When Is someone white?



Apr 6, 2019
I am from Europe so I have 0 clue about the whole black/white thing from the us. My parents are from aserbaidschan but I am completely white (even pale). Would I be considered white or not?
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do you have light eyes? are you taller than 6 feet? do you have blonde hair?
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When IQ > 120
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@RealLooksmaxxer @Wallenberg
Someone is white if their ancestry is European or near there. So someone like a Roma Gypsy is white most likely because their ethnogenesis is in Europe and they look European
I count Turks, some Arabs and Iranians as white too
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when they look it
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When your nipples are pink.
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do you have light eyes? are you taller than 6 feet? do you have blonde hair?
is hazel considered light eyes?

also my brother has light brown eyes, olive skin and brown hair is he white? even though I have dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes, and my other brother has dark blonde hair and blue eyes?
  • JFL
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do you have light eyes? are you taller than 6 feet? do you have blonde hair?
This means that even though I'm white, I'm not really white, okay....
minority = not white.
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I am from Europe so I have 0 clue about the whole black/white thing from the us. My parents are from aserbaidschan but I am completely white (even pale). Would I be considered white or not?
Hey bro.

These are the qualifiers of being white, i call it the triple qualification method to prevent myself from being called white or some shit

1.) if they are from (or genetically descended to people from) the defined area of europe. the amount of white genes you need can number from 100-80%. under 80% mixed with a lighter ethnicity might count as white. but under 80% with black as the rest, probably wont check out

2.) if they have a cultural past of christianity*

3.) if they have have relatively light skin compared to other ethnicities

You need all three of these to count as white, its not that complicated. There is only room for small outliers like bosnia and albania. but the people there are basically native to europe making them white regardless

You can use this on other parts of the world to prevent purity spirals. For example any curry is from southern asia or descended from southern asians, has a culture somewhat based on hinduism/Jainism/islam and has a relatively dark-med pheno

*their country needs to have accepted christianity in the past and have the other 2 qualities to count as white. the individual saying their white doesnt have to be christian themselves
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Hey bro.

These are the qualifiers of being white, i call it the triple qualification method to prevent myself from being called white or some shit

1.) if they are from (or genetically descended to people from) the defined area of europe. the amount of white genes you need can number can be from 100-80% no more no less. under 80% mixed with a lighter ethnicity might count as white. but under 80% with black as the rest, probably wont check out

2.) if they have a cultural past of christianity*

3.) if they have relatively have phenotypically light skin compared to other ethnicities

You need all three of these to count as white, its not that complicated. There is only room for small outliers like bosnia and albania. but the people there are basically native to europe making them white regardless

You can use this on other parts of the world to prevent purity spirals. For example any curry is from southern asia or descended from southern asians, has a culture somewhat based on hinduism/Jainism/islam and has a relatively dark-med pheno

*their country needs to have accepted christianity in the past and have the other 2 qualities to count as white. the individual saying their white doesnt have to be christian themselves
I agree with most of your points but what about Jews? They look white and are genetically white but not Christian
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I agree with most of your points but what about Jews? They look white and are genetically white but not Christian
Alot of jewish people claim being white, others dont
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Alot of jewish people claim being white, others dont
I count European Jews as white since they’ve lived in Europe for hundreds of years and thus look pretty white
yeah you are
i'm dark med with some traits that could be considered ethnic like wide nose and i still was considered white
yeah you are
i'm dark med with some traits that could be considered ethnic like wide nose and i still was considered white
if you are confused follow my white identitying method. sick of the white man claiming my proud heritage of color
I agree with most of your points but what about Jews? They look white and are genetically white but not Christian
Ashkenazi Jews don't really cluster with white Europeans though. From their paternal lines they're pretty Semitic, their maternal line is still being heavily debated, with some arguing that it's mostly Semitic and others that it's more European.

Also all ethnic Jews are much more closely related to other Jews than they are to their host populations, meaning an Ashkenazi Jew who's ancestors have been in Northern Europe for over 1000 years is still more closely related to a Mizrahi Jew in Iraq than they are to any Northern European. So if you consider an Ashkenazi Jew to be white than you have to also consider a Mizrahi Jew who's ancestors never even set foot in Europe to be white too, which obviously makes no sense.
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Ashkenazi Jews don't really cluster with white Europeans though. From their paternal lines they're pretty Semitic, their maternal line is still being heavily debated, with some arguing that it's mostly Semitic and others that it's more European.

