White woman and black man are FLOORED that a gigachad white man is in love with a Taiwanese femcel



Francine is a Jewish monkey
Jun 11, 2021
DNRD Version:

Debby spots Shaun, a striking, laid-back Australian man with dark hair and greenish-hazel eyes, and strikes up a conversation. They both feel out of place, and Shaun admits he doesn’t have answers for their current situation.

Meanwhile, Beryl watches Shaun from afar and becomes interested, but Tyrone pulls her aside, warning her that Shaun isn’t into her gothy-grungey vibe. Tyrone explains that Shaun likely prefers a more "beachy" and outdoorsy blonde type, but Beryl dismisses his advice, believing Shaun is playing hard to get.

Their assumptions are shattered when they overhear Shaun on the phone with his girlfriend, Mildred, a nerdy-looking, below-average-looking PhD student from Taipei. Her thick accent and persona completely contrast the carefree, beachy girl they imagined. Both Beryl and Tyrone are stunned, realizing they were way off about Shaun’s type. As the night goes on, Beryl remains quiet, while Tyrone chuckles at how wrong he had been.


Full Version:

Sitting on a nearby bench, looking just as out of place as the group, is a striking man who clearly isn’t from around here. He’s tall, with dark, wavy hair that falls in an effortlessly stylish way, and a well-defined jawline that wouldn’t be out of place on a runway. His features balance ruggedness with refinement—a sharp and masculine look softened by his piercing greenish-hazel eyes, which quietly take in everything around him. His lightly tanned skin and muscular build are evident, even though he's dressed casually in a black short-sleeved button-up and dark shorts. Reclining with a laid-back posture, legs crossed, he exudes an aura of cool confidence.

Debby notices him immediately, sensing something intriguing about him, and approaches with her usual energy.

Debby (approaching, upbeat):
"Hey! You don’t seem like you’re from around here either. What’s your story? You’re giving off some serious ‘I don’t belong here’ vibes."

The man, who introduces himself as Shaun James Collins, looks at Debby with a slow smile, clearly amused by her boldness. His Australian accent is noticeable as he responds, his tone relaxed yet friendly.

Shaun (grinning):
"Well, you’ve got that right. I’m not from around here. What about you?"

Debby’s eyes widen, thrilled to meet someone who might relate to her sense of displacement. She leans in, words spilling out rapidly, trying to make a connection.

Debby (excited, talking quickly):
"Finally! I thought I was the only one who felt out of place here. There’s gotta be a way to figure this out, right?"

Shaun’s expression shifts slightly, becoming more serious. He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees, giving Debby a sympathetic but resigned look.

Shaun (sighing, shaking his head):
"I wish I had some answers, but I’m figuring it out just like you. It’s not easy."

As the conversation lingers, Debby finds herself at a loss for words, trying to process Shaun’s response. It’s clear he’s just as uncertain as she is. Beryl, on the other hand, has been watching from a distance, her interest in Shaun growing. The way Shaun carries himself—the quiet confidence, the effortless charm—makes her believe there’s a deeper connection to be had.

Beryl misreads his calm demeanor as an invitation to engage. Despite Shaun’s friendly conversation with Debby, he hasn’t given Beryl the attention she’s hoping for. Tyrone, observing this interaction from the sidelines, knows Beryl is setting herself up for disappointment.

Sensing the moment could turn awkward fast, Tyrone steps in, pulling Beryl aside before she makes a move that might embarrass her.

Tyrone (low-key, pulling her aside):
"Yo, Beryl, I gotta be straight with you. Shaun? He’s not into you. And I think I know why."

Beryl (crossing her arms, defensive):
"What do you mean? You don’t know that. He smiled at me! He’s just playing hard to get."

Tyrone (sighing):
"Nah, Beryl, you’re missing it. Trust me, I’m almost sure. Shaun’s not into your whole goth vibe. He’s into a completely different type."

Beryl rolls her eyes, not ready to hear what Tyrone has to say.

Beryl (dismissive):
"Beachy? Outdoorsy? What does that even mean?"

Tyrone leans in, trying to keep his voice low but direct.

Tyrone (breaking it down patiently):
"Picture the kind of girl who spends half her time outdoors—hiking, surfing, whatever. Athletic, but not in a gym-rat way. She probably has a natural tan, does yoga, maybe climbs mountains. You know, that laid-back, carefree vibe."

Beryl scoffs, still not convinced, but Tyrone continues, his tone growing more detailed as he describes the image in his mind.

