Why are Indians so hated?



Mar 30, 2024
They don't do much harm, except in curryland, which doesn't count. I don't see any indian immigrants stabbing and raping everything?? I don't understand the Indian hate, it's just pure racism tbh
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@PrinceLuenLeoncur @CFW432 @SecularIslamist
Jealous because they are true aryans
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Just the smell
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They got internet around ~2010. That's it. A lot of idiotic comments are made by them. A lot of scams come from there or at least they're the most highlighted. There's the other side of the coin which is bad habits. Hygiene. Customs that western people find gross. Funny accents.
Generally they're not really that hated outside the forum and perma online types though. Hippie types love their culture especially.
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It's normiesadism. Same people will show up to BLM marches, they don't actually have any original thoughts or care for whatever they're saying, they're saying it because it's what's popular.
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submissive traits in the majority tbh. if you think about it in a group perspective like other animals have too, they cant survive in other groups (white, black, latinos, etc.), so most of them stick with their own people. there are exceptions, but most of the time i see them getting mogged by other races.

and because of this racism, most of them are liberal leaning, which promotes "oh all races must be respected" and shit like that. even though, liberals and conservatives dont really respect them either way and its more of virtue signaling (thats why no one really respects vivek ramaswamy). think about it. have you ever seen some indian lives matter? instead, when blm was really popping, all the brown girls put that on their instagram story, yet arent aware that those same people dont really respect indians. also, the way brown groups work is that there is one person (man or woman) and everyone revolves around what they do and act. they are all the same and act as if they are superior even though most of them have the same broccoli haircut and listen to the most-NT rap songs.

everyone is aware of the downsides of the indians (scam calls, shitting on the streets, accent, smell), but no one really sees the upsides from it because its turning into a niche appeal. you can see sendhil's ig account. thought he had at least 1m followers or smth, but only has around 150k on insta.
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They don't do much harm, except in curryland, which doesn't count. I don't see any indian immigrants stabbing and raping everything?? I don't understand the Indian hate, it's just pure racism tbh
Lookspill, same reason east asians are mocked so much despite being model citizens. They're very unmasculine.
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I sat next to a 6’6 curry in school before , and I wanted to throw up. He smelled like expired spices and extreme BO.
submissive traits in the majority tbh. if you think about it in a group perspective like other animals have too, they cant survive in other groups (white, black, latinos, etc.), so most of them stick with their own people. there are exceptions, but most of the time i see them getting mogged by other races.

and because of this racism, most of them are liberal leaning, which promotes "oh all races must be respected" and shit like that. even though, liberals and conservatives dont really respect them either way and its more of virtue signaling (thats why no one really respects vivek ramaswamy). think about it. have you ever seen some indian lives matter? instead, when blm was really popping, all the brown girls put that on their instagram story, yet arent aware that those same people dont really respect indians. also, the way brown groups work is that there is one person (man or woman) and everyone revolves around what they do and act. they are all the same and act as if they are superior even though most of them have the same broccoli haircut and listen to the most-NT rap songs.

everyone is aware of the downsides of the indians (scam calls, shitting on the streets, accent, smell), but no one really sees the upsides from it because its turning into a niche appeal. you can see sendhil's ig account. thought he had at least 1m followers or smth, but only has around 150k on insta.
So TLDR; It's a cold world and strong eat the weak basically
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I sat next to a 6’6 curry in school before , and I wanted to throw up. He smelled like expired spices and extreme BO.
Death Stench is Beneficial in Fights
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keep coping

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Accent, scam calls and shitskin. India looks like a shithole.
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They integrate poorly in western countries unless they’re high iq stemcels
Accent, scam calls and shitskin. India looks like a shithole.
Brown skin isn’t even a bad thing it’s just that generally ugly people such as Indians have brown skin. Us brown skinned Latinos have higher smv then most ppl in the world
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Lookism + fobs with weird third 3 behaviour coming in and doing weird shit and ruining western born and raised curries reputation even further. Ive grown up with other western born and raised curries, we are literally all just a bunch of western normies like anyone else.
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Brown skin isn’t even a bad thing it’s just that generally ugly people such as Indians have brown skin. Us brown skinned Latinos have higher smv then most ppl in the world
are you alansito
I sat next to a 6’6 curry in school before , and I wanted to throw up. He smelled like expired spices and extreme BO.
High dht trait
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