Also all ethnic Jews are much more closely related to other Jews than they are to their host populations, meaning an Ashkenazi Jew who's ancestors have been in Northern Europe for over 1000 years is still more closely related to a Mizrahi Jew in Iraq than they are to any Northern European. So if you consider an Ashkenazi Jew to be white than you have to also consider a Mizrahi Jew who's ancestors never even set foot in Europe to be white too, which obviously makes no sense.
You raise good points but phenotypically they’re white passing, as are Sephardic Jews from North Africa who originated from Spain and Portugal. Azkkhenazi Jews cluster with Greeks and Italians
You raise good points but phenotypically they’re white passing, as are Sephardic Jews from North Africa who originated from Spain and Portugal. Azkkhenazi Jews cluster with Greeks and Italians
Some ashkenazis have more blue and green eyes than even south euros, in fact yiddish is a mostly germanic influenced language. they just culturally dont agree with the greater part of euro society
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Some ashkenazis have more blue and green eyes than even south euros, in fact yiddish is a mostly germanic influenced language. they just culturally dont agree with the greater part of euro society
Indeed you’re correct. They’re “white” I guess then
Ashkenazi Jews don't really cluster with white Europeans though. From their paternal lines they're pretty Semitic, their maternal line is still being heavily debated, with some arguing that it's mostly Semitic and others that it's more European.

Also all ethnic Jews are much more closely related to other Jews than they are to their host populations, meaning an Ashkenazi Jew who's ancestors have been in Northern Europe for over 1000 years is still more closely related to a Mizrahi Jew in Iraq than they are to any Northern European. So if you consider an Ashkenazi Jew to be white than you have to also consider a Mizrahi Jew who's ancestors never even set foot in Europe to be white too, which obviously makes no sense.
If you look european, thats it. Some people may be from turkey, or algeria, or lebanon, but if they look white then they are considered white. But for the most part if you look like you are from anywhere in europe or russia then you are considered white. For black people if you are half west african, and half european, you will be considered black, not white.
Indeed you’re correct. They’re “white” I guess then
Yeah at face value, however most jewish people in politics are more for immigration and thats because many are business owners who would want cheaper labor
My parents are from aserbaidschan but I am completely white (even pale). Would I be considered white or not?
this is the kind of idea I had about the common looks of Asherbatsjanish, men
You raise good points but phenotypically they’re white passing, as are Sephardic Jews from North Africa who originated from Spain and Portugal.
True, a lot of Ashkenazi Jew can be very phenotypically white, but you have to keep in mind that 1) phenotype is not the same as genotype and 2) ancient Middle Eastern populations had a much more prevalent "white" phenotype component than they do now (for example, pre-Mongol conquest Persians are described as being very white, with blue eyes and other such features being common in Greater Iran before they were genocided by the Mongols, discussed here: https://incels.is/threads/material-...-the-prime-product-from-the-silk-road.283638/). It's more important to compare Jews to those populations than modern populations since those are what Jews genetics are derived from

Azkkhenazi Jews cluster with Greeks and Italians
True but keep in mind that most of the studies that say this only look at and compare Jews to European populations. When you use global populations as a reference, Ashkenazi first and foremost cluster with not Italians and Greeks, but other Semites like the Mizrahis (who are obviously not a European population). The 2007 Bauchet study, for example, apparently found that when compared to global populations rather than just Europeans, Ashkenazi Jews were most closely clustered with North African Arabs. The same study (if I remember correctly) does show that among Europeans, they share similarities with Southern Italians (mainly Sicilians) and Greeks though, so that may be where your point is coming from.
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I appreciate your contribution bro, some interesting things worth noting here. :LOL:

Here's what the article says:
For a more scientific take on the Jewish origin debate, recent DNA analysis of Ashkenazic Jews – a Jewish ethnic group – revealed that their maternal line is European. It has also been found that their DNA only has 3% ancient ancestry which links them with the Eastern Mediterranean (also known as the Middle East) – namely Israel, Lebanon, parts of Syria, and western Jordan. This is the part of the world Jewish people are said to have originally come from – according to the Old Testament. But 3% is a minuscule amount, and similar to what modern Europeans as a whole share with Neanderthals. So given that the genetic ancestry link is so low, Ashkenazic Jews’ most recent ancestors must be from elsewhere.