Tyrone (continuing confidently):
"She’s probably not big on makeup because she doesn’t need it. Her hair’s sun-kissed, maybe wavy from the ocean. And she dresses simple, like in denim shorts and a loose tank top—nothing too edgy. Everything about her says ‘chill and easygoing.’ That’s what Shaun’s into. Not the whole dark, mysterious thing you’ve got going on."

Beryl stands there for a moment, processing his words, clearly unimpressed.

Beryl (defiant):
"Oh, please. You don’t know for sure. He smiled at me, didn’t he? He’s just playing it cool. Guys like that love a girl with an edge. I’m unique, I’m different."

Tyrone rubs his temples, sensing that she’s not going to back down easily.

Tyrone (deadpan):
"Yeah, maybe... or maybe you’re just setting yourself up for disappointment. I’m just saying, he’s probably into a different vibe."

Before Beryl can argue back, they hear Shaun’s voice coming from across the room, pulling their attention. He’s standing by the wall in the lobby, casually leaning against it as he speaks into his phone. The tone of his voice is different—calmer, more serious, with a hint of concern.

Curiosity gets the best of them, and Beryl and Tyrone inch closer, trying not to look like they’re eavesdropping. What they hear next catches them completely off guard.

Shaun (softly, into the phone):
"Hey... yeah, it’s me. I know it’s been a while. I’m stuck in India right now. Some unexpected things came up."

On the other end, a woman’s voice responds, her accent strong and unmistakably Mandarin. She speaks in broken English, her words laced with a nasal tone that neither Beryl nor Tyrone expected.

Girlfriend (in a thick Mandarin accent):
"Shaun, where are you? I wait for you in Taipei... You said you would come back! I finished my PhD already. I wait too long!"

Beryl and Tyrone exchange bewildered looks. This isn’t the beachy, carefree girl they had imagined for Shaun. Her voice, high-pitched and heavily accented, stands in stark contrast to their expectations.

Shaun (sighing patiently):
"I know, I know. I was going to come back, but like I said, things got complicated here. I’ll explain everything when I can. Just... give me a bit more time."

As the call continues, Beryl and Tyrone stand there, stunned. This wasn’t what they had expected. Tyrone, in particular, is floored—his theory about Shaun’s "type" completely unraveling in real-time.

Tyrone (leaning closer to Beryl, whispering):
"Yo... did you just hear that? There’s no way. That’s his girlfriend?"

Beryl, equally stunned, tries to make sense of it.

Beryl (whispering back, disbelief clear on her face):
"Mildred? She sounds like... I don’t know, like she should be a grandma or something. There’s no way he’s with her."

Tyrone shakes his head, still processing everything.

Tyrone (laughing under his breath):
"I thought for sure he was into those beachy, natural girls. But Mildred from Taipei? Man, we were way off."

As Shaun finishes his call and slips his phone into his pocket, completely unaware that Beryl and Tyrone overheard the entire conversation, the two of them remain in shock. Any hopes Beryl had of winning Shaun over are now thoroughly crushed.

As the group makes their way toward their rooms, Beryl trails behind, her usual confidence visibly shaken. Tyrone, meanwhile, can’t stop chuckling to himself, muttering about how wrong he was as they move down the hallway.

Tyrone (muttering):
"Man, sometimes you just don’t see it coming."

For the rest of the night, Beryl stays quiet, her confidence knocked down a few notches. Tyrone, on the other hand, keeps shaking his head, marveling at how different reality turned out from their assumptions.
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@HeightPilledum @CoreSchizo @bwrauycnee
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@Jova @N9wiff•˚₊‧⋆.
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DNRD Version:

Debby spots Shaun, a striking, laid-back Australian man with dark hair and greenish-hazel eyes, and strikes up a conversation. They both feel out of place, and Shaun admits he doesn’t have answers for their current situation.

Meanwhile, Beryl watches Shaun from afar and becomes interested, but Tyrone pulls her aside, warning her that Shaun isn’t into her gothy-grungey vibe. Tyrone explains that Shaun likely prefers a more "beachy" and outdoorsy blonde type, but Beryl dismisses his advice, believing Shaun is playing hard to get.

Their assumptions are shattered when they overhear Shaun on the phone with his girlfriend, Mildred, a nerdy-looking, below-average-looking PhD student from Taipei. Her thick accent and persona completely contrast the carefree, beachy girl they imagined. Both Beryl and Tyrone are stunned, realizing they were way off about Shaun’s type. As the night goes on, Beryl remains quiet, while Tyrone chuckles at how wrong he had been.


