why Bonesmashing>>> Gymcelling


Deleted member 30254

Hopes and copes
May 28, 2023
You wanna pull bitches. Lifting weights ain't gonna get u bitches if u dont have at least htn face. only thing you gonn pull is gay dudes.

That's why i suggest bonesmashing (remodeling your bones) basically free surgery in home without paying the jews.

You don't need a hammer tbh since it's more dangerous. I only hit chin front with hammer. Your fist is enough for everything else. Hell i have somehow cut my frontal cheekbones just punching with my fist


Now shit won't heal because i only have 2 rest day per week.:hnghn:

The 2 hour you spent on gym every day in can be spent on something that will actually ascend you and increase ur psl.

Just get some vit d3 , k2 and zinc calcium in ur diet or get supplements.

My most noticble gains are chin and cheekbone. I will post result after a year or two.

Chin is safest area to smash.
If you dont trust bonesmashing try using hammer on the red area of ur chin for a few days. Do it while layin on ur bed.

Picsart 22 09 15 04 23 25 598 1 1
You will definitely see some result if u do it correctly. Don't recommend hitting the bottom of the chin.

If you're deformed or ugly just get surgery tbh.

Edit: 20+ only
This is not a guide. I have few guides from abdus, indigenous swiss and one other guy. If you want. pm . I'll send you links
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  • +1
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
Reactions: blackout_96_, Latinolooksmaxxer, IndraBC and 5 others
You wanna pull bitches. Lifting weights ain't gonna get u bitches if u dont have at least htn face. only thing you gonn pull is gay dudes.

That's why i suggest bonesmashing (remodeling your bones) basically free surgery in home without paying the jews.

You don't need a hammer tbh since it's more dangerous. I only hit chin front with hammer. Your fist is enough for everything else. Hell i have somehow cut my frontal cheekbones just punching with my fist

Now shit won't heal because i only have 2 rest day per week.:hnghn:

The 2 hour you spent on gym every day in can be spent on something that will actually ascend you and increase ur psl.

Just get some vit d3 , k2 and zinc calcium in ur diet or get supplements.

My most noticble gains are chin and cheekbone. I will post result after a year or two.

Chin is safest area to smash.
If you dont trust bonesmashing try using hammer on the red area of ur chin for a few days. Do it while layin on ur bed.

You will definitely see some result if u do it correctly. Don't recommend hitting the bottom of the chin.

If you're deformed or ugly just get surgery tbh.

Edit: 20+ only
Bonesmash seems like TikTok autistic cope but tag me when you post before/after I'm interested
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Reactions: zura, matgot, try2beme and 3 others
Joined May 28, 2023
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Nigga has rest days and shit like he workin out
  • JFL
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Reactions: Abhorrence, zura, coispet and 4 others
Can you do me your results?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 30254
see ignored content. Oh the bbc coper. You joined may 28 too
I joined in 2022 not 2023

Bone smashing is pseudoscience made up by PSLers as a joke and now you autists took it and ran with it

Just lol at thinking hitting your chin with a hammer would get you more pussy than gym
  • +1
Reactions: Latinolooksmaxxer and Deleted member 30679
I joined in 2022 not 2023

Bone smashing is pseudoscience made up by PSLers as a joke and now you autists took it and ran with it

Just lol at thinking hitting your chin with a hammer would get you more pussy than gym
Would bonesmashing get me zygos? Wouldn't hurt to try!!
  • JFL
Reactions: Kamui
This shit is a meme
No way your smashing your chin at night before you go to bed jfl
  • JFL
Reactions: Latinolooksmaxxer
I joined in 2022 not 2023

Bone smashing is pseudoscience made up by PSLers as a joke and now you autists took it and ran with it

Just lol at thinking hitting your chin with a hammer would get you more pussy than gym
you never went to gym or smashed your face i can tell. You despise bonesmashing because tiktokers are doing it. But they doing it wrong.

cool thread bro but that's wrong already
gym helps if you are tall and gl
you never went to gym or smashed your face i can tell. You despise bonesmashing because tiktokers are doing it. But they doing it wrong.
I’ve been consistently boxing for 3 years lmao I know what the gym is I just don’t lift
gym helps if you are tall and gl
Room temperature IQ statements

I changed my mind, @Master should’ve closed this forum so the quality of posts would degrade to this level cuz of all you TikTokcels
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 30254
you never went to gym or smashed your face i can tell. You despise bonesmashing because tiktokers are doing it. But they doing it wrong.

gym helps if you are tall and gl
it helps everyone if you can get wide while lean, having a wide frame is just as dimorphic as a wide jaw
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 30254
I’ve been consistently boxing for 3 years lmao I know what the gym is I just don’t lift

Room temperature IQ statements

I changed my mind, @Master should’ve closed this forum so the quality of posts would degrade to this level cuz of all you TikTokcels
never used that chinkshit keep coping sub 80 iq coomer. Just posted for reps i know you trynna gatekeep :forcedsmile:
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  • JFL
Reactions: Kamui
You wanna pull bitches. Lifting weights ain't gonna get u bitches if u dont have at least htn face. only thing you gonn pull is gay dudes.

That's why i suggest bonesmashing (remodeling your bones) basically free surgery in home without paying the jews.

You don't need a hammer tbh since it's more dangerous. I only hit chin front with hammer. Your fist is enough for everything else. Hell i have somehow cut my frontal cheekbones just punching with my fist

Now shit won't heal because i only have 2 rest day per week.:hnghn:

The 2 hour you spent on gym every day in can be spent on something that will actually ascend you and increase ur psl.

Just get some vit d3 , k2 and zinc calcium in ur diet or get supplements.

My most noticble gains are chin and cheekbone. I will post result after a year or two.

