Which of these races foids is the LEAST likely to get a white HTN+ boyfriend/husband?

Which of these foids is the LEAST likely to get a white HTN+ boyfriend/husband?

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Debby's coming to steal BBC from Beryl
Jun 11, 2021

Reminded me of a convo @greycel and me had.

Assume these foids are slightly above average (strong MTB).

@Whatever @Darkeningstar @Chadeep
  • +1
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@Numb why darkskin
@Recessed Life why sea
  • +1
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@baerr be serious nigga
@baerr be serious nigga
I am fr. I Live in Germany and when I see Girls with White Htns, theyre White too regardless of their Looks Level. I See a Lot of htb+ ethnics with ugly Ass whites tho. I Just voted based on what I See daily
Darkskin girls are usually disgustingly ugly or low class. They won’t attract anything but subhuman thugs.
Darkskin girls are usually disgustingly ugly or low class. They won’t attract anything but subhuman thugs.
Not always I saw dark skinned girls with chads imo asians
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South Asian, then black
  • +1
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  • JFL
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I am fr. I Live in Germany and when I see Girls with White Htns, theyre White too regardless of their Looks Level. I See a Lot of htb+ ethnics with ugly Ass whites tho. I Just voted based on what I See daily
I did put “least likely to get a white HTN+ boyfriend” not most
Darkskin girls are usually disgustingly ugly or low class. They won’t attract anything but subhuman thugs.
@greycel why?
  • +1
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In order of who is least likely to get a White Boyfriend (irrespective of HTN/MTN/Chad etc):

South Asian: 1st 🥇
  • Undesired due to a variety of reasons, from being genetically inferior, to having small skulls, to secreting fouler body odours during sex, to being very money-hungry.
  • Will birth incel children
  • They are fine with their own men, so won't throw a fit when white men (rightfully) exclude them from ever being a viable partner
  • Even the best looking Indian Stacies are disgusting to be with, and white men know this

MENA: 2nd 🥈
  • Are desired due to their femininty and being much more superior compared to South Asian women
  • However, they are far from the top of genetic superiority
  • They LOVE their men, largely due to religious reasons.. so they will most likely not even try to go to get a White boyfriend (not due to their inability to though)

Black (darkskin): 3rd 🥉
  • High E bodies, with good bones, and will birth athletic children
  • Mullattos are very desired, and black SMV as a result has been on the uprise in the last few decades. They won't necessarily struggle. Although it is a hard cut for a large number of whites, where anything ethnic or black is a 🚫 zone
  • Whites normally have a master/slave kink fetish, and will go out of their way to chase them
  • High enough proportion of whites that are fine with blacks, for this to be 3rd and not 2nd

Black (lightskin or mulatta): 4th
  • An upgraded black for (most) racist white parents, that would no longer be fully unaccepting to their son's partner
  • Look much much better than black women

Latina: 5th
  • Can attract white men, due to having Native American ancestry mixed with Caucasian. Ultra High E bodies, that are gnerally more applauded amongst the black men.. yet white men don't shy from it.
  • A large bulk of this is from American men, as Latinas are infrequently seen in other places around the world
  • Normally are with Black guys, or their own men
  • White men prefer the femininity over physical bodies, if the physical bodies aren't showing much conviction to them, so the following would do the best..

Northeast Asian or HAPA: 6th
  • A toss up between the Asians
  • Ultimately, a battle of who is more desired vs who wants white men more, and who is more accepting of their own rice men
  • HAPAs and NorthEast Asians are more accepting of their own men, and won't throw hissy fits
  • They are better looking than SEA...

Southeast Asian or Pacific Islander: 7th
  • ...but the Southeast Asians are too rigid with their types and will ONLY go for Whites
  • and ultimately that matters more than any looks advantage that the NorthEast Asian women would have
  • Now there are much more SEA Women, White Men couple.. more white guys are starting to experiment with it

White: ...

Least likely to
be able to get a white boyfriend:
  1. South Asian
  2. Black (darkskin)
  3. MENA
  4. Southeast Asian or Pacific Islander
  5. Northeast Asian or HAPA
  6. Black (lightskin or mulatta)
  7. Latina
  8. White
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  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
i think with SEA its mainly filipinas that white brah travel to find
MENA seem to be common with white since similar culture
cant see mulatta or dark skin with white as much either but more common these days
blak and ia aint ever racist id bve liek

Reminded me of a convo @greycel and me had.

Assume these foids are slightly above average (strong MTB).