Full Version:

Sitting on a nearby bench, looking just as out of place as the group, is a striking man who clearly isn’t from around here. He’s tall, with dark, wavy hair that falls in an effortlessly stylish way, and a well-defined jawline that wouldn’t be out of place on a runway. His features balance ruggedness with refinement—a sharp and masculine look softened by his piercing greenish-hazel eyes, which quietly take in everything around him. His lightly tanned skin and muscular build are evident, even though he's dressed casually in a black short-sleeved button-up and dark shorts. Reclining with a laid-back posture, legs crossed, he exudes an aura of cool confidence.

Debby notices him immediately, sensing something intriguing about him, and approaches with her usual energy.

Debby (approaching, upbeat):
"Hey! You don’t seem like you’re from around here either. What’s your story? You’re giving off some serious ‘I don’t belong here’ vibes."

The man, who introduces himself as Shaun James Collins, looks at Debby with a slow smile, clearly amused by her boldness. His Australian accent is noticeable as he responds, his tone relaxed yet friendly.

Shaun (grinning):
"Well, you’ve got that right. I’m not from around here. What about you?"

Debby’s eyes widen, thrilled to meet someone who might relate to her sense of displacement. She leans in, words spilling out rapidly, trying to make a connection.

Debby (excited, talking quickly):
"Finally! I thought I was the only one who felt out of place here. There’s gotta be a way to figure this out, right?"

Shaun’s expression shifts slightly, becoming more serious. He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees, giving Debby a sympathetic but resigned look.

Shaun (sighing, shaking his head):
"I wish I had some answers, but I’m figuring it out just like you. It’s not easy."

As the conversation lingers, Debby finds herself at a loss for words, trying to process Shaun’s response. It’s clear he’s just as uncertain as she is. Beryl, on the other hand, has been watching from a distance, her interest in Shaun growing. The way Shaun carries himself—the quiet confidence, the effortless charm—makes her believe there’s a deeper connection to be had.

Beryl misreads his calm demeanor as an invitation to engage. Despite Shaun’s friendly conversation with Debby, he hasn’t given Beryl the attention she’s hoping for. Tyrone, observing this interaction from the sidelines, knows Beryl is setting herself up for disappointment.

Sensing the moment could turn awkward fast, Tyrone steps in, pulling Beryl aside before she makes a move that might embarrass her.

Tyrone (low-key, pulling her aside):
"Yo, Beryl, I gotta be straight with you. Shaun? He’s not into you. And I think I know why."

Beryl (crossing her arms, defensive):
"What do you mean? You don’t know that. He smiled at me! He’s just playing hard to get."

Tyrone (sighing):
"Nah, Beryl, you’re missing it. Trust me, I’m almost sure. Shaun’s not into your whole goth vibe. He’s into a completely different type."

Beryl rolls her eyes, not ready to hear what Tyrone has to say.

Beryl (dismissive):
"Beachy? Outdoorsy? What does that even mean?"

Tyrone leans in, trying to keep his voice low but direct.

Tyrone (breaking it down patiently):
"Picture the kind of girl who spends half her time outdoors—hiking, surfing, whatever. Athletic, but not in a gym-rat way. She probably has a natural tan, does yoga, maybe climbs mountains. You know, that laid-back, carefree vibe."

Beryl scoffs, still not convinced, but Tyrone continues, his tone growing more detailed as he describes the image in his mind.

Tyrone (continuing confidently):
"She’s probably not big on makeup because she doesn’t need it. Her hair’s sun-kissed, maybe wavy from the ocean. And she dresses simple, like in denim shorts and a loose tank top—nothing too edgy. Everything about her says ‘chill and easygoing.’ That’s what Shaun’s into. Not the whole dark, mysterious thing you’ve got going on."

Beryl stands there for a moment, processing his words, clearly unimpressed.

Beryl (defiant):
"Oh, please. You don’t know for sure. He smiled at me, didn’t he? He’s just playing it cool. Guys like that love a girl with an edge. I’m unique, I’m different."

Tyrone rubs his temples, sensing that she’s not going to back down easily.

Tyrone (deadpan):
"Yeah, maybe... or maybe you’re just setting yourself up for disappointment. I’m just saying, he’s probably into a different vibe."

Before Beryl can argue back, they hear Shaun’s voice coming from across the room, pulling their attention. He’s standing by the wall in the lobby, casually leaning against it as he speaks into his phone. The tone of his voice is different—calmer, more serious, with a hint of concern.

Curiosity gets the best of them, and Beryl and Tyrone inch closer, trying not to look like they’re eavesdropping. What they hear next catches them completely off guard.

Shaun (softly, into the phone):
"Hey... yeah, it’s me. I know it’s been a while. I’m stuck in India right now. Some unexpected things came up."

