Whites/Curries/Blacks cannot be incel, not possible, i'll prove it.



Nov 30, 2022
The REAL blackpill is incels don't really exist.

Now i'm not going to say you'll be a slayer because some guys simply are capped by genetics. My point is that you can have sex with your wife and how to get one so by logic it's not possible for you to be incel unless disabled but even then there are exceptions. Let's begin.

Curries - Fairly self-explanatory... but i'll say it anyways. Curries are guaranteed a wife, arranged marriage exists and is extremely common. If i had to guess, 90-95% of curries are married via arranged marriage. Therefore they cannot be incel by definition. The other 5-10% are love marriages, usually in the west but it happens in south asia aswell e.g. guy meets a girl at college/university and then they ask their parents to get married, technically a love marriage and not arranged in the usual sense. Before you say something like "you have to be average atleast to get arranged marriage these days", trust me you could not be more wrong. I know a 30+ year old disabled guy who married a teenage girl. How? passport halo, literally that's it, nothing else.
I'm not saying curries in the west even want an arranged marriage to some foid back home, i certainly don't due to a multitude of reasons that i'll explain at some other time. Therefore curries cannot be "Incel", it's not possible. You simply just go back to your country and wave your passport and you'll get a wife. I'm not saying it's ideal, but you won't be incel, that's a fact. And if you say what about the curries who aren't in the west and don't have passport halo? well those guys are still getting married, any other south asian here can confirm when they've gone back to their country, absolute dalits are married with wives/children so it's nto an issue at all. Our culture simply doesn't allow for incels to exist.

Blacks - blacks simply cannot be incel due to the massive BBC halo they have all over the west, USA/CANADA/UK/EUROPE, impossible for a black guy to be incel. Then some 5'6 black guy on here will seethe and say he's incel and living in the west but has he even tried to get a foid? he stays in his room all day and then complains he's incel. even chad would be incel if he did nothing but shitpost on incel forums all day. Jews have ensured black SMV is through the fucking roof in the west that it's impossible to be incel.

Whites - JBW is not as prevalent as it used to be 5-10 years ago but still it's quite high. Contrary to what's peddled on these forums, white women for the most part do infact want white men for partners, there are a growing number of them though that are dating outside their race but it doesn't really affect whites being incels though which is not possible as even a LTN white guy has infinite smv because every noodle whore or black girl will throw themselves at any white guy willing to give them a chance. How many times have you seen some MTB/HTB black foid or noodle foid who is withi some recessed LTN white guy? too many times. Whites can't be incel.
Then you will tell me "oh dude look at this 5'5 manlet white guy, he's incel"?


HE TOO can get a foid by geomaxxing, if you tell me white guys don't have infinite smv in asia/SEA and can't find a wife there, you have no brain and don't know anything. I ain't saying he's going to get a white woman but i'm talking about being incel and he won't be incel because always some MTB sea/gook foidi will jump on his dick, on top of that you have the usual massive passport halo since everyone from 3rd world country/sea/asia wants to go to america. Impossible for whites to be incel. If you are a 5'4 white guy and you are stubborn and say you will remain incel because no white foid wants you then that's on you if you don't want to get some gook pussy from the 3rd world.

P..S. blackpill IRL isn't even real, that shit is only for dating apps/etc. IRL you will see so so many LTNs/subhumans/allkinds of guys will girlfriends who mog them.

Just the other day i was telling secular how i see so many 5'6 fat dravidian looking indians with cute indian gfs, meanwhile my man @Jason Voorhees is rotting in india even though he brutally mogged every single Indian guy with gf i saw in the past month and i saw a shitton, while these dravidians are out here living the life balls deep in cute dravidian pussy and leeching off and living in the UK.

IRLpill is the only pill that matters, everything else is bullshit.
IRLpill = NT, Just be first theory, right place/right time + Luckpill.

Prove me wrong, i'll wait buddy boyos. Oh and you know our resident truecel @Zer0/∞ even he can get a MTB from bangladesh with passport halo, lose weight + good job, that's it.

EAST ASIANS living in the west are the only ones who can claim to be truly incel, east asians living in east asia possibly aswell but looks play less of a role for them and there's always some poor village girl they can marry, the bigger problem seems to be imbalance of males/females in places like china but they already have a solution somewhat, they go to neighboring countries and find wives there. But even then, east asians are usually high IQ and high earners so they too can go back home and get some poor girl with passport halo + money.
So really.. THERE ARE NO INCELS, NOT REALLY. THERE'S ALWAYS A WAY TO GET A WIFE. Do you see 5'2 farmers in some fishing village from the south of china complaining about being incels? no they aren't and they don't. Blackpill doesn't exist IRL, only the IRLpill exists in the west and in poor countries nothing exists, every guy can get a foid.