Chin is safest area to smash.
If you dont trust bonesmashing try using hammer on the red area of ur chin for a few days. Do it while layin on ur bed.

You will definitely see some result if u do it correctly. Don't recommend hitting the bottom of the chin.

If you're deformed or ugly just get surgery tbh.

Edit: 20+ only
This is not a guide. I have few guides from abdus, indigenous swiss and one other guy. If you want. pm . I'll send you links

Wanna get bitches? Just Quasimodo max bro!
Quieres sacar perras. Levantar pesas no te hará perras si no tienes al menos esa cara. Lo único que vas a atraer son los tipos homosexuales.

Es por eso que sugiero la cirugía de huesos (remodelación de huesos), básicamente gratuita en casa sin pagar a los judíos.

Para ser honesto, no necesitas un martillo ya que es más peligroso. Sólo golpeé el frente de la barbilla con un martillo. Tu puño es suficiente para todo lo demás. Demonios, de alguna manera me corté los pómulos frontales con solo golpear con el puño.
View attachment 2595932
View attachment 2595935

Ahora la mierda no sanará porque solo tengo 2 días de descanso por semana.:hnghn:

Las 2 horas que pasas en el gimnasio todos los días puedes dedicarlas a algo que realmente te ascenderá y aumentará tu psl.

Simplemente obtenga algo de vit d3, k2 y zinc calcio en su dieta o consiga suplementos.

Mis ganancias más notables son la barbilla y los pómulos. Publicaré el resultado después de uno o dos años.

El mentón es el área más segura para aplastar.
Si no confías en machacar huesos, intenta usar un martillo en el área roja de tu barbilla durante unos días. Hazlo mientras estás acostado en tu cama.

Definitivamente verás algún resultado si lo haces correctamente. No recomiendo golpear la parte inferior del mentón.

Si eres deforme o feo, simplemente hazte una cirugía.

Editar: solo 20+
Esta no es una guía. Tengo algunos guías de abdus, indígenas suizos y otro chico. Si quieres. pm . Te enviaré es
You wanna pull bitches. Lifting weights ain't gonna get u bitches if u dont have at least htn face. only thing you gonn pull is gay dudes.

That's why i suggest bonesmashing (remodeling your bones) basically free surgery in home without paying the jews.

You don't need a hammer tbh since it's more dangerous. I only hit chin front with hammer. Your fist is enough for everything else. Hell i have somehow cut my frontal cheekbones just punching with my fist

Now shit won't heal because i only have 2 rest day per week.:hnghn:

The 2 hour you spent on gym every day in can be spent on something that will actually ascend you and increase ur psl.

Just get some vit d3 , k2 and zinc calcium in ur diet or get supplements.

My most noticble gains are chin and cheekbone. I will post result after a year or two.

Chin is safest area to smash.
If you dont trust bonesmashing try using hammer on the red area of ur chin for a few days. Do it while layin on ur bed.

You will definitely see some result if u do it correctly. Don't recommend hitting the bottom of the chin.

If you're deformed or ugly just get surgery tbh.

Edit: 20+ only
This is not a guide. I have few guides from abdus, indigenous swiss and one other guy. If you want. pm . I'll send you links
send me those links
i tried bonesmashing and all I got was soft tissue swelling and loss of collagen now I just look more shit
You wanna pull bitches. Lifting weights ain't gonna get u bitches if u dont have at least htn face. only thing you gonn pull is gay dudes.

That's why i suggest bonesmashing (remodeling your bones) basically free surgery in home without paying the jews.

You don't need a hammer tbh since it's more dangerous. I only hit chin front with hammer. Your fist is enough for everything else. Hell i have somehow cut my frontal cheekbones just punching with my fist

Now shit won't heal because i only have 2 rest day per week.:hnghn:

The 2 hour you spent on gym every day in can be spent on something that will actually ascend you and increase ur psl.

Just get some vit d3 , k2 and zinc calcium in ur diet or get supplements.

My most noticble gains are chin and cheekbone. I will post result after a year or two.

Chin is safest area to smash.
If you dont trust bonesmashing try using hammer on the red area of ur chin for a few days. Do it while layin on ur bed.

You will definitely see some result if u do it correctly. Don't recommend hitting the bottom of the chin.

If you're deformed or ugly just get surgery tbh.

Edit: 20+ only
This is not a guide. I have few guides from abdus, indigenous swiss and one other guy. If you want. pm . I'll send you links
Try bonesmashi by ur skull for higher iq
  • +1
Reactions: Latinolooksmaxxer
Smash your nuts with a hammer before bed everyday and you'll get a 9 inch dick
You wanna pull bitches. Lifting weights ain't gonna get u bitches if u dont have at least htn face. only thing you gonn pull is gay dudes.

That's why i suggest bonesmashing (remodeling your bones) basically free surgery in home without paying the jews.

You don't need a hammer tbh since it's more dangerous. I only hit chin front with hammer. Your fist is enough for everything else. Hell i have somehow cut my frontal cheekbones just punching with my fist

Now shit won't heal because i only have 2 rest day per week.:hnghn:

The 2 hour you spent on gym every day in can be spent on something that will actually ascend you and increase ur psl.

Just get some vit d3 , k2 and zinc calcium in ur diet or get supplements.

My most noticble gains are chin and cheekbone. I will post result after a year or two.

Chin is safest area to smash.
If you dont trust bonesmashing try using hammer on the red area of ur chin for a few days. Do it while layin on ur bed.

You will definitely see some result if u do it correctly. Don't recommend hitting the bottom of the chin.

If you're deformed or ugly just get surgery tbh.

Edit: 20+ only
This is not a guide. I have few guides from abdus, indigenous swiss and one other guy. If you want. pm . I'll send you links
Can you pm me Indigenous Swiss guide G

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