On the other end, a woman’s voice responds, her accent strong and unmistakably Mandarin. She speaks in broken English, her words laced with a nasal tone that neither Beryl nor Tyrone expected.

Girlfriend (in a thick Mandarin accent):
"Shaun, where are you? I wait for you in Taipei... You said you would come back! I finished my PhD already. I wait too long!"

Beryl and Tyrone exchange bewildered looks. This isn’t the beachy, carefree girl they had imagined for Shaun. Her voice, high-pitched and heavily accented, stands in stark contrast to their expectations.

Shaun (sighing patiently):
"I know, I know. I was going to come back, but like I said, things got complicated here. I’ll explain everything when I can. Just... give me a bit more time."

As the call continues, Beryl and Tyrone stand there, stunned. This wasn’t what they had expected. Tyrone, in particular, is floored—his theory about Shaun’s "type" completely unraveling in real-time.

Tyrone (leaning closer to Beryl, whispering):
"Yo... did you just hear that? There’s no way. That’s his girlfriend?"

Beryl, equally stunned, tries to make sense of it.

Beryl (whispering back, disbelief clear on her face):
"Mildred? She sounds like... I don’t know, like she should be a grandma or something. There’s no way he’s with her."

Tyrone shakes his head, still processing everything.

Tyrone (laughing under his breath):
"I thought for sure he was into those beachy, natural girls. But Mildred from Taipei? Man, we were way off."

As Shaun finishes his call and slips his phone into his pocket, completely unaware that Beryl and Tyrone overheard the entire conversation, the two of them remain in shock. Any hopes Beryl had of winning Shaun over are now thoroughly crushed.

As the group makes their way toward their rooms, Beryl trails behind, her usual confidence visibly shaken. Tyrone, meanwhile, can’t stop chuckling to himself, muttering about how wrong he was as they move down the hallway.

Tyrone (muttering):
"Man, sometimes you just don’t see it coming."

For the rest of the night, Beryl stays quiet, her confidence knocked down a few notches. Tyrone, on the other hand, keeps shaking his head, marveling at how different reality turned out from their assumptions.
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Whys the gook named mildred
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You should've been a novel writer. You have a knack for this stuff.
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Not an atom, not an electron, not a proton, not a single neutron. 0, Nothing, void
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  • WTF
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Xangsane was a regular on looksmax.org, diving deep into forums and discussions, seeking ways to enhance his life through the collective wisdom of the internet. Yet, despite the hours spent behind screens, he felt an emptiness a realization that maybe the answers he sought weren't just in self-improvement tips or validation from strangers.
Download 2

One evening, driven by a sudden urge for change, Xangsane shut down his computer, silencing the constant hum of his virtual world. He decided to step outside, craving the fresh air and the real, unfiltered life of the city around him.

How to Shut Down or Sleep Windows 10 11 With a Keyboard Shortcut  5 Ways

As he wandered through the bustling streets, his eyes were drawn to a small, quaint bookstore tucked away between the louder shops. On a whim, he stepped inside, the scent of old paper and coffee embracing him. It was there he noticed her—Leah, a girl with a pile of art books beside her, her expression one of deep fascination.
Coreschizo Leah a girl with a pile of art books beside her he 945cc28e 535b 436c 9779 022c7d

Intrigued by her presence and the contrast she posed to his own world, Xangsane found himself walking over. "Those are some great choices," he commented, gesturing towards her books.

Leah looked up, her smile bright. "I think so too! Are you an artist?"

"Not really," Xangsane laughed, feeling more at ease. "But I appreciate it."

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, and before long, Leah suggested they grab a coffee at the little shop connected to the bookstore. As they talked, Xangsane felt a connection he hadn’t realized he’d been missing—the simple, profound joy of talking to someone face-to-face.

They started seeing each other regularly after that day. Each date, from walks in the park to visits to local galleries, pulled Xangsane further from his online haunts. He was discovering a world richer and more colorful than any forum could offer.

During one of their dates, as they shared a laugh over coffee, Leah mentioned her quirky interest in naming storms. "I like to imagine storms as people," she said, her eyes twinkling. "Like, which storm would be hot if it were a person?"

Seizing the moment for a playful tease, Xangsane grinned and replied, "Oh, definitely a storm named Chico Lachowski. Imagine that—a storm as striking as that model, sweeping everyone off their feet!"

Leah burst into laughter, appreciating his humor. "That's perfect! A storm that leaves everyone a little breathless and in awe," she agreed, her laughter mingling with his.

As weeks turned into months, their bond deepened. One evening, as they watched the city lights from Leah’s apartment window, their closeness culminated in a tender, loving embrace. It was real and heartfelt, a far cry from the theoretical exchanges about relationships he used to read online.

