White people are the only race that are allowed to be individuals.



Jan 2, 2020
Whenever a non white person does something, it's always ascribed to his race.

Whenever a white person does something, he's allowed to have a backstory that gives him individuality.
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Lies, you read every word, with the utmost, perfect annunciation.
No because your thread wasnt about me, maybe i read a single word but i saw it didnt start with my username so it all doesnt matter.
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true tbh they;re seen as individuals while nonwhites are seen as representatives of their communities:lul:
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true tbh they;re seen as individuals while nonwhites are seen as representatives of their communities:lul:

You see this in the way media covers criminal actions.

Ethnic criminals are criminals due to their culture / genetic propensity for violence.

While white criminals are criminals because of bad upbringing or they were a mentally unstable individual
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You see this in the way media covers criminal actions.

Ethnic criminals are criminals due to their culture / genetic propensity for violence.

While white criminals are criminals because of bad upbringing or they were a mentally unstable individual
Can't even go ER without people making it about the fact that I'm curry and not the fact that I'm a lonely incel loser...😭😭😭
Non whites are too much alike so there`s nothing to add. You don`t refer to bugs as individuals.
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Kinda. White people are still blamed for slavery while ethnics aren’t blamed for their atrocities
What atrocities have curries committed on other people :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:?????
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Non whites are too much alike so there`s nothing to add. You don`t refer to bugs as individuals.
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100% especially in America. Can't do anything or have any outside interests or perspectives without being called weird or a coon or sellout by ugly sheboons or oafish low IQ Tyrones
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Low IQ.

OP - He said ethnics but didn`t specify which kind (generalization) the thing u cried about in the original post.
Curries are a non white race, I was asking in particular, what did atrocities did curries, a non white race, ever commit.
Curries are a non white race, I was asking in particular, what did atrocities did curries, a non white race, ever commit.
You completely missed the point. See why whites doesn`t bother?
You completely missed the point. See why whites doesn`t bother?
I can understand that he's generalizing all non whites as the same, but I'm actually trying to disprove his statement wrong picking out a specific non white race and asking him, what atrocities have they committed on other people.
Whenever a non white person does something, it's always ascribed to his race.

Whenever a white person does something, he's allowed to have a backstory that gives him individuality.
It’s because it’s true
"I was not born to be enslaved by the system, I was born to enslave those working for the system."
Good. We are the only ones deserving of individualism as we are the only ones who have earned it.
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Good. We are the only ones deserving of individualism as we are the only ones who have earned it.
Earned it by what? accident of birth? Last time I checked you don’t get to choose your skin colour lol
Whenever a non white person does something, it's always ascribed to his race.

Whenever a white person does something, he's allowed to have a backstory that gives him individuality.
most high IQ thing you've said. I agree.

White guy is creepy to asian women = it's only some white guys, whites aren't creepy
Pajeet hits on white girl = OMG PAJEETS ARE ALL RAPISTS #METOO
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 17791, ItsOVERBuddyBoyos and Shrek2OnDvD
You see this in the way media covers criminal actions.

Ethnic criminals are criminals due to their culture / genetic propensity for violence.

While white criminals are criminals because of bad upbringing or they were a mentally unstable individual
You always hear about the "creepy indian guy" but no one will ever talk about SEAmaxxers and creepy white dudes who just prey on asian women jfl. I was on this app called hellotalk, looking for intl friends and random people to talk to. I'm still friends with this chinese girl and we speak every now and then, she was telling me how on that app white dudes would just message her asking her to be their gf jfl. There's a chinese word for it she said, a word to describe ugly dudes who are too confident. She claims westerners/whites fit that word. I forgot the chinese word for it tho

@Collagen or rope @Magical Apple can u guys tell me the word jfl
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You always hear about the "creepy indian guy" but no one will ever talk about SEAmaxxers and creepy white dudes who just prey on asian women jfl. I was on this app called hellotalk, looking for intl friends and random people to talk to. I'm still friends with this chinese girl and we speak every now and then, she was telling me how on that app white dudes would just message her asking her to be their gf jfl. There's a chinese word for it she said, a word to describe ugly dudes who are too confident. She claims westerners/whites fit that word. I forgot the chinese word for it tho

@Collagen or rope @Magical Apple can u guys tell me the word jfl

it always makes me JFL when western raised ethnic females will act like their male counterparts raised in the west are upholding some sort of patriarchy, when we literally don't have any say at all in this culture.

