Why are you looksmaxxing as an ugly male?



Ugliest man alive
Jun 30, 2022
It won’t do anything for you. Some men just weren’t meant to make it. No matter what u do, you’ll always be ugly. Leanmax all u like but at the end of the day your face will still look bloated and fat. So u may as well eat what u like and enjoy ur life.
  • Ugh..
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  • JFL
Reactions: poopoohead, Deleted member 29651, Tallooksmaxxer and 7 others
when I first joined i assumed everyone was good looking

then slowly but surely i started to see users photos, to which honestly i was shocked...battery ethnics, balding straw hats, manlets, phenos you would find in the poor areas of the city or in pure gym at 10am-2pm

but that wasnt the worst part, the worst part is these subhumans were being labled as slayers, chads, or the most cringe "potential to be 7-8 PSL"

im sitting there thinking this chap will never be above a 2, but ofc the conclusion is they dont slay because they arnt NT

it would be like some disabled guy in a wheelchair obsessing about how he could improve his 100 metre sprint to the point where it consumes his life, bro you are in a wheelchair and cant even walk, just...
lots of us can ascend
  • +1
Reactions: subswork, Iasacrko, Oxygen and 3 others
niggas like u should be banned

please move to .is lil nigga
  • +1
Reactions: subswork, bishōnenmaxxer, Iasacrko and 6 others
Imagine this guy took your advice seriously, then we would never have the bgm we have today
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: arabcelxxx, Deleted member 29155, Deleted member 24586 and 5 others
Defeatism is for losers.

Even if subhhuman, ascending to LTN-MTN can do wonders for how people treat you in social situatuions. You won't reap any relevant benifet with women (reliable hookups and LTRs) until you hit HTN-Chad tier, but you can still get some romantic experience once you escape subhumanity.

Looksmax is life.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: subswork, Deleted member 29167, Emiqrox and 2 others
most users are Htn with truecel brain chemistry
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Manletmachine, TUSSELEIF, Deleted member 24586 and 2 others
when I first joined i assumed everyone was good looking

then slowly but surely i started to see users photos, to which honestly i was shocked...battery ethnics, balding straw hats, manlets, phenos you would find in the poor areas of the city or in pure gym at 10am-2pm

but that wasnt the worst part, the worst part is these subhumans were being labled as slayers, chads, or the most cringe "potential to be 7-8 PSL"

im sitting there thinking this chap will never be above a 2, but ofc the conclusion is they dont slay because they arnt NT

it would be like some disabled guy in a wheelchair obsessing about how he could improve his 100 metre sprint to the point where it consumes his life, bro you are in a wheelchair and cant even walk, just enjoy life
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: Dr SmalCox, Deleted member 29155, BongMog and 4 others
niggas like u should be banned

please move to .is lil nigga
Exactly , that defeatist mentality and wallowing in filth is something charactheristic to .Is
  • +1
Reactions: subswork, Iasacrko and Deleted member 29167
Imagine this guy took your advice seriously, then we would never have the bgm we have today
View attachment 2206572

Yeah current @Blackgymmax is a mogger, the guy in the avi is him. And the drawing is actually fairly accurate to old BGM.
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Reactions: poopoohead, Deleted member 29167, 5.5psl and 1 other person
i agree with the thing of being fat, leanmaxxing hard is the only way to know if its worth it

that thing about creams and shit is useless unless you have a good physical base to start ascending
  • +1
Reactions: bishōnenmaxxer and Manletmachine
when I first joined i assumed everyone was good looking

then slowly but surely i started to see users photos, to which honestly i was shocked...battery ethnics, balding straw hats, manlets, phenos you would find in the poor areas of the city or in pure gym at 10am-2pm

but that wasnt the worst part, the worst part is these subhumans were being labled as slayers, chads, or the most cringe "potential to be 7-8 PSL"

im sitting there thinking this chap will never be above a 2, but ofc the conclusion is they dont slay because they arnt NT

it would be like some disabled guy in a wheelchair obsessing about how he could improve his 100 metre sprint to the point where it consumes his life, bro you are in a wheelchair and cant even walk, just enjoy life
Bluepill.org. A lot of u guys need to throw in the towel and accept it’s over
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 24586 and Deleted member 25059
Ur a bluepilled faggot. Not everyone can make it
Bluepill.org. A lot of u guys need to throw in the towel and accept it’s over

OP, you do know what the bluepill is right?

