Why are things like ratios/symmetry considered universally and objectively attractive?


Deleted member 685

Dec 16, 2018
When they display no genetic quality themselves unlike things like chin, fat distribution, size etc?!?!

I'm fucking losing it
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??? Respond fucking retard faggots
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There is objective beauty in art/flowers, etc. This is tapping into that same human ability to recognize beauty
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Because it usually signifies efficiency regarding everything. For example a guy with symmetrical lips and jaw will probably be healthier and has better oral/swallows/chewing etc posture. While a guy with an assymetrical jaw will have limited function on the face. This applies to limbs as well. We all have limbs that are stronger and bigger than others(hard to know tbh unless years of lifting or assymetry is big)
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idk but middle indeed looks the best
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Because it usually signifies efficiency regarding everything. For example a guy with symmetrical lips and jaw will probably be healthier and has better oral/swallows/chewing etc posture. While a guy with an assymetrical jaw will have limited function on the face. This applies to limbs as well. We all have limbs that are stronger and bigger than others(hard to know tbh unless years of lifting or assymetry is big)
What about es ratio, midface etc? There's no function behind these, and people don't even know it's a result from x or y like mouthbreathing
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hard to explain mi boy he looks more masc in the middle to me
Symmetry matters more for women than men. Ratios = harmony which is important for both genders. Dimorphism in the FACE matter more for men than women.
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Cause this simulation runs on math
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Lol. Expanding on what I wrote earlier. There is a sense of objective beauty that is universally recognized.

Why do both humans and bees see flowers as beautiful when we’re so evolutionary distant?Objective Beauty that is universally recognized

Since humans are intelligent creatures we are drawn to objective beauty. If there are intelligent aliens out there they would be able to distinguish beautiful humans from ugly ones, just like we can with art, buildings and animals, which we didn’t evolve to recognize
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Lol. Expanding on what I wrote earlier. There is a sense of objective beauty that is universally recognized.

Why do both humans and bees see flowers as beautiful when we’re so evolutionary distant?Objective Beauty that is universally recognized

Since humans are intelligent creatures we are drawn to objective beauty. If there are intelligent aliens out there they would be able to distinguish beautiful humans from ugly ones, just like we can with art, buildings and animals, which we didn’t evolve to recognize
How did this beauty become objectively ideal?

Because on the left he looks like he has some jaw deficiencies which lead to the cyclopse ipd and on the right he looks like he has some waardenburg type genetic disorder
How did this beauty become objectively ideal?
Yea good question. I’m not sure why it is ideal, but there are just some universal laws of beauty like there are laws of mathematics like 2+2=4

I think it’s based on physical properties of the universe. Things that are less entropic and more orderly are seen as beautiful. And if you think about all the possible ways someone’s face could be arranged in terms of ratios, only a small portion of those arrangements are beautiful. For example, think about how many more ways you can morph a face to be uglier rather than beautiful.

My personal theory is beauty = this low probability outcome, a tendency towards more order.

But that doesn’t fully answer your question. Honestly I’m not sure, I think this is the best I know of at the moment.
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mathematical symmetries are what make our universe possible in a way, asymmetry leads to chaos, nothing can be created out of asymmetry. In mathematics, beauty is very objective. What we humans find good looking in anothers face would theoretically be very complicated to analyse, as there are so many things that influence it, even on a personal level, making it a priori very subjective.
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sexual attraction is unconscious When encountering a potential mate, a part of the brain orders the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, causing the sensations of love or attraction. There is no explanation. Some would also argue that Hollywood and media created what is deemed universally attractive

Why am I tagged? I know I look like that Chad. What's new? I share similarities almost all Chads. It's called the Chad gene.
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Because on the left he looks like he has some jaw deficiencies which lead to the cyclopse ipd and on the right he looks like he has some waardenburg type genetic disorder
Why is looking like waardenburg syndrome considered unattractive?
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Ratios are set mostly by eurocentric beauty standards not necessarily it has to be the peak of craniofacial development (ex chico). And symmetry means proper development and lack of diseases while growing up though it doesn't matter that much irl unless too much asymmetries
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Why is looking like waardenburg syndrome considered unattractive?
Because wardenburg is something you obviously don't want your children to inherit
shows high quality genetics
you will see that when you get sicker (for example hypothyroid) your asymmetry increases.

When you manage to get out of this state, symmetry increases again.

i am ded srs.
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I think it’s based on physical properties of the universe. Things that are less entropic and more orderly are seen as beautiful. And if you think about all the possible ways someone’s face could be arranged in terms of ratios, only a small portion of those arrangements are beautiful. For example, think about how many more ways you can morph a face to be uglier rather than beautiful.

My personal theory is beauty = this low probability outcome, a tendency towards more order.
Best explanation ever written tbh
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Yes but why are these genetics considered high quality?

Assymmetry in what regions?
i saw it in my own face, but I suppose its not limited to it.

I am completely unaware of the mechanisms behind it (I Suppose it as usual has to do with dna methylation), but I have read more observations like this on other forums.
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It's mostly arbitrary and difficult to explain that's how sexual selection happens. There's the good gene hypothesis, which states that those traits indicate some form of genetic fitness and the fischer runawaway hypothesis which states that traits found attractive are more arbitrary and unique to an individual species.

