Which demographic of women would be into an Urkelcel the most?

Which demographic would be into an Urkelcel the most?

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Apr 15, 2022
What about a Dravidian?
What about a MENA?

@Xangsane @luljankybo
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As an Urkelcel myself we have prime appeal to HQNP White and Asian women, and legit negative appeal to Black and Latina women. American-born Indian, MENA, Asian women are basically the same as white women.
  • JFL
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As an Urkelcel myself we have prime appeal to HQNP White and Asian women, and legit negative appeal to Black and Latina women. American-born Indian, MENA, Asian women are basically the same as white women.
What Is It Reaction GIF by Nebraska Humane Society
  • JFL
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As an Urkelcel myself we have prime appeal to HQNP White and Asian women, and legit negative appeal to Black and Latina women. American-born Indian, MENA, Asian women are basically the same as white women.
Is that a troll, do urkelcels really have prime appeal to Whites and Asians?
wtf is an urkelcel
  • +1
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Is that a troll, do urkelcels really have prime appeal to Whites and Asians?
In my experience as an Urkelcel we do best with HQNP White girls by far. I said Asians also because Asian girls are extremely whitewashed, it's mainly just White women you'll have success with as an Urkelcel though.
  • Woah
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In my experience as an Urkelcel we do best with HQNP White girls by far. I said Asians also because Asian girls are extremely whitewashed, it's mainly just White women you'll have success with as an Urkelcel though.
This is so interesting, literally polar opposite to BBC theory. Rank the women you have most to least success with, if you could, rate them 1 through 10 from how receptive to invisible you are to them.
so a goofy black guy
a nerdy black guy, that sounds "white", acts "white".
I heard thug blacks call urkelcels "White" because they don't act black.
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  • +1
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wtf is an urkelcel
Non thug/stereotypical black guy

Urkelcel traits:

‘Speaks proper english
doesnt listen to rap or isn’t into hip-hop culture
dresses in a sophisticated/classy manner. never sags his pants, doesn’t have tattoos,
into nerdy shit like anime or STEM
and most of all, knows where his birth certificate is.
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  • JFL
Reactions: EggKing, SomaliMax, fjor2096 and 3 others
Non thug/stereotypical black guy

Urkelcel traits:

Speaks proper english
doesnt listen to rap or isn’t into hip-hop culture

dresses in a sophisticated/classy manner. never sags his pants, doesn’t have tattoos,
into nerdy shit like anime or STEM
and most of all, knows where his birth certificate is.
most important traits, but they're all important
  • +1
Reactions: StrangerDanger
In my experience as an Urkelcel we do best with HQNP White girls by far. I said Asians also because Asian girls are extremely whitewashed, it's mainly just White women you'll have success with as an Urkelcel though.
could you vote, please?
As an Urkelcel myself we have prime appeal to HQNP White and Asian women, and legit negative appeal to Black and Latina women. American-born Indian, MENA, Asian women are basically the same as white women.
Do you get the lower tier ones or???
Do you get the lower tier ones or???
When I was lean I was fucking with in shape white MTB off of dating apps. But my appeal might be different because I'm East African.
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If we are to believe Undercover Brother, the kind of girls who look like Denise Richard...
The urkcel pheno is usually a failo in most cases. The worst black pheno imo (even worse than Nigerian FOTB). But if have you have HTN+ face and are lean. Having the urkcel personality type itself as a black isn’t really a failo. Only with ghetto sheboons. And no one outside the good wants to date those anyways.
  • JFL
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When I was lean I was fucking with in shape white MTB off of dating apps. But my appeal might be different because I'm East African.
What about asians and others?
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I have no experience with East Asian women, I fucked an Iranian chick. Apart from that it's only white girls.
Do they give you IOIs, or match with you on online dating?
Do they give you IOIs, or match with you on online dating?
I haven't used online dating in years and I'm too fat to get real IOI's. Some Asian girl kept staring at me while I was in line for food at the dining hall, but idk what was up with that. Tbh there's not much point obsessing over this.

In reality, he is unaware of the influence "Looks" have on social interaction.

Re: Three Apes And One Banana

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#184799535Saturday, March 05, 2016 11:41 AM CST
I am becoming enraged at the mere thought of those primates existing within our civilized and intelligent society. Truly, the gene-pool should be cleansed of such defective scum.
Why Do So Many Imbeciles Detest Ethnic-Cleansing?