Bluepill: There is no game, life is exactly how it is presented to you
Redpill: There is a game, it's rigged and you have to cheat
Blackpill: There is a game, it was rigged against you from the start
Whitepill: There is a game, you were never a player so why care

The fourm is if anything redpilled and blackpilled. Redpilled in the sense that most people are trying to improve their life via the fourms guides (either though looksmaxxing, moneymaxxing, or some other imrpovement with the -maxxing suffix). There are the (rare) truecels, but pretty much everyone I've seen in ratings can ascend.

To be bluepilled would be to say looks don't matter and that it's what's inside that people care about, for example.
OP, you do know what the bluepill is right?

Bluepill: There is no game, life is exactly how it is presented to you
Redpill: There is a game, it's rigged and you have to cheat
Blackpill: There is a game, it was rigged against you from the start
Whitepill: There is a game, you were never a player so why care

The fourm is if anything redpilled and blackpilled. Redpilled in the sense that most people are trying to improve their life via the fourms guides (either though looksmaxxing, moneymaxxing, or some other imrpovement with the -maxxing suffix). There are the (rare) truecels, but pretty much everyone I've seen in ratings can ascend.

To be bluepilled would be to say looks don't matter and that it's what's inside that people care about, for example.
being bluepilled is thinking you have a chance. That’s what a lot of this forum thinks
being bluepilled is thinking you have a chance. That’s what a lot of this forum thinks
Being bluepilled is thinking you have a chance without looks/money/status -maxxing.

Being redpilled is knowing you have a chance with looks/money/status -maxxing.

Being blackpilled is knowing you have no chance even with looks/money/status -maxxing.

Whitepill is accepting it's over and finding comfort in that.

It's really only over if you have severe (kill-it-with-fire tier) failos which cannot be fixed with surgery. That and suffering from extremely severe autism or similar disorders (to the point you are mentally comparable to a toddler). Otherwise you can always improve.

Guts And Love
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Being bluepilled is think you have a chance without looks/money/status -maxxing.

It's really only over if you have severe (kill-it-with-fire tier) failos which cannot be fixed with surgery. That and suffering from extremely severe autism or similar disorders (to the point you are mentally comparable to a toddler). Otherwise you can always improve.

View attachment 2206631
Yah, you’re proving my point. 2023cel moment
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 24586
niggas like u should be banned

please move to .is lil nigga
Fr man him and that nigga who keeps posting about his onitis should be banned. Only spamming threads day in day out about how over it is. Only people who sign up to read this bullshit are .is users
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: bishōnenmaxxer and Manletmachine
Fr man him and that nigga who keeps posting about his onitis should be banned. Only spamming threads day in day out about how over it is. Only people who sign up to read this bullshit are .is users
Spoken like a MTN who doesn’t know what it’s like to be truecel!
Spoken like a MTN who doesn’t know what it’s like to be truecel!
Nice if ur a truecel wtf are u doing in a looksmaxing forum?

like fr, u don’t consume any of the looksmax stuff

u basically use this forum as .is why aren’t u there? People there would welcome u with open arms just a waste of time to keep spamming these shitty filler threads
  • +1
Reactions: bishōnenmaxxer
Nice if ur a truecel wtf are u doing in a looksmaxing forum?

like fr, u don’t consume any of the looksmax stuff

u basically use this forum as .is why aren’t u there? People there would welcome u with open arms just a waste of time to keep spamming these shitty filler threads
Because I’m banned from there for calling another user an incel
  • JFL
Reactions: shogrim and bishōnenmaxxer
Because I’m banned from there for calling another user an incel
At the end what’s the point of all the self deprecating shit. There’s already enough, race bate, shitposts incel shit here

i Never got people who complain outside therapy when 0% of the ppl ur complaining to give a rats ass

not even ur family cares about ur shitty life let alone Hindu users from .org
Being a fat fuck and spending time on useless shit is not enjoying life

also I think everyone can ascend to a degree if theres no facial deformity
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: bishōnenmaxxer and Manletmachine
Also shouldn't this thread auto-close or something OP found his solution
Hope you get banned here then JFL
This Website doesn’t ban for this stuff he’s gonna stay here complaining. Good part is these soy minds aren’t that common here or I’d have left long ago

