariah. I have to keep that I love football otherwise I’m seen as weird
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No, they aren’t they are ultra NT you don’t live here if you did you’d know they are hyper normies @yeeyeeslayer if you deviate from the norm here even a bit your an social pariah. I have to keep that I love football otherwise I’m seen as weird
Cope, British people are known to do all kinds of schizo shit, the main singer for Pink Floyd was a schizo who lived on welfare, I've heard stories about British men masturbating in front of a bus station, and I talked to a Brit for three years on discord who never went outside except for school, plus all the fuckiing tiktoks making fun of British social interactions and how depressed and pessimistic they are. British people are some of the weirdest mfs on Earth
Cope, British people are known to do all kinds of schizo shit, the main singer for Pink Floyd was a schizo who lived on welfare, I've heard stories about British men masturbating in front of a bus station, and I talked to a Brit for three years on discord who never went outside except for school, plus all the fuckiing tiktoks making fun of British social interactions and how depressed and pessimistic they are. British people are some of the weirdest mfs on Earth
Status doesn’t equate to NTness :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelstastyman:
You of all ppl should know this I doubt your a retard or dumb as you escaped the cult of Islam so you must have a brain that works.

Oh just read the rest of what you said. Well those are the non NTs that live here notice how they end up becoming mentally unstable because the isolation that Brits do to them makes them go mad bless their souls.

It’s not really pessimism it’s jsut how we are we are very black humour as a culture. Unlike Americans who seek to represent their nation as the best and greatest at all times we Brits like to meme on eachother but to foreigners you idiots take our memes seriously :hnghn:and think we are seriously when it’s just “banter” and we have a good laugh
Lol I have both of those diagnosed and didn't struggle with british sluts on vacation, you're just ugly bro 💀:feelskek:
:feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman: Nah I’m just non NT. Or more likely you have 0 standards, I could fuck dumb 4-5/10 club sluts if I wanted but there’s no dopamine in doing that. Sure I admit I’m a standardcel I could care less but reality is you have no standsrs. Where did you go which city as my success rates increase snd decrease depending on where I am
:feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman: Nah I’m just non NT. Or more likely you have 0 standards, I could fuck dumb 4-5/10 club sluts if I wanted but there’s no dopamine in doing that. Sure I admit I’m a standardcel I could care less but reality is you have no standsrs. Where did you go which city as my success rates increase snd decrease depending on where I am
Yeah sure bro, you could fuck all the sluts if you wanted to, you're just too much of a standardcel. Keep inhaling that copium.

And yeah, I fucked these two hideous creatures, but I enjoyed it, you're a fucking faggot if getting your dick in a nice fat ass isn't enough for you.

This was on Koh Phangan and Koh Samui, party islands, 10000 roided out guys there, I'm not getting prime girls as a bloated MTN, and I ended up spending all my time with an Asian girl after this anyway.

Sometimes you have to pick up the 6's so you can pick up the 8's, and I'm not talking about the gym.

Now post the amazing girls that meet your standards that you've blasted your sticky load into, I know you're a fat fuck tho, no offense. So perhaps lower your standards to your looksmatch isntead of blaming it on muh personality :bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::feelskek:
Yeah sure bro, you could fuck all the sluts if you wanted to, you're just too much of a standardcel. Keep inhaling that copium.

And yeah, I fucked these two hideous creatures, but I enjoyed it, you're a fucking faggot if getting your dick in a nice fat ass isn't enough for you.
View attachment 3011548View attachment 3011549

This was on Koh Phangan and Koh Samui, party islands, 10000 roided out guys there, I'm not getting prime girls as a bloated MTN, and I ended up spending all my time with an Asian girl after this anyway.

Sometimes you have to pick up the 6's so you can pick up the 8's, and I'm not talking about the gym.

Now post the amazing girls that meet your standards that you've blasted your sticky load into, I know you're a fat fuck tho, no offense. So perhaps lower your standards to your looksmatch isntead of blaming it on muh personality :bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::feelskek:
Ewww wouldn’t fuck those beasts.

See that’s the diff between me and you, you fuck animals I fuck humans and in the UK slaying humans is ultra impossible almost if non NT status maxxed or chad

I now go for Mids but it ain’t the same level of dopamine so I refrain where I can and prefer to remain Monk mode. I’m HTN regardless so I deserve HTN foids not some 5/10 beckieshit

And INB4 “cope” you can ask the users who have seen me
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Ewww wouldn’t fuck those beasts.

See that’s the diff between me and you, you fuck animals I fuck humans and in the UK slaying humans is ultra impossible almost if non NT status maxxed or chad

I now go for Mids but it ain’t the same level of dopamine so I refrain where I can and prefer to remain Monk mode. I’m HTN regardless so I deserve HTN foids not some 5/10 beckieshit

And INB4 “cope” you can ask the users who have seen me
Don't see any girls posted :feelskek:

But keep blaming your personality bro, we both know that's the only thing girls look for, only critera, just have a nice personality :p:lul:
No, they aren’t they are ultra NT you don’t live here if you did you’d know they are hyper normies @yeeyeeslayer if you deviate from the norm here even a bit your an social pariah. I have to keep that I love football otherwise I’m seen as weird
hmmm british ppl are hit or miss from what i've seen

they're either very hyper nt or autistic cringe losers

i wouldn't say they're all hyper nt i've met some corny british kids growing up lmao
Ewww wouldn’t fuck those beasts.
bruh how are you black and not attracted to thick white girls 😭

@butterworld @Ricky212 @klip11 @FaceandBBC revoke this urkcels black card
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Don't see any girls posted :feelskek:

But keep blaming your personality bro, we both know that's the only thing girls look for, only critera, just have a nice personality :p:lul:
I never said it was my personality… though that does play a role it’s mainly my ADHD then my autism then my personality that fuck me over.

Pronate as we know rarely matters to girls
bruh how are you black and not attracted to thick white girls 😭

@butterworld @Ricky212 @klip11 @FaceandBBC revoke this urkcels black card
She’s fat not thick

Wonder why some are cringe… because the NTs bully them or orstricise them until they become autistic

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