Why are Jews seen as evil here?

Deleted member 2597

Deleted member 2597

Jul 27, 2019
I think I know, but I want to be sure.
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To bait CIA agents like you.
  • JFL
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If you know you know. And if you do know, you are high IQ and someone i respect
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Reactions: Hector, jordanbarrettisgod, Deleted member 2597 and 1 other person
Because this place is an agglomeration of all types of autistic conspiracy theorists
Also because kikes should die
  • JFL
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They are basically responsible for feminism, wars, mass immigration, destroying culture, uncontrolled hypergamy etc
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  • JFL
Reactions: Hector, Deleted member 5061 and jordanbarrettisgod
this might be interesting to you cuz you're black lol
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  • Woah
Reactions: BigBiceps and Deleted member 2597
They blame every bad thing on the Jews because Jews are the majority in every powerful industry. I dont know the full specifics of it tho.
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They blame every bad thing on the Jews because Jews are the majority in every powerful industry. I dont know the full specifics of it tho.
Same, tbh, I want to know the specifics
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Reactions: BigBoy
Same, tbh, I want to know the specifics

Whyd you ugh react faggot, tell me the full specifics, I already hate jews. @stuckneworleans
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Whyd you ugh react faggot, tell me the full specifics, I already hate jews. @stuckneworleans
It's a very vast topic. Most of this will sound crazy to you, like the blackpill probably did when you were still bluepilled.

In a nutshell, Hitler was right about the jews.
The Holocaust is overblown and used as a tool to use as the victim card, that's how they got Isreal.
Jewish families like the Rothschilds are compromised of psychopaths who run the economy of the whole world.
They are schemers and liers and can't be trusted. I'm not sure what their whole intentions are, but they are destroying white countries by minimizing their birth rates, increasing immigration, dumbing the population down etc. (Ethnics don't act up about this, I'm ethnic myself)
They basically want to kill and enslave everyone who isn't jewish.
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Reactions: Aesthetic and Deleted member 2597
Because they are shekel grabbing evil kikes, that's why
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Reactions: stuckneworleans
I've met more bad Jewish people than good

That's all I'm gonna say, same with Hindus
  • JFL
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Reactions: stuckneworleans and BigBoy
It's a very vast topic. Most of this sound banal to you, like the blackpill probably did when you were still bluepilled.

In a nutshell, Hitler was right about the jews.
The Holocaust is overblown and used as a tool to use as the victim card, that's how they got Isreal.
Jewish families like the Rothschilds are compromised of psychopaths who run the economy of the whole world.
They are schemers and liers and can't be trusted. I'm not sure what their whole intentions are, but they are destroying white countries by minimizing their birth rates, increasing immigration, dumbing the population down etc. (Ethnics don't act up about this, I'm ethnic myself)
They basically want to kill and enslave everyone who isn't jewish.
They seem like the secret big bad of some shounen anime, tbh.
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Reactions: Aesthetic, Deleted member 4675, Deleted member 2012 and 2 others
It's a very vast topic. Most of this will sound crazy to you, like the blackpill probably did when you were still bluepilled.

In a nutshell, Hitler was right about the jews.
The Holocaust is overblown and used as a tool to use as the victim card, that's how they got Isreal.
Jewish families like the Rothschilds are compromised of psychopaths who run the economy of the whole world.
They are schemers and liers and can't be trusted. I'm not sure what their whole intentions are, but they are destroying white countries by minimizing their birth rates, increasing immigration, dumbing the population down etc. (Ethnics don't act up about this, I'm ethnic myself)
They basically want to kill and enslave everyone who isn't jewish.
Present evidence for one portion of it, Im all ears.
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Reactions: Deleted member 2597
I think I know, but I want to be sure.

1 they hate eugenics and prefer traditionalism they actually think the olden days were in any way better.

2 they think the Jews ruined foids when in fact foids ruin themselves you don't need Jews.

3 they hate race mixing cause they think it will kill of their kind so in essance those who hate Jews are the ultimate dysgenic fuckers.
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I searched the Rothschilds my present reaction..
Holy shit, The Rothschilds are one big fucking powerful dynasty. Jesus...
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Reactions: Krezo and stuckneworleans
Its always easier to blame someone else when your own life is ass
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Reactions: chadpreetcel123
also read the protocols of the learned elders of zion its not more than 80 pages and watch the documentary by love and anarchy ok bitchute its quite good and also fun to watch
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Reactions: Deleted member 2597
1 they hate eugenics and prefer traditionalism they actually think the olden days were in any way better.

