Which Gender Cheats More?

Brus Wane

Brus Wane

A Man Is 1 of 3 Things: Bull, Incel or Cuckold
Oct 29, 2022
Yo what the fuck ?

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This is expected. I think if women want want to sleep around, they won't go into a relationship. I think men are so desperate for consistent sex that they will lie about being faithful to stay with a woman.

Women know they have options so if they're telling you they are committing to you, they don't really have a reason to lie (atleast in general - ofc there will be exceptions to the rule)

Look at the way nature works and it will back up my theory. Men are incentivized to sleep around to spread their seed to the most women possible. Women are incentivized to get the best guy and stay with him and just have his kids.
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Women don't even have a sex drive past 30 lol
  • Hmm...
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This is expected. I think if women want want to sleep around, they won't go into a relationship. I think men are so desperate for consistent sex that they will lie about being faithful to stay with a woman.
Can't the same logic apply to men?

RN I would rather sleep around than be in a r/s

Too bad I'm incel so I get neither
Women know they have options so if they're telling you they are committing to you, they don't really have a reason to lie (atleast in general - ofc there will be exceptions to the rule)
Not really... Alot want to have some emotional consistency right? That's not quite an exception
Look at the way nature works and it will back up my theory. Men are incentivized to sleep around to spread their seed to the most women possible. Women are incentivized to get the best guy and stay with him and just have his kids.
The age thing though

60 years and above.... What the fuck man
Women don't even have a sex drive past 30 lol
What??? :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
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Women don't even have a sex drive past 30 lol
I'm currently sleeping with a 47/48yr old women and the oldest woman I've been with has been 52. I've been with many other women in their 30s and 40s too, and they are just as horny (if not more) than young women. This is entirely wrong.

Can't the same logic apply to men?

RN I would rather sleep around than be in a r/s

Too bad I'm incel so I get neither

Not really... Alot want to have some emotional consistency right? That's not quite an exception

The age thing though

60 years and above.... What the fuck man

What??? :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
No the same logic doesn't apply to men because women don't need to lie about their intentions. I've heard many guys say on this forum even that the reason they are in a LTR is for the consistent sex. Women don't need to lie about wanting a LTR to have sex. '

I would rather be in a LTR right now too, but that's because I got bored of having sex with random women.

Emotional consistency is a good point though, I will agree with you there.
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I'm currently sleeping with a 47/48yr old women and the oldest woman I've been with has been 52. I've been with many other women in their 30s and 40s too, and they are just as horny (if not more) than young women. This is entirely wrong.
How old are you? Are these chicks single?
No the same logic doesn't apply to men because women don't need to lie about their intentions. I've heard many guys say on this forum even that the reason they are in a LTR is for the consistent sex. Women don't need to lie about wanting a LTR to have sex. '

I would rather be in a LTR right now too, but that's because I got bored of having sex with random women.

Emotional consistency is a good point though, I will agree with you there.
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How old are you? Are these chicks single?

I'm 25 almost 26. Yes they are all single for one reason or another. Most of those girls told me they didn't want kids (or maybe they're coping)
Obviously foids
What the fuck is this question?
I'm currently sleeping with a 47/48yr old women and the oldest woman I've been with has been 52. I've been with many other women in their 30s and 40s too, and they are just as horny (if not more) than young women. This is entirely wrong.
You've been with a few older women and think this is the norm?

There sex drive is declining, thats just a fact, thats why they cheat less
I'm 25 almost 26. Yes they are all single for one reason or another. Most of those girls told me they didn't want kids (or maybe they're coping)
Mirin hard bhai. I just turned 25 myself but am more or less incel. Only got 2 slays in my life and it was when I was like 15 with another 15 y.o

Where you live?
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You've been with a few older women and think this is the norm?

There sex drive is declining, thats just a fact, thats why they cheat less
Not just a few but a lot, actually. Just disproving your theory on women older than 30 not having a sex drive. It's a ridiculous claim.

