Whitecels need to stop coping about the real reasons they are dying off



Jan 2, 2019
Just lol at blaming the death of their race on ethnics/jews/feminism/whatever. White civilization has always been selfish and degenerate even since ancient times. Look at the pedo greeks and romans. And blaming jews for feminism doesn't make sense since women have the right to vote in most nations because people VOTED to give it to them. The governments of the west did not merely flip a switch and then suddenly the women could vote. Nobody had to vote for the parties or candidates that offered women the right to vote. Had people actually given a shit this could all have been prevented. Also notice how there was zero desire for female empowerment elsewhere in the world at the time until the west cucked everybody else by forcing it on them.

In addition so called multiculturalism and "white guilt" is a fucking myth. There is no white guilt. White people whom claim to support immigration for the purposes of tolerance and multiculturalism are 2 faced liars whom have entirely self-serving reasons for doing this. Typically these are classist middle or upper class snobs whom don't care about their countries or future generations and just want third world slaves that will work for them cheaply and pay for their pensions once they are old. They speak of tolerance in front of the cameras but in secret they want nothing to do with the foreigners and just live in their own areas with others of their kind. They are not less racist despite of their claims of otherwise.

Fact is the collapse of the west is 100% the fault of whites and entirely self-inflicted. The white race is not a victim and can go fuck itself out of history.
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Dn red u stupid shitskin
bruh whos dying off?
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The keyboard you're typing on wouldn't exist without the white race
Just lol at blaming the death of their race on ethnics/jews/feminism/whatever. White civilization has always been selfish and degenerate even since ancient times. Look at the pedo greeks and romans. And blaming jews for feminism doesn't make sense since women have the right to vote in most nations because people VOTED to give it to them. The governments of the west did not merely flip a switch and then suddenly the women could vote. Nobody had to vote for the parties or candidates that offered women the right to vote. Had people actually given a shit this could all of have been prevented. Also notice how there was zero desire for female empowerment elsewhere in the world at the time until the west cucked everybody else by forcing it on them.

In addition so called multiculturalism and "white guilt" is a fucking myth. There is no white guilt. White people whom claim to support immigration for the purposes of tolerance and multiculturalism are 2 faced liars whom have entirely self-serving reasons for doing this. Typically these are classist middle or upper class snobs whom don't care about their countries or future generations and just want third world slaves that will work for them cheaply and pay for their pensions once they are old. They speak of tolerance in front of the cameras but in secret they want nothing to do with the foreigners and just live in their own areas with others of their kind. They are not less racist despite of their claims of otherwise.

Fact is the collapse of the west is 100% the fault of whites and entirely self-inflicted. The white race is not a victim and can go fuck itself out of history.
Love your threads bro
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This is also the conclusion I came to after a couple years of browsing /pol/, then it was over and I stopped browsing it because I had solved it.
Dn red u stupid shitskin

I'm a nordic white. I use to buy into alt-right talking points but after a while I realized that not only are their talking points huge copes but on top of that they are also massive frauds since they actually make an exception for Asians for what I assume is merely because Asian women are among the only ones who will actually fuck/marry them.

Fact is, whites are a greedy race of cucks and degenerates. They invented almost literally everything that is currently destroying the world. They were the first to embrace capitalism and the "every man for himself" mentality. They invented social-liberalism so that they could have an excuse to behave like degenerates. They were the first race to make drug and porn use mainstream (ib4 "the jews made those things!"). They are the only race willing to throw their entire race under the buss for money (corrupt african dictators don't count since they may not actually be popular with the people). The only vice where white people don't have the upper hand is pedophilia, where arabcels dominate.

And just LOL at the "well in the past whites weren't like this" cope. Here is a fun fact: The roman empire collapsed because women become empowered resulting in birthrates to collapse, and then the romans imported foreigners to be workers and soldiers except said foreigners later turned on them and sacked rome. ROME FELL BECAUSE IT COMMITTED THE SAME VICES THE WEST IS DOING CURRENTLY OVER THOUSAND FUCKING YEARS AGO. Whites have ALWAYS been selfish and degenerate. This is nothing new.

Fact is, the only reason for why what is happening today hasn't happened sooner is because technological limitations did not allow it in the past.
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another disillusioned thread that i did not read
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Whites should off themselves so ethniks will finally have something real to cry about
Just lol at blaming the death of their race on ethnics/jews/feminism/whatever. White civilization has always been selfish and degenerate even since ancient times. Look at the pedo greeks and romans. And blaming jews for feminism doesn't make sense since women have the right to vote in most nations because people VOTED to give it to them. The governments of the west did not merely flip a switch and then suddenly the women could vote. Nobody had to vote for the parties or candidates that offered women the right to vote. Had people actually given a shit this could all have been prevented. Also notice how there was zero desire for female empowerment elsewhere in the world at the time until the west cucked everybody else by forcing it on them.