2 they think the Jews ruined foids when in fact foids ruin themselves you don't need Jews.

3 they hate race mixing cause they think it will kill of their kind so in essance those who hate Jews are the ultimate dysgenic fuckers.
this little goyim always emerges in threads about jews to defend his kike overlords
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Reactions: Aesthetic and Deleted member 2597
Its always easier to blame someone else when your own life is ass

I feel this runs deeper than someone's shitty quality of life, you could have a high quality and still be an ignorant slave.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 4675, BigBiceps, chadpreetcel123 and 2 others
1 they hate eugenics and prefer traditionalism they actually think the olden days were in any way better.

2 they think the Jews ruined foids when in fact foids ruin themselves you don't need Jews.

3 they hate race mixing cause they think it will kill of their kind so in essance those who hate Jews are the ultimate dysgenic fuckers.
So you’re saying hypergamy is good because it will improve the overall genetics of the human race? At the cost of the happiness of billions of men?

You idiot, it’s only a matter of time before CRISPR goes mainstream, we don’t have to be suffering like this, humanity as a whole will still evolve far past what we are

Also, even if that wasn’t the case it is very cucked of you to willingly sacrifice your happiness and life fulfillment to the betterment of human genetics. Like your sacrifice will make any difference on the long run anyway. You should think of YOUR well being first and foremost, because that is what makes the most difference for YOU.
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What the fuck this is pretty dark and depressing, are we all just slaves?!!?
  • So Sad
Reactions: stuckneworleans
To be honest if one of us wants to find the truth one of us has to get to the top of the pyramid, to find the truth some blackpiller some based bad ass mofo, must rise to the 1% the chance of this happening is like 99.9 percantile.
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Reactions: stuckneworleans
So you’re saying hypergamy is good because it will improve the overall genetics of the human race? At the cost of the happiness of billions of men?

You idiot, it’s only a matter of time before CRISPR goes mainstream, we don’t have to be suffering like this, humanity as a whole will still evolve far past what we are

Also, even if that wasn’t the case it is very cucked of you to willingly sacrifice your happiness and life fulfillment to the betterment of human genetics. Like your sacrifice will make any difference on the long run anyway. You should think of YOUR well being first and foremost, because that is what makes the most difference for YOU.

1 hypergamy has always existed its not good or bad but I don't think we should hide and act like the past was any better.

2 the crispr thing is probably pip dream we don't know the risks and shit with it.

3 it's not cucked cause I don't associate with my race or species I just care about results that's all.

The Jews are brothers in arms in this cause they realize the superiority of the mixed race
  • Ugh..
Reactions: stuckneworleans
The jews aren't just hated here, they're hated everywhere.
View attachment 294324 this might be interesting to you cuz you're black lol
Yeah, 78% of slave owners were jews, and overall 40% of all jews in america owned slaves.

They've been exploiting people for thousands of years. Why jews are so hated worldwide has it's specific reasons.
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  • Ugh..
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Reactions: TheMewingBBC, BigBiceps and stuckneworleans
If you dont know the fill truth yourself dont tout it.

I wanted legitamite evidence, not pictures autists made online.
go search for it then
I'm having a fractional mental breakdown this is 10 times more brutal than the generic blackpill :feelswhy:
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They're high IQ dark triad puppet masters that are directly responsible for the rise of inceldom and mass male virginity, thus why so many low iq low T bottom of food chain sub males here loathe them.
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Reactions: Deleted member 2597 and BigBoy
They're high IQ dark triad puppet masters that are directly responsible for the rise of inceldom and mass male virginity, thus why so many low iq low T bottom of food chain sub males here loathe them.
Evidence? Or was this a joke?
They're high IQ dark triad puppet masters that are directly responsible for the rise of inceldom and mass male virginity, thus why so many low iq low T bottom of food chain sub males here loathe them.
Everyone that isn't in their circle should loathe them.
Evidence? Or was this a joke?
No evidence, mostly joke. I just assumed that others believe that and its one of the reason why they hated here
For example:

They are basically responsible for feminism, wars, mass immigration, destroying culture, uncontrolled hypergamy etc
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Reactions: BigBoy
If jews are actually so powerful why do they say they are oppressed??
If jews are actually so powerful why do they say they are oppressed??
It's another side of their power. They can shut down any criticism by saying 'We are so oppressed!! Remember the 6 bazillion jews that died in the Holocaust!!' This strategy actually works on most normies.
They try to appear weak so that they are never considered a real enemy.
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Reactions: R@m@, Aesthetic and Deleted member 2597
If all this is true how can you oppose a faction as powerful as the jews?

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