@SecularIslamist @Pakicel @Xangsane @Diarrhoea @Jason Voorhees @curryascenderr @MaghrebGator @emeraldglass (curious to know you twos opinions based on you living in Morocco aswell, how many subhumans/LTNs do you see with gfs/etc?) @ShawarmaFilth @coispet @Gengar @brahminboss @ElTruecel @greycel @Shrek2OnDvD @TechnoBoss @shizuku11111 @Darkeningstar @WeiWei @LancasteR @virgin @datboijj @CFW432

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Arabs can also get arrange marriage too
Not just pathetic curries
  • +1
  • WTF
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Reactions: greywind, psychomandible, Deleted member 68081 and 6 others
Arabs can also get arrange marriage too
Not just pathetic curries
I kinda included arabs into the curry genre here, it's the same thing as curries basically so no need for a separate explanation. Btw stop shitting on curries or i will completely eternally BTFO you once and for all you autistic half-breed mutt, i always knew you arabs have a superiority complex when it comes to curries but one day i will make a huge thread about the hypocrisy of arabs and how curries are actually superior in religion and culture and you are half white anyways so stop your shit nigga
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Someone has to lose in the end
  • So Sad
Reactions: JohnDoe
The REAL blackpill is incels don't really exist.

Now i'm not going to say you'll be a slayer because some guys simply are capped by genetics. My point is that you can have sex with your wife and how to get one so by logic it's not possible for you to be incel unless disabled but even then there are exceptions. Let's begin.

Curries - Fairly self-explanatory... but i'll say it anyways. Curries are guaranteed a wife, arranged marriage exists and is extremely common. If i had to guess, 90-95% of curries are married via arranged marriage. Therefore they cannot be incel by definition. The other 5-10% are love marriages, usually in the west but it happens in south asia aswell e.g. guy meets a girl at college/university and then they ask their parents to get married, technically a love marriage and not arranged in the usual sense. Before you say something like "you have to be average atleast to get arranged marriage these days", trust me you could not be more wrong. I know a 30+ year old disabled guy who married a teenage girl. How? passport halo, literally that's it, nothing else.
I'm not saying curries in the west even want an arranged marriage to some foid back home, i certainly don't due to a multitude of reasons that i'll explain at some other time. Therefore curries cannot be "Incel", it's not possible. You simply just go back to your country and wave your passport and you'll get a wife. I'm not saying it's ideal, but you won't be incel, that's a fact. And if you say what about the curries who aren't in the west and don't have passport halo? well those guys are still getting married, any other south asian here can confirm when they've gone back to their country, absolute dalits are married with wives/children so it's nto an issue at all. Our culture simply doesn't allow for incels to exist.

Blacks - blacks simply cannot be incel due to the massive BBC halo they have all over the west, USA/CANADA/UK/EUROPE, impossible for a black guy to be incel. Then some 5'6 black guy on here will seethe and say he's incel and living in the west but has he even tried to get a foid? he stays in his room all day and then complains he's incel. even chad would be incel if he did nothing but shitpost on incel forums all day. Jews have ensured black SMV is through the fucking roof in the west that it's impossible to be incel.

Whites - JBW is not as prevalent as it used to be 5-10 years ago but still it's quite high. Contrary to what's peddled on these forums, white women for the most part do infact want white men for partners, there are a growing number of them though that are dating outside their race but it doesn't really affect whites being incels though which is not possible as even a LTN white guy has infinite smv because every noodle whore or black girl will throw themselves at any white guy willing to give them a chance. How many times have you seen some MTB/HTB black foid or noodle foid who is withi some recessed LTN white guy? too many times. Whites can't be incel.
Then you will tell me "oh dude look at this 5'5 manlet white guy, he's incel"?

View attachment 3087171

HE TOO can get a foid by geomaxxing, if you tell me white guys don't have infinite smv in asia/SEA and can't find a wife there, you have no brain and don't know anything. I ain't saying he's going to get a white woman but i'm talking about being incel and he won't be incel because always some MTB sea/gook foidi will jump on his dick, on top of that you have the usual massive passport halo since everyone from 3rd world country/sea/asia wants to go to america. Impossible for whites to be incel. If you are a 5'4 white guy and you are stubborn and say you will remain incel because no white foid wants you then that's on you if you don't want to get some gook pussy from the 3rd world.

P..S. blackpill IRL isn't even real, that shit is only for dating apps/etc. IRL you will see so so many LTNs/subhumans/allkinds of guys will girlfriends who mog them.

