While in highschool, your success with girls is mostly in your control.



100 women are not worth a single testicle -《◇》
Jan 2, 2019
Im a pretty skinny guy (anyone who’s seen my body pics can verify), I have a shit sleep schedule, I have small gyno, my diet is normally good with some short moments where I eat like shit. I don’t play any sports at all and I’m definintely low - normal t.

Even though my face is good (I’ve been consistently rated around 5 to 5.75 PSL before skin/hairmaxxin), I still struggle to attract girls.

However, when I compare myself to kids my age (15-17), they are even worse.
99% are either skinny fat or overweight, they have high voices, they have terribly low libido and are weak as fuck. I was doing arm wrestling because there was a substitute and literally destroyed ppl who are over 40kgs heavier than me. I didn’t lose a single one. Subtle humblebrag.

I honestly believe that being healthy, non autistic and minimum 5’7 guarantees you’ll slay because there are too many girls who are begging to be fucked because of hormones but most guys are such pussies. That the creates an environment where girls looks standards are significantly lowered because of desperation.

Guys at my school that would be considered TRUECELS have gotten bjs/fucked girls simply because they are NT and have acceptable t levels. Even some 5’4 Mexican transferred for only 3 months and fucked 3 different girls during that time.

All the NT highschool niggas that are taller than 5’7 better gymmaxx/dietmaxx to get some pussy before you graduate and you cannot compete.
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the younger you are the more social circle and nt/game matter tbh

younger girls are really dumb and inexperienced and the limited environment and enforced gender balance of school forces women to have a more realistic heuristic especially given that at least when i was in high school girls who were promiscuous and date a lot got bad reps

this effect will get less and less pronounced as culture is more and more degraded though

also the smaller your school and the less your peers use social media the bigger this effect will be
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the younger you are the more social circle and nt/game matter tbh

younger girls are really dumb and inexperienced and the limited environment and enforced gender balance of school forces women to have a more realistic heuristic especially given that at least when i was in high school girls who were promiscuous and date a lot got bad reps

this effect will get less and less pronounced as culture is more and more degraded though

also the smaller your school and the less your peers use social media the bigger this effect will be
Wife Deserver
idk schools can be different depending on location, I've been to many schools and even the environment and people talk is different (talking about erasmus+)

but yeah, NT and status is everything at that point, but let's not disregard looks fully here... looks GIVE you status, looks GIVE you a positively percieved personality, and from there on it's just all about not being autistic, girls will make it easy for u.
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This depend too much and you are probably exaggerating about all.
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Even some 5’4 Mexican transferred for only 3 months and fucked 3 different girls during that time.

How do you actually know? JFL at believing teens on having sex.
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High School slaying I see/view as 2 things -
1) Every average guy that brags about fucking a girl 99/100 times the girl isn't special - uglier/average-looking girls that are insecure af that fuck multiple guys in that school because they have no respect for themselves and give it to nearly any guy that approaches with a half-decent effort. There is no pride in this because every guy can do it and the girl isn't the girl you tend to like all that much, dumpster-diving really.

2) the guy is so good-looking or at least way better-looking relative to the other guys in his hs/really high status i.e. tall and the star basketball player or whatever that the girls just gravitate towards him because it's the best they can get in their environment. He will slay because he is lucky - he has reached a scenario/environment where his genes are triumphant amongst his male counterparts
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Unless you have bad acne. Then it's game over.
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Your peers are likely more social and low inhib while you spend hours in the mirror each day analyzing your flaws
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IMG 9212
IMG 8673
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Legit. Looking back I received a shit ton of IOIs in high school that I had no idea what to do with, more than any other time in my life including college.
Unless you have bad acne. Then it's game over.
Knew a kid in HS with literally medical levels of acne, like Jesus Christ it was so bad it was distracting when you talked to him, and even he had a relatively attractive gf
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yes as a 6 i was legit top 10 in my school of 1400. didnt slay bc was high inhib at the time + no girls of my race went to the school
yes as a 6 i was legit top 10 in my school of 1400. didnt slay bc was high inhib at the time + no girls of my race went to the school
That means u were low t to not be attracted to other races
That means u were low t to not be attracted to other races
lol no i find other races attractive, the girls at my school were just legit truecels, legit think my school was an anomaly for ugly
Then one chad comes along its back to square one.
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try living in fucking chadstralia, every single cunt looks like this

pinterest @hopeelietz
Julian Wilson Pictures 2nd Annual PacSun Pipeline To A Cure For The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation -
OMG I want to marry him! Julian Wilson, australian surfer
there was some socialmaxxed jester in my class who were 5 feet 8 at most and his face and body was mid tier normie at best but he slayed different foid each week kek, jestermaxxing works in highschool
  • So Sad
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try living in fucking chadstralia, every single cunt looks like this

pinterest @hopeelietz
Julian Wilson Pictures 2nd Annual PacSun Pipeline To A Cure For The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation -
OMG I want to marry him! Julian Wilson, australian surfer
No way brah.Deathstralia
Germany is ugly heaven but tallfags everywhere
there was some socialmaxxed jester in my class who were 5 feet 8 at most and his face and body was mid tier normie at best but he slayed different foid each week kek, jestermaxxing works in highschool
How old was he?
Im a pretty skinny guy (anyone who’s seen my body pics can verify), I have a shit sleep schedule, I have small gyno, my diet is normally good with some short moments where I eat like shit. I don’t play any sports at all and I’m definintely low - normal t.

Even though my face is good (I’ve been consistently rated around 5 to 5.75 PSL before skin/hairmaxxin), I still struggle to attract girls.

However, when I compare myself to kids my age (15-17), they are even worse.
99% are either skinny fat or overweight, they have high voices, they have terribly low libido and are weak as fuck. I was doing arm wrestling because there was a substitute and literally destroyed ppl who are over 40kgs heavier than me. I didn’t lose a single one. Subtle humblebrag.

I honestly believe that being healthy, non autistic and minimum 5’7 guarantees you’ll slay because there are too many girls who are begging to be fucked because of hormones but most guys are such pussies. That the creates an environment where girls looks standards are significantly lowered because of desperation.

Guys at my school that would be considered TRUECELS have gotten bjs/fucked girls simply because they are NT and have acceptable t levels. Even some 5’4 Mexican transferred for only 3 months and fucked 3 different girls during that time.

All the NT highschool niggas that are taller than 5’7 better gymmaxx/dietmaxx to get some pussy before you graduate and you cannot compete.
Great reminds me a girl literally kissed me with no fkin consent just because I had an accent and was a bit eccentric
try living in fucking chadstralia, every single cunt looks like this

pinterest @hopeelietz
Julian Wilson Pictures 2nd Annual PacSun Pipeline To A Cure For The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation -
OMG I want to marry him! Julian Wilson, australian surfer
I dont think so man, only a few white guys are on this tier, and those that do are slayers.
I call BS. I got zero attention from girls when I was in highschool (this was the pre-iPhone era) and they all flocked to the natural chads instead
JB theory is very legit. They don't know their SMV at that stage and most guys are skinny in high school.
I'm short, skinny and facially ugly and girls still invited me to go to the cinema together, to meet up etc. when I was in high school.
Simply because some of the other guys were even more subhuman than me (though taller than me).
Even the gender ratio gives you a lot of chances. I was the only guy in a class for a year.
Now I'm around old fucks at work and they all wrist mog, voicemog, heightmog and masculinity mog me. It's over. Haven't seen a JB in 2 weeks.
Wish I hadn't been such a pussy in high school. It's truly over now.
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