Why are only black women attracted to me?

Orbeck of Vinheim

Orbeck of Vinheim

"But why... Is that all I'm worth?"
May 26, 2022
I've recently managed to hook up with 3 women. All 3 of them were black women, and now I got another one I'm meeting with soon. I have no issue with black girls, they tend to be pretty fun and less fake than white women, I just find it strange that my aura attracts them alone. What's the deal here?
  • JFL
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Same its really disgusting
  • WTF
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Stop acting like a nigger then you will attract white pure beautiful women
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  • JFL
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Idk but you're living the dream
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  • JFL
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You’re either a wigger or just getting black beckies with low standards
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I've recently managed to hook up with 3 women. All 3 of them were black women, and now I got another one I'm meeting with soon. I have no issue with black girls, they tend to be pretty fun and less fake than white women, I just find it strange that my aura attracts them alone. What's the deal here?
You must be 7 PSL then
  • JFL
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you gotta be one of the bottom of the barell whites. Either they go for extreme afro passing whites; ones with dreads, height and frame who are also ghetto or the ones that are subhuman and know that other women won't go after them.
EX; I know an irish 6'4 dude that if taken care of himself can easily get with a better girl but got with a short fat black girl.
you gotta be one of the bottom of the barell whites. Either they go for extreme afro passing whites; ones with dreads, height and frame who are also ghetto or the ones that are subhuman and know that other women won't go after them.
EX; I know an irish 6'4 dude that if taken care of himself can easily get with a better girl but got with a short fat black girl.
lol probably, still beats being truecel
lol probably, still beats being truecel
he is practically an incel, no hygiene, no style etc. smells bad. Dude is not willing to put in any effort to be better but "i'm looking for my queen" type bs.
You probably look like someone who has money
Not sure, normally black females are least attracted to Cuacasian men of all the other races. So you're Caucasian, 7/10 in the looks. I qonder if you have some rare niche that black qomen desire like perhaps red hair, super tall/frame, beard, etc. Do you have anything that sets you apart from the average Chad? Or are you just a wigger?
Not sure, normally black females are least attracted to Cuacasian men of all the other races. So you're Caucasian, 7/10 in the looks. I qonder if you have some rare niche that black qomen desire like perhaps red hair, super tall/frame, beard, etc. Do you have anything that sets you apart from the average Chad? Or are you just a wigger?
I am marginally above-average looking and white as white gets, blond hair blue eyes. I'm also somewhat muscular. I think it's a fetish for them. Like swirlers or something.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: King Solomon
its mean you are a chad

black women only tolerate the presence of white 'men' if they are chads
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I am marginally above-average looking and white as white gets, blond hair blue eyes. I'm also somewhat muscular. I think it's a fetish for them. Like swirlers or something.
Blonde hair and blue eyes is rare also especially for men. I'd say it's less than 1% of men on earth have that. Some Black women love to wear long blonde hair and blue contacts. Are you very tall also?

This makes me remember back when I was in 7th grade and I still had dirty blond/light brown hair at the time. I had a black girl that eye fucked the shit out of me that entire year. Her ass was massive and double D's as a 7th grader yet had a thin waist and for a black girl actually had a cute face. I never had a black girl look at me like she did ever again as my hair continued to darken over time. I'm certain she was a virgin but would've been DTF even in 7th grade. I probably should've used her as a practice chick since I had a fetish for big booty Latina's.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Orbeck of Vinheim
whats your style OP, some black women are hot idk they dont need botox and lips injection
whats your style OP, some black women are hot idk they dont need botox and lips injection
style depends on the season and environment, lighter cloths if going out at day, darker cloths if night. Usually button shirts and nice shorts/pants, material depending on weather.

Dress mostly for comfort while being mindful of style.
Blonde hair and blue eyes is rare also especially for men. I'd say it's less than 1% of men on earth have that. Some Black women love to wear long blonde hair and blue contacts. Are you very tall also?

This makes me remember back when I was in 7th grade and I still had dirty blond/light brown hair at the time. I had a black girl that eye fucked the shit out of me that entire year. Her ass was massive and double D's as a 7th grader yet had a thin waist and for a black girl actually had a cute face. I never had a black girl look at me like she did ever again as my hair continued to darken over time. I'm certain she was a virgin but would've been DTF even in 7th grade. I probably should've used her as a practice chick since I had a fetish for big booty Latina's.
The nichemaxing theory makes sense. I am average height, not short, not tall.
sheboons don’t count as slays
style depends on the season and environment, lighter cloths if going out at day, darker cloths if night. Usually button shirts and nice shorts/pants, material depending on weather.

Dress mostly for comfort while being mindful of style.
oh man just shut the fuck,

just marry a beautiful black queen and bring us to earth cool mixed babies
like steph curry
  • JFL
Reactions: datboijj
Stop acting like a nigger then you will attract white pure beautiful women
I just acted like a shy loser nerd in school and these black female asked me out, others were very receptive. I find them too ugly to fuck.
sheboons don’t count as slays
It still counts but there's a pecking order based on race and looks. There are some that are decent looking. All female slays that are consensual and not drunk or drugged count. You would have to create a tier list for face, body, race then combine all of those factors into one list S tier A tier B Tier C Tier D tier and F tier. Or you could put everything into a 0-10 system for all those factors also. There probably isn't a single dude on earth that's nailed 1,000 S Tiers/10's in their lifetime other than King Solomon himself. These are 1 in a 500,000 girls so they are just incredibly rare so to get one of these is a borderline miracle and to even see one in person is incredibly rare also.

If you've landed 100 eights/A tier girls in a lifetime without celebrity status or top 1% wealth then you're a pimp. I've only had one in my entire life that was A tier (body, face, race). I never touched anything below a 6 ever. There are no Sheboons in existence that are 10's/A tier. There might be less than 1% of Sheboons that make the B tier. For me I used the A tier girl as a trophy in HS as a LTR. Take home to the parents type of stuff. The slut 6's and 7's are for fun only. Latina's are DTF on day one so they're premium shelf for fun only.
I just acted like a shy loser nerd in school and these black female asked me out, others were very receptive. I find them too ugly to fuck.
I had a hard time turning down people in HS. I would literally accept them in relationships but qould ignore them so they eventually broke up qith me. I felt terrible saying no but I couldn't lie either. It's funny because on the other hand I'd use them for sex so IDK Y I had a problem saying F off when I was younger.

Do you just say I have a GF and lie or say F off Sheboon? lol
I had a hard time turning down people in HS. I would literally accept them in relationships but qould ignore them so they eventually broke up qith me. I felt terrible saying no but I couldn't lie either. It's funny because on the other hand I'd use them for sex so IDK Y I had a problem saying F off when I was younger.

Do you just say I have a GF and lie or say F off Sheboon? lol
She asked me out with her friends nearby. And I had an angry face, I said "no" or something.

I think I should have fucked them probably, just ignore the face and at least I can get my dick sucked and have a hole to fuck. Do you think I should consider blacks from now on? I don't want to reciprocate and give them oral.
oh man just shut the fuck,

just marry a beautiful black queen and bring us to earth cool mixed babies
you're the one who asked

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