Mirin hard bhai. I just turned 25 myself but am more or less incel. Only got 2 slays in my life and it was when I was like 15 with another 15 y.o

Where you live?
Atleast you lost your virginity young. I lost it around the same age. If you lost your virginity that young there is still hope. There are definitely potential slayers out there who have maybe only 2-3 slays at around this age because maybe they were in a LTR throughout high school/college. I also live in NYC. How about you, friend?
Atleast you lost your virginity young. I lost it around the same age. If you lost your virginity that young there is still hope. There are definitely potential slayers out there who have maybe only 2-3 slays at around this age because maybe they were in a LTR throughout high school/college. I also live in NYC. How about you, friend?
Nah it was pure luck.
One of the girls was brown, overweight and stinky. 🤢🤮
It's pretty much over for me unless I make a shit ton of money since I live in Singapore 🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬
Focusing on looks and NTmaxxing in the hopes of repeating it again, but realistically I think I'm just doing it for validation.
How do you meet your slays?
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This is expected. I think if women want want to sleep around, they won't go into a relationship. I think men are so desperate for consistent sex that they will lie about being faithful to stay with a woman.

Women know they have options so if they're telling you they are committing to you, they don't really have a reason to lie (atleast in general - ofc there will be exceptions to the rule)

Look at the way nature works and it will back up my theory. Men are incentivized to sleep around to spread their seed to the most women possible. Women are incentivized to get the best guy and stay with him and just have his kids.
Men are evil and women are good theory
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Nah it was pure luck.
One of the girls was brown, overweight and stinky. 🤢🤮
It's pretty much over for me unless I make a shit ton of money since I live in Singapore 🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬
Focusing on looks and NTmaxxing in the hopes of repeating it again, but realistically I think I'm just doing it for validation.
How do you meet your slays?
Damn yeah the overweight and stinky one doesn't sound pleasant :feelswhy:

Singapore is super expensive, right? I know it's competitive when it comes to jobs because they have like the highest IQs on average, but maybe it's not as over as you think? I'd assume the people in Singapore would be more conservative on average when compared to someplace like the US. Of course people will still slay but maybe the women in this age group in Singapore aren't as big of whores as they are in the US?

Validation was the main reason I wanted to sleep around tbh. Sex doesn't mean much when you can get it easier and you start to value LTR instead. You'll do it bro. What would you say is your current looks level approximately? Do you have any surgeries planned or anything? I lost my virginity at 15 and I got rhinoplasty the year after ( It might have been the same year but tbh all those younger years are kind of blending together for me now) - I got into the blackpill pretty early but I'm thankful because I would've never gotten a rhinoplasty if I didn't know the way looks worked. That's kind of why I'm curious if you have surgeries planned.

And I meet the slays on dating apps and in real life. I just walk around places and go to different areas of my city and women give me signals and I go off that. I don't cold approach women generally unless I get IOIs from them. I don't know how the dating apps work where you live but I have like 3 apps installed at the moment and they're generally the easiest. Sometimes women walk up to me though, for example the girl I'm currently sleeping with. I don't prefer this though, because it sets a weird dynamic for the relationship (especially if she's older) if she's the one who walks up to you and gets your number.
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Damn yeah the overweight and stinky one doesn't sound pleasant :feelswhy:
No it wasn't

Singapore is super expensive, right? I know it's competitive when it comes to jobs because they have like the highest IQs on average, but maybe it's not as over as you think? I'd assume the people in Singapore would be more conservative on average when compared to someplace like the US. Of course people will still slay but maybe the women in this age group in Singapore aren't as big of whores as they are in the US?
It's as bad as the worst of New York, Switzerland or Hong Kong.
And I'm actually below the average IQ here.
Singapore is slightly more conservative than the USA. Not by much.
Validation was the main reason I wanted to sleep around tbh. Sex doesn't mean much when you can get it easier and you start to value LTR instead. You'll do it bro. What would you say is your current looks level approximately? Do you have any surgeries planned or anything? I lost my virginity at 15 and I got rhinoplasty the year after ( It might have been the same year but tbh all those younger years are kind of blending together for me now) - I got into the blackpill pretty early but I'm thankful because I would've never gotten a rhinoplasty if I didn't know the way looks worked. That's kind of why I'm curious if you have surgeries planned.
I'm 5'9 and overweight (but I won't be for long)... Blessed with broad shoulders and despite being Chinese I didn't get the "chinky" eyes so I guess that's a plus
No surgeries planned since I'm not recessed... just massive skincare and leanmaxxing is all
My NTness needs a lot of work tbh
How about yous?
And I meet the slays on dating apps and in real life. I just walk around places and go to different areas of my city and women give me signals and I go off that. I don't cold approach women generally unless I get IOIs from them. I don't know how the dating apps work where you live but I have like 3 apps installed at the moment and they're generally the easiest.
Wow I should hop on
Sometimes women walk up to me though, for example the girl I'm currently sleeping with. I don't prefer this though, because it sets a weird dynamic for the relationship (especially if she's older) if she's the one who walks up to you and gets your number.
This nearly never happens here
People just aren't as NT as in NYC
Especially when it comes to fucking.
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No it wasn't
View attachment 3035980

It's as bad as the worst of New York, Switzerland or Hong Kong.
And I'm actually below the average IQ here.
Singapore is slightly more conservative than the USA. Not by much.