Birds are actually very interesting in this regard. I remember reading somewhere where male peacocks with larger tails and more spots/eyes on the tail was correlated to how many times and how many females it mated with.
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It's mostly arbitrary and difficult to explain that's how sexual selection happens. There's the good gene hypothesis, which states that those traits indicate some form of genetic fitness and the fischer runawaway hypothesis which states that traits found attractive are more arbitrary and unique to an individual species.

Birds are actually very interesting in this regard. I remember reading somewhere where male peacocks with larger tails and more spots/eyes on the tail was correlated to how many times and how many females it mated with.
Haha reminds me of proboscis monkeys also known as the long nose monkeys. The ones with the biggest noses breed the most and are seen as leaders.
Yea good question. I’m not sure why it is ideal, but there are just some universal laws of beauty like there are laws of mathematics like 2+2=4

I think it’s based on physical properties of the universe. Things that are less entropic and more orderly are seen as beautiful. And if you think about all the possible ways someone’s face could be arranged in terms of ratios, only a small portion of those arrangements are beautiful. For example, think about how many more ways you can morph a face to be uglier rather than beautiful.

My personal theory is beauty = this low probability outcome, a tendency towards more order.

But that doesn’t fully answer your question. Honestly I’m not sure, I think this is the best I know of at the moment.
jesus christ way too many greycels here
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Because it indicates good genetic fitness, and we're wired to desire that.
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Lol. Expanding on what I wrote earlier. There is a sense of objective beauty that is universally recognized.

Why do both humans and bees see flowers as beautiful when we’re so evolutionary distant?Objective Beauty that is universally recognized

Since humans are intelligent creatures we are drawn to objective beauty. If there are intelligent aliens out there they would be able to distinguish beautiful humans from ugly ones, just like we can with art, buildings and animals, which we didn’t evolve to recognize

This doesn't make a lot of sense if you actually delve deeper into it. Humans and bees don't have the same visual and neurological perception and will see flowers differently from each other.

Furthermore many species directly select for "ugly" traits like the probiscis monkeys which select for larger noses, which in humans is seen as not aesthetic.
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Because it indicates good genetic fitness, and we're wired to desire that.
Yes but why does it dictate good genetic fitness? What caused that?
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Yes but why does it dictate good genetic fitness? What caused that?

I can't tell, maybe because of the function they serve?

For example being taller, wider and dom are traits that dictate good genetic fitness because they increased fighting success for our ancestors, and thus, are perceived to be more more attractive to female? Whereas traits that were unfavorable in terms of survival are deemed unattractive.

It's all speculation, I don't have an exact answer.
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Because that's what tge majority think is attractive from seeing Hollywood movies and male models
Because it usually signifies efficiency regarding everything. For example a guy with symmetrical lips and jaw will probably be healthier and has better oral/swallows/chewing etc posture. While a guy with an assymetrical jaw will have limited function on the face. This applies to limbs as well. We all have limbs that are stronger and bigger than others(hard to know tbh unless years of lifting or assymetry is big)

Also it seems to indicate a person can fulfill their genetic potential rather than relying over specializing on certain niche genetic traits.

The universal aspect of attractive faces/bodies are its own archetype that seems to be timeless.
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This doesn't make a lot of sense if you actually delve deeper into it. Humans and bees don't have the same visual and neurological perception and will see flowers differently from each other.

Furthermore many species directly select for "ugly" traits like the probiscis monkeys which select for larger noses, which in humans is seen as not aesthetic.
This doesn't make a lot of sense if you actually delve deeper into it. Humans and bees don't have the same visual and neurological perception and will see flowers differently from each other.

Furthermore many species directly select for "ugly" traits like the probiscis monkeys which select for larger noses, which in humans is seen as not aesthetic.

Yes good points. Not everything we consider beautiful or sexy is objective, some of it is, e.g fashion aesthetics are culturally determined, largely.

Even though bees and humans perceive flowers differently, I believe there is a perceptually invariant component of the flower that is objectively beautiful.

What do I mean by perceptually invariant? For example, though bees and humans see different colors on the flowers, I believe they see the same shape. The shape is pleasing to look at, regardless of its coloration.
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Not sure where you got that from, symmetry is an indicator of immune system strength, which of course signals genetic quality
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Not sure where you got that from, symmetry is an indicator of immune system strength, which of course signals genetic quality
Source? I've heard that before
Also the reason high T traits signal good genes is because Testosterone/DHT are immunosuppressive, meaning the ability to withstand the cost of high T requires a good immune system.
That's also why facial asymmetry appears to be more common in men

Therefore the men with best immune systems will be: Facially attractive + highly masculine
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There is no deep explanation behind it. We humans find a certain combination of features and ratios on a person’s face to be beautiful and there is nothing that influences that. Can you explain why you find this beautiful?
34CBB0EC F8F6 4682 95F4 A11121D7276D

There is no logical explanation behind as to why you find this exact combination of glowing lights and colors that is the Milky Way galaxy to be beautiful. You just do.
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as far as i know it's because of mainly 2 things. Firstly having average ratios means it's more likely you have genetic diversity and therefore better health. Because for you to have an unusual ratio it would mean both of your parents had that unusual ratio (or just you had shit development equally bad) meaning that they likely had similar genetics and you had less genetic diversity. The second thing is that unusual ratios or asymmetry could be a sign of another disorder, like down syndrome or something.
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it's just a sign of proper development, it's not that complicated
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