Whites are an inferior race



Jan 2, 2019
Maybe not in terms of lucks, but in regards to culture and behavior. Western/white cucked view of the world is not recent and has always existed in some capacity or another since the very beginning. Even during the colonial era where whites openly regarded themselves as superior to the other races whites would still build schools and hospitals for the natives (the former of which they took no advantage of, and the later of which just allowed them to breed even more uncontrollably) where as the Chinese just take them over as a result of not being cucked like the west. Even in ancient times civilizations like the Romans and Greeks displayed an unusual degree of acceptance towards non-natives (during the late roman empire something like half of the roman army was made up of foreigners) and were very sexually degenerate.

Just face it. Whites have always been cucks. It's in the genes. The only reason there were able to take over most of the world is because of technological superiority which they are now rapidly losing anyway. Nazi Germany is the exception to the rule, and even they weren't actually as racist/evil as we have been told (it's questionable if gas chambers even existed). Sure, you can find individual examples of evil white kings/rulers but as a whole white civilization has always had an element of cuckendom in it.

In addition, most of the things that cucks like to claim makes western civilization superior to the rest of the world (individualism, capitalism, freedom, tolerance etc) are actually the very things that are responsible for the decline of the west in the first place which just further proves how inferior and cucked whites are. Whites are brainwashed and don't understand how the world fucking works.

Whites were always meant to go extinct at the hands of other more ruthless races. They just got lucky with colonialism for a while because they were the first to industrialize. It was always over for whiteracecels.
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dindt red
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shit thread negged
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whaqt if? whait if? i farrt in donrald drumpdfds hair!!!! lolololololololol
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lmao at the salt. This is simply the brutal truth and you are in denial about it. How much has "Muh white IQ!" done to save the white race from being overran and bred out of existence by non-whites who actually conform to tradition and have families? IQ is overrated.
There is no race for your chin.
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Others races will also become cucked when their people get rich, like japanese
Others races will also become cucked when their people get rich, like japanese

Cope. This is genetic. Wealth has nothing to do with it. Wealthy blacks don't behave in the same way as wealthy whites do. The races are just simply not the same in their behavior.
What's your definition of white? Does it include people from Maghreb and middle east regions? Or just western european?
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What's your definition of white? Does it include people from Maghreb and middle east regions? Or just western european?

All of western and central europe (including the nordic nations) plus maybe portions of the east.
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Superiority leads to empathy.It's kind of like loving your dog,but in this case the dog is a cancer and It's going to end up killing the white race.You understand that the reason whites aren't doing so god is because of our superiority,we felt bad for other races and how bad hey had It,because of their lower iqs,leading either into brutal dictatorships or just out right murdering each other.
Our superiority was our downfall.
Our intellect and strainght was our weakness.
And women were patient zero for he end.
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  • +1
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Cope. This is genetic. Wealth has nothing to do with it. Wealthy blacks don't behave in the same way as wealthy whites do. The races are just simply not the same in their behavior.
I don't believe that it is genetic, Vikings were 1000 years ago most ruthless warriors, and today their descendents they are biggest cucks
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"Us whites built civilization bro we are superior"

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Maybe not in terms of lucks, but in regards to culture and behavior. Western/white cucked view of the world is not recent and has always existed in some capacity or another since the very beginning. Even during the colonial era where whites openly regarded themselves as superior to the other races whites would still build schools and hospitals for the natives (the former of which they took no advantage of, and the later of which just allowed them to breed even more uncontrollably) where as the Chinese just take them over as a result of not being cucked like the west. Even in ancient times civilizations like the Romans and Greeks displayed an unusual degree of acceptance towards non-natives (during the late roman empire something like half of the roman army was made up of foreigners) and were very sexually degenerate.

Just face it. Whites have always been cucks. It's in the genes. The only reason there were able to take over most of the world is because of technological superiority which they are now rapidly losing anyway. Nazi Germany is the exception to the rule, and even they weren't actually as racist/evil as we have been told (it's questionable if gas chambers even existed). Sure, you can find individual examples of evil white kings/rulers but as a whole white civilization has always had an element of cuckendom in it.

In addition, most of the things that cucks like to claim makes western civilization superior to the rest of the world (individualism, capitalism, freedom, tolerance etc) are actually the very things that are responsible for the decline of the west in the first place which just further proves how inferior and cucked whites are. Whites are brainwashed and don't understand how the world fucking works.

Whites were always meant to go extinct at the hands of other more ruthless races. They just got lucky with colonialism for a while because they were the first to industrialize. It was always over for whiteracecels.

Says the subhuman speaking a white language on a white invention (the internet)

JFL at you
Low birth rates, mass immigration and the majority of the men are absolute cucks. It’s over for Europe. :feelswah::feelsuhh:
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Reactions: BigdickAverageEthnic, disillusioned and Einon
Shit thread. Tons of non-white civilizations have shown kindness to those it conquers. For example, Persians basically allowed the conquered peoples to run themselves, but were taxed to pay for the military which protected them. This has nothing to do with being white and the title misleads the reader. Plenty of other cultures would be considered 'sexually' deviant' by your standards that are not white. Enlightenment values such as freedom also existed in Persia.

Basically, you haven't proven that white people are espcially predisposed towards these things you don't like, merely that some white civilizations have done them. This thread and you are wastes. Wastes of time, air, food and water. Cut our costs and invest in rope.
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Reactions: Demir, ElliotRodgerJr and Insomniac
Bro why make an attachment of a users profile picture? U can just drag and drop it...
0 iq. I did drag and drop it
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Bro why make an attachment of a users profile picture? U can just drag and drop it...
dragging and dropping is his religion bro

ritalin hates attachments more than muslims hate pork tbh
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Ur right. India superpower 2020
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Additional comments: Rope
I don't get behind the underlying message of this thread.
So you're saying that spreading knowledge is something bad?
Lmao ok, sure.

Why do we even live in a society at all if growing together as a human race requires cucking oneself?

Nothing but weightless E-talk
thanks, know we know you're a kike
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  • Love it
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Is there a cliff notes version of this ethnic cope?
eurocucks love seeing their women fucked by other men si they import immigrants
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Reactions: disillusioned, Insomniac and Ritalincel
eurocucks love seeing their women fucked by other men si they import immigrants
so europeans should just deport all men and their families back into their shitholes they are trynna escape from just because you fear that they are gonna sleep with women of your own race/nationality?
Lmao what a ludicrous policy.

Yeah lets just send people back to their certain death/poverty pits just because we don't want them to breed with our kind lmao.

That's edgy incel talk you only do on the internet, if society were to actually abandon all kinds of "cuckoldry" you would have to live on the streets and shit your pants in terror, because your everything is based on the foundaments financially supported by "cucks" who throw away their dignity to make some dirty service for society andf keep humanity going.

you have too much time and too little pussy on your hands. And not only you- half of this forum does
  • JFL
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so europeans should just deport all men and their families back into their shitholes they are trynna escape from just because you fear that they are gonna sleep with women of your own race/nationality?
Lmao what a ludicrous policy.

Yeah lets just send people back to their certain death/poverty pits just because we don't want them to breed with our kind lmao.

That's edgy incel talk you only do on the internet, if society were to actually abandon all kinds of "cuckoldry" you would have to live on the streets and shit your pants in terror, because your everything is based on the foundaments financially supported by "cucks" who throw away their dignity to make some dirty service for society andf keep humanity going.

you have too much time and too little pussy on your hands. And not only you- half of this forum does
paragraphs me
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