In addition so called multiculturalism and "white guilt" is a fucking myth. There is no white guilt. White people whom claim to support immigration for the purposes of tolerance and multiculturalism are 2 faced liars whom have entirely self-serving reasons for doing this. Typically these are classist middle or upper class snobs whom don't care about their countries or future generations and just want third world slaves that will work for them cheaply and pay for their pensions once they are old. They speak of tolerance in front of the cameras but in secret they want nothing to do with the foreigners and just live in their own areas with others of their kind. They are not less racist despite of their claims of otherwise.

Fact is the collapse of the west is 100% the fault of whites and entirely self-inflicted. The white race is not a victim and can go fuck itself out of history.

Real reasons average whites look utter shit ffs high tier normies are chads in their eyes race is 1 large cope
nota word squid
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Thanks for making a significant contribution to the field of PSL broscience.
it's the kike's fault
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I'm pretty optimistic we will turn it around, due to the rapid rise of rightwing politics in europe/USA.

If we don't, well the world will miss us.

Enjoy China as the world superpower because they'll make WW2 look like a dress rehearsal

Screen Shot 2019 11 24 at 083313

I'm a nordic white. I use to buy into alt-right talking points but after a while I realized that not only are their talking points huge copes but on top of that they are also massive frauds since they actually make an exception for Asians for what I assume is merely because Asian women are among the only ones who will actually fuck/marry them.

Fact is, whites are a greedy race of cucks and degenerates. They invented almost literally everything that is currently destroying the world. They were the first to embrace capitalism and the "every man for himself" mentality. They invented social-liberalism so that they could have an excuse to behave like degenerates. They were the first race to make drug and porn use mainstream (ib4 "the jews made those things!"). They are the only race willing to throw their entire race under the buss for money (corrupt african dictators don't count since they may not actually be popular with the people). The only vice where white people don't have the upper hand is pedophilia, where arabcels dominate.

And just LOL at the "well in the past whites weren't like this" cope. Here is a fun fact: The roman empire collapsed because women become empowered resulting in birthrates to collapse, and then the romans imported foreigners to be workers and soldiers except said foreigners later turned on them and sacked rome. ROME FELL BECAUSE IT COMMITTED THE SAME VICES THE WEST IS DOING CURRENTLY OVER THOUSAND FUCKING YEARS AGO. Whites have ALWAYS been selfish and degenerate. This is nothing new.

Fact is, the only reason for why what is happening today hasn't happened sooner is because technological limitations did not allow it in the past.

check the text I enlarged

you self-hating white nordic cuck, white culture absolutely isn't perfect.

But if you really believe african/middle-eastern/asian culture would be better than the Scandinavian system you are a retard.

The only issue with Scandinavians is their inability to have an honest conversation once a consensus is reached, and this is dangerous because the consensus is not always correct.
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I'm pretty optimistic we will turn it around, due to the rapid rise of rightwing politics in europe/USA.

There is no rise of right-wing politics happening. So called "far-right" parties rising in the west would be considered generic conservatives 30 years ago. And the most popular ones like the SD in Sweden have already cucked out and said they will only decrease immigration instead of ending it or deporting the existing ones. And even with that cucked position they can barely scrape together 20-25% popular support, most of which comes from older whiter people whom will become irrelevant within 20 years as demographics change. Then there is the EU that is already drafting/creating various laws that make it basically illegal to be against immigration. There isn't going to be any "awakening". The western world is a dead man walking.

If we don't, well the world will miss us.

Why? Most of the world has not benefited from western inventions.Third world has been turned into slave labor so that spoiled westerners can get their Ipads cheaply. And the Chinese while authoritarian are arguably more rational rulers compared to the cucked west.

Enjoy China as the world superpower

See above point about China.

But if you really believe african/middle-eastern/asian culture would be better than the Scandinavian system you are a retard.

Western values like democracy and individual liberty are an epic failure and the single largest reason the west is failing. And the reason africa/middle-east sucks is because of low average genetic IQ rather than because they have a different system than the west. African democracies are also shit.
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There is no rise of right-wing politics happening. So called "far-right" parties rising in the west would be considered generic conservatives 30 years ago. And the most popular ones like the SD in Sweden have already cucked out and said they will only decrease immigration instead of ending it or deporting the existing ones. And even with that cucked position they can barely scrape together 20-25% popular support, most of which comes from older whiter people whom will become irrelevant within 20 years as demographics change. Then there is the EU that is already drafting/creating various laws that make it basically illegal to be against immigration. There isn't going to be any "awakening". The western world is a dead man walking.

Why? Most of the world has not benefited from western inventions.Third world has been turned into slave labor so that spoiled westerners can get their Ipads cheaply. And the Chinese while authoritarian are arguably more rational rulers compared to the cucked west.

See above point about China.

