Whenever I see @blackpilledremedy’s subhuman foid posts i cage because I’m so glad I’m not them



Beauty is a virtue
May 3, 2024
I also experience this with ugly fucks in general, anybody else do this?

Like this girls face actually evoked a feeling of disgust in me, makes me so grateful for what I have jfl

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i feel it but with men. i wouldnt care if i was an ugly female because my smv would still be infinite anyway
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the post i linked with that foid, literally 0 smv
on an alternate reality perhaps. theres always a simp waiting in the corner and everything thats negative for men is fetishized in women by some coomer
on an alternate reality perhaps. theres always a simp waiting in the corner and everything thats negative for men is fetishized in women by some coomer
i have a hard time believing that in the case of this foid


this picture, it actually evokes some sort of primal disgust in me. like an uncanny valley feeling. looks like napoleon dynamite if he was trans and had cranial deformities.

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