When was the last time that you were genuinely happy?

Deleted member 616

Deleted member 616

Dec 4, 2018
As far as I remember it was at the beginning of my last LTR, maybe during my vacation in Prague / Budapest. But since I was already blackpilled then I just kept comparing myself and her to other couples and soon I realized how far we were behind genuinely hot people. Then I've been feeling empty for more than 6 months.

I remember watching Barbara Palvin's photos with Chico when I was in Budapest (Barbara is Hungarian) JFL and I got so jealous of their looks and fame.
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What do you consider "genuinely happy"??
How fucking retarded can someone be wtf.
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Can’t remember, I’m 17 now so probably when I was a little kid. Tbh I can never when I was “truly happy”, even as a kid with no responsibility I had sadness
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Same lol, I was depressed as fuck
Yeah the only time I feel temporarily happy is literally when I’m on drugs, no females make me happy lol
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Probably a few days ago. Happiness is unattainable. You can only wish for consistent waves of contentment.
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Yeah the only time I feel temporarily happy is literally when I’m on drugs, no females make me happy lol
Escorts are drug for me. Since I started escortcelling my mind has been destroyed forever - I can't concentrate on a single female and enjoy simple little things in life with her anymore
As far as I remember it was at the beginning of my last LTR, maybe during my vacation in Prague / Budapest. But since I was already blackpilled then I just kept comparing myself and her to other couples and soon I realized how far we were behind genuinely hot people. Then I've been feeling empty for more than 6 months.

I remember watching Barbara Palvin's photos with Chico when I was in Budapest (Barbara is Hungarian) JFL and I got so jealous of their looks and fame.
When I was 10
Escorts are drug for me. Since I started escortcelling my mind has been destroyed forever - I can't concentrate on a single female and enjoy simple little things in life with her anymore
Do you think it destroyed your ability to pair bond? Same goes for sluts right?
when I got to immortal rank on dota :feelsyay:
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Ummmm 6-7 years ago
Do you think it destroyed your ability to pair bond? Same goes for sluts right?
It definitely destroyed my ability to enjoy sex life with an average woman, and without good sex you don't expect to be able to pair bond either
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It definitely destroyed my ability to enjoy sex life with an average woman, and without good sex you don't expect to be able to pair bond either
Fuarkkk, brutal for promiscuous people srs. Maybe you should take a break from sex lol.
Fuarkkk, brutal for promiscuous people srs. Maybe you should take a break from sex lol.
I took a break for about 3 months before meeting my ex. But as soon as we got in bed I started to miss escort sex ngl because her body sucks (short legs, small tits)
I took a break for about 3 months before meeting my ex. But as soon as we got in bed I started to miss escort sex ngl because her body sucks (short legs, small tits)
Ahh can’t compare I love short women lol, maybe that because i’m manlet myself
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a few months ago
about half an hour ago when i saw a funny meme
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I'm a generally happy person despite being subhuman. My dopamine peaks after I'm done with homework and lay in bed or an hour or 2 watching anime.
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Ahh can’t compare I love short women lol, maybe that because i’m manlet myself
And escortcelling also made me overly concentrated on looks: I lost the patience to maintain a relationship with an average woman since I could fuck model tier Stacys with 80€. It's not like before when I could enjoy simple little things with someone I loved.
And escortcelling also made me overly concentrated on looks: I lost the patience to maintain a relationship with an average woman since I could fuck model tier Stacys with 80€. It's not like before when I could enjoy simple little things with someone I loved.
That’s crazy, what do you advise I do then! Never use escorts?
That’s crazy, what do you advise I do then! Never use escorts?
Yes I've already decided to quit escortcelling after surgeries. If I could find someone like my ex (but with better body and hair) I wouldn't escortcel ever again.
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the second before the first time i saw a mirror
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Around 19 y.o, i had finished softmaxxing at that point, started getting validation, intimacy, love etc. I remember that one day when my ex (who i fancied a lot) got asleep with her head on my chest a while after sex, I was just looking at the ceiling for hours and thought my life was perfect. It seemed like a moment of bliss. What an innocent bluepilled cuck I was.
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Around 19 y.o, i had finished softmaxxing at that point, started getting validation, intimacy, love etc. I remember that one day when my ex (who i fancied a lot) got asleep with her head on my chest a while after sex, I was just looking at the ceiling for hours and thought my life was perfect. It seemed like a moment of bliss. What an innocent bluepilled cuck I was.
When was your blackpill wake up call?
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Yesterday I laughed a lot at @Prolapsed Anus comment on gretta thunberg
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When was your blackpill wake up call?
tbh it came in waves. First it was the break up which killed me a bit. Then shortly after she dated a guy who mogged me. Meanwhile i was still dead inside and asked myself how she was ready for a new bf. I was like a zombie for months. It didnt take much until I found about BP online, which was around 20.5y. I think
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tbh it came in waves. First it was the break up which killed me a bit. Then shortly after she dated a guy who mogged me. Meanwhile i was still dead inside and asked myself how she was ready for a new bf. I was like a zombie for months. It didnt take much until I found about BP online, which was around 20.5y. I think
People learn from their mistakes buddy boyo. I don’t think I’ve ever been with a true bitch. Yes I used to be sad after breakup but it was not that different for them either. I think I’m just unable to maintain healthy relationships due to my disorders and I have very high standards for myself: I don’t want an average relationship, I want to be admired like a true chad.
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I think I’m just unable to maintain healthy relationships due to my disorders and I have very high standards for myself: I don’t want an average relationship, I want to be admired like a true chad.
same man. everything else is cope. i tried ~4psl foids but they werent even worth it. 5psl is bare minimum and 5.5-6psl ls where it gets intense
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when I was 12 before it dawned on me that I'm a pathetic loser with no friends.
tbh it came in waves. First it was the break up which killed me a bit. Then shortly after she dated a guy who mogged me. Meanwhile i was still dead inside and asked myself how she was ready for a new bf. I was like a zombie for months. It didnt take much until I found about BP online, which was around 20.5y. I think
I have got similar experience. Thats the reason why you should never date up or looks match. Be always her best option in every regard, game looks and status.
The only moment when I'm happy is when I live in the present moment :feelshah:
I don't think being happy as a child counts.
When i talked to my irl friends in a late night xbox party the other day.
I do have some times that i am happy or fleeting seconds were i am hyped / geniunly happy but htye go away in a heartbeat.

Last time i truly was happy was when i was 15-16
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Childhood was the tile i was genuienely happy tbh
Before she left me.
after a pepperoni pizza last fridy ded srs
Middle School
Can't remember

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