Xangsane never felt the need to return to looksmax.org. He had found something much more profound—a love that didn't require validation from any community. Leah, with her genuine spirit and passion for life, showed him the beauty of a life unplugged from the constant search for approval.
Coreschizo fat asian man and woman running together in a heva a80ca876 b1de 4493 a630 95964b
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: klip11, MeKKa, Costcosuperstore and 4 others
Xangsane was a regular on looksmax.org, diving deep into forums and discussions, seeking ways to enhance his life through the collective wisdom of the internet. Yet, despite the hours spent behind screens, he felt an emptiness a realization that maybe the answers he sought weren't just in self-improvement tips or validation from strangers.
View attachment 3150709

One evening, driven by a sudden urge for change, Xangsane shut down his computer, silencing the constant hum of his virtual world. He decided to step outside, craving the fresh air and the real, unfiltered life of the city around him.

View attachment 3150711

As he wandered through the bustling streets, his eyes were drawn to a small, quaint bookstore tucked away between the louder shops. On a whim, he stepped inside, the scent of old paper and coffee embracing him. It was there he noticed her—Leah, a girl with a pile of art books beside her, her expression one of deep fascination.
View attachment 3150716

Intrigued by her presence and the contrast she posed to his own world, Xangsane found himself walking over. "Those are some great choices," he commented, gesturing towards her books.
View attachment 3150720

Leah looked up, her smile bright. "I think so too! Are you an artist?"

"Not really," Xangsane laughed, feeling more at ease. "But I appreciate it."

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, and before long, Leah suggested they grab a coffee at the little shop connected to the bookstore. As they talked, Xangsane felt a connection he hadn’t realized he’d been missing—the simple, profound joy of talking to someone face-to-face.

They started seeing each other regularly after that day. Each date, from walks in the park to visits to local galleries, pulled Xangsane further from his online haunts. He was discovering a world richer and more colorful than any forum could offer.

During one of their dates, as they shared a laugh over coffee, Leah mentioned her quirky interest in naming storms. "I like to imagine storms as people," she said, her eyes twinkling. "Like, which storm would be hot if it were a person?"

Seizing the moment for a playful tease, Xangsane grinned and replied, "Oh, definitely a storm named Chico Lachowski. Imagine that—a storm as striking as that model, sweeping everyone off their feet!"

Leah burst into laughter, appreciating his humor. "That's perfect! A storm that leaves everyone a little breathless and in awe," she agreed, her laughter mingling with his.

As weeks turned into months, their bond deepened. One evening, as they watched the city lights from Leah’s apartment window, their closeness culminated in a tender, loving embrace. It was real and heartfelt, a far cry from the theoretical exchanges about relationships he used to read online.

Xangsane never felt the need to return to looksmax.org. He had found something much more profound—a love that didn't require validation from any community. Leah, with her genuine spirit and passion for life, showed him the beauty of a life unplugged from the constant search for approval.
View attachment 3150724
Also look up the Australian character's name
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore, USAwhitecel and CoreSchizo
DNRD Version:

Debby spots Shaun, a striking, laid-back Australian man with dark hair and greenish-hazel eyes, and strikes up a conversation. They both feel out of place, and Shaun admits he doesn’t have answers for their current situation.

Meanwhile, Beryl watches Shaun from afar and becomes interested, but Tyrone pulls her aside, warning her that Shaun isn’t into her gothy-grungey vibe. Tyrone explains that Shaun likely prefers a more "beachy" and outdoorsy blonde type, but Beryl dismisses his advice, believing Shaun is playing hard to get.

Their assumptions are shattered when they overhear Shaun on the phone with his girlfriend, Mildred, a nerdy-looking, below-average-looking PhD student from Taipei. Her thick accent and persona completely contrast the carefree, beachy girl they imagined. Both Beryl and Tyrone are stunned, realizing they were way off about Shaun’s type. As the night goes on, Beryl remains quiet, while Tyrone chuckles at how wrong he had been.
  • +1
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Tyrone (grinning, leaning in):
"Alright, man. You gotta give us more details. You really dated those surfer girls? And none of them stuck? How does that happen?"

Shaun, always laid-back, leans back against the wall and sighs, clearly amused by how fascinated they all are by his love life. He’s used to these kinds of questions, especially from people who don’t understand why he made the choices he did.

Shaun (shrugging):
"Yeah, I went on a few casual dates with some of them. I mean, sure, they’re hot, they’ve got the whole surfer vibe going on, but it never lasted beyond the first date. After that, I just let it go—either kept it platonic, or didn’t bother seeing them again."