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#184811171Saturday, March 05, 2016 2:33 PM CST
Yes, why do so many imbeciles happen to detest ethnic-cleansing? The presence of opposing, idiotic beliefs pollutes and degrades the very structure of unity abundant throughout society. Two differing culture systems(Example being the European/Arabian migration crisis) cannot simply "cohabit" territory if their mediums for stability are in direct, uncertain conflict. Ethnic cleansing ensures that only the superior, logically-adept group survives. The pitiful, inferior cultural remnants are easily obliterated. Do you truly believe that Syrians are arriving within our patriotic country to "adapt"? If so, you are quite naive. The growing presence of Islam demonstrates this quite well. Truly, the leftists are not being "sympathetic" towards foreign individuals. They are merely attempting to desensitize us against the negative aspects of their culture(s).
Re: Where did Latin American come from?

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#184813661Saturday, March 05, 2016 3:09 PM CST
Simple. They have been tainted with inferior "Amerindian" DNA. It is quite comparable to mulatto hybrids. Various parasitic groups also have remnants of Polynesian DNA. It is quite repulsive.
Philosophy ∈ Mathematics

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#184814822Saturday, March 05, 2016 3:26 PM CST
Yes, it is quite true. Philosophy is enslaved by mathematics. Only imbeciles would deny such a fundamental detail. The concepts described in the first category are conveyed by the characteristics of the second category. Hence, the first is based on the logical-criteria of the second. Philosophers cry incessantly as they ponder their mathematical inferiority.
Re: Philosophy ∈ Mathematics

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#184815128Saturday, March 05, 2016 3:30 PM CST
"op cries incessantly at his lack of gf" Ah, you are making plenty of assumptions, Heartstrings. Such assumptions are entirely idiotic. You must be quite upset that I recognize and publicly convey the explicit fact that you are a pitiful, narcissistic imbecile.

Re: Nice OT'er List.

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#184963721Monday, March 07, 2016 8:21 PM CST
"that's to be expected." Nonsense. Female individuals who willingly seek positive attention from naive male individuals over the Internet are parasitic scum. They do not provide any sort of logical capabilities towards society. They are imbeciles deserving of annihilation from the gene-pool. Truly, the mere thought of such repulsive behavior causes me to experience significant anger.

Re: more table help

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#184957419Monday, March 07, 2016 6:49 PM CST
"nig" is merely a regular variable capable of storing a single value. If you desire to store multiple differing values within a single group, a data structure is often necessary. Consider this expression: nig = {#mytable, player}; The first numerical element of nig, 1, is the size of "mytable" The second element, 2, is the actual "player" object. They can both be conveniently accessed as nig[1], nig[2], respectively.
I haven't used online dating in years and I'm too fat to get real IOI's. Some Asian girl kept staring at me while I was in line for food at the dining hall, but idk what was up with that. Tbh there's not much point obsessing over this
no way, MTB? LTB?
Some Asian girl kept staring at me while I was in line for food at the dining hall, but idk what was up with that




Re: lol negative is demanding a refund bc i kicked him from SB

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#185015613Tuesday, March 08, 2016 8:30 PM CST
"sb isn't script builder dingus" Ah, novice mistake. I merely expected that your proficiency in Spanish linguistics would allow you to easily alternate between various syntactical systems. Unfortunately however, you are a mediocre student.
Re: I have no clue how Bernie is losing to Clintard

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#185014908Tuesday, March 08, 2016 8:20 PM CST
Leftism as a whole is fundamentally flawed. That is why rightists are gaining national dominance.
Re: Whats with all the Vineshroom PA

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#185014496Tuesday, March 08, 2016 8:15 PM CST
"oh and knowing how to code doesn't make someone smart" Neither does social-naivety make an individual unintelligent.
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no way, MTB? LTB?
MTB stereotypical boba drinking east Asian girl with those Korean circle glasses and long black hair with bangs. it wasn't an IOI I was dressed like a criminal with dreads and fat.
  • JFL
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Non thug/stereotypical black guy

Urkelcel traits:

‘Speaks proper english
doesnt listen to rap or isn’t into hip-hop culture
dresses in a sophisticated/classy manner. never sags his pants, doesn’t have tattoos,
into nerdy shit like anime or STEM
and most of all, knows where his birth certificate is.
and also has a father
  • +1
Reactions: fauxfox and enchanted_elixir
and also has a father


Well, this is better for us:






Re: Am I willing enough to be anyone's fav OTer?

Join Date: 2016-02-24
Post Count: 108
#190051917Monday, May 30, 2016 1:28 AM CDT
Perhaps. Although, I would prefer if we met outside the Internet first. I can provide currency for your travel arrangement.

Join Date: 2016-02-24
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#190051977Monday, May 30, 2016 1:29 AM CDT
According to the previous responses, it would seem that you should have specified the definition of the word "evidence."

Well, this is better for us:

View attachment 2116680

View attachment 2116681


View attachment 2116684


Re: Am I willing enough to be anyone's fav OTer?