Just the other day i was telling secular how i see so many 5'6 fat dravidian looking indians with cute indian gfs, meanwhile my man @Jason Voorhees is rotting in india even though he brutally mogged every single Indian guy with gf i saw in the past month and i saw a shitton, while these dravidians are out here living the life balls deep in cute dravidian pussy and leeching off and living in the UK.

IRLpill is the only pill that matters, everything else is bullshit.
IRLpill = NT, Just be first theory, right place/right time + Luckpill.

Prove me wrong, i'll wait buddy boyos. Oh and you know our resident truecel @Zer0/∞ even he can get a MTB from bangladesh with passport halo, lose weight + good job, that's it.

EAST ASIANS living in the west are the only ones who can claim to be truly incel, east asians living in east asia possibly aswell but looks play less of a role for them and there's always some poor village girl they can marry, the bigger problem seems to be imbalance of males/females in places like china but they already have a solution somewhat, they go to neighboring countries and find wives there. But even then, east asians are usually high IQ and high earners so they too can go back home and get some poor girl with passport halo + money.
So really.. THERE ARE NO INCELS, NOT REALLY. THERE'S ALWAYS A WAY TO GET A WIFE. Do you see 5'2 farmers in some fishing village from the south of china complaining about being incels? no they aren't and they don't. Blackpill doesn't exist IRL, only the IRLpill exists in the west and in poor countries nothing exists, every guy can get a foid.

@SecularIslamist @Pakicel @Xangsane @Diarrhoea @Jason Voorhees @curryascenderr @MaghrebGator @emeraldglass (curious to know you twos opinions based on you living in Morocco aswell, how many subhumans/LTNs do you see with gfs/etc?) @ShawarmaFilth @coispet @Gengar @brahminboss @ElTruecel @greycel @Shrek2OnDvD @TechnoBoss @shizuku11111 @Darkeningstar @WeiWei @LancasteR @virgin @datboijj @CFW432

I don’t live in Morocco, but I know a lot of Moroccans who, like Indians, just waved their passports and got cute teens. I literally know four old farts over 40 who got prime JB pussy, not even bad looking JB’s, one is even HTB because they know their families and have money. Ethnics even have big SMV in white countries as well.
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Reactions: 6’3 MTN Cutecel, MA_ascender and JohnDoe
I kinda included arabs into the curry genre here, it's the same thing as curries basically so no need for a separate explanation. Btw stop shitting on curries or i will completely eternally BTFO you once and for all you autistic half-breed mutt, i always knew you arabs have a superiority complex when it comes to curries but one day i will make a huge thread about the hypocrisy of arabs and how curries are actually superior in religion and culture and you are half white anyways so stop your shit nigga
pat pat
  • Hmm...
Reactions: JohnDoe
While I agree that's generally true, that's what explains the IRLpill. There are exceptions and it's usually the exceptions that are on here. A lot of this is just being a passportbro to where your race is desirable or your family will help you out.

It's a sad state of affairs that you have to move out or wave your passport to get someone you can't in the country you were born in. Only girls abroad can see your value which girls in the society your own society don't.

This is a recurrent topic on Muzz Social btw. The foids reply 'omg you're all sick you want to go and exploit these poor women abroad' or 'haha men aren't good enough nowadays so need to go abroad'. JFL if only they knew their own mothers were also "exploited" this way. Fuck these feminists man.
  • +1
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Reactions: TheBiggestIncelEver, Swarthy Knight, chudlite and 3 others
Curries - Fairly self-explanatory... but i'll say it anyways. Curries are guaranteed a wife, arranged marriage exists and is extremely common. If i had to guess, 90-95% of curries are married via arranged marriage. Therefore they cannot be incel by definition.

Cope extra strength
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Reactions: klip11, chudlite, ss07 and 2 others
Yeah. This is something we already know. There are many avenues to get laid besides using your looks to attract a foid. If you are white, you have decent SMV to non-white foids by default. The uglier whites don’t need to pay insane betabuxxing rates and can find decent arrangements for 500-1000 per month. If they fail to ascend in the west they can geomax. Curries, regardless of their looks level, can force Indian beckies and stacies to marry them and rape their wives an unlimited number of times but there are obviously ethical concerns with that. Blacks can bbcmax and slay. The only ones who are incel are the non-nt and feminine ones and the unfortunate minority who don’t have BBC. These are brutal failos for blacks as they are mostly carried by BBC halo.
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  • +1
Reactions: litaz and SecularIslamist
While I agree that's generally true, that's what explains the IRLpill. There are exceptions and it's usually the exceptions that are on here. A lot of this is just being a passportbro to where your race is desirable or your family will help you out.

It's a sad state of affairs that you have to move out or wave your passport to get someone you can't in the country you were born in. Only girls abroad can see your value which girls in the society your own society don't.

