when men and women should get married



Mar 28, 2019
Men and women aren't equal, so this question has to have two separate answers for each sex. Men should get married after their mid-20s, because they need to first prove themselves in some way. This usually involves demonstrating that they can be breadwinners and provide for their wives and children. In traditional societies, a man would have to pay a dowry before his prospective wife's father would accept the marriage.

If we look at the Biblical dowry, it would be equal to about $100,000 in modern terms. The fact that hardly any young man can afford that shows that modern society is screwed, and men will have to delay marriage further (into their 30s or even 40s). However, the good news is that, unlike females, a man can can still sire children when he is older. If he maintains a healthy lifestyle and builds his wealth, he can easily acquire a young concubine or two (if not a wife) when he is older. This is why God allows older men to marry younger women, as we see in the case of many great men in history like King Solomon and Muhammad. God is loving and just, and does not want to see men suffer from celibacy and lack of sex or children. Men are the most beloved creations of God, which is why when God created Adam, He ordered the Angels to prostrate before Adam. If God is ever harsh on men for deviating from His Law, it is only because God wants the best for us.

As for women, most of them should get married shortly after they become sexually mature, which is traditionally at the onset of their menstruation. I would say at least two-thirds of women should already be married or engaged by the age of 16. If a woman shows exceptional academic ability and high IQ, she should be allowed to pursue higher education, and find a husband who has a similarly high IQ (since you cannot except an exceptionally intelligent woman to be happily married to a mediocre or stupid man). However, I believe that education is wasted on the vast majority of women. What need do most women have for calculus, differential equations, or abstract algebra? Most women would be much happier if they are at home and pregnant with a man that they can respect and rely on.
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Dnrd narcy fag manlet
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me and @Marsik take our wifes by force
Thats a Pro rape postion women can get sexual mature at 5.
Ok show us the way old man.
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As for women, most of them should get married shortly after they become sexually mature, which is traditionally at the onset of their menstruation.
You must be trolling. Girls usually start their period when they're 12.

If you want to marry or have intercourse with an underdeveloped KID - mentally and physically (not a WOMAN) then exit life please
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Too late for you either way
Who in sane mind would marry if gotta pay 100k? Rather bang hookers. And men wont marry if they can get sex without marrying. Marriage has been done for alliances of family.
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Why are you trying to appeal to incels and incel ideology for ugly men who can't get women
When you yourself are what incels hate, a typical older chad who pump and dump women and has never faced any difficulty or 0.001% an incel here has faced in his life

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"So in conclusion we should be allowed to fuck 14yr old girls"

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Why are you trying to appeal to incels and incel ideology for ugly men who can't get women
When you yourself are what incels hate, a typical older chad who pump and dump women and has never faced any difficulty or 0.001% an incel here has faced in his life

Hypocrite threads
Maybe he wants to scam them down the line. It's the same both ways.

Covert normie incel guys will stay friends with different girls for 8-9 years and can be summoned by LTBs to run errands for them on every beck and call, and they'll actually do their bidding 😂

The girls know these guys just want to fuck. But know that they can manipulate and use them until they eventually die. OF is the same premise. Really anyone can manipulate the shit out of incels, not just girls. Tate did it. Amnesia can surely do it.

What's really dark is that some of these normie incels who are "friends" with girls for 15+ years, may have realised that they are being used and will never have a chance with ANY of the girls they kept such a "strong friendship" with. But a lot haven't realised that their girl "friends", actually want them dead or their genes to die out quicker and that's why morality isn't brought into question when they are used financially, emotionally etc. Because the girls believe these guys only want to fuck them - which is true.

The dudes with unlimited female friends are the ones who unironically hate women and themselves. It's a tough situation to resolve. They also hate any HTN+ guys and especially narcys. Envy runs deep.

Being friends with single desperate men is a recipe for disaster.

On the flipside and to promote equality. Girls being friends or living with their friends long after college (late 20s, early 30s) are all happy and "you go girl! 💅💅" as long as they're single. But once one of them moves out with their new boyfriend or even starts going to the gym or improving herself - she'll be exiled and the 19 year "friendship" will be ruined.

