When does the redness from tretinoin go away


Deleted member 5927

My face is red right now it looks like fucking shit. Also I’m getting acne I have no idea if it’s because the accutane is wearing off or because I’m slowly getting to the purge state though.

If my face is red should I stop using tret for a few days or keep going? Fml man
It goes away pretty quick
I think you may be starting to purge rn. This can last from a few weeks to 2 months
When you stop using it
My face is red right now it looks like fucking shit. Also I’m getting acne I have no idea if it’s because the accutane is wearing off or because I’m slowly getting to the purge state though.

If my face is red should I stop using tret for a few days or keep going? Fml man
what strength
.05% strength but I’m not fucking lowering to .025% I want this acne gone
Overtime .025 and .05 are equal in effects due to homeostasis
Are you moisturizing?
Are you easing into the tretinoin?
Are you moisturizing?
Are you easing into the tretinoin?
Hey. Yes I’ve always moisturized for years now every day since like 3 years now, day and night. And yes I am easing in my skin doesn’t seem TOO bad I do every other day currently.
Do you also have dry skin and tightness, or just redness? After using skincare products I think I’m having allergic reactions cuz my skin gets inflamed red, dry and tight, can barely open my mouth and stuff. Idk if I should see a skin doctor, but to me it can take a week or two to disappear
Hey. Yes I’ve always moisturized for years now every day since like 3 years now, day and night. And yes I am easing in my skin doesn’t seem TOO bad I do every other day currently.
Are you wearing a good sunscreen everyday? That also has UVA protection?

If so, I'd drop to 3x a week... a couple weeks later 4x a week... etc.

Also, don't smother your face with tretinoin. It doesn't take a ton.
Do you also have dry skin and tightness, or just redness? After using skincare products I think I’m having allergic reactions cuz my skin gets inflamed red, dry and tight, can barely open my mouth and stuff. Idk if I should see a skin doctor, but to me it can take a week or two to disappear
Personally at the moment? I don’t notice any tightness. Just dry, red, hasn’t started peeling yet but the redness obviously means it’s irritating my skin.

The tightness could for you just be due to how fucking dry your skin is man. Really gotta make sure you moisturize. I literally moisturize morning and night but at night I moisturize then add fucking vasceline on top and fall asleep with it on my face because it’s supposed to lock in the moisturizer according to Reddit.
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Are you wearing a good sunscreen everyday? That also has UVA protection?

If so, I'd drop to 3x a week... a couple weeks later 4x a week... etc.

Also, don't smother your face with tretinoin. It doesn't take a ton.
Thank you bro. Yeah my face is pretty red maybe I’ll drop the intensity down. It’s just I hate having acne and I know it will take like 3 fucking months minimum before I start to see a major difference so I’m just in a hurry to get it going. I use nuetragena SPF 55 mineral sunscreen every morning.

Have you personally used tretinoin for acne and gotten good results? I’d like to know
Thank you bro. Yeah my face is pretty red maybe I’ll drop the intensity down. It’s just I hate having acne and I know it will take like 3 fucking months minimum before I start to see a major difference so I’m just in a hurry to get it going. I use nuetragena SPF 55 mineral sunscreen every morning.

Have you personally used tretinoin for acne and gotten good results? I’d like to know
I use it for anti-aging purposes. Drop down the days per week and slowly increase. Don't destroy your moisture barrier just to try and hurry up results. 3 months is really no time at all.

I'm extra diligent about sunscreen since starting tretinoin. Make sure yours has good UVA protection, not just UVB (indicated by SPF).
I use it for anti-aging purposes. Drop down the days per week and slowly increase. Don't destroy your moisture barrier just to try and hurry up results. 3 months is really no time at all.

I'm extra diligent about sunscreen since starting tretinoin. Make sure yours has good UVA protection, not just UVB (indicated by SPF).
Dude my face right now is SUPER FUCKING RED like i just look subhuman as fuck LMFAO I’m actually sort of feeling depressed about it idk what to even say. I’m glad I’m not alone but seriously wtf is this shit looks so god damn subhuman completely over if girls see me like this bloated + acne + red ass face + hairloss jfl
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Dude my face right now is SUPER FUCKING RED like i just look subhuman as fuck LMFAO I’m actually sort of feeling depressed about it idk what to even say. I’m glad I’m not alone but seriously wtf is this shit looks so god damn subhuman completely over if girls see me like this bloated + acne + red ass face + hairloss jfl
You are either:
-using too much and/or too often too quick/or too high of a concentration.
-Your sunscreen isn't that great/you aren't applying enough/you should be reapplying.
-not moisturizing enough or properly.

Or a combination of the above.
R/tretinoin is the best place to find answers you can get a purge ( period of time you get alot of acne but it will get better )
Don't smother your face like I used to do with benzoyl peroxide my skin was so dry it was horrible
By smother don't grab a fat ass wad and slap it around like my dumb ass jfl
Dude my face right now is SUPER FUCKING RED like i just look subhuman as fuck LMFAO I’m actually sort of feeling depressed about it idk what to even say. I’m glad I’m not alone but seriously wtf is this shit looks so god damn subhuman completely over if girls see me like this bloated + acne + red ass face + hairloss jfl
youre probably applying too much. Im applying rn and I use this amount:

Apply this to the whole face VERY LIGHTLY so you can actually get it all around. Wait like 5-10min and put moisturizer on top to prevent tight/dry skin. If you have a deep cyst or whatnot, you can put more on it to accelerate the peeling process but the more you apply the more it will pee and be dry.

Redness can also be caused by some other product so if you don't have scentless moisturizer that could be it. OR some other exfoliant on top of RetinA will fuck with your skin.

With this amount it takes me 2-3 days to stop peeling fully and I apply again. If you try and scrub off the peeling skin it will make your face red so just apply more moisturiser to kind of gently pick up the skin particles.

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