The group looks surprised, especially Beryl, who still can’t believe that Shaun would drop girls that most people would consider perfect after just one date. She presses for more.

Beryl (disbelieving):
"Wait, you seriously didn’t give any of them a chance? Like, not even a second date?"

Shaun shakes his head, clearly unbothered by the idea that most people would be all over the chance to date these girls.

Shaun (casually):
"Nah, man. I wasn’t feeling it. Don’t get me wrong—they’re fun, they’ve got the whole beach life going on, but once you sit down and have an actual conversation? A lot of them are just caught up in the Instagram grind, trying to be influencers or Insta-famous. It’s all about the likes, the followers, the image. That’s not what I’m about."

Dorian, who has been quiet up until now, raises an eyebrow, intrigued by how quickly Shaun dismissed what most guys would consider a dream.

Dorian (curious):
"So you just... cut them off after the first date? What do you even say to them?"

Shaun chuckles softly, thinking back to those dates.

Shaun (smirking):
"I don’t say much, honestly. I just keep it real. If it’s not there, it’s not there. I’m not gonna waste time pretending. After one date, I usually knew it wasn’t gonna work out. Some of them took it fine, others got a bit pissed. But I was always upfront."

Beryl, still stunned, can’t help but prod more, trying to wrap her head around why someone like Shaun would walk away from women who seem to have everything.

Beryl (almost frustrated):
"But... they’re like 10s, man. And you’re with Mildred? How does that even happen? Who approached who first?"

At this, Shaun smiles, clearly remembering how he met Mildred and not minding the fact that the group is prying. He’s an open book, and he’s not ashamed of how things turned out.

Shaun (thoughtfully):
"Believe it or not, Mildred approached me first. We met in Australia while she was working on her PhD. Her focus was on finance and economics. Now she’s working for Goldman Sachs in Taipei, managing portfolios for high-net-worth clients. It’s a bit intense, but she’s always been driven."

The group’s jaws collectively drop at this point. They hadn’t expected this at all. Beryl, especially, is floored, trying to reconcile the image of Shaun—the laid-back, model-tier Australian guy—with Mildred, a wealthy, highly educated woman now climbing the ranks at Goldman Sachs.

Shaun (continuing):
"At first, I wasn’t sure where things would go, but she’s... different. She’s smart, driven, and yeah, she’s not like the girls you’d expect me to be with, but we connect on a deeper level. She doesn’t care about Instagram or the whole influencer lifestyle. She’s got her own life, her own goals. She keeps me grounded."
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Tyrone (grinning, leaning in):
"Alright, man. You gotta give us more details. You really dated those surfer girls? And none of them stuck? How does that happen?"

Shaun, always laid-back, leans back against the wall and sighs, clearly amused by how fascinated they all are by his love life. He’s used to these kinds of questions, especially from people who don’t understand why he made the choices he did.

Shaun (shrugging):
"Yeah, I went on a few casual dates with some of them. I mean, sure, they’re hot, they’ve got the whole surfer vibe going on, but it never lasted beyond the first date. After that, I just let it go—either kept it platonic, or didn’t bother seeing them again."

The group looks surprised, especially Beryl, who still can’t believe that Shaun would drop girls that most people would consider perfect after just one date. She presses for more.

Beryl (disbelieving):
"Wait, you seriously didn’t give any of them a chance? Like, not even a second date?"

Shaun shakes his head, clearly unbothered by the idea that most people would be all over the chance to date these girls.

Shaun (casually):
"Nah, man. I wasn’t feeling it. Don’t get me wrong—they’re fun, they’ve got the whole beach life going on, but once you sit down and have an actual conversation? A lot of them are just caught up in the Instagram grind, trying to be influencers or Insta-famous. It’s all about the likes, the followers, the image. That’s not what I’m about."

Dorian, who has been quiet up until now, raises an eyebrow, intrigued by how quickly Shaun dismissed what most guys would consider a dream.

Dorian (curious):
"So you just... cut them off after the first date? What do you even say to them?"

Shaun chuckles softly, thinking back to those dates.

Shaun (smirking):
"I don’t say much, honestly. I just keep it real. If it’s not there, it’s not there. I’m not gonna waste time pretending. After one date, I usually knew it wasn’t gonna work out. Some of them took it fine, others got a bit pissed. But I was always upfront."

Beryl, still stunned, can’t help but prod more, trying to wrap her head around why someone like Shaun would walk away from women who seem to have everything.

Beryl (almost frustrated):
"But... they’re like 10s, man. And you’re with Mildred? How does that even happen? Who approached who first?"