This is a recurrent topic on Muzz Social btw. The foids reply 'omg you're all sick you want to go and exploit these poor women abroad' or 'haha men aren't good enough nowadays so need to go abroad'. JFL if only they knew their own mothers were also "exploited" this way. Fuck these feminists man.
If the previous generations of curry foids had some say in who they bred with, the average curry would not be worse looking than the average white.
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  • JFL
Reactions: TheBiggestIncelEver, hopecel, MedMogger and 4 others
Import wife is only true if you are Latino/curry/sand/slav in the US.

There’s way way more men than women in India and China due to sex selective abortion and one child policy. Someone is forced to be alone due to woman shortage there
How to get a wife?
Be NT and not a socially inept moron like me

The truth is, I've always been a very introverted and 'autistic' guy, but that's due to my childhood trauma and I've had no father figure (guidance) in life.
The problem is probably not my looks, cause NeroAngelo gave me a 6.5 in face rating.
Most guys here, are probably very socially anxious or high inhib like me, and it's very hard to get into social circles, and make new connections
  • +1
Reactions: Swarthy Knight, emeraldglass and xantrooper
Y did u marry a sheboon then pathetic sandjeet
Doesn't matter how "GL" xangsane is, the average curry's wife is better than his mutt negress, sorry zhang but it's the truth. The problem with half-breeds is that they never truly belong to one side or the other and so they look for people who also are floating in limbo so to speak like them.
a LTN white guy has infinite smv because every noodle whore or black girl will throw themselves at any white guy willing to give them a chance. How many times have you seen some MTB/HTB black foid or noodle foid who is withi some recessed LTN white guy? too many times. Whites can't be incel.

Impossible for whites to be incel.
Prime example of schizophrenic delusions. @BrendioEEE @📎♿️⚙️
  • +1
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t. virgin incel
  • JFL
  • +1
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Most men don't complain about not being able to get laid at all. It's about being able to get a quality foid that's actually your looksmatch (or above).

I'm KHHV (not counting escorts). I can probably dumpster dive and get with an ugly/replusive foid if I really tried to. But what's the point of that?
  • Hmm...
Reactions: MrMogger
Anyone can be Incel cause it's circumstantial but Incels are a minority among all men.
  • +1
Reactions: Whatever
Over for abocels
  • JFL
Reactions: MedMogger and JohnDoe
There’s girls out there for literally every guy, you only become incel when you don’t have the means to meet them.
  • +1
Reactions: JohnDoe
There’s girls out there for literally every guy, you only become incel when you don’t have the means to meet them.
Just run numbers game theory
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: hopecel and Whatever
There’s girls out there for literally every guy,
Mathematicspill. If many men remain incel rest of their lives so will the same amount of women. Difference is they will have fucked many men. Some will end up grudgingly "settle" for betabuxxers. This will save a significant amount of men (cucks) who pathetically accept these women.
If your aware you would already know this, its about getting as many hot women as possible not locking down a mtb for marriage.
As a mulatto guy, I am truly incel and will never be valued by a woman
I kinda included arabs into the curry genre here, it's the same thing as curries basically so no need for a separate explanation. Btw stop shitting on curries or i will completely eternally BTFO you once and for all you autistic half-breed mutt, i always knew you arabs have a superiority complex when it comes to curries but one day i will make a huge thread about the hypocrisy of arabs and how curries are actually superior in religion and culture and you are half white anyways so stop your shit nigga
Arabs are a joke when they try to act superior to Indians. Besides Lebanese the average ends up looking pretty subhuman tier, but they'll try to endlessly talk about their superiority to Indians.
  • +1
Reactions: JohnDoe
100% wrong
being a white male is hell on earth
only asian women like white 'males' in 2024 and they are increasing fleeing from whitoid males
white males are forced to become trannies and get butt fucked by niggers in 2024
JBW is fake
  • JFL
Reactions: TheBiggestIncelEver, Deleted member 30380, diditeverbegin and 1 other person
The REAL blackpill is incels don't really exist.

Now i'm not going to say you'll be a slayer because some guys simply are capped by genetics. My point is that you can have sex with your wife and how to get one so by logic it's not possible for you to be incel unless disabled but even then there are exceptions. Let's begin.