@Whatever @Darkeningstar @Chadeep

I’d say South Asian, based on what I’ve seen. I’ve only ever known/met 2 white guy curry girl couples, last one was a yoga teacher I had, he was I’d say MTN and his wife was maybe above average for a curry girl. Most of the South Asians in California are Punjabi Sikhs and they seem pretty insular, I never saw them out race mixing en masse. Maybe it’s because Punjabi guys tend to be pretty robust and masc, so not as many of their foids are off looking for something else.
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  • +1
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I’d say South Asian, based on what I’ve seen. I’ve only ever known/met 2 white guy curry girl couples, last one was a yoga teacher I had, he was I’d say MTN and his wife was maybe above average for a curry girl. Most of the South Asians in California are Punjabi Sikhs and they seem pretty insular, I never saw them out race mixing en masse. Maybe it’s because Punjabi guys tend to be pretty robust and masc, so not as many of their foids are off looking for something else.
weirdly Yogi Cameron (Alborzian) is married to a pajeeta foid (however he's half Persian half white)
  • +1
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In order of who is least likely to get a White Boyfriend (irrespective of HTN/MTN/Chad etc):
yeah I don't count MTN but go on
South Asian: 1st 🥇
  • Undesired due to a variety of reasons, from being genetically inferior, to having small skulls, to secreting fouler body odours during sex, to being very money-hungry.
  • Will birth incel children
  • They are fine with their own men, so won't throw a fit when white men (rightfully) exclude them from ever being a viable partner
  • Even the best looking Indian Stacies are disgusting to be with, and white men know this
Would you consider nick Kaufmann and zayn malik incel
Agreed for the majority of curry women though
MENA: 2nd 🥈
  • Are desired due to their femininty and being much more superior compared to South Asian women
  • However, they are far from the top of genetic superiority
  • They LOVE their men, largely due to religious reasons.. so they will most likely not even try to go to get a White boyfriend (not due to their inability to though)
is this why a lot tend to like the white passing men of their ethnicity?
Black (darkskin): 3rd 🥉
  • High E bodies, with good bones, and will birth athletic children
  • Mullattos are very desired, and black SMV as a result has been on the uprise in the last few decades. They won't necessarily struggle. Although it is a hard cut for a large number of whites, where anything ethnic or black is a 🚫 zone
what do you consider ethnic in this context
  • Whites normally have a master/slave kink fetish, and will go out of their way to chase them
  • High enough proportion of whites that are fine with blacks, for this to be 3rd and not 2nd
but again these whites are usually MTN and ogre
Black (lightskin or mulatta): 4th
  • An upgraded black for (most) racist white parents, that would no longer be fully unaccepting to their son's partner
  • Look much much better than black women
agreed, I married a woman in this category (though I'm half white)
Latina: 5th
  • Can attract white men, due to having Native American ancestry mixed with Caucasian. Ultra High E bodies, that are gnerally more applauded amongst the black men.. yet white men don't shy from it.
JFL a lot of curry foids whine and whinge about latinas. why?
  • A large bulk of this is from American men, as Latinas are infrequently seen in other places around the world
  • Normally are with Black guys, or their own men
yeah because the black guys chase them.
  • White men prefer the femininity over physical bodies, if the physical bodies aren't showing much conviction to them, so the following would do the best..
Northeast Asian or HAPA: 6th
  • A toss up between the Asians
  • Ultimately, a battle of who is more desired vs who wants white men more, and who is more accepting of their own rice men
  • HAPAs and NorthEast Asians are more accepting of their own men, and won't throw hissy fits
  • They are better looking than SEA...
because they are squishy
Southeast Asian or Pacific Islander: 7th
  • ...but the Southeast Asians are too rigid with their types and will ONLY go for Whites
  • and ultimately that matters more than any looks advantage that the NorthEast Asian women would have
  • Now there are much more SEA Women, White Men couple.. more white guys are starting to experiment with it
Agree but these guys are usually LTN or MTN
White: ...

Least likely to
be able to get a white boyfriend:
  1. South Asian
  2. Black (darkskin)
  3. MENA
  4. Southeast Asian or Pacific Islander
  5. Northeast Asian or HAPA
  6. Black (lightskin or mulatta)
  7. Latina
  8. White
Would you consider nick Kaufmann and zayn malik incel
Agreed for the majority of curry women though
Nah not the same for guys
Guys unironically are less fcked over by :blackpill:
Dudes can rely on other shit like Money/Fame etc
Women need to be feminine and have either light skin, or black skin (because of propaganda)
Curry dudes aren't the lowest. I'd argue that Asians are, if the Asians and the Curry dudes are both westernized (so no danger of pajeet kidnapping them)

And they are both High Chadlite/ Low Chad

is this why a lot tend to like the white passing men of their ethnicity?
yeah, stress the "their"
They will generally always exclude anybody who isn't culturally, or more importantly religiously right for them

what do you consider ethnic in this context
South Asian

but again these whites are usually MTN and ogre
Ngl. There's an increasing number of higher class guys who go for these type of women these days
Even Chadlites+

agreed, I married a woman in this category (though I'm half white)
I always thought that was a larp jfl
Mirin if you are actually being serious bhai

JFL a lot of curry foids whine and whinge about latinas. why?
Because of the skin colour. They think they are clsoe to the olive skin colour so they are comparable, completely ignoring that the more important aspect is the eurocentric features that they don't possess.

Agree but these guys are usually LTN or MTN
It's normally as a result of not getting success from their own women
Or they might prioritise femininty over looks/genetic desirability
Didn't Orb go SEAmaxx?
Last I heard he went there..
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As long as you have a hole inbetween your legs, you can’t lose.

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