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I agree 100%. Feminism has ruined everything. Women getting married at 16 or post puberty was common for a long time before post-wall hags were given the right to vote. Even now when the AOC is 16-18 in most places, a 25+ woman will call you a pedo and ruin your reputation if she finds out you're with a 20 year old instead of a 25+ roastie like her. Men and women are not supposed to be the same age, a 30 year old man marrying an 18 year old should be common and expected but not in this feminist liberal society. I blame jews and women.
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short answer : never
Images 5

No further debate required
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"So in conclusion we should be allowed to fuck 14yr old girls"

View attachment 2326725
It's not about the age but when their body has developed/matured. 16 year olds have the body of a woman. Should not be looking at a number because their body will show you when they're ready. Anyhow my issue is with this whole stigma of older women forcing society to make it so you're committing social suicide if you marry an 18 y/o as a 25+ man.
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a womans family had to pay the MAN the dowry idiot
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Men and women aren't equal, so this question has to have two separate answers for each sex. Men should get married after their mid-20s, because they need to first prove themselves in some way. This usually involves demonstrating that they can be breadwinners and provide for their wives and children. In traditional societies, a man would have to pay a dowry before his prospective wife's father would accept the marriage.

If we look at the Biblical dowry, it would be equal to about $100,000 in modern terms. The fact that hardly any young man can afford that shows that modern society is screwed, and men will have to delay marriage further (into their 30s or even 40s). However, the good news is that, unlike females, a man can can still sire children when he is older. If he maintains a healthy lifestyle and builds his wealth, he can easily acquire a young concubine or two (if not a wife) when he is older. This is why God allows older men to marry younger women, as we see in the case of many great men in history like King Solomon and Muhammad. God is loving and just, and does not want to see men suffer from celibacy and lack of sex or children. Men are the most beloved creations of God, which is why when God created Adam, He ordered the Angels to prostrate before Adam. If God is ever harsh on men for deviating from His Law, it is only because God wants the best for us.

As for women, most of them should get married shortly after they become sexually mature, which is traditionally at the onset of their menstruation. I would say at least two-thirds of women should already be married or engaged by the age of 16. If a woman shows exceptional academic ability and high IQ, she should be allowed to pursue higher education, and find a husband who has a similarly high IQ (since you cannot except an exceptionally intelligent woman to be happily married to a mediocre or stupid man). However, I believe that education is wasted on the vast majority of women. What need do most women have for calculus, differential equations, or abstract algebra? Most women would be much happier if they are at home and pregnant with a man that they can respect and rely on.
IMG 3047
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The rampant antidepressant and drug use by women doesn’t lie. They can say whatever they want in favour of their emancipation but they cannot change the fact that freedom makes them miserable.

Women are at a level between children and men, they never mature mentally as much as men do so they need a husband and religion to guide them.
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most men and women dont want to marry anymore anyways i think its fucked up i like the original tradition
Didn't know you were religious

its the opposite its the womans family that pays the dowry
If we look at the Biblical dowry, it would be equal to about $100,000 in modern terms
No women’s pussy has ever been worth this much.
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never, marriage = cuckery
didnt read but they should be married at 14 by the local imam, end of story
  • JFL
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Why are you trying to appeal to incels and incel ideology for ugly men who can't get women
When you yourself are what incels hate, a typical older chad who pump and dump women and has never faced any difficulty or 0.001% an incel here has faced in his life

Hypocrite threads
He used to be a loser but ascended
The rampant antidepressant and drug use by women doesn’t lie. They can say whatever they want in favour of their emancipation but they cannot change the fact that freedom makes them miserable.

Women are at a level between children and men, they never mature mentally as much as men do so they need a husband and religion to guide them.
Men have to work much harder in all aspects of life than women which builds and even bigger gap than the one there already is women just need to exist
@Amnesia interesting , except when you say that God prefers men to women, for me its not the case

if God gave men polygamy and strength, it was out of wisdom and not out of love. God gave men strength but without women, they are weak (as u can see with the male suicide rate) so in the end we complete each other. The most pious in front of God is the most beloved, whether its a woman or a man
He used to be a loser but ascended
If by loser you mean physical appearance, it's cope because he was at least strong htn before starting his looksmax routine (a PSL level that you will not be able to reach no matter your surgeries)
Tl dr bunch of cope I will go er
If by loser you mean physical appearance, it's cope because he was at least strong htn before starting his looksmax routine (a PSL level that you will not be able to reach no matter your surgeries)
I’m already htn
I’m already htn
then you should know that religious/political opinion has absolutely nothing to do with physical appearance and your success with women.
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higher education is a waste of time/money for most people tbh. I excelled in school, but I already knew school/education wasn't for me. But I was made to believe there was no other options for me.

I should've been able to become an engineer at the age of 18 already, but instead I am made to go to university for another 5 years where you are treated as a child, aka student.