Curries - Fairly self-explanatory... but i'll say it anyways. Curries are guaranteed a wife, arranged marriage exists and is extremely common. If i had to guess, 90-95% of curries are married via arranged marriage. Therefore they cannot be incel by definition. The other 5-10% are love marriages, usually in the west but it happens in south asia aswell e.g. guy meets a girl at college/university and then they ask their parents to get married, technically a love marriage and not arranged in the usual sense. Before you say something like "you have to be average atleast to get arranged marriage these days", trust me you could not be more wrong. I know a 30+ year old disabled guy who married a teenage girl. How? passport halo, literally that's it, nothing else.
I'm not saying curries in the west even want an arranged marriage to some foid back home, i certainly don't due to a multitude of reasons that i'll explain at some other time. Therefore curries cannot be "Incel", it's not possible. You simply just go back to your country and wave your passport and you'll get a wife. I'm not saying it's ideal, but you won't be incel, that's a fact. And if you say what about the curries who aren't in the west and don't have passport halo? well those guys are still getting married, any other south asian here can confirm when they've gone back to their country, absolute dalits are married with wives/children so it's nto an issue at all. Our culture simply doesn't allow for incels to exist.

Blacks - blacks simply cannot be incel due to the massive BBC halo they have all over the west, USA/CANADA/UK/EUROPE, impossible for a black guy to be incel. Then some 5'6 black guy on here will seethe and say he's incel and living in the west but has he even tried to get a foid? he stays in his room all day and then complains he's incel. even chad would be incel if he did nothing but shitpost on incel forums all day. Jews have ensured black SMV is through the fucking roof in the west that it's impossible to be incel.

Whites - JBW is not as prevalent as it used to be 5-10 years ago but still it's quite high. Contrary to what's peddled on these forums, white women for the most part do infact want white men for partners, there are a growing number of them though that are dating outside their race but it doesn't really affect whites being incels though which is not possible as even a LTN white guy has infinite smv because every noodle whore or black girl will throw themselves at any white guy willing to give them a chance. How many times have you seen some MTB/HTB black foid or noodle foid who is withi some recessed LTN white guy? too many times. Whites can't be incel.
Then you will tell me "oh dude look at this 5'5 manlet white guy, he's incel"?

View attachment 3087171

HE TOO can get a foid by geomaxxing, if you tell me white guys don't have infinite smv in asia/SEA and can't find a wife there, you have no brain and don't know anything. I ain't saying he's going to get a white woman but i'm talking about being incel and he won't be incel because always some MTB sea/gook foidi will jump on his dick, on top of that you have the usual massive passport halo since everyone from 3rd world country/sea/asia wants to go to america. Impossible for whites to be incel. If you are a 5'4 white guy and you are stubborn and say you will remain incel because no white foid wants you then that's on you if you don't want to get some gook pussy from the 3rd world.

P..S. blackpill IRL isn't even real, that shit is only for dating apps/etc. IRL you will see so so many LTNs/subhumans/allkinds of guys will girlfriends who mog them.

Just the other day i was telling secular how i see so many 5'6 fat dravidian looking indians with cute indian gfs, meanwhile my man @Jason Voorhees is rotting in india even though he brutally mogged every single Indian guy with gf i saw in the past month and i saw a shitton, while these dravidians are out here living the life balls deep in cute dravidian pussy and leeching off and living in the UK.

IRLpill is the only pill that matters, everything else is bullshit.
IRLpill = NT, Just be first theory, right place/right time + Luckpill.

Prove me wrong, i'll wait buddy boyos. Oh and you know our resident truecel @Zer0/∞ even he can get a MTB from bangladesh with passport halo, lose weight + good job, that's it.

EAST ASIANS living in the west are the only ones who can claim to be truly incel, east asians living in east asia possibly aswell but looks play less of a role for them and there's always some poor village girl they can marry, the bigger problem seems to be imbalance of males/females in places like china but they already have a solution somewhat, they go to neighboring countries and find wives there. But even then, east asians are usually high IQ and high earners so they too can go back home and get some poor girl with passport halo + money.
So really.. THERE ARE NO INCELS, NOT REALLY. THERE'S ALWAYS A WAY TO GET A WIFE. Do you see 5'2 farmers in some fishing village from the south of china complaining about being incels? no they aren't and they don't. Blackpill doesn't exist IRL, only the IRLpill exists in the west and in poor countries nothing exists, every guy can get a foid.

@SecularIslamist @Pakicel @Xangsane @Diarrhoea @Jason Voorhees @curryascenderr @MaghrebGator @emeraldglass (curious to know you twos opinions based on you living in Morocco aswell, how many subhumans/LTNs do you see with gfs/etc?) @ShawarmaFilth @coispet @Gengar @brahminboss @ElTruecel @greycel @Shrek2OnDvD @TechnoBoss @shizuku11111 @Darkeningstar @WeiWei @LancasteR @virgin @datboijj @CFW432

DNR hence only latinos can be incels. Fkn conquistadors ruined my life
The REAL blackpill is incels don't really exist.