I can only think of 3 in my head
Being a fat fuck and spending time on useless shit is not enjoying life

also I think everyone can ascend to a degree if theres no facial deformity
not everyone enjoys the same things
  • JFL
Reactions: bishōnenmaxxer
At the end what’s the point of all the self deprecating shit. There’s already enough, race bate, shitposts incel shit here

i Never got people who complain outside therapy when 0% of the ppl ur complaining to give a rats ass

not even ur family cares about ur shitty life let alone Hindu users from .org
Not everyone has a government mandated therapist like you
Then just leave nigger
Who stopping you
Why is everything related to your abused doggery an essay
We do what we want you do what you want
  • +1
Reactions: Iasacrko
Not everyone has a government mandated therapist like you
That doesn’t even help shit. You would complain the same if u were here I never went around whining

that is confirmed one of the most shitty personality traits a human being can have
True. I’m subhuman and at best I’ll get to LTN. That will have such a small improvement over my shit life that there’s no real point in wasting my time and money on shit that won’t ascend me. If you are LTN+ then sure go for it but I’m a subhuman and so it’s pointless for me.
I remember you @Iasacrko the very first time i wouldnt make it was him saying dat
I went from 3 to MTN losing wieght lip surgery
Not everyone gotta think like you
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That doesn’t even help shit. You would complain the same if u were here I never went around whining

that is confirmed one of the most shitty personality traits a human being can have
Yeah u gotta get stuff off ur chest somewhere
Defeatism is for losers.

Even if subhhuman, ascending to LTN-MTN can do wonders for how people treat you in social situatuions. You won't reap any relevant benifet with women (reliable hookups and LTRs) until you hit HTN-Chad tier, but you can still get some romantic experience once you escape subhumanity.

Looksmax is life.
Not really, a true subhuman (not someone just larping as one) will have almost no chance at ascending past LTN and will rarely, if ever, have the chance of having a healthy romantic experience that doesn’t require him to betabuxx. I agree everyone should looksmax but there’s no point in being delusional about the results.
  • +1
Reactions: bishōnenmaxxer
Yeah u gotta get stuff off ur chest somewhere
You and the other 2 retards spamming this shit are pathetic literally the scum of .org worse than racebaiters or any other kind of posters

and u having nearly half as manny posts as rep says it all
  • WTF
  • +1
Reactions: Manletmachine and Emiqrox
You and the other 2 retards spamming this shit are pathetic literally the scum of .org worse than racebaiters or any other kind of posters

and u having nearly half as manny posts as rep says it all
Nigga finally got a slightly positive rep after like 20k posts and brings it up all the time now
Nigga finally got a slightly positive rep after like 20k posts and brings it up all the time now
My rep was never as low as urs and I admit i was a shitposter tho ur literally the scum

i can’t imagine any user who’s worse than u besides doxers

u come to a looksmaxing forum that’s supposed to give hope to people and try to strip it away with shitty threads that contain nothing to learn from literally some guy complaining about his pathetic life
My rep was never as low as urs and I admit i was a shitposter tho ur literally the scum

i can’t imagine any user who’s worse than u besides doxers

u come to a looksmaxing forum that’s supposed to give hope to people and try to strip it away with shitty threads
I’m just being realistic, yet u guys cant handle it even though this forum is supposedly blackpilled
I’m just being realistic, yet u guys cant handle it even though this forum is supposedly blackpilled
Realism is to looksmax and see where it Leads not to give up

and see some guy post about his shitty life all day ur only not as bad as the greek guy cause u don’t have nearly as many threads
  • JFL
Reactions: Manletmachine
Realism is to looksmax and see where it Leads not to give up

and see some guy post about his shitty life all day ur only not as bad as the greek guy cause u don’t have nearly as many threads
I’ve leanmaxxed many times. I’m leanmaxxed right now. And it’s still over for my ugly truecel face
u come to a looksmaxing forum that’s supposed to give hope to people and try to strip it away with shitty threads that contain nothing to learn from literally some guy complaining about his pathetic life
I dont know what your point is. because if youre serious, youre either naive or just a hypocrite. most people dont use this forum for looksmaxing and you dont use it for looksmaxing as well.

most people dont even label themselves as incels, its the others who give them that label and put them in a box.

you have a literal nigger running around trying to put people down without helping them and you applaud him every time you give him a rep.
  • +1
Reactions: Manletmachine
It won’t do anything for you. Some men just weren’t meant to make it. No matter what u do, you’ll always be ugly. Leanmax all u like but at the end of the day your face will still look bloated and fat. So u may as well eat what u like and enjoy ur life.
fucking doomer
Very few white people are truly incel

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