Why are women like my mother allowed to reproduce



Jan 30, 2023
Why are mentally ill idiotic women like her allowed to reproduce. I feel like shit it's raining outside and she forces me to go to this Jewish institution she calls school meanwhile she sits on her fucking ass at home doing nothing but being a bother. She controls everything I'm not allowed to eat what I want she doesn't allow it. Immediately got woken up by her screaming at me telling me to wake up ransacking my bag and taking shit I need out of it then I told her to fuck off and she tried to attack me lmfao retarded roastie really thinks I wouldn't knock her skull in she is nothing to me the day she finally dies will be the best most euphoric day of my life at least one nursery will be removed from my life. I can't wait for her to die seriously I pray every day some nigger kills her at least make.himself a bit useful. In the afternoon she lays on.the couch like a retarded pig constantly monitoring where I go what I eat how much I eat All I ate yesterday was 5 eggs wanted to make more cause I was hungry and she locked the fucking pantry up even though we have more than enough food I really have to hold myself back from not going apeshit on her for all the years of abuse I endured from that thing we call a woman
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Reactions: shikataganai, Lefty Rankin, 3links2 and 2 others
Just refuse to go to school live outside your house for few days thats what i did now im neet
  • +1
Reactions: watah, ey88 and ReinerGeist1
I do the same mostly but she keeps barging in attacking me
  • So Sad
Reactions: slavicpsycho
I mostly cope with Vidya all day long from the moment I come home to the moment I sleep
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Most things there are optional unless your have very powerful desires just need the sigil and an offering

This guide actually the one i used to dropout of school and be NEET summoned belial which would be good for your situation too
  • +1
Reactions: ReinerGeist1
She also took all my money so now I'm here and can't but anything to drink
She is just woman that really thinks I won't beat the fuck out of her soon
Why are mentally ill idiotic women like her allowed to reproduce. I feel like shit it's raining outside and she forces me to go to this Jewish institution she calls school meanwhile she sits on her fucking ass at home doing nothing but being a bother. She controls everything I'm not allowed to eat what I want she doesn't allow it. Immediately got woken up by her screaming at me telling me to wake up ransacking my bag and taking shit I need out of it then I told her to fuck off and she tried to attack me lmfao retarded roastie really thinks I wouldn't knock her skull in she is nothing to me the day she finally dies will be the best most euphoric day of my life at least one nursery will be removed from my life. I can't wait for her to die seriously I pray every day some nigger kills her at least make.himself a bit useful. In the afternoon she lays on.the couch like a retarded pig constantly monitoring where I go what I eat how much I eat All I ate yesterday was 5 eggs wanted to make more cause I was hungry and she locked the fucking pantry up even though we have more than enough food I really have to hold myself back from not going apeshit on her for all the years of abuse I endured from that thing we call a woman
Just don't go to school and rape your future like a bum. Problem solved
Just don't go to school and rape your future like a bum. Problem solved
What future there is no future for anyone school isn't gonna help shit I will finish this year of school and go wageslave
Just follow the Jews bro theory
What future there is no future for anyone school isn't gonna help shit I will finish this year of school and go wageslave
Wageslaving with no degree is futile and closest you will get to slavery. You can do both tho, I am currently studying at uni and working a 100 hours on the side, easily doable, man up!!
  • JFL
Reactions: ReinerGeist1
Wageslaving with no degree is futile and closest you will get to slavery. You can do both tho, I am currently studying at uni and working a 100 hours on the side, easily doable, man up!!
MAN UP BRO DO SHiT MEN never did and commit to a gynocentric society I'd rather rope
MAN UP BRO DO SHUT MEN never did and commit to a gynocentric society I'd rather rope
I'd rather live a comfortable life instead of being in the rat race for the rest of lmy life even tho I know the jews benefit more than I do:lul::lul:
I'd rather live a comfortable life instead of being in the rat race for the rest of lmy life even tho I know the jews benefit more than I do:lul::lul:
U will always be in the rate race man I value your help but there is no escaping it no matter how heard you try life will always be garbage
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Reactions: lowtiernormiechad

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