Who actually LTRs and marries Chad?

Who actually LTRs and marries Chad?

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Jun 11, 2021
Since people say that Stacies almost never LTR or marry Chads (a PSL Chadlite or Chad with good body), but a rich normie. Who the hell does Chad LTR then?

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@Staceymaxxing @Chadeep
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Rich HTB
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A typical Htb or one with things that make her stand out (like personality, vices, interests etc)
I have chosen both. Also can you tell me why does Kaden Hammond have so many Turkish foid comments.
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Since people say that Stacies almost never LTR or marry Chads (a PSL Chadlite or Chad with good body), but a rich normie. Who the hell does Chad LTR then?
@try2beme pls be more discriminate
Isn’t it usually mtb’s? It’s really common to see them with chads imo
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Why Htb tho?

Maybe fake accounts
Don't think they are fake accounts he is popular on Wattpad. Also HTB cuz she would be hot enough to sustain a LTR.
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Maybe mid htb
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@soover4me why looksmatch

Maybe mid htb
Don't think they are fake accounts he is popular on Wattpad. Also HTB cuz she would be hot enough to sustain a LTR.
Fair enough. Why not stacylite and above or MTB and below?
And is he picky with pheno and money and personality?
No. There isnt set answers
You need to be discriminate
Isn’t it usually mtb’s? It’s really common to see them with chads imo
Why MTB and why common?
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@Klaas Vaaker why looksmatch
@YungAscender @enchanted_elixir
chads, chadlite and htns settle with stacys stacylites and htbs aka all good looking attractive people
only incels here think that there is a big looks margin between these in reality its just preference
  • Hmm...
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Chads usually marry when they age a bit past their prime and see that they are losing their pull over prime foids, so they end up LTRing and marrying some stacylite or stacy if hes lucky

at least from my experience, the best looking foids that I went to highschool with usually ended up marrying a mid 30s chad/chadlite or a moneymaxxed/careermaxxed betabuxx

although ironically the 2 best looking neighbours I had with peak coomfuel latina pawg bodies and good PSL LTRed ugly guys lmao they were peak blackpill debunkers
  • Hmm...
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Chads usually marry when they age a bit past their prime and see that they are losing their pull over prime foids,
Why post prime even though foids WANT him to be in his prime?
so they end up LTRing and marrying some stacylite or stacy if hes lucky
why do you think they don't LTR or marry below stacylite even though people here think otherwise? (Most say chads ltr a HTB in the west)
at least from my experience, the best looking foids that I went to highschool with usually ended up marrying a mid 30s chad/chadlite or a moneymaxxed/careermaxxed betabuxx
what country
although ironically the 2 best looking neighbours I had with peak coomfuel latina pawg bodies and good PSL LTRed ugly guys lmao they were peak blackpill debunkers
Do Chads not like thicc bodies
chads, chadlite and htns settle with stacys stacylites and htbs aka all good looking attractive people
only incels here think that there is a big looks margin between these in reality its just preference
Why do you think looksmatch rather than a slight disparity
Why post prime even though foids WANT him to be in his prime?
Prime chad rarely gets locked down in LTR, on average prime chad wants to have a LTR with his hookups way less than the hookups want chad to commit

he has access to sex with high VSM prime foids without the need to commit

but when he starts downgrading (still mogger but not peak mogger as before) he realizes his prime stacylite slaying days will soon be over so better get the best looking, most attracted to him and higher trust foid he got in his latest hookups in a LTR than keep downgrading and having to cope with getting hookups with subprime foid (weak HTBs, MTBs and so on)

TLDR: aging chad realizes better cash out his jackpot (genetic lottery) win instead of keeping gambling and losing his coins little by little
Prime chad rarely gets locked down in LTR, on average prime chad wants to have a LTR with his hookups way less than the hookups want chad to commit
do the foids pressure him to commit
he has access to sex with high VSM prime foids without the need to commit

but when he starts downgrading (still mogger but not peak mogger as before) he realizes his prime stacylite slaying days will soon be over so better get the best looking, most attracted to him and higher trust foid he got in his latest hookups in a LTR than keep downgrading and having to cope with getting hookups with subprime foid (weak HTBs, MTBs and so on)

TLDR: aging chad realizes better cash out his jackpot (genetic lottery) win instead of keeping gambling and losing his coins little by little
what country is this + are these "chads" just muscular HTNs?
Prime chad rarely gets locked down in LTR, on average prime chad wants to have a LTR with his hookups way less than the hookups want chad to commit

he has access to sex with high VSM prime foids without the need to commit

but when he starts downgrading (still mogger but not peak mogger as before) he realizes his prime stacylite slaying days will soon be over so better get the best looking, most attracted to him and higher trust foid he got in his latest hookups in a LTR than keep downgrading and having to cope with getting hookups with subprime foid (weak HTBs, MTBs and so on)

TLDR: aging chad realizes better cash out his jackpot (genetic lottery) win instead of keeping gambling and losing his coins little by little
@Chadeep this sounds like cope. Sounds more like a jacked HTN
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@humanoidsub7 why htb
@humanoidsub7 why htb
HTB usually want the actual top 0.1 so Chad goes for it.

It depends on the mindset of the foid too, many Stacies are also sluts
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@King Solomon
Since people say that Stacies almost never LTR or marry Chads (a PSL Chadlite or Chad with good body), but a rich normie. Who the hell does Chad LTR then?

chads, chadlite and htns settle with stacys stacylites and htbs aka all good looking attractive people
only incels here think that there is a big looks margin between these in reality its just preference

Rich suburban Chads and HTN's usually LTR and marry Stacy's and HTB's from those same backgrounds.

There's exceptions to the rule but that's usually the case. I think people are getting their perceptions skewed from Hollywood.
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Rich suburban Chads and HTN's usually LTR and marry Stacy's and HTB's from those same backgrounds.
I mean just Chad not htn
There's exceptions to the rule but that's usually the case. I think people are getting their perceptions skewed from Hollywood.
What about Hollywood
@Staceymaxxing thoughts?

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