They're only discussing the maternal line here, which as I mentioned previously, is still under heavy debate so we can't derive any serious results from that alone. Also, you can't just pay attention to the maternal line exclusively, while completely ignoring the paternal line which has already been shown to be largely Semitic. Pretty much everyone in the field agrees on that.

Also, looking at the study they cite to see where they got the 3% figure from, it's only mentioned here:
We then carried out a supervised ADMIXTURE analysis (Alexander and Lange, 2011) using three East European Hunter Gatherers from Russia (EHGs) alongside six Epipaleolithic Levantines, 24 Neolithic Anatolians, and six Neolithic Iranians as reference populations (Table S0). Remarkably, AJs exhibit a dominant Iranian (88%˜88%~) and residual Levantine (3%˜3%~) ancestries, as opposed to Bedouins (14%˜14%~ and 68%˜68%~, respectively) and Palestinians (18%˜18%~ and 58%˜58%~, respectively). Only two AJs exhibit Levantine ancestries typical to Levantine populations (Figure 1B). Repeating the analysis with qpAdm (AdmixTools, version 4.1) (Patterson et al., 2012), we found that AJs admixture could be modeled using either three- (Neolithic Anatolians [46%], Neolithic Iranians [32%], and EHGs [22%]) or two-way (Neolithic Iranians [71%] and EHGs [29%]) migration waves (Supplementary Text).
So according to this one study, the LEVANTINE component is only 3%, but the Iranian component is 88%, the article does go on to discuss the Jews residency in Iran so that may be related.
I am from Europe so I have 0 clue about the whole black/white thing from the us. My parents are from aserbaidschan but I am completely white (even pale). Would I be considered white or not?
Sub nordid or North Athlantid are the only whites in my book
Hey bro.

These are the qualifiers of being white, i call it the triple qualification method to prevent myself from being called white or some shit

1.) if they are from (or genetically descended to people from) the defined area of europe. the amount of white genes you need can number from 100-80%. under 80% mixed with a lighter ethnicity might count as white. but under 80% with black as the rest, probably wont check out

2.) if they have a cultural past of christianity*

3.) if they have have relatively light skin compared to other ethnicities

You need all three of these to count as white, its not that complicated. There is only room for small outliers like bosnia and albania. but the people there are basically native to europe making them white regardless

You can use this on other parts of the world to prevent purity spirals. For example any curry is from southern asia or descended from southern asians, has a culture somewhat based on hinduism/Jainism/islam and has a relatively dark-med pheno

*their country needs to have accepted christianity in the past and have the other 2 qualities to count as white. the individual saying their white doesnt have to be christian themse
Exactly this, 80%+ or nothing. I’m semi-castizo technically, so 78%-80% white w/ brown hair, white skin, and really light blue eyes, but I also have some ethnic features like thick dark eyebrows and a rounded jaw/ramus so if I am in lighter ambience or during a certain gloomy season I look fully white but closer up/in darker ambience u can definitely tell i’m Latino.

As for quadroons or semi-quadroons, a white person with curly hair or rounded orbitals is usually the kicker.
If you have to ask if you are white then you are probably not white
do you have light eyes? are you taller than 6 feet? do you have blonde hair?

If you have the Mc1r mutation that gives you everything from red to blonde hair. Whiteness is literally more determined by hair and eye colour than skin:

(Pardon the provacative title)

Redheads are most White, followed by blondes, light brown, and finally brown.

Black hair is a sign of being non-White.
I am from Europe so I have 0 clue about the whole black/white thing from the us. My parents are from aserbaidschan

Jfl@intentionally mispelling 'Azerbaijan' to make it look less exotic and foreign, my sides 😂🤣

No, you are not White. End.
this is pure aryan

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this is the kind of idea I had about the common looks of Asherbatsjanish, men
Thats close to how my phenotype looks, just less ethnic hair and higher forehead
Jfl@intentionally mispelling 'Azerbaijan' to make it look less exotic and foreign, my sides 😂🤣

No, you are not White. End.
Its the German auto correct you god damn retard.

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