Who is my looksmatch based on these rating examples?



Bloat like a Flamingo, sting like a Bee
Apr 16, 2023
7 or 8?


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I would say 8. Btw you look like you date old rich women(60+) for money(idk why)
  • +1
Reactions: emo, LooksThinker, nathan and 1 other person
I'd say I am between the 7 and 8. Sot he between the guys with green eyes
  • +1
Reactions: emo, jordanbarrettjaw, lowtiernormiechad and 1 other person
lol what is this shit rating system
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Bloat like a Flamingo, sting like a Bee.
Said enough
  • +1
Reactions: RealFunkyFlamingo
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: CoreSchizo, emo and RealFunkyFlamingo
  • +1
Reactions: emo and jordanbarrettjaw
Biggest joke rater of the forum ngl. U should delete ur account atp
U look like shit, only incels rate u highly because ur trying to imitate a chad yet come out looking like a terrorist pheno ltn
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: HTN_Mentalcel, Accelerator, jisko32 and 2 others
U look like shit, only incels rate u highly because ur trying to imitate a chad yet come out looking like a terrorist pheno ltn
I have good eye area good proportions. So ur hate is my pheno. Could easily be changed by making my beard lighter and and a tan. Also green eyes. Couple that with some exotic bracelets, short sleeve shirts and exotic bead necklace. And I look like Hernando instead
  • +1
Reactions: jordanbarrettjaw
U look like shit, only incels rate u highly because ur trying to imitate a chad yet come out looking like a terrorist pheno ltn
I mog u in this pic.


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  • +1
Reactions: jordanbarrettjaw
You're a mix between the 3rd and the 4rth guys when you're not jutting.

You're the 5th guy when jutting and beardfrauding tho, but that's just an illusion, what you really are is a mix between 4th (recession) and 5th (average features), since you're slightly recessed and short faced.
  • +1
Reactions: boss8055
I have good eye area good proportions. So ur hate is my pheno. Could easily be changed by making my beard lighter and and a tan. Also green eyes. Couple that with some exotic bracelets, short sleeve shirts and exotic bead necklace. And I look like Hernando instead
I dont like ur pale pheno that also happens to be asian, ur ratios, ur skull shape, ur lips and ur nose
U look like shit, only incels rate u highly because ur trying to imitate a chad yet come out looking like a terrorist pheno ltn
Also it's kinda sad U are hating on someone who trynna improve his looks. I see almost 0 men out there doing this gay shit
  • +1
Reactions: Autismcel
You're a mix between the 3rd and the 4rth guys when you're not jutting.

You're the 5th guy when jutting and beardfrauding tho, but that's just an illusion, what you really are is a mix between 4th (recession) and 5th (average features), since you're slightly recessed and short faced.
I mog u, u lil fag. I have 0 wrinkles. No eyebags. Very clear skin. Nice full beard. These guys u mentioned lack those. Also I am not high bf like the 3rd guy
Also it's kinda sad U are hating on someone who trynna improve his looks. I see almost 0 men out there doing this gay shit
U literally asked to be rated. Now ur admitting u only seek positive feedback here
  • +1
Reactions: HTN_Mentalcel and BlackpillRemedy
You're a mix between the 3rd and the 4rth guys when you're not jutting.