Now i'm not going to say you'll be a slayer because some guys simply are capped by genetics. My point is that you can have sex with your wife and how to get one so by logic it's not possible for you to be incel unless disabled but even then there are exceptions. Let's begin.

Curries - Fairly self-explanatory... but i'll say it anyways. Curries are guaranteed a wife, arranged marriage exists and is extremely common. If i had to guess, 90-95% of curries are married via arranged marriage. Therefore they cannot be incel by definition. The other 5-10% are love marriages, usually in the west but it happens in south asia aswell e.g. guy meets a girl at college/university and then they ask their parents to get married, technically a love marriage and not arranged in the usual sense. Before you say something like "you have to be average atleast to get arranged marriage these days", trust me you could not be more wrong. I know a 30+ year old disabled guy who married a teenage girl. How? passport halo, literally that's it, nothing else.
I'm not saying curries in the west even want an arranged marriage to some foid back home, i certainly don't due to a multitude of reasons that i'll explain at some other time. Therefore curries cannot be "Incel", it's not possible. You simply just go back to your country and wave your passport and you'll get a wife. I'm not saying it's ideal, but you won't be incel, that's a fact. And if you say what about the curries who aren't in the west and don't have passport halo? well those guys are still getting married, any other south asian here can confirm when they've gone back to their country, absolute dalits are married with wives/children so it's nto an issue at all. Our culture simply doesn't allow for incels to exist.

Blacks - blacks simply cannot be incel due to the massive BBC halo they have all over the west, USA/CANADA/UK/EUROPE, impossible for a black guy to be incel. Then some 5'6 black guy on here will seethe and say he's incel and living in the west but has he even tried to get a foid? he stays in his room all day and then complains he's incel. even chad would be incel if he did nothing but shitpost on incel forums all day. Jews have ensured black SMV is through the fucking roof in the west that it's impossible to be incel.

Whites - JBW is not as prevalent as it used to be 5-10 years ago but still it's quite high. Contrary to what's peddled on these forums, white women for the most part do infact want white men for partners, there are a growing number of them though that are dating outside their race but it doesn't really affect whites being incels though which is not possible as even a LTN white guy has infinite smv because every noodle whore or black girl will throw themselves at any white guy willing to give them a chance. How many times have you seen some MTB/HTB black foid or noodle foid who is withi some recessed LTN white guy? too many times. Whites can't be incel.
Then you will tell me "oh dude look at this 5'5 manlet white guy, he's incel"?

View attachment 3087171

HE TOO can get a foid by geomaxxing, if you tell me white guys don't have infinite smv in asia/SEA and can't find a wife there, you have no brain and don't know anything. I ain't saying he's going to get a white woman but i'm talking about being incel and he won't be incel because always some MTB sea/gook foidi will jump on his dick, on top of that you have the usual massive passport halo since everyone from 3rd world country/sea/asia wants to go to america. Impossible for whites to be incel. If you are a 5'4 white guy and you are stubborn and say you will remain incel because no white foid wants you then that's on you if you don't want to get some gook pussy from the 3rd world.

P..S. blackpill IRL isn't even real, that shit is only for dating apps/etc. IRL you will see so so many LTNs/subhumans/allkinds of guys will girlfriends who mog them.

Just the other day i was telling secular how i see so many 5'6 fat dravidian looking indians with cute indian gfs, meanwhile my man @Jason Voorhees is rotting in india even though he brutally mogged every single Indian guy with gf i saw in the past month and i saw a shitton, while these dravidians are out here living the life balls deep in cute dravidian pussy and leeching off and living in the UK.

IRLpill is the only pill that matters, everything else is bullshit.
IRLpill = NT, Just be first theory, right place/right time + Luckpill.

Prove me wrong, i'll wait buddy boyos. Oh and you know our resident truecel @Zer0/∞ even he can get a MTB from bangladesh with passport halo, lose weight + good job, that's it.

EAST ASIANS living in the west are the only ones who can claim to be truly incel, east asians living in east asia possibly aswell but looks play less of a role for them and there's always some poor village girl they can marry, the bigger problem seems to be imbalance of males/females in places like china but they already have a solution somewhat, they go to neighboring countries and find wives there. But even then, east asians are usually high IQ and high earners so they too can go back home and get some poor girl with passport halo + money.
So really.. THERE ARE NO INCELS, NOT REALLY. THERE'S ALWAYS A WAY TO GET A WIFE. Do you see 5'2 farmers in some fishing village from the south of china complaining about being incels? no they aren't and they don't. Blackpill doesn't exist IRL, only the IRLpill exists in the west and in poor countries nothing exists, every guy can get a foid.

