whts ur guys's gpa ?



Sep 27, 2018
mine is 2.4 atm, sopmore in uni atm.

gunna retake 1-2 classes to up my grade/gpa tbh.

I predict my EOS Semester grades will be these. (only taking 4 classes atm and sitll getting subhuman grades rofl, ogre af)
At the B to B- range tbh probably go down if ldaring again
All As tbh. Well I think I may have a B in my bio lab, but it doesn't matter cuz my actual bio lecture i have a 100% in
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I have 3 classes,gave up on 1 since its too hard,now from the other 2,i passed the 1 easily,while the other one i have to study for exam,and the GPA here ranges from 6-10.
IDK as I go to an IB school

My IB predicted points is about 40 and my ACT is 30 (I'll probably get 33 or 34 in my next test)

Idk though
I didn't finish hs,got bullied out for being ugly.
Failed out of high school.
4.0 at community college.
4.0 at university so far, but expecting a 3.7 or 3.8 when I graduate.
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2.4 lol ogre for u :feelskek:
even tho u are lowenergycel u gpa mog the whole forum into oblivion
Feels good and bad tbh like you're bound to get good grades if studyceling is the only meaningful thing
in your life.

Feels good and bad tbh like you're bound to get good grades if studyceling is the only meaningful thing
in your life.

JFL at thinking grades will do anything for you later on... It's all about connections and networks
Studycel BTFO
IDK as I go to an IB school

My IB predicted points is about 40 and my ACT is 30 (I'll probably get 33 or 34 in my next test)

Idk though
Either your ethnic parents are fucking you in the ass and forcing you to study for every moment you're awake


You're taking a easy combo without math/physics/chem HL

Because a 40 with any of those aforementioned subjects is just not possible
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JFL at thinking grades will do anything for you later on... It's all about connections and networks
Studycel BTFO

Either your ethnic parents are fucking you in the ass and forcing you to study for every moment you're awake


You're taking a easy combo without math/physics/chem HL

Because a 40 with any of those aforementioned subjects is just not possible


My grades already benefit me through scholarships. Also, just lol if you think good grades
don't get you job interviews.

(good grades + connections + networks) > (connections + networks)

My grades already benefit me through scholarships. Also, just lol if you think good grades
don't get you job interviews.

(good grades + connections + networks) > (connections + networks)
JFL at cumskins and ricecels working hard. Affirmative action means that even dumb nigga chimps such as myself csn become CEOs and kangz and shit
JUST lol if you think your grades matter to a fucking employer, the moment he asks for your projects and you tell him I have a degree you're out there immediately, good grades don't mean shit, they don't show your potential
JUST lol if you think your grades matter to a fucking employer, the moment he asks for your projects and you tell him I have a degree you're out there immediately, good grades don't mean shit, they don't show your potential
Employer will ask you for your projects if you make it to the interview room lol. Grades will get you there, the rest is dependent on what you can prove.
Employer will ask you for your projects if you make it to the interview room lol. Grades will get you there, the rest is dependent on what you can prove.
Not really, grades don't make a difference aslong as they're not Pass Pass Pass, average grades will get you interviews, and if you have no projects AAAA won't do you shit
Not really, grades don't make a difference aslong as they're not Pass Pass Pass, average grades will get you interviews, and if you have no projects AAAA won't do you shit
Lol if you study STEM and have good grades its virtually impossible to not have any projects.

Lol why would you not want to do well overall? Grades, projects and all anyway?
Lol if you study STEM and have good grades its virtually impossible to not have any projects.

Lol why would you not want to do well overall? Grades, projects and all anyway?
Obviously you have to do well because it builds good habits, but alot of guys in Uni focus on the assignments to get grades but forget they need to do proper projects on the side.
I study Computer Science and the shit you learn at Uni is meh compared to what employers want,
I was replying to @extreme-overthinker
Obviously you have to do well because it builds good habits, but alot of guys in Uni focus on the assignments to get grades but forget they need to do proper projects on the side.
I study Computer Science and the shit you learn at Uni is meh compared to what employers want,
I was replying to @extreme-overthinker
@nattycel studymogs u
@nattycel studymogs u
over, i have like 20% attendance average in 2 years lol, now ive got 3rd year and im still dealing with fuckarounditis
over, i have like 20% attendance average in 2 years lol, now ive got 3rd year and im still dealing with fuckarounditis
oh well:feelshehe: if @VST was in ur uni he would go every class and make a social circle
@VST is ogre now working with oldcels soon he will be forgotten:feelsmega::feelshmm:
oh well:feelshehe: if @VST was in ur uni he would go every class and make a social circle
@VST is ogre now working with oldcels soon he will be forgotten:feelsmega::feelshmm:
Tru tru:feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
JFL at cumskins and ricecels working hard. Affirmative action means that even dumb nigga chimps such as myself csn become CEOs and kangz and shit
my friend @nattycel just put u in the dirt :feelshmm: its time to ldar arab my friend @nattycel is better than u
@nattycel :heart:
Tony the bulgarian snake
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Failed out of high school.
4.0 at community college.
4.0 at university so far, but expecting a 3.7 or 3.8 when I graduate.


This is me exactly except 3.9 instead.

Next semester I graduate after 1 more class and expect similar final undergrad GPA as your estimate as well.

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