At this, Shaun smiles, clearly remembering how he met Mildred and not minding the fact that the group is prying. He’s an open book, and he’s not ashamed of how things turned out.

Shaun (thoughtfully):
"Believe it or not, Mildred approached me first. We met in Australia while she was working on her PhD. Her focus was on finance and economics. Now she’s working for Goldman Sachs in Taipei, managing portfolios for high-net-worth clients. It’s a bit intense, but she’s always been driven."

The group’s jaws collectively drop at this point. They hadn’t expected this at all. Beryl, especially, is floored, trying to reconcile the image of Shaun—the laid-back, model-tier Australian guy—with Mildred, a wealthy, highly educated woman now climbing the ranks at Goldman Sachs.

Shaun (continuing):
"At first, I wasn’t sure where things would go, but she’s... different. She’s smart, driven, and yeah, she’s not like the girls you’d expect me to be with, but we connect on a deeper level. She doesn’t care about Instagram or the whole influencer lifestyle. She’s got her own life, her own goals. She keeps me grounded."
@Klasik616 @Jova @N9wiff•˚₊‧⋆.
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even that is unreadable
It’s too long I need 1-2 sentence tldr
Part 1:
Debby meets Shaun, a charming Australian man, and they bond over feeling out of place. Beryl misinterprets Shaun’s laid-back demeanor as romantic interest, but Tyrone warns her that Shaun likely prefers a different type of woman. They’re both shocked when they overhear Shaun talking to his girlfriend, Mildred, a high-powered finance professional in Taipei, shattering their assumptions about his type.

Part 2:
Shaun explains that while he dated surfer girls, none of the relationships lasted because they were too focused on social media and appearances, which didn’t align with his values. Instead, he connected with Mildred, a smart and driven Goldman Sachs professional, because of their deeper connection and shared goals.
  • +1
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Part 1:
Debby meets Shaun, a charming Australian man, and they bond over feeling out of place. Beryl misinterprets Shaun’s laid-back demeanor as romantic interest, but Tyrone warns her that Shaun likely prefers a different type of woman. They’re both shocked when they overhear Shaun talking to his girlfriend, Mildred, a high-powered finance professional in Taipei, shattering their assumptions about his type.

Part 2:
Shaun explains that while he dated surfer girls, none of the relationships lasted because they were too focused on social media and appearances, which didn’t align with his values. Instead, he connected with Mildred, a smart and driven Goldman Sachs professional, because of their deeper connection and shared goals.
Nice story, you have earned my rep op
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Squishy! x2
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Tyrone (grinning, leaning in):
"Alright, man. You gotta give us more details. You really dated those surfer girls? And none of them stuck? How does that happen?"

Shaun, always laid-back, leans back against the wall and sighs, clearly amused by how fascinated they all are by his love life. He’s used to these kinds of questions, especially from people who don’t understand why he made the choices he did.

Shaun (shrugging):
"Yeah, I went on a few casual dates with some of them. I mean, sure, they’re hot, they’ve got the whole surfer vibe going on, but it never lasted beyond the first date. After that, I just let it go—either kept it platonic, or didn’t bother seeing them again."

The group looks surprised, especially Beryl, who still can’t believe that Shaun would drop girls that most people would consider perfect after just one date. She presses for more.

Beryl (disbelieving):
"Wait, you seriously didn’t give any of them a chance? Like, not even a second date?"

Shaun shakes his head, clearly unbothered by the idea that most people would be all over the chance to date these girls.

Shaun (casually):
"Nah, man. I wasn’t feeling it. Don’t get me wrong—they’re fun, they’ve got the whole beach life going on, but once you sit down and have an actual conversation? A lot of them are just caught up in the Instagram grind, trying to be influencers or Insta-famous. It’s all about the likes, the followers, the image. That’s not what I’m about."

Dorian, who has been quiet up until now, raises an eyebrow, intrigued by how quickly Shaun dismissed what most guys would consider a dream.

Dorian (curious):
"So you just... cut them off after the first date? What do you even say to them?"

Shaun chuckles softly, thinking back to those dates.

Shaun (smirking):
"I don’t say much, honestly. I just keep it real. If it’s not there, it’s not there. I’m not gonna waste time pretending. After one date, I usually knew it wasn’t gonna work out. Some of them took it fine, others got a bit pissed. But I was always upfront."

Beryl, still stunned, can’t help but prod more, trying to wrap her head around why someone like Shaun would walk away from women who seem to have everything.

Beryl (almost frustrated):
"But... they’re like 10s, man. And you’re with Mildred? How does that even happen? Who approached who first?"