Join Date: 2016-02-24
Post Count: 108
#190051917Monday, May 30, 2016 1:28 AM CDT
Perhaps. Although, I would prefer if we met outside the Internet first. I can provide currency for your travel arrangement.

Join Date: 2016-02-24
Post Count: 108
#190051977Monday, May 30, 2016 1:29 AM CDT
According to the previous responses, it would seem that you should have specified the definition of the word "evidence."
What are these posts?
  • Hmm...
Reactions: enchanted_elixir
I have no experience with East Asian women, I fucked an Iranian chick. Apart from that it's only white girls.
I'm going to steal your orangutan
  • JFL
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Tagging my list, I'm really curious as to what you guys think becuase this was an interesting conversation
@Lygodactylus @8PSLcel @Br0sk1 @PrinceLuenLeoncur Chadeep@Chadeep @LMSMaxxer @Xangsane @mulattomaxxer @RottenSperg @StrangerDanger @Predeterminism @KING REIDYZ @AscendingHero @Prettyboy @SupremeSubhuman @Mogpogs @Piratecel @PURE ARYAN GENETICS @Preoximerianas @tyronelite @FailedNormieManlet @Lars @Korea @bogii @StreegeReturn @Biggdink @eren1 @Reckless Turtle @Broly Banderas @House Lannister @WannabeJock @Racky @Erik-Jón @heightface @PURE ARYAN GENETICS @Clark69 @ilovelamp08 @St.TikTokcel
@Anstrum95 @TeenAscender @loox @justadude @vaseqmoherad @astatine @Amnesia @Sigmamale @anya @dimorphism @Assyrian_Warrior @FreakkForLife @ThousandCuts @5footsix56 @Alexanderr @HQNPmaxxing @currylightskin @BasedPsychiatrist @´´´´´´´´ @ALP @HOLYFUARK @Chadpreetmaybe @BeenLMSsinceMSN @Kroker @oldcelloser @Tinydragon98 @Hiraeth @ascension! @HimmyButler @latincell95 @Niko @latino_ @capybara @LiteralCaucasian @crimclown63 @Zures @Unsh @reptiles @pneumocystosis @Moggie

@Nation @RIPPED IRL @Saturn @Patient A @dieavirgin @SteveRogers @fogdart @Clark69 @vaninskybird @Racky @Beastimmung @Prince charming @NegativeNorwood @Shitfacegoodbod=mog @fjor2096 @callisto @Corleone @BasedPsychiatrist @heightface @currylightskin @HOLYFUARK @Anstrum95 @Moggedbyevery1 @StepbroMo @gamma2 @Unsh @Daniel Plainview @teemowhite @luljankybo @bogii @5ft1 @Chadpreetmaybe @latino_ @tesseract @FrameMogger @edward999 @Hiraeth @bleksandre @op463 @NFA PB @HerpDerpson @THEMOGGER @Bezel @norwegiancel @Moggie @ascension! @Frozqen @saulgoodman @crimclown63 @BigBundaSlapper @killaeast @Aypo129 @tbh af @jfbjfb @brea @dimorphism @CT03 @throwaway12902 @Tuxiio @Van @Sprinkles @futuregigamogger @julianchicago @HimmyButler @LiteralCaucasian @gribsufer1 @notrealdanish @Never Give Up! @Euclidious @Sarx @Jim @garoupilled_ @5footsix56
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  • JFL
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  • So Sad
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As an Urkelcel myself we have prime appeal to HQNP White and Asian women, and legit negative appeal to Black and Latina women. American-born Indian, MENA, Asian women are basically the same as white women.
Urkcels onlt appeal to Gook and curry women. Whire girls are thug maxxers only
Urkcels onlt appeal to Gook and curry women. Whire girls are thug maxxers only
White girls are very varied imk, most varied race of women in terms of preferences. Some like the thug niche but some also like the clean cut black guy niche
  • +1
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White girls are very varied imk, most varied race of women in terms of preferences. Some like the thug niche but some also like the clean cut black guy niche
Most like thugs but then again I look road man maxxed but have a good nice man perosnlity so I throw them for a loop perhaps
  • +1
Reactions: fauxfox
As an Urkelcel myself we have prime appeal to HQNP White and Asian women, and legit negative appeal to Black and Latina women. American-born Indian, MENA, Asian women are basically the same as white women.
If you really are an Urkel cel as you say it never began tbh being nerdy as a black guy is probably the biggest SMV killer
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Reactions: Frost969, enchanted_elixir and fauxfox
the only appeal niggers have is being wild savage animals since thats the only niche athey can be the best at so urkcels should not be able to pull or at least not as well as thugmaxxed negros

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