@SecularIslamist @Pakicel @Xangsane @Diarrhoea @Jason Voorhees @curryascenderr @MaghrebGator @emeraldglass (curious to know you twos opinions based on you living in Morocco aswell, how many subhumans/LTNs do you see with gfs/etc?) @ShawarmaFilth @coispet @Gengar @brahminboss @ElTruecel @greycel @Shrek2OnDvD @TechnoBoss @shizuku11111 @Darkeningstar @WeiWei @LancasteR @virgin @datboijj @CFW432

Insanely low iq
There's a big surplus of males left alone in India because of fucked up demographics.

BBC doesn't exist outside sissy BNWO worshipping twitter, black males are the least desired

Only whites can't be incel
  • Ugh..
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High IQ thread
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Disproven for curries at least @JohnDoe.

THe prerequisite to all this is money lil nigga.:lul::lul::lul:. No money means no jb pajeeta.
  • +1
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Disproven for curries at least @JohnDoe.

THe prerequisite to all this is money lil nigga.:lul::lul::lul:. No money means no jb pajeeta.
i have no idea what you just said, disproven for curries meaning what exactly?
but yes money is king, especially for south asians
Tldr bro plz summarize
  • WTF
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This is the 2nd time you have said such a thing in one of my threads. The next time you will be added to my ignore list! :ogre:
Oh no please dont do that

that would really affect me:lul::lul:
Oh no please dont do that

that would really affect me:lul::lul:
Yes, you have the privilege of being added to my ignore list, you should be proud. Only subhuman nigger gorilla apes are added to that list
Yes, you have the privilege of being added to my ignore list, you should be proud. Only subhuman nigger gorilla apes are added to that list
I dont even know or care about you

Fuck off kid
bhai-cel didnt even tag me :(
  • So Sad
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i have no idea what you just said, disproven for curries meaning what exactly?
but yes money is king, especially for south asians
it means that indians can be incels because as a prerequistie for arranged marrige, you need money, ie betabuxxing and escortcelling with extra steps.

Whites - JBW is not as prevalent as it used to be 5-10 years ago but still it's quite high. Contrary to what's peddled on these forums, white women for the most part do infact want white men for partners, there are a growing number of them though that are dating outside their race but it doesn't really affect whites being incels though which is not possible as even a LTN white guy has infinite smv because every noodle whore or black girl will throw themselves at any white guy willing to give them a chance. How many times have you seen some MTB/HTB black foid or noodle foid who is withi some recessed LTN white guy? too many times. Whites can't be incel.
Then you will tell me "oh dude look at this 5'5 manlet white guy, he's

Ugly and average whites still struggle with foids of all races, and attractive noodles prefer changs and look down on whites. Notice how the noodles you see with whites tend to be ltb/mtb at best and often the white mogs the gook lol
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Know this is an old thread now but I just have to respond to the part about curries 'not being incel' because of how fucking stupid it is...

First of all, OP is really stretching the definition of what 'not incel' means by including arranged marriages as 'not incel'. Okay, so the curry gets some (probably ugly) woman chained to him, but what do you think their marriage will actually look like? She will hate every fiber of his existence and will dream of the day where she's liberated by some (probably white) giga-Chad who will take her away from her disgusting subhuman of a husband that she never wanted.

But sure... this counts as 'cannot be incel' :feelstastyman:
The REAL blackpill is incels don't really exist.

Now i'm not going to say you'll be a slayer because some guys simply are capped by genetics. My point is that you can have sex with your wife and how to get one so by logic it's not possible for you to be incel unless disabled but even then there are exceptions. Let's begin.

Curries - Fairly self-explanatory... but i'll say it anyways. Curries are guaranteed a wife, arranged marriage exists and is extremely common. If i had to guess, 90-95% of curries are married via arranged marriage. Therefore they cannot be incel by definition. The other 5-10% are love marriages, usually in the west but it happens in south asia aswell e.g. guy meets a girl at college/university and then they ask their parents to get married, technically a love marriage and not arranged in the usual sense. Before you say something like "you have to be average atleast to get arranged marriage these days", trust me you could not be more wrong. I know a 30+ year old disabled guy who married a teenage girl. How? passport halo, literally that's it, nothing else.
I'm not saying curries in the west even want an arranged marriage to some foid back home, i certainly don't due to a multitude of reasons that i'll explain at some other time. Therefore curries cannot be "Incel", it's not possible. You simply just go back to your country and wave your passport and you'll get a wife. I'm not saying it's ideal, but you won't be incel, that's a fact. And if you say what about the curries who aren't in the west and don't have passport halo? well those guys are still getting married, any other south asian here can confirm when they've gone back to their country, absolute dalits are married with wives/children so it's nto an issue at all. Our culture simply doesn't allow for incels to exist.

