why are you actually replying to @forevergymcelling's threads, you absolute cucks?



Jan 27, 2025
a narcy-5 ethnic turbomanlet who got some tinder whore with more mileage on chads' cocks than the average toyota on the road to settle for him tells YOU to not even attempt getting women as a sub-whichever faggot he's currently worshiping- and you, instead of calling him out on being a typical salty low iq normie hypocrite and clowning him, .... treat him like some kind of a forum celebrity in return?


holy cuckoldry, holy estrogen, holy iq.

his status here is all i need to know about the state of this forum. he was the resident joke on prime lookism, and i see he's still, 5-6 years later, even after entering his 30s as a bottom tier wagecuck, recycling the same shtick to appease resident teenage ethnics while his unicorn tinder whore of a girlfriend is gagging on cocks of guys who don't need to stand on a chair to change the lightbulb on their chandelier. hilariously ... fucking sad.
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How do u even know what he looks like he’s always larping as maher
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He claims chadlite while having no bones lol

5'8 med joke
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How do u even know what he looks like he’s always larping as maher

read the entire post. he posted his pics back on lookism. a greasy 0.5/10 portuguese shitskin who lost some weight and managed to fraud his new 5/10 looks to a 6 (of course, he's nowhere near a 6, but even on lookism most people were too retarded to notice blatant frauding)

i (almost) forgot about PSL when lookism shut down and bumped into this site yesterday - after the initial euphoria because PSL was back, I quickly realized this site has barely anything to do with it, it's basically the tiktok version of "the blackpill". i may be wrong, though, i'll need a couple of days of checking the content to establish this.
  • JFL
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summary of his posts:
- worshiping Maher like a manic faggot
- "you are a retard if you enter a relationship as a sub-chad; 100% chances you'll get cucked (btw, I'm a subchad in a relationship and I'm 100% sure my girlfriend is loyal to me!!!"
- "UK and Portugal [literally the ugliest nation in Europe + the nation of gypsy manlets with arab admixture] are full of gigachads, it's impossible to compete here!" (of course, he is, conveniently, portuguese-british and would probably claim the same after spending some time in fucking Cambodia)
  • JFL
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He claims chadlite while having no bones lol

5'8 med joke


again, can't clown someone for looking like shit since no one chooses it, but when you do what he's doing and what i described in the op, the situation changes drastically. what's with all the subhumans here framing their threads as "YOU will never have X" like they are the exception to the rule but then melting down when you tell them they are just projecting? that has nothing to do with what the topic of PSL is. fucking lol.
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summary of his posts:
- worshiping Maher like a manic faggot
- "you are a retard if you enter a relationship as a sub-chad; 100% chances you'll get cucked (btw, I'm a subchad in a relationship and I'm 100% sure my girlfriend is loyal to me!!!"
- "UK and Portugal [literally the ugliest nation in Europe + the nation of gypsy manlets with arab admixture] are full of gigachads, it's impossible to compete here!" (of course, he is, conveniently, portuguese-british and would probably claim the same after spending some time in fucking Cambodia)

whoever wrote this shit is a genius. i knew i couldn't be the only one noticing the obvious.
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whoever wrote this shit is a genius. i knew i couldn't be the only one noticing the obvious.
he is considered based on these sites? sounds like a low iq microdicked normalfag (except he is friendless and jobless) cuck desperate for attention

it's not just him, though, most of so called blackpilled clowns are like this. only "blackpilled" and enlightened about female nature when it comes to other men, so that you can ridicule them. the second the conversation becomes about you, you magically reveal you've found a virgin stacylite on tinder who is obsessed with you, lmfao
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we all want to rub shoulders with a psl megastar
  • JFL
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No one even reads his shit
He made me asexual and now i am into anime girls only
got no leccy after storm eowyn, sponging off anglo wifi and hospitality as we speak
tale as old as time

do people ask you guys to speak english when you travel abroad
I always liked him better than Amnesia though

Amnesia is a cringe, autist, pedophile bitchboy who loves to try & step on anyone.

Forever's a coping manlettard but much better in my view overall/more relatable.

But yeah this needs to be said about him.

As far as I know his only good feature is his mandible length.

But he needs to find new material as all of his shit is overdone BS.
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  • JFL
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