Who are good examples of natty good physiques?



Do not be as you are, but as you should be
Sep 18, 2023

Yall think the rock is natty? How about jeff cavelier
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TNF, Geoffrey Verity Schofield, Bald omniman, Alex leonidas, Natural hypertrophy
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there is no natty good physique

Swinging Heat Wave GIF by lilcozynostril
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Those look way to big for female gaze. Also some of them look roided.
who ? he cited the most famous good looking natties.

also no they're not too big.

Yall think the rock is natty? How about jeff cavelier
TBH all good natty physiques are in midgets so if ur average height or above pointless to compare. U cn have a decent physique natty but dont expect full round muscles at low bf percent.
TBH all good natty physiques are in midgets so if ur average height or above pointless to compare. U cn have a decent physique natty but dont expect full round muscles at low bf percent.
im natty and only been lifting for a year and a half, not a midget but not too tall either (5'11)

u dont need to be a midget to have a good natty pysique bru 😭
im natty and only been lifting for a year and a half, not a midget but not too tall either (5'11)

u dont need to be a midget to have a good natty pysique bru 😭
U do by standards most are talking about. You dont have good natty physique after 1 year either. Ur likely very lean with barely any muscle or bloated and dnt realise it(because the bloat look can develop slowly)
U do by standards most are talking about. You dont have good natty physique after 1 year either. Ur likely very lean with barely any muscle or bloated and dnt realise it(because the bloat look can develop slowly)
check my recent post
check my recent post
yh ur lean ur not holding a whole bunch of muscle. Thats goal physique for some but others bcause exposed to fitness on social meia want more muscle etc. Theirs a reason ever1 is using steroids in the entertainment industry wheither it be in movies or in the wwe.
yh ur lean ur not holding a whole bunch of muscle. Thats goal physique for some but others bcause exposed to fitness on social meia want more muscle etc. Theirs a reason ever1 is using steroids in the entertainment industry wheither it be in movies or in the wwe.
oh ur talking bout the ppl who r mass monsters + lean. then obv steroid users would have more muscle, but that doesn't necessarily mean better pysique. it all comes down to muscle insertions imo. ive seen some RLY shitty physiques and never woulda imagined they're on roids
oh ur talking bout the ppl who r mass monsters + lean. then obv steroid users would have more muscle, but that doesn't necessarily mean better pysique. it all comes down to muscle insertions imo. ive seen some RLY shitty physiques and never woulda imagined they're on roids
Yeah u get shit physique roid users with wide hips, high lat insertions, bloated from estrogen etc but if u got a good shape alrdy even low doses make a huge difference in how u look.
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Something to keep in mind is height and weight when looking at physiques to judge if they’re natty or not, like Jeff Nippard looks insane but he only weighs 160
Screenshot 2024 09 22 23 16 06 32 40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12

Like this but less cut. Could probably achieve the muscularity and proportions natty but being cut is a problem for the majority
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truuuuuuuu youre acting as if years of training + great genetics cant conclude in a good physique..
You can only achieve a good physique with roids and roids only!!!!!
Show your physique and I show mine, let's see who looks better.
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Finding out whether a guy is on steroids or not is a fool's errand.
Very few of those who use them admit it.

I personally think Kinobody is on the "bigger" side of an ideal male physique
Two workouts per week

He claims he's natural and yeah he has been working out for 10+ years, but the guy is such a con artist I can't really trust him.
Yall think the rock is natty? How about jeff cavelier
Yea sure "natty".
Jeff is too lean all year round, as far as I remember.
The Rock also a roidee, that's 99.9%
claims he's natural
Assume all celebs/influencers are on gear by default, especially people who get their fame/money for their body looks.
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