At this, Shaun smiles, clearly remembering how he met Mildred and not minding the fact that the group is prying. He’s an open book, and he’s not ashamed of how things turned out.

Shaun (thoughtfully):
"Believe it or not, Mildred approached me first. We met in Australia while she was working on her PhD. Her focus was on finance and economics. Now she’s working for Goldman Sachs in Taipei, managing portfolios for high-net-worth clients. It’s a bit intense, but she’s always been driven."

The group’s jaws collectively drop at this point. They hadn’t expected this at all. Beryl, especially, is floored, trying to reconcile the image of Shaun—the laid-back, model-tier Australian guy—with Mildred, a wealthy, highly educated woman now climbing the ranks at Goldman Sachs.

Shaun (continuing):
"At first, I wasn’t sure where things would go, but she’s... different. She’s smart, driven, and yeah, she’s not like the girls you’d expect me to be with, but we connect on a deeper level. She doesn’t care about Instagram or the whole influencer lifestyle. She’s got her own life, her own goals. She keeps me grounded."
@greycel this part is cagefuel
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Bluepilled Chad
A tale as old as time :feelsmage:

This made it believable. The "believe it or not", implying he truly believes it himself.. that he is valued less in society.
:bluepill: Chad
What do you rate the character?
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@Alt Number 3
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In what way in the story he seemed bluepilled?
The fact that he didn't care too much about looks, but it had a hold of everyone around him.
What do you rate the character?
Believeable character
I'd expect a Chad to act like that. Chill and cares more about personality
Knows the attention is normally on him, most his life he has grown up with it... so I actually think there was a tiny error with the story:
At this, Shaun smiles, clearly remembering how he met Mildred and not minding the fact that the group is prying.
The fact that the story mentioned explicitly about Shaun not minding the group was prying.
It wouldn't have even come as a thought to him that they were prying.
It would be ingrained, like part of a process.. a follow up question whenever he's been in a similar situation..

He wouldn't actively have thought of the group as prying for more info, as he's always used to giving more.
It's become habit for him..

Also @Xangsane can you answer the Muslim thread thanks!
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The fact that he didn't care too much about looks, but it had a hold of everyone around him.

Believeable character
Look up Shaun James Collins
He is based of an actual person :lul::lul:
I'd expect a Chad to act like that. Chill and cares more about personality
I can see that too
Knows the attention is normally on him, most his life he has grown up with it... so I actually think there was a tiny error with the story:
Fair enough
The fact that the story mentioned explicitly about Shaun not minding the group was prying.
It wouldn't have even come as a thought to him that they were prying.
It would be ingrained, like part of a process.. a follow up question whenever he's been in a similar situation..

He wouldn't actively have thought of the group as prying for more info, as he's always used to giving more.
It's become habit for him..
Fair enough, but would you have expected him to pump and dump those blonde models for a femcel?
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Look up Shaun James Collins
He is based of an actual person :lul::lul:
Yeah I saw that hairdresser clip bro is mesmerising
It's LDARfuel

Fair enough, but would you have expected him to pump and dump those blonde models for a femcel?
Would I have expected him to do that? Yeah. Because often blonde models tend to not have a personality
And Chad cares about making deep connections with his girl

It's likely he falls in love with the blonde model too depending on the time they have spent together, but honestly a blonde model prolly has a bland personality and is attracted to his looks.

He's probably always aware, and would prefer it if she liked his personality more

Also @Xangsane can you check out the thread I tagged you in bro. If it's against your religion to reply, then you don't gotta tho
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Yeah I saw that hairdresser clip bro is mesmerising
It's LDARfuel

Would I have expected him to do that? Yeah. Because often blonde models tend to not have a personality
And Chad cares about making deep connections with his girl

It's likely he falls in love with the blonde model too depending on the time they have spent together, but honestly a blonde model prolly has a bland personality and is attracted to his looks.

He's probably always aware, and would prefer it if she liked his personality more
What kind of personality does the real guy strike you as? Compared to in the story
Also @Xangsane can you check out the thread I tagged you in bro. If it's against your religion to reply, then you don't gotta tho
I will! Gonna be a long read
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What kind of personality does the real guy strike you as? Compared to in the story
The real guy seems chill too
But like he'd get bullied irl chill. He'd lean towards being nice and friendly.
Not an ounce of negativity in him

Compared to in the story, the story dude seems chill but like he also thinks about some negative reasons why people might do something.

The irl version seems like it's his first day he's Chad, and he's happy to be there

I will! Gonna be a long read
Thanks bro
Will take maybe a few mins tops
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