White parents want popular NT sons while ethnics want them to study and be nerds?


Deleted member 14693

Jul 26, 2021
Is this a general trend?
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Scarcity mindset. Lower middle class American parents are same as ethnics unless they’re trailer park then they don’t give a fucj lmao
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If you only mean indians and east asians for ethnic thwn i agree
Is this a general trend?
White parents want their sons and daughters to be NT and get good grades, but not at the expense of social development.

Ethnic parents want their sons to nerd out and become a laywer/doctor and their daughters to become a teacher or something and marry a lawyer/doctor.

Not every parent can be generalised based on race. People are more nuanced than that especially in this day and age.
Heck, my example contains a shit ton of generalisations too. Jfl.
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Im ethnic and I slay
Yeah 2nd generation ethnics are incel breeding camps due to their parents wanting them to have prosperous educations and futures, because of this they force their children to be heavily indulged in academics

But this is also a double edged sword, a lot of them end up missing developmental milestones and becoming incels in the future due to their parents forcing them to do shit like study instead of regular teen activities like playing sports, hanging out with their friends, playing video games etc etc

It didn’t happen to me personally but it has happened to some of my family members who ended up moving over here instead of being born here, they’re relatively well acclimated but you can instantly tell they have incel traits and aren’t as socially developed compared to their peers
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my parents want me to sell drugs
  • JFL
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If you only mean indians and east asians for ethnic thwn i agree
Turkish and arab kids in school always complained that there parents want them to study study study
The West is dying and becoming like Japan whereas browns are outbreeding us, flooding our countries and catching up with us. Can't judge their family values or way they bring up their kids. We could use a bit more strictness and collectivism and less fun and individualism.
Nah high iq whites can be just as demanding when it comes to education. You forget that genes come in packages so careermaxxing is a given if you're smart.
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slavic/balkan parents are basically similar to ethnic subhuman parents in this.

my slav parents made my brother and I become HighIQ studycelling nerds

social success was actually seen as taboo and my parents were actually happy that I didn't have success with women so I wasn't being 'distracted'.
Black families just want their sons to be good at sports
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Every parent want that
Nah white parents don't care if you travel after school or smth or if you get a bad grade they won't care that much ethnic parents will rage and want you to go to university immediatly
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  • Hmm...
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Nah white parents don't care if you travel after school or smth or if you get a bad grade they won't care that much ethnic parents will rage and want you to go to university immediatly
Nah white parents don't care if you travel after school or smth or if you get a bad grade they won't care that much ethnic parents will rage and want you to go to university immediatly
Parents pill is underrated

It’s funny how if some of our parents were even slightly different in the ways we raised and socialized us, it would create a domino effect that we’d likely never even discover what this website was in the first place
Nah white parents don't care if you travel after school or smth or if you get a bad grade they won't care that much ethnic parents will rage and want you to go to university immediatly
I completly disagree. If you get bad grader thej won't be happy and tbey want you go to uni
Because it’s the only way ethnics get respect is being nerd and cuck for society. Little ethnic boy stroking his penis in the corner as his bloodline is destroyed by 8x6 nbp cock

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