I'm 5'9 and overweight (but I won't be for long)... Blessed with broad shoulders and despite being Chinese I didn't get the "chinky" eyes so I guess that's a plus
No surgeries planned since I'm not recessed... just massive skincare and leanmaxxing is all
My NTness needs a lot of work tbh
How about yous?

Wow I should hop on

This nearly never happens here
People just aren't as NT as in NYC
Especially when it comes to fucking.
Oh ok yeah I guess whores will be whores anywhere in the world. I'm probably below average IQ in America (that's saying a lot :lul:)

5'9 isn't that bad since it's Singapore. Can just wear lifts in your shoes and suddenly you're 180cm - Yeah definitely lose the weight. Most Asians are skinny from my experience. That's probably looksminning you hard. Broad shoulders are a major plus + as well as the eyes. I'm not planning anymore surgeries either. I was going to actually get a revision on my rhinoplasty because I think it's deviating, but people don't say anything about it (even people who are BPed who wouldn't lie about it say it's fine so I'm not really sure if I'd ever get a revision)

Your skin is that bad, or you just have maybe a little bit of acne? I never had bad acne but I'm norwooding at an alarming rate tbqh :forcedsmile:I'm going to use minoxodil more consistently because I ordered it from Costco a while back, but I haven't been consistent with using it at all.

Definitely consider hopping on some apps. You never tried them out?
Oh ok yeah I guess whores will be whores anywhere in the world. I'm probably below average IQ in America (that's saying a lot :lul:)
Meh as long as we've got jobs it's OK
It's the money that counts but down here your intelligence is somewhat of a flex
Officially we're average 105 but it's actually higher due to ethnics pulling the average down (70% Chinese population )
5'9 isn't that bad since it's Singapore. Can just wear lifts in your shoes and suddenly you're 180cm - Yeah definitely lose the weight. Most Asians are skinny from my experience. That's probably looksminning you hard. Broad shoulders are a major plus + as well as the eyes.
Very blessed with the eyes and shoulders.
Have some intense diet and cardio planned. I don't wanna gymcel anymore.
I'm not planning anymore surgeries either. I was going to actually get a revision on my rhinoplasty because I think it's deviating, but people don't say anything about it (even people who are BPed who wouldn't lie about it say it's fine so I'm not really sure if I'd ever get a revision)
I'd just do it to be safe innit.
Why did you rhino in the first place?
Too crooked?
Your skin is that bad, or you just have maybe a little bit of acne? I never had bad acne but I'm norwooding at an alarming rate tbqh :forcedsmile:I'm going to use minoxodil more consistently because I ordered it from Costco a while back, but I haven't been consistent with using it at all.
It took years to clean up my acne.
It's down to 0 now but there are still scars which might be permanent. Idk. I still use tret and moisturiser in case.
Definitely consider hopping on some apps. You never tried them out?
I have a massive introvert and shyness problem.

I was morbidly obese throughout highschool and was brutally bullied & abused. I had no friends and only hung out with fellow losers.
I dropped to a normie weight just before college but by then my head was totally fucked upside down.

NonNT, zero confidence or social skills and kept to myself for the most part, only hanging out with losers and social outcast and inevitably becoming one again.

I'm old as fuck now, I am aggressively leanmaxxing and doing my best to talk to strangers and shit...but it's hard man.
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Very blessed with the eyes and shoulders.
Have some intense diet and cardio planned. I don't wanna gymcel anymore.

I'd just do it to be safe innit.
Why did you rhino in the first place?
Too crooked?

It took years to clean up my acne.
It's down to 0 now but there are still scars which might be permanent. Idk. I still use tret and moisturiser in case.

I have a massive introvert and shyness problem.

I was morbidly obese throughout highschool and was brutally bullied & abused. I had no friends and only hung out with fellow losers.
I dropped to a normie weight just before college but by then my head was totally fucked upside down.