You're the 5th guy when jutting and beardfrauding tho, but that's just an illusion, what you really are is a mix between 4th (recession) and 5th (average features), since you're slightly recessed and short faced.
This is the problem with org users. They look at genetics and bones and call it a day. My soft features halo me hard.
  • +1
Reactions: jordanbarrettjaw
  • JFL
Reactions: HTN_Mentalcel
U literally asked to be rated. Now ur admitting u only seek positive feedback here
I do agree tho that my base genes are ltn. Cuz of my massive forehead. My bad hairline genes (which I fixed temporarily) bad cheekbones and short ramus. I am good at frauding let's be honest.
I do agree tho that my base genes are ltn. Cuz of my massive forehead. My bad hairline genes (which I fixed temporarily) bad cheekbones and short ramus. I am good at frauding let's be honest.
Ur trying so ggs but u need to accept criticisms
U literally asked to be rated. Now ur admitting u only seek positive feedback here
I am not that delusional. I'd be set if I got jaw surgery and hair transplant /forehead reduction. If I did these things I would not need to fraud that much.
Ur trying so ggs but u need to accept criticisms
I mean I can get those surgeries or just fraud as much possible and save money and time for swelling of those surgeries. In this society, people criticize others for getting surgeries. Hell that rhino fucked me up hard. So I d love to not go that route again as frauding doesn't take much from me. I am used to jut all the time very slightly and cover my forehead.
  • +1
Reactions: try2beme
Ur trying so ggs but u need to accept criticisms
I mean I got a massive Ioi the other day from an mtb hijabi in the bus. She was all nervous when she saw me and gave me looks ten billion times jfl. So I must be chad for her. The fraud works wonders.
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: jordanbarrettjaw and try2beme
I mean I got a massive Ioi the other day from an mtb hijabi in the bus. She was all nervous when she saw me and gave me looks ten billion times jfl. So I must be chad for her. The fraud works wonders.
Also this was when all my muscles were pumped and she could see my biceps veins and shit. Maybe that made her excited idk.
  • +1
Reactions: jordanbarrettjaw
I mog u, u lil fag. I have 0 wrinkles. No eyebags. Very clear skin. Nice full beard. These guys u mentioned lack those. Also I am not high bf like the 3rd guy
Brother the 4rth guy mogs you solidly.

I've seen you unfrauded so I've made an educated choice that I backed up with logic. You can disagree but you can't get mad.

Also your soft features are average and if they're above average it's not by a large margin, I have the same soft features and I'm older than u and use 0 products, the same goes for every other relatively young guy without acne that I know of, they're not that unusual for relatively young men.

If you weren't recessed at all you'd be looksmatched with the 4rth guy, who is actually very decent looking, but you are indeed recessed so you can't be looks matched. You're also not nearly as recessed as the 3rd guy (subhuman, he's worse looking than the 2nd guy) so I'd say you're in between, close to the 4rth guy but not quite there.

I do agree tho that my base genes are ltn. Cuz of my bad cheekbones
Your cheekbones are actually very underrated, they're very good IMO, it's probably your best feature. Much better than being a peanutskullcel (narrow cheekbones).
  • +1
Reactions: boss8055
Brother the 4rth guy mogs you solidly.

I've seen you unfrauded so I've made an educated choice that I backed up with logic. You can disagree but you can't get mad.

Also your soft features are average and if they're above average it's not by a large margin, I have the same soft features and I'm older than u and use 0 products, the same goes for every other relatively young guy without acne that I know of, they're not that unusual for relatively young men.

If you weren't recessed at all you'd be looksmatched with the 4rth guy, who is actually very decent looking, but you are indeed recessed so you can't be looks matched. You're also not nearly as recessed as the 3rd guy (subhuman, he's worse looking than the 2nd guy) so I'd say you're in between, close to the 4rth guy but not quite there.

Your cheekbones are actually very underrated, they're very good IMO, it's probably your best feature. Much better than being a peanutskullcel (narrow cheekbones).
Nero Angelo rated my maxxila growth a 4.5/5. Is he dumb or are u dumb?
the 4th person
I mog that dude to mumbai. Look at this T50 eyes, bad skin texture and not ideal eyebrows. He also is aging. No way my youthfulness would be looks matched with his aging.
I mog that dude to mumbai. Look at this T50 eyes, bad skin texture and not ideal eyebrows. He also is aging. No way my youthfulness would be looks matched with his aging.
how do u have youthfulness bro u got a full beard


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are you indo aryan?
  • JFL
Reactions: Autismcel
I dont like ur pale pheno that also happens to be asian, ur ratios, ur skull shape, ur lips and ur nose
nigger he looks good kys
  • +1
Reactions: Autismcel
  • +1
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Maybe it's really him
he looks like Moscow crocus city hall terrorist
Because of the beard jfl

Society is slowly becoming soy because of the media..
  • So Sad
Reactions: jisko32
  • JFL
Reactions: Autismcel
If i was a chad you would've never said this..
I’ve never seen you. I was under assumption ur an arab chadlite this whole time, regardless you still have the most oddball avis i’ve ever laid eyes on JFL
  • JFL
Reactions: Autismcel

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