Western values like democracy and individual liberty are an epic failure and the single largest reason the west is failing. And the reason africa/middle-east sucks is because of low average genetic IQ rather than because they have a different system than the west. African democracies are also shit.

SD polled first place in sweden last week

This is a party with neo-nazi roots and its polling first in fucking SWEDEN.

AFD also doing very well in polls.

People said Brexit and Trump would never happen.. well look.

And yeah millennials fucked everything but apparently the generation below them Gen Z is super conservative/red pilled.

Having recently visited Sweden i talked to a lot of young people and i'd say 2/3 agreed the situation was fucked and immigration should stop. Those that supported it I could tell they knew in their heart they were wrong but just dug their heels in.

So it's not all over once the boomers die off.

I think western society can be saved we just need the right leader/movements and to de-taboo white nationalism.
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SD polled first place in sweden last week

This is a party with neo-nazi roots and its polling first in fucking SWEDEN.

What they use to be doesn't matter, only what they are right now. They cucked out and are useless. They don't want to deport anybody. They don't want to leave the EU. Nothing is going to happen that will make any meaningful difference. Sweden like most of the western world is 100% fucked.

And yeah millennials fucked everything but apparently the generation below them Gen Z is super conservative/red pilled..

This is a huge myth. And even if it was true it literally doesn't matter because of changing demographics.

People said Brexit and Trump would never happen.. well look.

Brexit has been canceled in all but name and will never ever happen. And if it does, it will be some horrible watered down version that won't do anything. Boris has also openly announced he has no desire to end mass immigration into the UK and thus the UK has already been lost to the nwo. Ditto with Trump, whom has made basically no meaningful difference at all. Populists in Italy have been overthrown. Literally all the gains the populists have made in the last 4 years have been casually eliminated by the globalists. It has made literally no difference. You cannot change the system by voting.

You are massively coping. The globalist elite has already won and anything that happens now just involves trying to delay the inevitable.
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What they use to be doesn't matter, only what they are right now. They cucked out and are useless. They don't want to deport anybody. They don't want to leave the EU. Nothing is going to happen that will make any meaningful difference. Sweden like most of the western world is 100% fucked.

This is a huge myth. And even if it was true it literally doesn't matter because of changing demographics.

Brexit has been canceled in all but name and will never ever happen. And if it does, it will be some horrible watered down version that won't do anything. Boris has also openly announced he has no desire to end mass immigration into the UK and thus the UK has already been lost to the nwo. Ditto with Trump, whom has made basically no meaningful difference at all. Populists in Italy have been overthrown. Literally all the gains the populists have made in the last 4 years have been casually eliminated by the globalists. It has made literally no difference. You cannot change the system by voting.

You are massively coping. The globalist elite has already won and anything that happens now just involves trying to delay the inevitable.

you are a nordic person who seems to enjoy the downfall of his own culture.. why?
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I didnt read but i indeed blame the jews. Fuck the jews.
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Shekel backed thread.
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lol, good. whites deserve it.
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He has a defeatist/cuckoldry fetish

No, I just don't see the point in coping with all this bullshit. And the most hilarious part is that alt-righters are typically themselves sub-par genetically and rarely represent the finer elements of their race. Even if everybody was racepilled they would still be at the near bottom of their nation's racial hierarchy.
No, I just don't see the point in coping with all this bullshit. And the most hilarious part is that alt-righters are typically themselves sub-par genetically and rarely represent the finer elements of their race. Even if everybody was racepilled they would still be at the near bottom of their nation's racial hierarchy.
Don’t deny the facts boyo
idk if whites are dying off or other ethnic copes like that but whitecels have a degenerate culture which has led to all kinds of fucked up problems that part of the op is extremely legit

a lot of egotism and indulgence has been baked in to white culture
Whites are cannibalizing themselves
What they use to be doesn't matter, only what they are right now. They cucked out and are useless. They don't want to deport anybody. They don't want to leave the EU. Nothing is going to happen that will make any meaningful difference. Sweden like most of the western world is 100% fucked.

This is a huge myth. And even if it was true it literally doesn't matter because of changing demographics.

Brexit has been canceled in all but name and will never ever happen. And if it does, it will be some horrible watered down version that won't do anything. Boris has also openly announced he has no desire to end mass immigration into the UK and thus the UK has already been lost to the nwo. Ditto with Trump, whom has made basically no meaningful difference at all. Populists in Italy have been overthrown. Literally all the gains the populists have made in the last 4 years have been casually eliminated by the globalists. It has made literally no difference. You cannot change the system by voting.

You are massively coping. The globalist elite has already won and anything that happens now just involves trying to delay the inevitable.
all zoomers do is play fortnite, post low iq memes on tik tok, do drugs and wallow in their 'edgy' sense of humor - this website is evidence of this. jfl its the beginning of the end for the west. hey btw new iphone is coming out next year!

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