NonNT, zero confidence or social skills and kept to myself for the most part, only hanging out with losers and social outcast and inevitably becoming one again.

I'm old as fuck now, I am aggressively leanmaxxing and doing my best to talk to strangers and shit...but it's hard man.
Mirin. Nice eyes are a huge flex everywhere, as well as shoulders. Great to have both. If you want to lose the most weight I'd recommend Keto + intermittent fasting. Will make you shed the weight like crazy, assuming you're in a caloric deficit.

Well problem with just doing it to be safe is that it's quite a bit of money for me at the moment. It would be atleast 8k if I got it done from the same surgeon, but I'd most likely want to go to someone better, which means atleast like 18k down the drain. Cant justify spending it tbh especially because I don't have it :forcedsmile: I got it done originally because my nose was just massive and crooked. I had the worst nose imaginable. Massive bump on it, looked huge on me, and it was really crooked. There was so much that was needed to be fixed with it. If I can't get a revision, I think i'll be happy without it. Although, I will admit that I was obsessing about it from like Aug-Oct of last year because I thought it was getting worse.

I feel you on the shy part. I guess you attribute it mostly to not really socializing as a teenager? It's hard especially if you have abused dog syndrome from getting shit on by classmates and other teens when you were younger. You can recover bhai. Ever try using Phenibut? It helped me a lot back then.

I was shy up until I had the rhino done. I was just throwing myself in the fire and forcing myself to talk to people at school. Best thing was I was too oblivious of how stupid I looked doing it that I didn't care how big of a fool I was making myself look with some of the stuff I did (namely how I hit on some of the girls at my school at the time jfl) - I think being shy is kind of harder to fix as time goes on though. Your brain isn't as easily changeable as it was as a teenager.

Yeah I feel you it's definitely hard sometimes. Leanmaxxing + skincare, and socializing more definitely can't hurt it will only help for sure.
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Mirin. Nice eyes are a huge flex everywhere, as well as shoulders. Great to have both. If you want to lose the most weight I'd recommend Keto + intermittent fasting. Will make you shed the weight like crazy, assuming you're in a caloric deficit.
I do that but sometimes lack consistency
Well problem with just doing it to be safe is that it's quite a bit of money for me at the moment. It would be atleast 8k if I got it done from the same surgeon, but I'd most likely want to go to someone better, which means atleast like 18k down the drain. Cant justify spending it tbh especially because I don't have it :forcedsmile: I got it done originally because my nose was just massive and crooked. I had the worst nose imaginable. Massive bump on it, looked huge on me, and it was really crooked. There was so much that was needed to be fixed with it. If I can't get a revision, I think i'll be happy without it. Although, I will admit that I was obsessing about it from like Aug-Oct of last year because I thought it was getting worse.
That money is probably better invested elsewhere considering you've got step 1 done, I suppose
Are you middle eastern? How come you got a nose bump?
I feel you on the shy part. I guess you attribute it mostly to not really socializing as a teenager? It's hard especially if you have abused dog syndrome from getting shit on by classmates and other teens when you were younger. You can recover bhai. Ever try using Phenibut? It helped me a lot back then.
100% abused dog. Not just other teens man. Teachers and the occasional nasty relative too. Fucked up shit.

I just googled phenibut. Looks promising but I don't want to have to resort to some drug.
Even if it does work... I might end up reliant on it...
Care to share how it helped you?
I was shy up until I had the rhino done. I was just throwing myself in the fire and forcing myself to talk to people at school. Best thing was I was too oblivious of how stupid I looked doing it that I didn't care how big of a fool I was making myself look with some of the stuff I did (namely how I hit on some of the girls at my school at the time jfl) - I think being shy is kind of harder to fix as time goes on though. Your brain isn't as easily changeable as it was as a teenager.
Brutal isn't it?
The older you get, the less margin for error.
Yeah I feel you it's definitely hard sometimes. Leanmaxxing + skincare, and socializing more definitely can't hurt it will only help for sure.
I'm all in on that.
The socialising is the most difficult
Without even knowing these stats its basic common sense that most women cheat more considering
they are often presented with more opportunities to do so whereas the majority of men are almost forced
into a Monogamous state of mind due to scarcity.
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First, it's quite possible women lie more in these studies. For all we know women might cheat at 3x rates in reality.
Second, the 18-29 age group is the most important one. Noone cares what middle age people and senior citizens that are past reproductive age do.
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