IRL most creepy guys are white dudes because they think they can away with it.
Non FOBS are always conscious of coming across creepy so and usually overcompensate.
it always makes me JFL when western raised ethnic females will act like their male counterparts raised in the west are upholding some sort of patriarchy, when we literally don't have any say at all in this culture.

IRL most creepy guys are white dudes because they think they can away with it.
Non FOBS are always conscious of coming across creepy so and usually overcompensate.
It's just a made up excuse for them to justify their white worship/ white guy only sexual preference. Western raised curries males are literally the most moldable ethnics in the west and desperately try to assimilate into western culture so not as to be seen as some kind of mythical backwards 3rd world muh patriarchal ethnics, but western curry foids still will call us "patriarchal". :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
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It’s in our name “people” emphasis on that
Not true anymore if a white guy does soemthing it’s common for people to say “sounds about white”
Some white boys shot up my cousins school and almost killed a few teachers and students. People started sympathizing with him and wanted to forgive him. If you that was a black person that kindness would not have been extended
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Whenever a non white person does something, it's always ascribed to his race.

Whenever a white person does something, he's allowed to have a backstory that gives him individuality.
Do you mean like how whites don't generally get stereotyped? Like if a black man is shown on tv committing a crime its cause of black= crime, or a Arab committing a crime, cause Arab commits crime a lot, but if a white does a mass shooting its mental issues vs race.

I would say its true. But now days most are afraid to point the finger on race, and the race/crime stats unfortunately are a truth that not many will point out. The thing Is I've noticed family man= crime destroyer. Some blacks at work with kids their definetly not close to the criminal stereotype . I think it makes sense as you can't expect to raise kids with some criminal background. But yes blacks do avoid fatherhood more then any other race.

But kids raised without dads don't nescarilly grow up to commit crimes, and that's kind of the genetic link with crime that is hotly debated. It is unfortunate true. Whites and East Asians and Indians are the most peaceful people, while africans the most violent as a whole, while with Muslims a close second.

But not every member of the race is the same. In Africa, Nigeria and Kenya have similar crime rates to Russia as a whole. Turkey and stadia arabia and UAE have also very low crime rates with muslim majority. It seems for ethnics wealth is of more importance to keep crime lates low, while whites and Indians and east Asians can live in dirt poor poverty without chimping out.
You always hear about the "creepy indian guy" but no one will ever talk about SEAmaxxers and creepy white dudes who just prey on asian women jfl. I was on this app called hellotalk, looking for intl friends and random people to talk to. I'm still friends with this chinese girl and we speak every now and then, she was telling me how on that app white dudes would just message her asking her to be their gf jfl. There's a chinese word for it she said, a word to describe ugly dudes who are too confident. She claims westerners/whites fit that word. I forgot the chinese word for it tho

@Collagen or rope @Magical Apple can u guys tell me the word jfl
idk man. You would be surprised what asian women really think of white men though. Its honestly not good.
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Whenever a non white person does something, it's always ascribed to his race.

Whenever a white person does something, he's allowed to have a backstory that gives him individuality.
same with asians. Its only ethnic groups that are known to be low class or violent that have this problem.
Because they aren't capable of having individuality. Duh

They can be individuals when they recognise themselves in the mirror.
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Whenever a non white person does something, it's always ascribed to his race.

Whenever a white person does something, he's allowed to have a backstory that gives him individuality.
That's only because the media is dominated by us at the moment. I'm pretty sure non-whites group us whites also under a single banner in their personal conversations. It's just that their media is not dominant yet.

Don't the Chinese group all European and American countries as 'Western countries' with 'western cultures', and people as 'western'? I think this may even have become amplified in recent years.

In many ways, this is really about who is in power at the world stage right now.
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This is true, but only in the west.

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