Blacks - blacks simply cannot be incel due to the massive BBC halo they have all over the west, USA/CANADA/UK/EUROPE, impossible for a black guy to be incel. Then some 5'6 black guy on here will seethe and say he's incel and living in the west but has he even tried to get a foid? he stays in his room all day and then complains he's incel. even chad would be incel if he did nothing but shitpost on incel forums all day. Jews have ensured black SMV is through the fucking roof in the west that it's impossible to be incel.

Whites - JBW is not as prevalent as it used to be 5-10 years ago but still it's quite high. Contrary to what's peddled on these forums, white women for the most part do infact want white men for partners, there are a growing number of them though that are dating outside their race but it doesn't really affect whites being incels though which is not possible as even a LTN white guy has infinite smv because every noodle whore or black girl will throw themselves at any white guy willing to give them a chance. How many times have you seen some MTB/HTB black foid or noodle foid who is withi some recessed LTN white guy? too many times. Whites can't be incel.
Then you will tell me "oh dude look at this 5'5 manlet white guy, he's incel"?

View attachment 3087171

HE TOO can get a foid by geomaxxing, if you tell me white guys don't have infinite smv in asia/SEA and can't find a wife there, you have no brain and don't know anything. I ain't saying he's going to get a white woman but i'm talking about being incel and he won't be incel because always some MTB sea/gook foidi will jump on his dick, on top of that you have the usual massive passport halo since everyone from 3rd world country/sea/asia wants to go to america. Impossible for whites to be incel. If you are a 5'4 white guy and you are stubborn and say you will remain incel because no white foid wants you then that's on you if you don't want to get some gook pussy from the 3rd world.

P..S. blackpill IRL isn't even real, that shit is only for dating apps/etc. IRL you will see so so many LTNs/subhumans/allkinds of guys will girlfriends who mog them.

Just the other day i was telling secular how i see so many 5'6 fat dravidian looking indians with cute indian gfs, meanwhile my man @Jason Voorhees is rotting in india even though he brutally mogged every single Indian guy with gf i saw in the past month and i saw a shitton, while these dravidians are out here living the life balls deep in cute dravidian pussy and leeching off and living in the UK.

IRLpill is the only pill that matters, everything else is bullshit.
IRLpill = NT, Just be first theory, right place/right time + Luckpill.

Prove me wrong, i'll wait buddy boyos. Oh and you know our resident truecel @Zer0/∞ even he can get a MTB from bangladesh with passport halo, lose weight + good job, that's it.

EAST ASIANS living in the west are the only ones who can claim to be truly incel, east asians living in east asia possibly aswell but looks play less of a role for them and there's always some poor village girl they can marry, the bigger problem seems to be imbalance of males/females in places like china but they already have a solution somewhat, they go to neighboring countries and find wives there. But even then, east asians are usually high IQ and high earners so they too can go back home and get some poor girl with passport halo + money.
So really.. THERE ARE NO INCELS, NOT REALLY. THERE'S ALWAYS A WAY TO GET A WIFE. Do you see 5'2 farmers in some fishing village from the south of china complaining about being incels? no they aren't and they don't. Blackpill doesn't exist IRL, only the IRLpill exists in the west and in poor countries nothing exists, every guy can get a foid.

@SecularIslamist @Pakicel @Xangsane @Diarrhoea @Jason Voorhees @curryascenderr @MaghrebGator @emeraldglass (curious to know you twos opinions based on you living in Morocco aswell, how many subhumans/LTNs do you see with gfs/etc?) @ShawarmaFilth @coispet @Gengar @brahminboss @ElTruecel @greycel @Shrek2OnDvD @TechnoBoss @shizuku11111 @Darkeningstar @WeiWei @LancasteR @virgin @datboijj @CFW432

Know this is an old thread now but I just have to respond to the part about curries 'not being incel' because of how fucking stupid it is...

First of all, OP is really stretching the definition of what 'not incel' means by including arranged marriages as 'not incel'. Okay, so the curry gets some (probably ugly) woman chained to him, but what do you think their marriage will actually look like? She will hate every fiber of his existence and will dream of the day where she's liberated by some (probably white) giga-Chad who will take her away from her disgusting subhuman of a husband that she never wanted.

But sure... this counts as 'cannot be incel' :feelstastyman:
most women dont fuck their husband anyway/fake their orgasms, a year after marrage women lose 80% of their sex drive. cept if you are CHAD. regardless, so atleast an indian that fucks off to the UK/US, gets a job, goes back to his village and mogs the impoverished ones of his group can just fuck her and not care if she hates him anyway. Even if she dreams for chad, which all women do. India has less rights for them if you are ok with this

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