Which guy would be more relatable to you


  • Ugly slayer

  • Gl incel

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Dec 4, 2023
Ugly slayer (ugly but very popular, wide social circle, fucks lots of girls)

Attractive incel (good face but autistic, mindbroken, traumatised, can barely say a few words to the opposite gender)
Second one. I thought I'd get more female attention when I'd ascend facially but all I get is flakes and left on delivered/read. I guess I could be to blame too but Idk how tf to escalate and talk with women in that way. And I do not have the pride to chase women like some desperate normie

Just today I unfriended a girl from snap because she left me on delivered for 20+ hours after she sent "yes🥰🥰" with emojis and snapscore going up 100+ after suggesting a time to meet when she said she was suppodesly sick the day we were supposed to meet. I'm so sick of women's bullshit
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I'm a gl former slayer but currently incel
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