Society keeps treating people as children for longer and longer, stunting development and post-poning important life events.
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then you should know that religious/political opinion has absolutely nothing to do with physical appearance and your success with women.
What are you talking about man? i’m not some redditor that needs this shit explained
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What are you talking about man? i’m not some redditor that needs this shit explained
I wasn't going to explain anything to you, just to clarify that being a Christian or a Muslim or a Jew =/= ugly incel (loser as u said)
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I wasn't going to explain anything to you, just to clarify that being a Christian or a Muslim or a Jew =/= ugly incel (loser as u said)
I didn’t say that. You’re mistaking me with someone else brother
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Men and women aren't equal, so this question has to have two separate answers for each sex. Men should get married after their mid-20s, because they need to first prove themselves in some way. This usually involves demonstrating that they can be breadwinners and provide for their wives and children. In traditional societies, a man would have to pay a dowry before his prospective wife's father would accept the marriage.

If we look at the Biblical dowry, it would be equal to about $100,000 in modern terms. The fact that hardly any young man can afford that shows that modern society is screwed, and men will have to delay marriage further (into their 30s or even 40s). However, the good news is that, unlike females, a man can can still sire children when he is older. If he maintains a healthy lifestyle and builds his wealth, he can easily acquire a young concubine or two (if not a wife) when he is older. This is why God allows older men to marry younger women, as we see in the case of many great men in history like King Solomon and Muhammad. God is loving and just, and does not want to see men suffer from celibacy and lack of sex or children. Men are the most beloved creations of God, which is why when God created Adam, He ordered the Angels to prostrate before Adam. If God is ever harsh on men for deviating from His Law, it is only because God wants the best for us.

As for women, most of them should get married shortly after they become sexually mature, which is traditionally at the onset of their menstruation. I would say at least two-thirds of women should already be married or engaged by the age of 16. If a woman shows exceptional academic ability and high IQ, she should be allowed to pursue higher education, and find a husband who has a similarly high IQ (since you cannot except an exceptionally intelligent woman to be happily married to a mediocre or stupid man). However, I believe that education is wasted on the vast majority of women. What need do most women have for calculus, differential equations, or abstract algebra? Most women would be much happier if they are at home and pregnant with a man that they can respect and rely on.
All to pay for BBC handouts of course
He used to be a loser but ascended
you made an account only one week ago bro, how'd you even know lmao?
he literally lived a good life, he had teen love, a girlfriend and some bit of statut in high school, he was already htn in hs with his good bones and just softmaxxed and looksmaxxed more bc hes mentally ill and was jealous of his older brother

this man never experienced what it means to be incel for one day, so why h'es trying to relate to us?
you made an account only one week ago bro, how'd you even know lmao?
he literally lived a good life, he had teen love, a girlfriend and some bit of statut in high school, he was already htn in hs with his good bones and just softmaxxed and looksmaxxed more bc hes mentally ill and was jealous of his older brother

this man never experienced what it means to be incel for one day, so why h'es trying to relate to us?
I’m an old user returning brother and i’m mtn/htn, not far off his starting point.

Didn’t he admit he was a mentalcel that sat and played video games 20 hours a day?

He still put in some work, but yes obviously he was never truecel tier like 50% of users here
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I’m an old user returning brother and i’m mtn/htn, not far off his starting point.

Didn’t he admit he was a mentalcel that sat and played video games 20 hours a day?

He still put in some work, but yes obviously he was never truecel tier like 50% of users here
No offense bro I couldn't care more if you're old or not even tho you asnwered my question

I don't like when you talk about a topic you don't know about, this man never experienced what it means to be incel in one day
He just tried to relate to you guys because he hates "normies" and is an edgy guy who don't think he fits with society even tho society is sucking his dick but he wanna be anti conformist so bad
No offense bro I couldn't care more if you're old or not even tho you asnwered my question

I don't like when you talk about a topic you don't know about, this man never experienced what it means to be incel in one day
He just tried to relate to you guys because he hates "normies" and is an edgy guy who don't think he fits with society even tho society is sucking his dick but he wanna be anti conformist so bad
Wrong but idc enough to elaborate
Women are outperforming men in nearly all STEM fields

It's one thing to acknowledge that most women are whores and whatnot but if you genuinely believe that you, whilst having zero credible accomplishments in your life on top of being an incel are in any way shape or form , higher IQ than a woman at CalTech, then all you incels need to go for a reality check instead of taking ur info from this beyond abused Mexican shitskin gypsy.
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Women are outperforming men in nearly all STEM fields

It's one thing to acknowledge that most women are whores and whatnot but if you genuinely believe that you, whilst having zero credible accomplishments in your life on top of being an incel are in any way shape or form , higher IQ than a woman, then all you incels need to go for a reality check instead of taking ur info from this beyond abused Mexican shitskin gypsy.
the average woman is more high iq than the average man
i hung out w too many men adn women to realize that, women have motivation to study bc they know dating and all the future is taken care of, men don't
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this man never experienced what it means to be incel for one day, so why h'es trying to relate to us?
Who is us? Didn’t you have multiple hot gfs and girls simping for you nigga?

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