When we take a good close look at this, who agrees I need MSE? (To smooth out the asymmetry caused by one weaker/narrower side)

Deleted member 6908

Deleted member 6908

Looks, Charisma, Masculine Virtues
May 12, 2020
I am talking about the palate for those who aren't well-read on this.

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How many teeth do you show when you regularly smile (not forcing mouth entirely open)?
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mse worsens existing assymetries
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How many teeth do you show when you regularly smile (not forcing mouth entirely open)?

9 in total

4 front, 1 from weak side and 4 from strong side.

No surpsie there.
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9 in total

4 front, 1 from weak side and 4 from strong side.

No surpsie there.
wtf? Send a pic of your smile to see if it's good or not
Usually 8-10 teeth showing is a good smile
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Then MSE is not for you. Your palate is actually very wide. 6 showing is narrow, 8 is average to above average, 10 is wide palate.
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Then MSE is not for you. Your palate is actually very wide. 6 showing is narrow, 8 is average to above average, 10 is wide palate.

You need to consult with blackpilled surgeons rather than the autists on this forum
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Braces might help fix your asymmetries
Yeah you can do a test too. Prominent buccal corridors (the empty dark space beside the smile/teeth) is a sign of a narrowing palate.

Any youtube tutorials for how to run this shit?
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Any youtube tutorials for how to run this shit?

No tutorial needed. Just smile on a video or picture and check to see if you have the buccal corridors. Search it up on google to see what it looks like.
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Your ES ratio might be thrown off by MSE.

Also I don't understand how MSE will fix the asymmetry. Will one side by expanded more or something?
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Your ES ratio might be thrown off by MSE.

Also I don't understand how MSE will fix the asymmetry. Will one side by expanded more or something?

Hm. Is there evidence off this happening to people who have had it done?

Also yeah, I imagine that's the idea. Since the crux behind getting MSE is for maxillary expansion.
Hm. Is there evidence off this happening to people who have had it done?

Also yeah, I imagine that's the idea. Since the crux behind getting MSE is for maxillary expansion.
I don't have examples, it's just that the cheekbones expand laterally by a few mm after MSE, and this could mess up your ES ratio since your IPD is already on the lower side.
I don't have examples, it's just that the cheekbones expand laterally by a few mm after MSE, and this could mess up your ES ratio since your IPD is already on the lower side.

Yeah people keep saying this. This is why I am essentially trapped with what to do here.
Do you show prominent sings of recession?
Is that humour? It's well-known braces fuck your face up.
Braces with the rubber bands and/or extractions fuck your face up, mse is followed by braces, you don't need palatal expansion just braces
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wtf @hairyballscel comment just disappeared
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What was your oral posture like? Were you a mouth breather?
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I am talking about the palate for those who aren't well-read on this.

ngl bro i love the fact that youre playing fort minor in the background jfl
brings back memories
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That could mean you have recessed maxilla.
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Do you show prominent sings of recession?

What do you mean by recession? That's very vague. Where about? Maxilla area? Yes I certainly see a flatter and more backward positioned maxilla on my weaker looking side. As well as less forward-growth than compared with the other-side.
What was your oral posture like? Were you a mouth breather?

Nope. I always for some reason breathed in through my nose and blew out my bogies till I was exhausted if I had a blocked nose. Thank fuck because I gotta compact midface now because of it.

I did however ALWAYS up until the last several months, sleep on my better looking-side. As well as chew 90% of the time on that side as well. My oral posture while sleeping may have not been the best however.

Man whatever has caused this, it's about fixing it now. I'll need to book a consultation. 200 pounds this place is telling me.
Lol everyone in this community is desperate to be NT and normal so they can fit into a mainstream society they were never apart off

It does crack me up so much. Yet if we look at it objectively and through a clear lens, we can see I am the most NT here. I just don't take myself seriously or feel the need to try to be. I just am. NT people just are NT. They ain't gotta try.

If you guys can't have a laugh because you're too busy trying to be like the kids at school who bullied you, that's understandable. Don't start talking shit in my threads though, because you know I was the type of guy to knock you out for being a piece of shit who needed to get some balls.

So you keep dreaming of being a tik-tok pretty-boy NT star one day, but don't bring your frustration into my thread. Pricks.
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Why are you always shirtless? It's winter
your whole lower teeth is inclined too meet the upper i think you woud
If I smile naturally it's usually only 6 would that qualify as a narrow palate? I also don't know how I can convince my dentist or orthodontist to give me the green light. If I can't get someone to give my parents a reason on why I need mse they won't get it for me. How would you recommend I convince them?

6 is narrow, yes. Especially if you see dark circles on the inside of your mouth beside your smile. Those are dark buccal corridors.
Yeah now that you mention it I looked back at my year book pictures I have black gaps at the end of the right and left side of my smile.

How old are you?
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How do I convince an orthodontist to get this done? I told my parents 1 year ago I had trouble nose breathing normally and they just had a doctor check my nose and he said it looked perfectly fine. How can I get the same people who gave me braces which fucked up my jaw in the first place to recommend this to my parents?
I can't even nose breathe naturally anymore I have tried so long it's a struggle to do it and the minute I stop thinking about it or go to sleep my tongue posture goes away and I breath through my mouth.

Same problems I have. You'll have to find a non-blue pilled ortho who can see you have a narrow palate and likely need jaw surgery. Your parents also sound kind of bluepilled.
Any ideas where I can find someone who would recommend non conventional methods? It's either that or I have to work for 4-5 months till I can get 4K so I get it myself which would really suck

You should be able to find MSE providers by area on google. Also just type it in with "MSE providers looksmax" and you'll probably find a thread where someone linked it. You'll be able to see the closest location of a provider. Talk to them, they'll immediately be able to tell if your palate is narrow enough for MSE. Shouldn't be hard to convince your parents if a registered ortho is telling them.
Do you think my palate will be narrow enough? I am not sure if they only do it for people with extremely narrow airways or do they do it for less extreme cases. I could also make an argument that this will cause sleep apnea eventually because I know my dad has the same snoring as I do and he has sleep apnea. Like how abnormally small does my palate have to be would you say? I know I need it but I don't know if they will see it as a critical surgery.

6 is considered pretty damn narrow. You should be fine. Just find an ortho who does it lol

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